Episode 5 Waiting Thread -Releasing March 29th across all platforms, Key art and screenshots on Blog



  • But was it necesary to put both Seasons in the same game?

    In a way the first 4 episodes were a first season and episodes 5-8 are Season 2 cause they have a seperated story.

  • You will have to pay for additional episodes. They will most likely be the same length and price as current episodes in Season 1.

  • Yeah that's true but their more like The Order Of The Ocelots VS The Order Of The Stone and but Aiden needs to burn in hell

    The Order of the Stone vs the Ocelots eh? If only Reuben was there to burn the hell out of Aiden like he almost did in Ep 1

  • yes

    In a way the first 4 episodes were a first season and episodes 5-8 are Season 2 cause they have a seperated story.

  • I think that when you go to the sky city, you will be able to choose a team of people to come with you. (Maybe 3 people?). That is what they did in tales from the borderlands where you got to pick 3 people to join you in an adventure. I think you might be able to choose from Petra, Lukas, Axel, Olivia, Gabriel, Magnus/Ellegaard or Soren.

  • edited March 2016

    I Hope DanThe

    EDIT:The Emoji didn't show up but I hope DanTDM remembers to play it!

    The Order of the Stone vs the Ocelots eh? If only Reuben was there to burn the hell out of Aiden like he almost did in Ep 1

  • @blind And if i have the season pass?

    You will have to pay for additional episodes. They will most likely be the same length and price as current episodes in Season 1.

  • You don't need to put your prediction in a spoiler tag.

    I think that when you go to the sky city, you will be able to choose a team of people to come with you. (Maybe 3 people?). That is what they

  • The three new episodes are extra DLC and not a part of the Season 1 Pass. You will have to buy the three extra episodes, I believe.

    guyalf1 posted: »

    @blind And if i have the season pass?

  • Ikr

    Yeah that's true but their more like The Order Of The Ocelots VS The Order Of The Stone and but Aiden needs to burn in hell

  • Oops I forgot to put a spoiler tag on that sorry :/

  • Wait a second... The comment that we were replying to is also a prediction that someone will die... Did that get a spoiler tag too?

    Oops I forgot to put a spoiler tag on that sorry

  • edited March 2016

    Well. Aiden is the villian is on ep 5? Good :) TIME TO AVENGE HIM FOR TOUCHIN MY PIG!1!11!1!! >:(

  • Aiden will have a bad time.

    Yeah that's true but their more like The Order Of The Ocelots VS The Order Of The Stone and but Aiden needs to burn in hell

  • i thought in one choice you made, lukas and the ocelots help you!

  • After waiting 3 months and 7 days between Episode 4 and 5 they should be discounted or free. What did we do wrong to get punished in waiting so long? How Batman and the Walking Dead games were made vs how many Minecraft games were made? How can I get a job there at Tell Tale games?

    The three new episodes are extra DLC and not a part of the Season 1 Pass. You will have to buy the three extra episodes, I believe.

  • I know. I am just a bit saddened that the only way to give Petra the armor and have her contribute in the battle against the Wither, is to leave her in Episode 1...

    I just hope that those who chose Petra in Episode 1, will also be allowed to give her the order armor.

    Chris06 posted: »

    It depends on the choices you do,for example,in my let's play they both have armor

  • @below Maybe lukas will be good and the ocelots will just be bad

    Cuwwa posted: »

    i thought in one choice you made, lukas and the ocelots help you!

  • quit whining.

    After waiting 3 months and 7 days between Episode 4 and 5 they should be discounted or free. What did we do wrong to get punished in waiting

  • wait, so there's 8 episodes now?

  • yup

    Alexandria posted: »

    wait, so there's 8 episodes now?

  • Like people where saying earlier about Lukas this is my theory on what could happen. Throughout the whole game you can be nice to Lukas or mean to him. In episode 4 when you talk to him about leaving or staying you can convince him to stay or tell him he can go, but if you have been mean to him he says he has to find his "real friends" and he leaves no matter what in episode 4. When your giving your speech in episode 4 and you mention lukas he will smile at you if you have been nice or walk away angry if you have been mean. So I think in episode 5 if you have been mean to lukas he will be bad with the ocelots and become a bad guy, but if you have been nice to lukas he will take your side and fight against the ocelots.

  • What do they mean in three more adventures? Three seasons? Or three episodes? What I don't get it please if anyone can explain☺️

  • After Episode 5, Telltale will be releasing three more episodes as extra downloadable content. You will have to purchase those additional episodes.

    ReubenFan posted: »

    What do they mean in three more adventures? Three seasons? Or three episodes? What I don't get it please if anyone can explain☺️

  • They're going to do a DLC with three episodes coming.

    ReubenFan posted: »

    What do they mean in three more adventures? Three seasons? Or three episodes? What I don't get it please if anyone can explain☺️

  • 3 DLC Episodes (That will have to be bought) that will continue where episode 5 will leave off. Think of episode 5 as the start of a brand new season and the remaining 3 the rest of that season.

    ReubenFan posted: »

    What do they mean in three more adventures? Three seasons? Or three episodes? What I don't get it please if anyone can explain☺️

  • stop complaining at least its here...

    After waiting 3 months and 7 days between Episode 4 and 5 they should be discounted or free. What did we do wrong to get punished in waiting

  • edited March 2016

    Teltale, PLEASE do not release it on IOS earlier again. When you released EP4 days before other devices, it was a living nightmare.

  • I don't really think it's a spoiler because the game isn't out yet so it's just your prediction.

    Wait a second... The comment that we were replying to is also a prediction that someone will die... Did that get a spoiler tag too?

  • It was actually released on iOS a week earlier than usual, not Android. Android got it the same day as everyone else.

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    Teltale, PLEASE do not release it on IOS earlier again. When you released EP4 days before other devices, it was a living nightmare.

  • Actually MCSM should receive high priority because of viewer audience but... now its MICHONNE VS MCSM xD
    Its releasing on the same day

    Not really, its minecrafts own fault if there still unable to release. Michonne is keeping to its schedule, minecraft is not

  • That will be the hardest decision of my life.

    You don't need to put your prediction in a spoiler tag.

  • I'm pretty sure Ivor's gonna die!

  • Blazes, lava, spiders, enchanted diamond swords and an endless void, what could possible go wrong?

    Aiden will have a bad time.

  • Who else is wondering where this secret person is going to come in?

  • edited March 2016

    Ooh, wow. I did not expect to be excited for this "FUTURE of Minecraft Story Mode" they talked about yesterday. I expected a one-episode spin off maybe, but having 3 episodes? That made me very happy. I was ok with this series when it started, but the more episodes they put out, the better it got.

    (It might just be me, but the sound of episodes 6, 7 and 8 seem cool. We've never had Telltale episodes past the original 6... but this is cool. And, it might be the long wait since the last episode that is making me hungry for more from this series...) Now the question is... which series do I play first next week?

  • Fixed it.

    It was actually released on iOS a week earlier than usual, not Android. Android got it the same day as everyone else.

  • Boy he doesn't have to!

    quit whining.

  • Well true

    stop complaining at least its here...

  • Technically, Michonne was supposed to have been the first instance of this by having originally planned as Season 2 DLC, but yeah, this is the first instance of it actually being released as extended DLC.

    As for me, I'll probably play Michonne first.

    AChicken posted: »

    Ooh, wow. I did not expect to be excited for this "FUTURE of Minecraft Story Mode" they talked about yesterday. I expected a one-episode spi

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