ITALIAN SUBTITLES? Wow, Telltale, now I LOVE you!!!! :)
I'm sooooooooooo happy you added Italian inside your language pack!!! First official Italian TTG from loooong time!
I'm just want to hug you and thank you so much, I'll buy&gift some copies of the game for some italian friends now!!!! SO HAPPY!
Just wanna ask if there will be Italian subtitles for Michonne too!
Thanks A LOT!
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Just wanna ask, is the quality of the new subtitles good? Because the ones in MC:SM kinda suck, and TTG took a while to update the game with these new subs, so I'm wondering.
Yes, they're very good indeed.
No problems at all! 
No errors at all in the first episode (I only played that one right now), and an overall good adaptation, with also some in-game content translated.
An excellent job.
Sooo happy.
That's pretty cool! I read in the Steam reviews for the game that the translations weren't very good, so that's why I asked.
Hope more people get into TFTB because of this!
I'm glad to hear that they had no errors and you're happy my friend
Russian subs completely neglected though
Those would really be helpful with getting couple my friends in the game
I second that,it's nice to see telltale making some efforts to bring more people into the game
Wait, this game is known in Italy?
We in Italy have a lot of TTG fans, the only problem is that many of them were let down by the lack of italian subtitles.
We, Italian people, have the culture of dubbing and translating every media and we rarely watch movies or read books in english. Here translations are systematic, with a tradition going back to the 1930s, where in Mussolini's fascist Italy release of foreign languages movies was banned for political reasons.
That led Italy to have by far the biggest dub industry in the world with something like 1,200 dubbers; and nowadays the unmatched quality of lip-sync and interpretation causes even Italian movies to be dubbed again with other voice actors. So for us translations are part of our culture.
For TWD2 and TWAU fans succeeded to create some unofficial italian subtitles, just for appreciation toward the games.
Even for TFTB they tried too, but it's a too big task to do it just for free during the spare time.
So newer titles such Michonne or Minecraft will not have fan subtitles support... and the games are even getting lower review scores for lacking Italian language.
That's why I hope that TTG continues to publish Italian subtitles! Sooo happy I can gift the game to Italian friends! Already bought two TTG HumbleBundle Packs for them! ^_^
I Know, I'm from Italy too XD. But it seems like this game is pretty much unknown here.
Btw, anyone knows which platforms has Italian subtitles? PS4?
Or is the Steam version is the only one that's translated (even if languages don't appear in the store)?
Is there a way to add/download subtitles for the telltale (non steam) version of the game?
speaking Russian
I don't know. Try setting your system language to Italian, that also changes the language the game is displayed in. If it is displayed in Italian, then there you go.
im felice si gt le subtittles che hai sempre sognato, celebriamo sacrificando capra =]
I do not own the PS4 version already, I'd wish to play it with my girlfriend, she has a PS4, but I'd like to know the language befor buying.
Still Steam Store isn't updated yet with the new languages.
Just want to bump this thread to make the Telltale staff to notice that the Steam Store page for Tales from the Borderlands still doesn't show the new supported languages that were inserted in the latest patch.
Since I think multilanguage provides more income for Telltale from foreign countries, and joy for non-english players, I hope to make good service to remind Telltale to update the Steam Store page.
Cause my friend didn't believed me when I suggested to buy it. He made me promise to refund him if the game was english-only. :-D
Thanks, have a nice day.
Mamma mia! Amazing, have fun!