Yeah I watch that show as well. I am not kidding when I say that part really freaked me out.
I am a daughter of a farmer. I am nowhere to anything like an alchemist. I was named after a jazz pianist, Nina Simone. the rest is history.
Thanks, but its really not a big deal a lot of people are name after someone famous. Its just a thing that some people do. The name Nina dose make me feel unconformable sometimes I admit, I guess its meaning behind the name that is the problem it means "Small one."
BTW I do not play piano. I was just named after one not am one.
Thanks, but its really not a big deal a lot of people are name after someone famous. Its just a thing that some people do. The name Nina dos… moree make me feel unconformable sometimes I admit, I guess its meaning behind the name that is the problem it means "Small one."
BTW I do not play piano. I was just named after one not am one.
I know. Its just cool to hear that story. I don't expect you to absorbe all of her skills or spend your life immitating her.
And 'small' people almost always do big things.
Yeah I watch that show as well. I am not kidding when I say that part really freaked me out.
I am a daughter of a farmer. I am nowhere to anything like an alchemist. I was named after a jazz pianist, Nina Simone. the rest is history.
standing before me is ChuckTheLizard, another forum dude I knew, a guy back in highschool gym class I knew
... >_>
What kind of … morefool do you take me for?
He's Daniel! He's Daniel! You're Daniel! I'm Daniel! Are there any other Daniels I should know about?
comes in my aunt's cat calling itself Daniel
-_- I'm outta here.
(I just hadda do that xD)
Definitely Bradass.
Hmm.... perhaps I should've thought that post out more xD
Yeah I watch that show as well. I am not kidding when I say that part really freaked me out.
I am a daughter of a farmer. I am nowhere to anything like an alchemist. I was named after a jazz pianist, Nina Simone. the rest is history.
enter link description here
jk its a full metal jacket reference
(laughs) Oh no has anyone brought that up. has anyone brought up GOT joke?
I'm sorry it's the drug talking
Okay, phew, for a minute there, you almost had me!
I knew Lee was just a street name.
Thats an awesome name
Luke Skywalkers wife?
Cool story.
Where is that name from?
Thanks :-)
Thanks, but its really not a big deal a lot of people are name after someone famous. Its just a thing that some people do. The name Nina dose make me feel unconformable sometimes I admit, I guess its meaning behind the name that is the problem it means "Small one."
BTW I do not play piano. I was just named after one not am one.
You'll never guess. It is a secret that will live and die with me.
I know. Its just cool to hear that story. I don't expect you to absorbe all of her skills or spend your life immitating her.
And 'small' people almost always do big things.
Thank you for your kind words Lord EAA
Not liking friend's name =/= Making fun of their name
I can be friends with someone named Uranuss and not make fun of their name but still dislike that name. I hope no one has that name though lol.
Is it.. Dex?
You and me have the same name just spelt differently yay
Tis good. I wouldn't want to get pitchforked by Lee. >.>
Luckily that's not his name. xD His name is Allen though. So it's close. ._.
standing before me is ChuckTheLizard, another forum dude I knew, a guy back in highschool gym class I knew
... >_>
What kind of fool do you take me for?
He's Daniel! He's Daniel! You're Daniel! I'm Daniel! Are there any other Daniels I should know about?
comes in my aunt's cat calling itself Daniel
-_- I'm outta here.
(I just hadda do that xD)
Im named after ella fitzgerald, looks like our parents both liked depressing music
No problem
. Have a nice day.
Beutifull country. Good to see theres someone here from there
Ohh I get it. That Spongebob reference lol
my parents like all kinds from country, rock, folk, pop, funk and of couse jazz
its not depresstion its just music from a different time.
like michone's daughter
I thought her name was Colette
It is. Colette and Elodie.
Don't think so mate.