Episode 5 Waiting Thread -Releasing March 29th across all platforms, Key art and screenshots on Blog



  • If we want to be technical now considering that the series could very much have ended at 4 episodes. The Season Pass includes the 1st "pre-installed DLC" (i know it's not DLC, but we might as well call it that now). and the rest (Episodes 6, 7, 8) will have to be purchased.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    So, pretty much an 8 episode season? Damn. Unexpected. I'm surprised it had enough success to warrant DLC like that, but good for them.

  • Yep, I didn't expect anything else. I'm quite surprised that the story is going to last for three extra episodes, considering I thought they could have ended it after episode 4.

    If we want to be technical now considering that the series could very much have ended at 4 episodes. The Season Pass includes the 1st "pre-i


  • Aw now 1 more week... 3 more eps seeems great but they could've been free. Anyways...

  • It's Nice that there will be Dlcs. Maybe i Buy them.

  • The Voice of clementine will be in Order up I'm super excited

  • Yes! I have my hype again! Now I need to replay the whole game to make sure I have done all the right options xD

  • Well, I am excited. :)

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited March 2016

    It's likely more like IDW's Back to the Future comic series. It was originally supposed to be 4 issues, and then got expanded to an ongoing series due to demand. The first five issues told backstories of the characters, and was known as Untold Tales and Alternate Timelines. The fifth issue set up the story of the next arc, Continuum Conundrum, but despite telling one story instead of two, and setting up the next arc, it was similar in tone to the first four. So it was included in the first arc instead of the following one. Episode 5 of Minecraft: Story Mode will likely set up episode 6, 7, and 8, but directly continue the story in episode 4. So, likewise, it will be part of the first arc instead of the following one.

    If we want to be technical now considering that the series could very much have ended at 4 episodes. The Season Pass includes the 1st "pre-i

  • stirpicusstirpicus Telltale Alumni

    And she does a really great job!

    The Voice of clementine will be in Order up I'm super excited

  • I am really looking forward to hear Melissa's voice again. :D

    The Voice of clementine will be in Order up I'm super excited

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Same here :D

    I am really looking forward to hear Melissa's voice again.


  • O_O That's AWESOME! I can't wait! Also, i'm proud of you Telltale, you've made of this year a big year. Since there's going to be Batman, there is Michonne, there will be TWDS3, and now the MCSM series is now expanded, even though i don't enjoy ALL of your games, it must be a great year to you guys. :)

  • Hopefully the next episodes will be quicker.i think 5,6,7 and 8 will follow the same path as 1,2,3,4. Think about it! It makes sense that they would have a 3 month gap to work on the last 4 episodes then go back to quick releases

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited March 2016

    They also hinted Game of Thrones Season 2 coming this year, and possibly the Super Show as well if that was not delayed...

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    O_O That's AWESOME! I can't wait! Also, i'm proud of you Telltale, you've made of this year a big year. Since there's going to be Batman, th


  • ErykaEryka Banned

    DramaAlert Nation, I'm your host
    enter image description here

    Our first and only story is about the release of minecraft story mode E5.

    The fans are pretty crazy/hyped and they decided to sacrifice some pigs in honor of Reuben.

    Just kidding, they are only hyped so much that some exploded of joy.

  • I wouldn't do that, i want to play the next episodes with the choices i made and that i had to deal with.

    michyxox posted: »

    Yes! I have my hype again! Now I need to replay the whole game to make sure I have done all the right options xD

  • I hope that Petra and Luke gets their Order armor, because they deserve it.

  • GG 7 days to go!Plus 3 more episodes?This is AAAAAMMMMMEEEZZZIIIINNNNGGGG.

  • edited March 2016

    All aboard the Hype train CHOO CHOO! XD

    (I don't know how to make the image show up like others do)

  • Hopefully 5 wraps things up in some sort of matter, so that the next 3 DLC episodes won't be 100% necessary.

    I hope you're wrong, i mean, if EP5 wrap things up and makes the next 3 episodes another story, it's going to be kind of weird, the "Wither Storm Adventure" dured 4 episodes, so this new adventure could also dure 4 episodes. This is what makes sense to me. But i get your point.

    29th Confirmed! Two Telltale episodes to play in one day Oh boy, and looks like this is what will be tying people over until Batman as Snipe

  • 3 more episodes, eh? I'm surprisingly okay with this. Is it possible that the 5th episode took so long, because they're planning to release it with the upcoming episodes close to each other?

    Anyways, 29th will be a very busy day for mods. :P

    Sheesh, now I don't know what will I play first.

  • Hmm, it's good that there's still more Drama to deal with.

    I wonder if someone is going to die, i wonder if there's going to be some point where Petra/Lukas die, where you'll have to choose someone to save or something like that.

    And i also wonder what are going to be Lukas's reactions to what ALL his old friends are going to do.

    Anyway, it's going to be an exciting Season Finale, and DLC.

  • I seriously didn't think about that. I wonder what Lukas' reaction will be...

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    Hmm, it's good that there's still more Drama to deal with. I wonder if someone is going to die, i wonder if there's going to be some poin

  • It depends on the choices you do,for example,in my let's play they both have armor

    I hope that Petra and Luke gets their Order armor, because they deserve it.

  • I think Lukas is gonna die since he's only in one of the photos .__.

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    Hmm, it's good that there's still more Drama to deal with. I wonder if someone is going to die, i wonder if there's going to be some poin

  • When will we get the trailer???

    stirpicus posted: »

    And she does a really great job!

  • Seriously? The new Order of the Stone vs the ocelots? WTF Lukas?

  • Lukas probably isn't part of either of them

    AronDracula posted: »

    Seriously? The new Order of the Stone vs the ocelots? WTF Lukas?

  • stirpicus is just a writer, he isn't the one to give out that information.

    When will we get the trailer???

  • The Order of the Stone vs the Ocelots eh? If only Reuben was there to burn the hell out of Aiden like he almost did in Ep 1

  • But why does the other ocelots attack us when they just saved us in my game?

    Lukas probably isn't part of either of them

  • edited March 2016

    3 new episodes? Are you kidding me? This should have been a Season 2 or something However, I'm hype.

  • Geez I'm sorry...but thanks anyway

    stirpicus is just a writer, he isn't the one to give out that information.

  • They might've got jealous maybe a scene wasn't in the last part of the game that Lukas decided to go with the Order of the Stone instead (he wasn't part of the victory jump) and the Ocelots got jealous... I don't know

    AronDracula posted: »

    But why does the other ocelots attack us when they just saved us in my game?

  • Maybe I regret letting Lukas find his friends.

    They might've got jealous maybe a scene wasn't in the last part of the game that Lukas decided to go with the Order of the Stone instead (he wasn't part of the victory jump) and the Ocelots got jealous... I don't know

  • In a way the first 4 episodes were a first season and episodes 5-8 are Season 2 cause they have a seperated story.

    AronDracula posted: »

    3 new episodes? Are you kidding me? This should have been a Season 2 or something However, I'm hype.

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