TFTBL Questionnaire - (20Q)
This Maybe long but sorry all websites I tried where rubbish or you had to pay. So you can just answer how you like answer all or 1 if you choose!
I just wanted to ask some questions, I know alot are common but yeah....
1. What was your first Borderlands Game
Borderlands 2
Borderlands The Pre-Sequel
Tales from the Borderlands
2. Favourite Episode
Episode 1: Zer0 Sum
Episode 2: Atlas Mugged
Episode 3: Catch a Ride
Episode 4: Escape Plan Bravo
Episode 5: The Vault of the Traveler
3. Favourite Playable Character
4. Favourite Episode Intro
Episode 1: Zer0 Sum
Episode 2: Atlas Mugged
Episode 3: Catch a Ride
Episode 4: Escape Plan Bravo
Episode 5: The Vault of the Traveler
5. Favourite Character (Main Cast)
Loader Bot
6. Favourite Character (Supporting)
7. Rhys Shipping (sorry I had to)
Like both Fiona & Sasha
8. Favourite Episode 1 Choice
Loader Bot - Escape/Destroy
Felix - Live/Die
Trusting Sasha
Addressing Grease Face
9. Favourite Episode 2 Choice
Not/Looking at Sasha's gift
Trusting Jack or Fiona
Selling out - CATCH A RIDE
10. Favourite Episode 3 Choice
Refusing/Trusting Jack
Sasha/Rhys flower
Stopping Athena from attacking Cassius
Blaming Vasquez
11. Favourite Episode 4 Choice
Honoring Scooter
Shooting Pony or Painting
Knocking out Yvette
Accepting/Refusing Hyperion
12. Favourite Episode 5 Choice
Confessing Sasha crush
Destroying/Keeping AI Jack
Confessing crush for another
Deciding Yvettes fate
13. Favourite Vault Team Member
14. Best Sacrifice
Sasha - Episode 5
Scooter - Episode 4
Loader Bot - Episode 1
Loader Bot - Episode 5
Gortys - Episode 5
15. Did You Trust Jack or Fiona? Episode 2
16. Favourite Borderlands Cameo
Tector Hodunk
17. Favourite YouTuber Playthrough
Admiral Bahroo
18. Favourite Song
Jungle - Busy Earnin' (1)
Shawn Lee's - Kiss the Sky (2)
The Rapture - Pieces of the people we love (3)
Twin Shadow - To the top (4)
James Blake - Retrograde (5)
First Aid Kit - My Silver Lining (credits)
19. When you started playing what episode where they up too?
From Start
Complete series
20. So, you want to hear another story eh? (season 2)
You could use SurveyMonkey, it's free.
I did
max 10 questions for free
Tales from the Borderlands
Vault of the Traveller
How dare you.
Episode 2's
Jokes aside, Sasha.
Well personally, I don't mind majority of the ships, but if I had to pick one then, Fiona.
Addressing Grease Face
Refusing to work with Jack.
Shooting the pony.
Lmao, I see what you did there. Destroying Jack.
Scooter's... rip
Going to have to go with Fi, since I actually like her.
I'll go with Metallica's.
The Rapture - Pieces of the people we love
I had episodes 1-3 on Xbox, however I had to rebuy it on Steam so I'll say episode 4.
1. What was your first Borderlands Game? Borderlands 2
2. Favourite Episode Episode 5: The Vault of the Traveler
3. Favourite Playable Character Rhys
4. Favourite Episode Intro Episode 3: Catch a Ride (probably in the minority there)
5. Favourite Character (Main Cast) Loader Bot
6. Favourite Character (Supporting) Damn, this is hard. Athena I guess, but I like them all.![:D :D](
7. Rhys Shipping (sorry I had to) Do you really need to ask? Sasha, ofc. :P
8. Favourite Episode 1 Choice Probably the Felix choice. I was really conflicted there, but then decided to shoot him.
9. Favourite Episode 2 Choice Trusting Jack or Fiona. Still the hardest choice in the game. Honorable mention goes to the Hollow Point or Old Haven choice. I really loved how it slightly changed scenes. Plus I got to steal Athena's shield, who wouldn't want that.
10. Favourite Episode 3 Choice Sasha/Rhys flower
11. Favourite Episode 4 Choice Honoring Scooter
12. Favourite Episode 5 Choice Picking my own Vault Team!![:D :D](
13. Favourite Vault Team Member Athena & Zer0
14. Best Sacrifice Scooter - Episode 4. I cri evrytim
15. Did You Trust Jack or Fiona in Episode 2? Fiona. I didn't trust Jack at all.
16. Favourite Borderlands Cameo Even though I didn't get it to see him in my game, probably CL4P-TP. Had to surprise a lot of people to see him there.![:D :D](
17. Favourite YouTuber Playthrough I don't watch YouTube playthroughs.
18. Favourite Song Damn, this is tough. Shawn Lee's - Kiss the Sky I suppose.
19. When you started playing what episode were they up to? Started playing when the first episode released. :P
20. So, you want to hear another story eh? (season 2) 5th option: All of the above.
Ah, did not know there was a question limit on that site.
What was your first Borderlands Game?: Borderlands (1).
Favourite Episode: Uncertain.
Favourite Playable Character: Rhys. He's fleshed out more, has a more interesting story-arch, and is usually funnier (Not that I don't like Fiona).
Favourite Episode Intro: Episode 2 (3 is close behind, and they're all great).
Favourite Character (Main Cast): Jack.
Favourite Character (Supporting): Athena. I'm so glad she got some more story-time.
Rhys Shipping (sorry I had to): Sasha.
Favourite Episode 1 Choice: Felix - Live/Die.
Favourite Episode 2 Choice: Trusting Jack or Fiona.
Favourite Episode 3 Choice: Choosing who to blame, I thought it gave interesting insight to (how you played) Fiona.
Favourite Episode 4 Choice: Everything having to do with Rhysquez dialogue
Favourite Episode 5 Choice: Jack A.I.
Favourite Vault Team Member: Cassius. Surprisingly badass
Best Sacrifice: Scooter.
Did You Trust Jack or Fiona in Episode 2?: See above
Favourite Borderlands Cameo: Athena (not sure it's just a cameo though)
Favourite YouTuber Playthrough: HannahYogscast
Favourite Song: Kiss The Sky
When you started playing what episode were they up to?: Episode 1 (episode 2 was "almost" out though)
So, you want to hear another story eh? (season 2): Haha. Yes.
What was your first Borderlands Game?: Borderlands. I played as Mordecai, mostly.
Favorite Episode: The Vault of the Traveler.
Favorite Playable Character: Rhys.
Favorite Episode Intro: Tie between Atlas Mugged and Escape Plan Bravo.
Favorite Character (Main Cast): Sasha, no doubt.
Favorite Character (Supporting): If that bandit that sold Fiona and Vaughn the masks counts, then him. That scene was hilarious. If not then probably Finch.
Rhys Shipping: Rhysha, of course.
Favorite Episode 1 Choice: Trusting Sasha/Pinky Promise.
Favorite Episode 2 Choice: Trusting Jack or Fiona. Even though I almost never choose Jack (sorry Vaughn).
Favorite Episode 3 Choice: Giving Sasha the flower. The whole Rhys/Sasha segment up to the flower moment in this episode is what got me to shipping Rhysha.
Favorite Episode 4 Choice: I know honoring Scooter is a favorite, but mine was draining my stun baton's battery on Yvette.
Favorite Episode 5 Choice: Confess to crushing on Sasha.
Favorite Vault Team Member: Cassius. Wasn't expecting the fireballs.
Best Sacrifice: Loader Bot, overall. Almost everytime the gang (mostly Rhys lol) was in trouble he'd be there to save the day.
Did You Trust Jack or Fiona in Episode 2?: I trusted Fiona. Even though I was sketchy about trusting her plan, it was better than giving Jack control.
Favorite Borderlands Cameo: Mordecai; BOOM! Headshot!
Favorite YouTuber Playthrough: SwingPoynt.
Favorite Song: James Blake - Retrograde.
When you started playing what episode were they up to?: Episode 2. And I guess I should be glad, because I heard that the wait was painful.
So, you want to hear another story, eh? (Season 2): No doubt.
Yes Rhys is my favorite.
Borderlands 2
Episode 4: Escape Plan Bravo
Episode 3: Catch a Ride
Jack... Yeah sorry I don't ship him with anyone.
Loader Bot - Escape/Destroy
Trusting Jack or Fiona
Refusing/Trusting Jack
Shooting Pony or Painting
Destroying/Keeping AI Jack
Scooter - Episode 4
Loader Bot - Episode 1
Don't really watch lets plays.
The Rapture - Pieces of the people we love (3)
Borderlands 3 would be preferred but I couldn't say no against that.
Tales From the Borderlands.
Zer0 Sum, closely followed by Vault of the Traveler.
Fiona, but Rhys is my main man and I love him.
Vault of the Traveler. I cried when Retrograde started playing. I still tear up when I hear it.
Loader Bot.
Athena, followed closely by Felix.
Fiona, but Vaughn is close second.
Loader Bot - Escape. Felix - Live. I trusted Sasha. I was polite to Greaseface, and so he was Rudiger to me.
I didn't look at Sasha's gift. I bro fisted Vaughn because why the hell not. I trusted Fiona. I totally sold out.
Blaming Vasquez.
Honoring Scooter.
Confessing crush for another, followed closely by destroying AI Jack.
Retrograde, but Kiss the Sky and My Silver Lining are my 2nd and 3rd favorites. I'm planning on putting quotes from each of these songs up in my room.
Three. I literally joined the fandom the day Catch a Ride came out, without realizing it.
1. What was your first Borderlands Game: Tales From the Borderlands
2. Favorite Episode: Episode 5: The Vault of the Traveler
3. Favourite Playable Character: Fiona
4. Favourite Episode Intro: Episode 4: Escape Plan Bravo
5. Favourite Character (Main Cast): Sasha
6. Favourite Character (Supporting): Athena
7. Rhys Shipping (sorry I had to): Sashaaa!![:D :D](
8. Favourite Episode 1 Choice: Felix - Live/Die
9. Favourite Episode 2 Choice: Trusting Jack or Fiona
10. Favourite Episode 3 Choice: Sasha/Rhys Flower
11. Favourite Episode 4 Choice: Knocking out Yvette
12. Favourite Episode 5 Choice: Destroying/Keeping AI Jack
13. Favourite Vault Team Member: Athena!
14. Best Sacrifice: Loader Bot in Episode 5, since Scooter is the obvious answer
15. Did You Trust Jack or Fiona? Episode 2: Fiona
16. Favourite Borderlands Cameo: Mordecai
17. Favourite YouTuber Playthrough: Cryaotic
18. Favourite Song: Jungle - "Busy Earnin'"
19. When you started playing what episode where they up too?: Escape Plan Bravo! (Episode 4 already!)
20. So, you want to hear another story eh? (season 2): Ehhhhh
)))). I'd rather have a Borderlands 3 first! (Which is on it's way!
What was your first Borderlands Game
Favourite Episode
Episode 5: The Vault of the Traveler
Favourite Playable Character
Favourite Episode Intro
Episode 3: Catch a Ride
Favourite Character (Main Cast)
Favourite Character (Supporting)
Rhys Shipping (sorry I had to)
Favourite Episode 1 Choice
Loader Bot - Escape/Destroy
Favourite Episode 2 Choice
Favourite Episode 3 Choice
Sasha/Rhys flower
Favourite Episode 4 Choice
Honoring Scooter
Favourite Episode 5 Choice
Confessing Sasha crush
Favourite Vault Team Member
Best Sacrifice
Scooter - Episode 4
Did You Trust Jack or Fiona? Episode 2
Favourite Borderlands Cameo
Favourite YouTuber Playthrough
Haven't watched any
Favourite SongJ
ames Blake - Retrograde (5)
When you started playing what episode where they up too?
Complete series
So, you want to hear another story eh? (season 2)
1. What was your first Borderlands game? Tales From the Borderlands.
2. Favourite episode? Vault of the Traveler.
3. Favourite playable character? Rhys.
4. Favourite episode intro? Episode 4's intro.
5. Favourite character (Main cast)? Loader Bot.
6. Favourite character (Supporting)? Athena.
7. Rhys shipping (Sorry, I had to)? Sasha and Fiona. But not a threesome, though. Ew.
8. Favourite episode 1 choice? Loader Bot - Escape/Destroy.
9. Favourite episode 2 choice? Trusting Jack or Fiona.
10. Favourite episode 3 choice? Trusting Jack or not.
11. Favourite episode 4 choice? Ruling or refusing to rule Hyperion.
12. Favourite episode 5 choice? Destroying or keeping AI Jack.
13. Favourite vault team member? Cassius.
14. Best sacrifice? Scooter... #NeverForget </3
15. Did you trust Jack or Fiona (Episode 2)? Fiona.
16. Favourite Borderlands cameo? Zer0.
17. Favourite YouTuber playthrough? Either Jacksepticeye's playthrough or YOGSCAST Hannah's.![:D :D](
18. Favourite song? First Aid Kit - My Silver Lining.
19. When you started playing what episode where they up too? Eh, from the beginning, I suppose. :P
20. So, you want to hear another story, eh (Season 2)? HELL-FUCKING-YES!
About question 7.... I know you want that threesome to happen.
Um, no. I don't. >.>
Eh, yes you do.
No, I don't. >:(
Bitch please
Stop being r00d. >_>
No, pussy.
1) What was your first Borderlands game?
Tales from the Borderlands, actually. I got into the series pretty late and the main reason I played it was because I already loved TWAU and TWDG so I usually buy Telltale's stuff even if I'm not familiar with the series. I got into Borderlands through that. :')
2) Favourite episode?
Episode four, probably? I really loved the Rule Hyperion ending - I loved the whole dramatic public reveal of Jack's return and his and Rhys' 'alliance' if you hadn't previously told anyone about him, that kinda stuff is usually a good way to get me to pick something. I loved Episode 2, as well, though.
3) Favourite playable character?
Rhys. I love Fiona and her whole con-artist thing but Rhys is exactly the kind of character I love playing as. Even though I'm a wimp and I can't pick any of the mean options so I always end up with nice!Rhys, I love how he was introduced with his whole "a few stabs in select backs", "I'm one of the bad guys in this story", "Handsome Jack was the baddest guy of 'em all and I wanted to be just like him" - I really wish we'd seen a little more of that manipulative, morally grey side of him and more consequences if you consistently played him that way rather than him being friends with Fiona and Sasha by the end no matter how you acted.
4) Favourite episode intro?
They were all pretty badass but my favourite is probably Episode 4's. I loved the song.
5) Favourite character (main cast)?
6) Favourite character (supporting)?
It's a pretty even tie between August, Scooter and Janey.
7) Rhys shipping?
Vaughn, probably. I'm not super into the Rhys/Sasha romance because I felt like Telltale was pushing you to pick those options as there were so many scenes (e.g. Rhys' comment about Sasha in the Episode 2 ending, all of the staring and comments in Episodes 3 and 4 - especially the Ep 4 intro and the scene with the flower where your only options were to flirt with her or be an asshole, basically) and it seemed pretty forced, and I just can't really see Rhys and Fiona as anything other than bros. I totally get why other people do, though, I'm not against the ships or anything. I wish there'd been an option to show interest in Vaughn as Borderlands is obviously really well-known for its representation and I was pretty disappointed at the total lack of any new LGBT characters in TFTBL in comparison. Plus the fact that "a variety of romance options" was advertised but ended up just being one of the main female characters and an implication about the other one. I lovelovelove Rhys and Jack's whole dynamic too (well, up until Episode 5) but I just see them as a very odd brotp. I really don't think that would work out too well romantically. :')
8) Favourite Episode 1 choice?
Trusting Sasha with the stun baton. That was great. "Aw, look at us, we're like best friends now!"
9) Favourite Episode 2 choice?
Trusting Jack vs. trusting Fiona, for sure. That was really interesting and challenging if you love Jack's character but know how he is.
10) Favourite Episode 3 choice?
Trusting Jack vs. rejecting him. Again, I love playing a good!Rhys but one who also wants to trust Jack due to his admiration for him so in my playthroughs I'm usually on his good side. I love the high-five scene.
11) Favourite Episode 4 choice?
Rule Hyperion vs. Reject Hyperion. I think you can sense a pattern in my answers here. I always found the Jack-related choices a lot more interesting because I think he's hilarious and genuinely love his character but he's also a terrible person so I was constantly conflicted between going with one of my personal favourites or, you know, being sensible.
12) Favourite Episode 5 choice?
Keeping the eye vs. crushing the eye. I'm... not even going to elaborate on this one. I think we all know why by now.
13) Favourite Vault Team member?
My Vault Team is pretty much always August, Janey and Zer0. I took Cassius once, he was pretty cool too.
14) Best sacrifice?
Scooter. That was depressing as all hell.
15) Did you trust Jack or Fiona?
I'm gonna give you one guess.
16) Favourite Borderlands cameo?
Scooter. Moxxi was great, too.
17. Favourite YouTuber playthrough?
I haven't actually watched any TFTBL playthroughs. I generally really like Cryaotic's videos so I'd probably prefer his.
18. Favourite song?
To the Top from the Episode 4 intro. I have it on my phone and everything.
19. When you started playing what episode where they up to?
I genuinely can't remember if I was playing from the start or if Episode 2 or 3 was already out by then. I was playing from fairly early on, I think?
20) So, you want to hear another story, eh (Season 2)?
That cliffhanger was too big to leave unanswered for this long.
Absolutely, I would buy the sequel in a heartbeat. Give me the TWAU sequel first, though.
1. Borderlands
2. Atlas Mugged
3. Fiona (but by a hair)
4. Escape Plan Bravo (by far)
5. Loaderbutt
6. Athena
8. Grease face
9. Trusting Fiona
10. Stopping Athena
12. The fate of AI Jack (best part of Rhys' arc imo)
13. Sorry, kind of an Athena fangirl here
15. FIONA.
16. Athena (LOOK I'M SORRY)
17. N/A, haven't watched
18. Busy Earnin'
19. Played the 1st as it came out, then stopped until episode 3 was out, then picked it up again when it was finished
20. Yes! MORE
Episode 5: The Vault of the Traveler
Episode 5: The Vault of the Traveler
Loader Bot
Rhys Shipping (sorry I had to)
Like both Fiona & Sasha**
Favourite Episode 1 Choice
Addressing Grease Face
Trusting Jack or Fiona
Sasha/Rhys flower
Honoring Scooter
Destroying/Keeping AI Jack
Loader Bot - Episode 5
First Aid Kit - My Silver Lining (credits)
From Start
Favourite Youtuber playthrough was hard. I had to choose between Bahroo and GoldGlove.
1. What was your first Borderlands Game Tales from the Borderlands
2. Favourite Episode Episode 5: Vault of The Traveler
3. Favourite Playable Character Obviously both. Too hard to choose!
4. Favourite Episode Intro Episode 3: Catch a Ride
5. Favourite Character (Main Cast) Jack
6. Favourite Character (Supporting) Athena
7. Rhys Shipping (sorry I had to) Fiona
8. Favourite Episode 1 Choice Trusting Sasha
9. Favourite Episode 2 Choice BRO FIST
10. Favourite Episode 3 Choice Stopping Athena from attacking Cassius
11. Favourite Episode 4 Choice Accepting/Refusing Hyperion
12. Favourite Episode 5 Choice Confessing crush for another (rhyona ftw)
13. Favourite Vault Team Member Zer0
14. Best Sacrifice Loader Bot - Episode 5
15. Did You Trust Jack or Fiona? Episode 2 Fiona
16. Favourite Borderlands Cameo Scooter
17. Favourite YouTuber Playthrough None
18. Favourite Song James Blake - Retrograde (5)
19. When you started playing what episode where they up too? Complete series
20. So, you want to hear another story eh? (season 2) YES!!
1. What was your first Borderlands Game
Tales from the Borderlands was my first game. I don't think I'm going to play the other ones, however.
2. Favourite Episode
Episode 5: The Vault of the Traveler. 4th was in a close second due to the hand-gun fight, but the intro to E5 was too good.
3. Favourite Playable Character
Rhys. I never really liked Fiona as much as I probably should've. Rhys is basically me in every way so that probably has something to do with it.
4. Favourite Episode Intro
Episode 5: The Vault of the Traveler. I re-watched the intro so many times. I don't even know why, it was just too awesome.
5. Favourite Character (Main Cast)
Gortys. Her scene with dead Vasquez was too priceless. And basically everything she said was fantastic.
6. Favourite Character (Supporting)
Scooter. Catch a riiiiiiideee
7. Rhys Shipping (sorry I had to)
Sasha. Yeah, basic ship, I get it.
8. Favourite Episode 1 Choice
Felix - Live/Die. I never liked Felix anyway, so I'm glad I got to end his life.
9. Favourite Episode 2 Choice
BRO FIST. "Bro bro? Bro bro bro bro"
Brofists and thumbs up will never mean the same to me again.
10. Favourite Episode 3 Choice
Refusing/Trusting Jack. I always have and always will hate the shit out of Jack.
11. Favourite Episode 4 Choice
Honoring Scooter. "Catch a riiiiiiiiiiiiiddddddeeee"
12. Favourite Episode 5 Choice
Destroying/Keeping AI Jack. Still hate the shit outta Jack.
13. Favourite Vault Team Member
Zer0. Way too badass not to win.
14. Best Sacrifice
Scooter - Episode 4. Once again: "Catch a riiiidddeee"
15. Did You Trust Jack or Fiona? Episode 2
Fiona. I don't really like her, but she's not shit to me like Jack is.
16. Favourite Borderlands Cameo
Haven't played the other Borderlands...
17. Favourite YouTuber Playthrough
I watched the first episode by Admiral Bahroo but I couldn't find his 2nd episode playthrough so moved on to Jacksepticeye. He didn't want Sasha x Rhys so Episode 3 I switched toGoldGloveTV until the end of the series.
18. Favourite Song
James Blake - Retrograde (5). This was a hard one... But I love E5 intro too much to not pick this one.
19. When you started playing what episode where they up too?
Complete series. Just started (and finished) this weekend. (Yeah, I know, I have no life)
20. So, you want to hear another story eh? (season 2)
1. What was your first Borderlands Game
Tales from the Borderlands
2. Favorite Episode
Episode 4: Escape Plan Bravo
3. Favorite Playable Character
4. Favorite Episode Intro
Episode 2: Atlas Mugged
5. Favorite Character (Main Cast)
Loader Bot
6. Favorite Character (Supporting)
7. Rhys Shipping
8. Favorite Episode 1 Choice
Felix - Live/Die
9. Favorite Episode 2 Choice
Selling out - CATCH A RIDE
10. Favorite Episode 3 Choice
Refusing/Trusting Jack
11. Favorite Episode 4 Choice
Accepting/Refusing Hyperion
12. Favorite Episode 5 Choice
Destroying/Keeping AI Jack
13. Favourite Vault Team Member
14. Best Sacrifice
Scooter - Episode 4
15. Did You Trust Jack or Fiona? Episode 2
16. Favorite Borderlands Cameo
17. Favorite YouTuber Playthrough
MetallicaRules (I have no idea who this is but I love their name)
18. Favorite Song
Shawn Lee's - Kiss the Sky (2)
19. When you started playing what episode where they up too?
Complete series
20. So, you want to hear another story eh? (season 2)
I'm hoping they call it More Tales from the Borderlands.