Go to the Creator Studio (click the icon of your Youtube picture in the corner), and go to the video manage. Click on the little down-pointing triangle and they'll be an option to delete.
Woot. Looks like I've got my first Cinema paper to write. Best part is, we get to write about any movie we want. As long as the teacher has seen it that is.
Thanks m8:)
enter link description here
enter link description here
Fellow Unity haters
Nice! I'm starting research for a big essay too.
Take This Job and Shove It: Voluntary Homelessness and the Anti-Work Movement.
So I was wondering what candy that you can't get in the US/Canada you guys would recommend?
I'm reunited with Lauren Cohan <333
Also, hello, I have returned
What's up
nm, still tired as fuck tbh. Even though I did sleep till 1 pm to day.
There's this chick on Youtube that fucks dogs for pleasure.
I'm unbanned.
No more personal beefs. X_X
Oh I know. The discourse she get's is funny tho
Yeah I know that feeling even after sleeping more than 10 hours I'm still tired as fuck
She also ate a cricket for Leafy.
Talk about dedication.
Naughty Max.
Welcome back buddo
She'd also said she'd stick hamsters up her cOUGH for him too on drama alert.
Also that she'd stop dog fucking if he says he loves her.
Sometimes you just can't hold it in. Welcome back.
G'day Charlotte.
Lauren who
G'day Dom, my good ol buddo
que pasa
How was the trip?
oh no she didn't
It so creepy... My names Lauren...
It's a nice name.
Welcome back!
Pretty good actually - aside from almost throwing up at a pizza place. I also found I'm not scared of the woman in black.
Aww.. why thank you
how do you almost throw up at a pizza place, pizza is gods gift
Because I overate... so much
Overate? Pizza? THERE IS NO LIMIT
. Just usually not in a destructive way.
Yeah, it's a moral failing. Have a bad habit baiting when I should walk away. Thankfully, it was just a "warning ban".
Past drama came up. Best not to go into any further detail.
Thanks! Glad I didn't get the full might of the Banhammer.
Your welcome!
Yeah, there have been times where arguments are just baiting you to get banned.
I've been in that position a couple of times before.
Tim Tams are, from what I've heard, really good biscuit/wafer things from Australia!
My favorites though are Jammie Dodgers from the UK, which is one of the most stereotypical sounding things you can imagine from Britain.