Really stupid theories



  • Yeah, but the idea is the same.

    Wasn't she 39?

  • I think it's trying to communicate!

    leeh survevs the biet I kno it ralley! he 'z imnun to teh zambei viruz!

    • Michonne was Lee's friend in ''Central High School'' in Macon, Georgia, who later became a successful attorney and dealt with Lee's case before the Apcocalypse started.

    • Carl Grimes and Clementine attended the same primary school and were classmates. Carl was really good at soccer and was often played soccer with Clementine.

    • Rick Grimes was the police deputy who arrested Lee Everett, who's responsible for killing the State Senator.

    enter image description here

  • This game series is one giant PSA from Telltale to buckle up your seat belt. Hence how Lee survived the car crash; to suffer the ZA and how it affects others.

  • edited February 2016

    ho may gad! aer yo oen f teh zambeis? so tat men yo guyz caan spake?

    edait: crorrete a spleengi erorr, zarre boat tat.

    papai46 posted: »

    I think it's trying to communicate!

  • Go back to the police officer talking to Lee. He mentions how a person can lose their mind.... It's a hint that Lee really is just imagining everything. He's currently locked in a padded cell somewhere. Kenny is the guard who beats him for fun, and Clementine is his lifeline to help him pretend he didn't murder his wife. So he thinks he's a little girl now.

  • Duck actually fucked zombies.

    If you watched one of the gamerpoops you'll understand 
  • Lee was white.

    Don't see the problem with that one, it makes perfect sense.

  • edited February 2016
    • The walkers are actually normal people who are trying to kill the zombies, and vice versa. LOL
    • Lee's wife was the one who actually killed the senator and he pleaded guilty in her place.
    • the letter D in clementine's hat means "death" and whoever touches it loses their life.
    • Kenny's mustache has the power to destroy all walkers, but he never knew that. the closest he got to use that power was while trying to save Ben. so when he said he "was real lucky" it was purely for the lack of understanding of how the walkers were all suddenly pulverized..
    • Clementine is actually a boy.
    • The walkers are just the first stage of the conquest of hell on earth, in stage 2 the monsters will be very similar to Doom 3
    • Wellington is so named because it means you'll be: Well-in-that-town.
    • Ben was working for the bandits from the beginning. the bear trap incident was just a way to infiltrate the group.
  • Jolene's daughter wasn't abducted and raped by the bandits, but she actually escaped Jolene's camp and went to the St. John Dairy. She wanted cheese very badly, and she was only 6, so she didn't know how cheese-making works. She snuck inside the barn and opened Maybelle's mouth, but the cow chewed her head and ate her.

    Maybelle the cow then hid the girl's clothes in one of the stalls.

  • edited February 2016

    Clementine had missed when she shot Lee at the end of Season 1. It's possible because her eyes were closed and you can hear Lee breathing after the shot. This theory doesn't imply that Lee is still alive

  • Yeah, I'm just gonna revive this thread.

  • Michonne is a strong independent woman who don't need no man.

  • When Peter Joseph Randall (Pete) died in Season 2, his soul got dispersed into 3 separate people in the Michonne miniseries-

    The friendly 'Peter' spirit grew sentience into the character Pete in the Michonne miniseries. This Pete likes helping people and being nice.

    His aggressive 'Randall' spirit, that was brought on by being tough to Nick in his childhood, grew into the villainous Randall in the Michonne miniseries. This Pete is sadistic, tough and brutal after hearing of Nick's death.

    His morally grey 'Joseph' spirit was slaughtered by the 'Randall' spirit on the Mobjack in the Michonne miniseries. He is the black version of Pete seen if you climb up the ladder. Randall couldn't accept he wasn't the only spirit to be reborn and thus killed Joseph and attempted to kill Pete.

    At the end of the Season they will all combine together to reveal Pete is alive and returning for Season 3!

  • That Clementine won't be the playable character in S3.

  • Ouch.

    alexgo posted: »

    That Clementine won't be the playable character in S3.

  • I'd prefer those theories tbh

    alexgo posted: »

    That Clementine won't be the playable character in S3.

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Clementine is Michonne

  • That Clem missed her shot and Molly cured Lee's zombie bite with anti biotics.

  • Its not that wrong, maybe the older version oft her.

    Eryka posted: »

    Clementine is Michonne

  • Not sure if someone has said this yet, it's a really stupid theory:

    Kenny making it out alive of Crawford- Oh wait. That actually happened...

  • 'Yo bro, it's just a prank bro!'

    Or this whole apocalypse is just a prank

  • :V

    Natreba posted: »

    Its not that wrong, maybe the older version oft her.

  • Michonne is Clementine's daughter.

    • Donna, the woman calling Dominic's telephone, is the same woman carrying a baby that Michonne encounters when she opens the door. That's why she runs away; she didn't want Michonne to notice she was talking on the phone. By the way, the phone was disguised as a baby.
    • Michonne's daughters were hiding inside the Chinese takeout food boxes.
    • Norma and William Carver are actually cousins. That would explain why both of them are leaders of a community and have southern accents.
    • Michonne was Lee's and Vince's lawyer before the apocalypse. She was a bad one—both of them were convicted.
    • Zachary, Vince and Matthew are relatives. At least two of them.

    If you don't agree with me you are a moron in denial. You need to shut up and accept reality.

  • The video game is based in a world where Scarecrow's fear toxin affected the entire world and every walker is actually a Robin. Also, Kenny is Batman, and the Jokers of the world is the antagonist in each game, except Carver, who was actually Donald Trump.

  • edited March 2016


    Natreba posted: »

    Its not that wrong, maybe the older version oft her.

  • Michonne is Lee's missing sister!

  • Toy robot is Terminator sent by Clementine in season 3 to protect Afro-Americans.

  • Light bulb toast.

  • Are Zachary and Matthew the two? They both have a cut on their face

    * Donna, the woman calling Dominic's telephone, is the same woman carrying a baby that Michonne encounters when she opens the door. That's w

  • Randall had a hunchback and was hated in 4th grade

  • Michonne is white

  • Norma is Ludd Whitehill in disguise and Ludd Whitehill is Norma in disguise.

  • A-IBRAHIM0702A-IBRAHIM0702 Banned
    edited April 2016

    Not TWD related but...

    Athena is Captain America

    enter image description here

  • Michonne is Christa's mother

  • Clementine is Asian

  • The whole game is just a dream.

  • edited June 2016

    Kenny was a pirate all along. And Ben turned into a bird and flew away after he died!

  • Lee becomes a good zombie and protects clementine in s3

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