The 'Change My View' Thread.

Nicked this idea from Reddit.
Do you have a belief that you feel you may be wrong about? Do you want to get some insight about why people who disagree with you about a certain topic think that way? Then I have the thread for you.
This a thread where you can share any belief you have about politics, video games whatever and other users will critique it and try to change your mind. If they succeed, that's great! If they don't, it's still a good opportunity to see, understand and maybe even learn to appreciate opposing points of view.
For example I might post
I don't think Clementine should be in Season 3 of the Walking Dead, because ____________. Change My View.
Then someone else could reply.
But who would take her place? Clementine is the main focus on the series and changing that could blah blah blah etc wtc etc.
A note on civility and good faith : Contentious topics could come up in this thread. In order to keep it from devolving into a flame war and getting locked (hey, I'm guilty of this too), I'd ask they we debate and discuss things in good faith. Think about what you're going to post. If it's rude, low quality and inflammatory, don't bother posting it. One of the mods wrote a good set of guidelines for constructive discussion and if I can dig it up, I'll post it here. We might want to avoid the migrant crisis and abortion, I've never seen discussions about those end well.
Remember, this is a thread for learning and good discussion, not for trying to conquer or "beat" people who disagree with you. On that note, it will be interesting to see how this goes. Enjoy!
I downloaded ep1 of game of thrones (for free) and only played it for about 15 minutes because i found it, um I dont know, draining... I guess.
So guys turn me on to GoT
You haven't met Asher yet and he will really turn you on :]
If you find it boring I don't think you will like the following; it's the same as GOT/aSoIaF pacing, with some surprises on the journey.
Still, try to finish the free episode, it might grow on you!
A Song of Ice and Fire, the name of the books on which the series is based.
I prefer them to the series and even if the game is based first on the series, I really enjoyed playing it.
One character or setting shouldn't make you decide whether you want to play a game or not.
Change my mind.
I thought it was a L
If it was your favorite character or setting you would want to. I dont understand the opinion here, has you been vexed fam?
I think he's asking why some people don't buy a game based on one point. A popular one concerning Telltale's Walking Dead, "No Clem, No buy." Where they'd only buy their walking dead if it had Clementine in it. I can't explain why, 'cause I'm not one of those people. If season 3 had a different character, It's ok in my book..
Ah yes, the clem brigade. I cant answer this because I dont get it myself.
So take the best team of writers from some popular game like... I dunno, Halo? They make a game that COMPLETELY excludes Master Chief, but follows up the previous Halo game's campaign somehow. They put a lot of effort into the script, the story makes sense and isn't dull, it's all good! They get to work and are finally able to announce some of the new game's details.
They are shit on by the community as soon as the description mentions the missing of Master Chief. "THE GAME HAS ALWAYS HAD HIM!" Without even seeing a gameplay trailer. Riddle me that.
No this isn't something I would do. I would think it was good that the game was evolving, I cant change you mind. Can I tag someone else in
This is all I could think of
But sure, go for it I guess
I wish I could upvote this comment more then once.
At one time, I used to be in favor of divorce, when I married you got a difficult. But after seeing this video, I started to rethink that statement.
enter link description here