Answer the question above you



  • Permbanned. The man had a penchant for passionate arguments,

    The Caitlyn Jenner, Hollywood agenda got him.

    Oh jeez. I haven't heard that name in like, forever. What happened to the dude?

  • Me u_u

    What would you do with a time machine?

  • Hmph. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Guy sure had a hankering for stirring shit up. But no matter. Best to leave it as that from now on.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Permbanned. The man had a penchant for passionate arguments, The Caitlyn Jenner, Hollywood agenda got him.

  • Go back in time :3

    If you could live in any comic book universe which would it be and why?

  • Go back in time.

    That's genius! Never thought about that. :P

    Go back in time If you could live in any comic book universe which would it be and why?

  • x-men. I want to be a mutant, and I am already an outsider

    if u could visit a fantasy world where would you like to be?

    harry potter world or dr who world

  • Harry Potter world

    I'm speaking for the ones who played both TWD and MCSM, who would you prefer? Luke or Lukas?

  • Lukeeee all the way.

    What's your dream career and why?

  • Probably something to do with video games or story writing.

    Rhys or Lee?

  • edited April 2016

    Not sure if joke amazing game but Rhys useless not suited to even tie Lees laces

    Even if switched games Rhys not last a minute in ZA

    Lee find the vault by episode 1

    Can anyone imagine Hugo punching Lee what would happen?

    Lee 100%

    If could bring any character from tv or video games into a telltale game who would it be?

  • Both of them

    Tales from the Borderlands + Game of Thrones = what?

  • Not sure if joke amazing game but Rhys useless not suited to even tie Lees laces

    That's the point of Rhys, he's designed to be a fuck up in a humorous way.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Not sure if joke amazing game but Rhys useless not suited to even tie Lees laces Even if switched games Rhys not last a minute in ZA L

  • No agree was funny how useless he was in the game I enjoyed it still think lee better character

    Not sure if joke amazing game but Rhys useless not suited to even tie Lees laces That's the point of Rhys, he's designed to be a fuck up in a humorous way.

  • Yeah. In fact, I should probably flag this whole conversation. Might be against the rules, come to think of it.

    Hmph. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Guy sure had a hankering for stirring shit up. But no matter. Best to leave it as that from now on.

  • This.

    enter link description here

    What's your favourite time of the day?

  • Probably late evening/early hours of the morning.

    Do you wear socks to bed?

    Pipas posted: »

    This. enter link description here What's your favourite time of the day?

  • No one answered my question

  • I did.

    AronDracula posted: »

    No one answered my question

  • I don't even like GOT, but that's one of my favorite side missions in the game. But where's the stuffy aristocrat so I can ask him about etiquette?

    Pipas posted: »

    This. enter link description here What's your favourite time of the day?

  • @Shroomii no, never

    Would you rather have four legs ONLY (No arms) or four hands ONLY (No legs)?

  • Four arms. I could take to the forest and live my life there.

    What song have you been listening to endlessly for the past few days?

  • This Song

    enter link description here

    Would you either fight for your country against your family or fight for your family against your country. (yes its based off of Fire Emblem Fates.)

  • I hate my country so I'd fight for my family I guess. Is there an option to run away and live as a hobo?

    You excited for SW Rogue One?

  • Yep

    Who wins a fight Tacoman or Superhotdog?

  • Tacoman.

    Do you ship Sans and Toriel?

  • STOP!

    Did Undertale ruin this thread?

  • edited April 2016

    I don´t know....

    Your dream car?

  • I honestly dont care about cars but I guess a Lamborghini

    Best youtuber that makes cringe compilations?

  • NO.

    papai46 posted: »

    STOP! Did Undertale ruin this thread?

  • I don't hate it really I actually like it a lot, it's pretty funny (in a 12 year old me kinda way ^-^), but by no means is it the best game I have seen :/

  • papai46 posted: »

    STOP! Did Undertale ruin this thread?

  • Jimmy Nutrin.

    Worst Youtuber in your opinion?

  • If it didn't ruin it before, now it did.

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    enter link description here

  • pewdiepie

    What is your favorite video game?

  • Jeez , sorry papai , but another settlement needs your help. I'll mark it on your map.

    papai46 posted: »

    If it didn't ruin it before, now it did.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited April 2016

    Aye, a shitty opinion though.

    Should I make a new "Rate the Song Below You" thread? The first one was a lot of fun and unjustly merged IMO.

  • Yes, most definitely. I was waiting for someone to make it for a long time now. You'd be doing us a favor Max. :)

    Speaking of music, Gorillaz or Arctic Monkeys?

  • Arctic Monkeys!

    Song that makes you the happiest?

  • Black Water by Of Monsters and Men (Ironically the song itself is kinda sad)

    Best villian ever?

  • Vilgax from Ben 10.

    Best anime?

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