The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I need to make a trip to Tassie one video.

    How I spent last Wednesday and Thursday: enter link description here

  • I just think it's cool travelling an apocalyptic environment with a dog companion. The other companions are awesome in terms of relationships and their unique dialogue...but there's just something about travelling with mans best friend. Adds to the atmosphere for me.

    So , I watched Jacksepticeye play the beginning of Fall Out 4. It looks cool , but I don't know about that dog. It seems like it would be inconvenient in a battle situation.

  • Make the most of it mate. See your friends every day, do shit. I thought the exact same as you until I left and realised it's nothing compared to working full time every day on a job.
    School always has something new...I was lucky though, had really down to earth teachers.

    God, I am fucking tired of school!

  • ''Lucky you''

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Hmm 10/10 the hype

  • Kept forgetting to make this, finally found the time. lol

    enter image description here

  • edited April 2016

    @Markd4547enter image description here

    I'm done I'm gonna make a youtube account because Assassin's Creed Unity is so bad. This game follows me in my mind since it's release. Since it came out I don't understand why anyone wants his/her name on it it sucks so bad!! The only good thing about the game is to whipe your ass with it.

    Before it came out the director looked depressed working on the game and getting questions about Unity.

    I can complain about almost everything and give a half hour rant on the last minute of the ending. In the first 5 minutes we came in a territory that makes no sense and whatever. When people say AC3 is the worst HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT... Unity is the worst

    I'm working on a video...It is my duty to the human race to hate this game

  • enter image description here

    Eryka posted: »


  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Where do you live Jonny? What's your country? Maybe they have a job for you there ^^

  • I live in a pineapple under the sea.

    Eryka posted: »

    Where do you live Jonny? What's your country? Maybe they have a job for you there ^^

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Oh yeah... They have a job there! Just answer the questions and you'll get the job ;)

    JonDee013 posted: »

    I live in a pineapple under the sea.

  • But I already have a job.

    Eryka posted: »

    Oh yeah... They have a job there! Just answer the questions and you'll get the job

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    I don't care, you'll work for BuzzFeed

    JonDee013 posted: »

    But I already have a job.

  • Noooo!

    enter image description here

    I don't even like Buzzfeed. It is all slander and lies! Lies, I tell you!

    Eryka posted: »

    I don't care, you'll work for BuzzFeed

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    You are a lie

    JonDee013 posted: »

    Noooo! I don't even like Buzzfeed. It is all slander and lies! Lies, I tell you!

  • Rude. And because of that...

    enter image description here

    Eryka posted: »

    You are a lie

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    That doesn't hurt me

    JonDee013 posted: »

    Rude. And because of that...

  • It should.

    Eryka posted: »

    That doesn't hurt me

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Nothing can hurt me, not even extremely hot peppers.

    JonDee013 posted: »

    It should.

  • I'm an extremely hot pepper.

    Eryka posted: »

    Nothing can hurt me, not even extremely hot peppers.

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    I want you in my mouth, I'll swallow you.

    JonDee013 posted: »

    I'm an extremely hot pepper.

  • enter image description here

    Eryka posted: »

    I want you in my mouth, I'll swallow you.

  • Tone it down a bit guys, this isn't really a conversation you should be having here. I recommend exchanging memes and doing your inside jokes in PM.

    Eryka posted: »

    Yes I can

  • They destroyed french's revolution history aswell.
    Sad, because they had a big potential to use.

    Either characters were blackwashed or whitewashed..

    The only thing good was this soundtrack, and the multi.

    joshua007 posted: »

    @Markd4547 I'm done I'm gonna make a youtube account because Assassin's Creed Unity is so bad. This game follows me in my mind since it's

  • edited April 2016

    Soundtrack was good setting wasted and about the history about

    enter link description here

    Euron posted: »

    They destroyed french's revolution history aswell. Sad, because they had a big potential to use. Either characters were blackwashed or w

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Yes, it's a convo and we are already done with it.

    Tone it down a bit guys, this isn't really a conversation you should be having here. I recommend exchanging memes and doing your inside jokes in PM.

  • Aye indeed, Jean Luc was right on this matter.

    They screwed Robespierre, Jacques Roux (the red priest); they enlightened some characters such as Mirabeau (a corrupted bastard), even that crazy rapist of le Marquis de Sade was in a better light than them.

    joshua007 posted: »

    Soundtrack was good setting wasted and about the history about enter link description here

  • edited April 2016

    About le Marquis de Sade in the trailers it looked like he was a big part of the story but wasn't or the launch trailer when Arno shows he cares about the people of French... He doesn't care he is some kind of delusional psycho.

    I felt offended by this game and alot of people take AC as a history fact

    Euron posted: »

    Aye indeed, Jean Luc was right on this matter. They screwed Robespierre, Jacques Roux (the red priest); they enlightened some characters

  • Could we all just take a moment to appreciate how the amazing Troy Baker (Who, as many of you know voices Rhys (TFTBL) and Joel (TLOU) ) wrote the lyrics to this fucking masterpiece of a remake to a classic Silent Hill song?

    enter link description here

    And now let's all bow our heads in respect because his masterpiece will go on forever being known as a part of the worst Silent Hill game of all time that also ruined the franchise to a point of never being good again.

  • Lel saying that after we already stopped...

    Tone it down a bit guys, this isn't really a conversation you should be having here. I recommend exchanging memes and doing your inside jokes in PM.

  • it's blocked in my country

    Could we all just take a moment to appreciate how the amazing Troy Baker (Who, as many of you know voices Rhys (TFTBL) and Joel (TLOU) ) wro

  • Think I just had a bad day. I feel a bit better now.

    Chilled posted: »

    Make the most of it mate. See your friends every day, do shit. I thought the exact same as you until I left and realised it's nothing compar

  • Huh, weird. Might be because it's a copyrighted song.

    joshua007 posted: »

    it's blocked in my country

  • Well, Silent Hill will live on as this.

    enter image description here

    A fate worse than death.

    Could we all just take a moment to appreciate how the amazing Troy Baker (Who, as many of you know voices Rhys (TFTBL) and Joel (TLOU) ) wro

  • edited April 2016

    My project for the social section of Health education is complete!

    enter image description here

    I made sure that Clementine, Fiona, and Bigby are all in there!

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