"Telltale should make a ____ Series": Post your ideas for a new Telltale Series here. (Unofficial)



  • I think at this stage now that Marvel's getting a Telltale game my dream properties would be Doctor Who, Star Wars, Star Trek or James Bond.

  • Our Idea is an assassins creed telltale based game.
    Our Game Ideas:

    ;Choice of being an Assassin or a Templar.
    ;Choice of stealth or direct assault.
    ;Choice of who to kill/save.
    ;Choice of how you go about the mission.
    ;Choice of class e.g ranged(musket), stealth(hidden blade), mercenary(mace).
    ;Choice of equipment e.g smoke bomb, poison dart, pistol.

  • enter image description here

    Johro posted: »

    It's about time Telltale Games stopped diddling around and finally give the fans what they REALLY want. Where's our God damned Murder She Wrote: Season 1 ?!?!?!

  • I think it would be a good idea to make a telltales game in the Uncharted world maybe as one of the guards

  • Thread: Star Wars Game

    Does anyone else think Telltale should make a Star Wars series game?

  • As long as it's about Gary the Stormtrooper.

    enter link description here

    Imagine the choices. Risk Life for Mr Fuzzy Bottom Yes or No? lol

  • interesting....why not. it could work.

  • Interesting idea. "The Golden Girls" video game has too many protagonists and runs slow on every platform.

    enter image description here

  • I still want a five-part series where 5 friends are sitting around a campfire telling scary stories (That you of course influence).

  • FINALLY!! after all this time someone besides myself has mentioned this series! you sir are awesome! ;)

    FadedWhoo posted: »

    Attention Telltalegames & all telltale fans! Boy have I found a known and popular tv series that would be perfect for telltales style

  • <-----------

  • Sorry?


  • edited April 2016

    My profile pic is from Ace Attorney

    papai46 posted: »


  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Ok Gumshoe.


  • That could be interesting. Seems very enjoyable

    I still want a five-part series where 5 friends are sitting around a campfire telling scary stories (That you of course influence).

  • You should make a breaking bad game or atleast a simmilar themed one(making drugs,crime etc.).

  • Thread: why can't you had a mlp telltale game?

    we got analysers over there on your games. and plus, there are analysers on mlp.

  • ▪ star wars

    ▪ original game by TTG

  • What have you did

    Thread: why can't you had a mlp telltale game? we got analysers over there on your games. and plus, there are analysers on mlp.

  • As much as i love Jacksepticeye's voice for Papyrus , i don't think there would be much of a point to Telltale making an Undertale game.

    But if they did , and they asked Jack to be a voice actor in it , they would probably ask him to do Flowey. His Flowey voice is the most well regarded of all the ones he did in Undertale.

  • Hey guys! Let's use this thread to share game ideas instead of making new threads. Thanks!

  • I don't know if anyone knows about this, but I think the Warriors novel series would make an outstanding Telltale game. I know, it's about cats, but it would be amazing in my opinion. Look them up(or read them) and tell me what you think.

  • i really think that TTG could make a game of anything..

    i really hope they create a game based on Lovecraft Chtulu mythos, a game with vampires as protagonists and something in Star Wars.

  • Thread: House of Cards Telltale game?

    Hey everyone.

    I've played The Walking Dead, Wolf Among Us, and Game of Thrones series of games from Telltale. I think they're great. Some of the best storytelling in games that I've ever played. I'm also a big fan of the Netflix political drama series 'House of Cards'. In my mind, I can imagine the fusion of Telltale's great storytelling and House of Cards' volatile political setting as being an awesome game. I also think the political decision-making lends itself to the Telltale gameplay, as well as the ruthless decisions themselves. I reckon there could be some mileage in a game where you fill the shoes of a newly elected politician, trying to work their way up the system - whether you play by the rules or get dirty is up to you.

    Anyway, I was just thinking this over the other night and was wondering if there would be any popular support for this?

  • There's already a thread
    for this love.

  • Hey ttg, I'm one of your GREATEST fans and have been with you since wd1, 2013 April :) and have played every single release since then, wau to michonne and mscm
    So just one request, we, or at least I, wish you made a seriously emotional and gripping episodic series (last of us for xample) which just... brings tears to our eyes and awakens a deep longlasting sense of sadness, trust me that is the biggest achievement a developer can achieve. Please do think about it and...lookin forward to ur future releases! :)

  • Simple words... I want emotional/adventure/etc/etc like Last of Us in ttg style ON ANDROID!

    AdamRoberts posted: »

    Hey ttg, I'm one of your GREATEST fans and have been with you since wd1, 2013 April and have played every single release since then, wau to

  • edited April 2016

    Please, please make a Supernatural game! I'm surprised you haven't already!

  • I'd love that! Jessica Jones, Daredevil -- anything set in Hell's Kitchen would work great with Telltale's style of storytelling!

    Spider-Matt posted: »

    Jessica Jones We got a great detective game out of The Wolf Among Us. We know Jessica would do well too.

  • You want a game that big on MOBILE?

    AdamRoberts posted: »

    Simple words... I want emotional/adventure/etc/etc like Last of Us in ttg style ON ANDROID!

  • In simpler words.. I want more of ttg...y'know a disease called ttg obsession right? ;)
    Any kind of game will do...just, somethin

    You want a game that big on MOBILE?

  • Be patient. It takes a while for them to finish a game.

    AdamRoberts posted: »

    In simpler words.. I want more of ttg...y'know a disease called ttg obsession right? Any kind of game will do...just, somethin

  • If you want more TTG, just check out some of their older games: Sam and Max, Monkey Island, etc. I haven't played them (but I think ill buy a bundle of them soon) except I know many superfans on this site really praise them, so, for the time being, you could look at those?

    AdamRoberts posted: »

    In simpler words.. I want more of ttg...y'know a disease called ttg obsession right? Any kind of game will do...just, somethin

  • edited April 2016

    There are 2 lovecraft games in production at the moment that will be coming to consoles, one by the team behind the sherlock holmes games and a call of cthulhu game that will supposedly be based on the pen and paper games. not by telltale but frogwares sherlock holmes games are good and have different outcomes depending on how you play.

    Edit: sinking city- frogwares
    Call of cthulhu- cyanide

    Im in two minds about this on one hand I adore lovecraft and would love a game of his creations but on the other I know how easy it is for some to miss the point of his work. If there are jump scares I will be pissed >:[

    GCardoso posted: »

    i really think that TTG could make a game of anything.. i really hope they create a game based on Lovecraft Chtulu mythos, a game with vampires as protagonists and something in Star Wars.

  • Sure...and here comes some s3 news ;)

    Be patient. It takes a while for them to finish a game.

  • They're on ios...not android :(

    AChicken posted: »

    If you want more TTG, just check out some of their older games: Sam and Max, Monkey Island, etc. I haven't played them (but I think ill buy

  • A...game with all the special abilities...superpowers (as mentioned by others)
    A vampire game will be awesome too...NOT THE TWILIGHT! but Vamp diaries will do :)

  • Please stop making that winky face at me. It's annoying.

    AdamRoberts posted: »

    Sure...and here comes some s3 news

  • Telltale have already made a game with "superpowers", if you want to call it that. It's called Sam & Max The Devils Playhouse.

    AdamRoberts posted: »

    A...game with all the special abilities...superpowers (as mentioned by others) A vampire game will be awesome too...NOT THE TWILIGHT! but Vamp diaries will do

  • Aww, I see. That's too bad. Sorry, I guess you can only suffer through the pain...

    AdamRoberts posted: »

    They're on ios...not android

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