Minecraft Story Mode Episode 4 Ending (WARNING MAJOR SPOILERS)



  • You know what, they made it very dramatic and hard to handle. For a seven year old that loves animals it was hard to handle. This game is about choices and story, it didn't have any sort of dramatic death warning. If you die, you regenerate. . . when reuben dies. . . there doesn't seem to be any regenerating going on. My son would have been fine, if Rueben gets to regenerate or is he gets to choose another path where Rueben does not die. That was a story fail. They ruined the fun and wrecked the game. He said after episode 5 he is deleting the whole game from his game player and he never wants to play it again. Total waste of money. That game could have been so fun and played over and over and over. So horrible of the game makers. Poor choice indeed!!

    Your child should be able to handle the death of a virtual animal.

  • I'm disappointed with Telltale already. They should have had some foresight. Who makes games for children and then kills their best buddy? What the heck was that about? There should have been some warning. The least they can do is form a new friend for the group. A new pig that they adopt and love who doesn't die in the end of episode 5. That would be good.

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    You see, resurrecting Reuben would ruin the story for many people, your son would be happy about it, but on the other side, so many people would be disappointed with Telltale, even some who cried (including me).

  • edited March 2016

    Yes, and now I have a sad child to deal with. Those bastards!!

    Please fix this poor story decision! I thought this was a good decision, even though I liked Reuben. If the writers were able to eli

  • Every thread gets derailed into a revive Reuben protest, much like how every TWD thread derails into a shit on S2 fest.

    How did this thread get derailed into a revive Reuben protest?

  • Then tell him it's just a game and that it will be fine. Seriously, a death should not ruin the overall enjoyment one has when playing a game. And besides, not everything has to have the cliched happy ending where everything works out in the end. Technically, you still got that, even if we did lose some people along the way, Reuben's death showed that. That is actually a pretty adult theme for a game like this, and I'm glad they did it, they're not treating your kid as some stupid kid, they treated him with respect. This isn't just some kids game, it actually does have a deeper meaning to it, characters with personalities and development, and a compelling story that gets you invested in what's going on. A lot of kid related stuff choose not to do stuff like this because they think that the little kiddies can't handle it or aren't smart enough to understand, and that's not true. Kids are capable, just as much as adults are, of appreciating good stories and characters, even in a kids movie/show/game. Kids would rather see a smart and well written movie like The Lego Movie which has likable characters, over the stupid, poorly written, unfunny shit that is Norm of the North, whose main character is an idiotic, dancing polar bear. Avatar: The Last Airbender was a kids show, but it had a compelling story, developed and interesting characters, and a few emotional moments throughout. Story Mode is a good example of what a game like this should be like, enjoyable for the kids, but at the same time, has deeper aspects to it that doesn't treat them as just stupid kids, but something more.

    MadMom posted: »

    Yes, and now I have a sad child to deal with. Those bastards!!

  • Minecraft: Story Mode was NOT for children.

    Where did it say that? Nowhere. The game was a Pegi 12+.

    In addition, death is a common thing in life. It's only natural it'd be a plot device in both video games and films/books ect. Besides, if you warn someone about a death, any kind of dramatic impact is taken away. It'd remove the entire purpose of the death, which is to further the protagonist as a character and help them along their arc.

    MadMom posted: »

    I'm disappointed with Telltale already. They should have had some foresight. Who makes games for children and then kills their best buddy?

  • I cried so hard when Reuben died, now whenever i see a pig in minecraft i cringe and my eyes start welling up with tears ;(
    I hope is one of the future episodes they resurrect Reuben with a healing spell or something cause if they dont im not buying anymore episodes

  • edited March 2016

    Ha... Your name is a walking spoiler.

    But, reviving Reuben is a bad move. Even if a lot of people liked him.

    RIPReuben posted: »

    I cried so hard when Reuben died, now whenever i see a pig in minecraft i cringe and my eyes start welling up with tears ;( I hope is one o

  • I'm pretty sure Telltale Games only resurrected a character who was suppose to die once. I don't know how to feel about it but I'm pretty sure their not going to bring Reuben back, they don't usually do stuff like that.

    RIPReuben posted: »

    I cried so hard when Reuben died, now whenever i see a pig in minecraft i cringe and my eyes start welling up with tears ;( I hope is one o

  • Depending on the story path you chose you can start to feel sort of a connection to the pig. I can understand crying over his death

    CunningFox posted: »

    Why did you cry over the death of a pig made up of a bunch of pixels? And plus, it wasn't a poor story decision. It would be a horrible story decision to bring Reuben back. He's dead, get over it.

  • You must understand that a lot of people will be dissapointed if Reuben is revived, in other words, long-time Telltale fans will abandon the game. Telltale can't focus on the minority that wants him back.

    RIPReuben posted: »

    I cried so hard when Reuben died, now whenever i see a pig in minecraft i cringe and my eyes start welling up with tears ;( I hope is one o

  • It's called resplendent not regenerate

    MadMom posted: »

    You know what, they made it very dramatic and hard to handle. For a seven year old that loves animals it was hard to handle. This game is

  • Calm down

    RIPReuben posted: »

    I cried so hard when Reuben died, now whenever i see a pig in minecraft i cringe and my eyes start welling up with tears ;( I hope is one o

  • Honestly there was really no point in Rueben's death. It did nothing for the storyline, and really, who's gonna want to play after your best friend in the game died. It's pointless, and a bad marketing strategy. Also, the ending in : A Block And A Hard Place makes no sense, Jesse should be grieving about Rueben's death, not celebrating a defeat that caused the poor pig to die, Grief lasts a long time, and a week is not long enough for Jesse to recover and celebrate. In other words...... oh forget about it I cant even TYPE a curse word.

    Please do something in the next installment to resurrect Ruben. His death completely wrecked my son! He became very attached to the charac

  • Meh, everything that envolves Episode 4 Turns Into A Hate On Soren Or Revive Rueben Thing After A Few Days...

    How did this thread get derailed into a revive Reuben protest?


    enter image description here

    It doesn't disappoint people, it makes them happy! YOU THINK GETTING REUBEN IS BACK IS BAD ISNT IT? If u disagree with me, please don't respond!

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    You see, resurrecting Reuben would ruin the story for many people, your son would be happy about it, but on the other side, so many people would be disappointed with Telltale, even some who cried (including me).

  • Expecting we would find Reuben in any portal on episode ,6 ,7 or ,8

  • Even the episode 6 thread got to a story making thread of bringing back reuben

    How did this thread get derailed into a revive Reuben protest?

  • Soren asked "where is Ivor ?" On episode 4. And now we ask "where is soren"?
    Still strange that we found soren book on skycity

    Meh, everything that envolves Episode 4 Turns Into A Hate On Soren Or Revive Rueben Thing After A Few Days...

  • Yea but you know there are millions of pig in Minecraft world soo who knows which pig died . and Reuben didnot say "oink" at last but he said while falling etc telltale would not bring back they would sacrifice a person per episode like magnus or ellegard on episode 3 and Reuben on ,episode 4

    I'm pretty sure Telltale Games only resurrected a character who was suppose to die once. I don't know how to feel about it but I'm pretty sure their not going to bring Reuben back, they don't usually do stuff like that.

  • If you played episode 5 you know that Jessie remembers Reuben 2 times 1st in treasure room and 2nd in ending . which turned around or is that mean telltale is trying to make us immotional ??

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    You must understand that a lot of people will be dissapointed if Reuben is revived, in other words, long-time Telltale fans will abandon the game. Telltale can't focus on the minority that wants him back.

  • We must ask Ivor do we ??

    RIPReuben posted: »

    I cried so hard when Reuben died, now whenever i see a pig in minecraft i cringe and my eyes start welling up with tears ;( I hope is one o

  • I'm pretty sure it's Reuben. One reason was because he feel from the sky on land. I don't think pigs are just falling from the sky. Another is I don't think Telltale would play with our emotions and have it be some other pig this whole time. I don't know, Telltale can be tricky...

    Yea but you know there are millions of pig in Minecraft world soo who knows which pig died . and Reuben didnot say "oink" at last but he s

  • I agree with Reuben's death being pointless, but not with Jesse not grieving enough. Well, when my dog died a few years ago, I was really sad for three days, and then I was able to act happy again. And I think this is the same for Jesse. He SEEMS like he's happy, like he's not grieving, but that doesn't mean he really isn't. In episode 5, he can say that he really misses Reuben, and he still thinks of Reuben whenever he sees pigs and feels sad about it. He didn't recover from it yet, but he just acts like he did because he needs to to move on. That's how I see it anyway~

    Honestly there was really no point in Rueben's death. It did nothing for the storyline, and really, who's gonna want to play after your best

  • I personally think they just want to show us that Jesse is still grieving. That would've been weird if Jesse didn't mention him at all. ._.

    If you played episode 5 you know that Jessie remembers Reuben 2 times 1st in treasure room and 2nd in ending . which turned around or is that mean telltale is trying to make us immotional ??

  • edited April 2016

    There is one fact that the wiether storm just took pigs through tractor beam like people

    I'm pretty sure it's Reuben. One reason was because he feel from the sky on land. I don't think pigs are just falling from the sky. Another

  • edited April 2016

    Like Petra said at end of episode 5 he would be still happy if he knew you are having adventures like that

    I agree with Reuben's death being pointless, but not with Jesse not grieving enough. Well, when my dog died a few years ago, I was really sa

  • Okay, okay. Still it has to be Reuben. Jessie would know. Telltale wouldn't put us through that. Plus Reuben showed up awfully close to where Jessie ended up.

    There is one fact that the wiether storm just took pigs through tractor beam like people

  • dslycooper posted: »

    why do y'all got to do this I bought my little sister this game and she loved the pig and y'all kill him.maybe if y'all can in episode 5 mak

  • You named yourself "Mad Mom" just for this comment thats really sad

    MadMom posted: »

    Yes, please make episode 5 better. Make it where Rueben comes back. My son is very upset that Rueben died. I can't believe how much he cried. So not cool man, so not cool!

  • Whenever I see a comment like this I cringe

    RIPReuben posted: »

    I cried so hard when Reuben died, now whenever i see a pig in minecraft i cringe and my eyes start welling up with tears ;( I hope is one o

  • I thought this thread was gonna be kids crying about Reuben but I guess its filled with angry parents now

  • Why did Reuben, the amazing pig, have to die? It made me so sad. = (

  • How the heck do you apply a healing potion to a pork chop? Besides, Rueben might just respawn on a grass block somewhere.

    Well you know Ivor has a bunch of potions to increase speed and jump height and even healing potions but at his lab he just decides to not help Jesse

  • Emotional. Watch your spelling.

    If you played episode 5 you know that Jessie remembers Reuben 2 times 1st in treasure room and 2nd in ending . which turned around or is that mean telltale is trying to make us immotional ??

  • This isn't fair! Reuben's death will ruin the game! We told them to not do it, but they didn't listen! I WANT HIM BACK! IT DOESNT IDSSAPOINT PEOPLE! ITS LIKE SAYING THEY HATE REUBEN! If we revive him, the game will stop being ruined.

  • What if in episode 6 the go through a portal that takes them back in time and Jesse prevents Reuben's death from happening

  • The game is for ages 10+

    So poor choice on both ends.

    MadMom posted: »

    You know what, they made it very dramatic and hard to handle. For a seven year old that loves animals it was hard to handle. This game is

  • edited May 2016

    Reuben's Dead! Lee Everett is Dead! Rodrik/Asher Forrester are dead! The Wolf Among Us Season Two, Dead!

    Accept the Troubles, live with it

  • Just saying you might want to spoiler tag it :)

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