Well, I didn't find many people that think Fallout 3 is better than NV but there are surely many but many people that think that Fallout 3 is better than Fallout 4. And I'm one of those few people that think Fallout 4 is better than 3.
Dead Rising series (Capcom gives a middle finger to the Playstation players for not letting them play the first and the third game on Playstation 3/4)
Microsoft likely paid Capcom for 3 to be a console exclusive, much like Sony paid them to make SF5 a console exclusive. For 1, on the other hand, the PS3 wasn't out at the time of release and early on it was pretty hard to program for, which is why a lot of early PS3 ports are shit compared to their 360 counterparts.
Halo series (Is that the game which makes players buy Xbox? I heard that it's just shooting guns like COD)
Doesn't sound like you've played the games. At least the Halo games developed by Bungie were pretty solid and well made FPS games, with 2 helping to make Xbox Live a big success. The Halo series also has great lore for an fps series.
I know I posted here once, but I'm adding again and more:
* Skyrim
* InFamous Second Son (The story of Cole Macgrath was much more int… moreeresting than Delsin Rowe's)
* Beyond Two Souls (Choices don't matter at all until you choose how you want to end the game)
* Life is Strange (Same reasoning for Beyond Two Souls)
* Unravel
* Super Mario Maker
* Five Nights at Freddy's games
* Metal Gear Solid series (Boring story, long cutscenes, amazing gameplay)
* Call of Duty (Boring stories, shooting guns being the only objective of this game)
* Dead Rising series (Capcom gives a middle finger to the Playstation players for not letting them play the first and the third game on Playstation 3/4)
* Agar.io
* Counter Strike: Global Offensive (What's so interesting about this game? You just play a deathmatch which is boring as hell)
* Halo series (Is that the game which makes players buy Xbox? I heard that it's just shooting guns like COD)
* T… [view original content]
Borderlands series - i just never saw what the big deal of the series was, which is why I was surprised about actually really liking TFTB. Not excited at all for Battleborn, which just looks like Borderlands but with shittier art direction
Little Big Planet series - there are things that I like about this series, but I just never really liked the actual platforming. I dunno, the physics just felt off to me. Overall, Rayman Origins/Legends and the 2D Mario platformers are just far more fun to play.
The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time - I still like the game, but it's certainly not the best game in the series, considering the ones that came after it improved upon it in pretty much every way.
Off the top of my head, those are the games that I've played (don't want to mention games I've never played) that I would call overrated. If I can think of others, I'll add them.
Basically what I gather is that you're supposed to call something "overrated" when a lot of people play something but you don't like it even after playing it a bit, thus making it "overrated" among those who agree with you.
Essentially it's fancy way to say that you don't get it.
I totally agree with you on this. I have played cod and damn they are missing so many things. The only one that seemed close to a good campaign was Black Ops 2 (some of it's writing was bad though). Ghosts was the worst. Kids will keep defending this ongoing franchise.
They just Are Pretty boring. You Go through levels And shoot some guys without any relateable reasons. And CoD is absolutley Bad at giving the player some sort of Context on why we Do, what we Do.
The term is so diluted.
Basically what I gather is that you're supposed to call something "overrated" when a lot of people play something… more but you don't like it even after playing it a bit, thus making it "overrated" among those who agree with you.
Essentially it's fancy way to say that you don't get it.
Well, in terms of people role-playing their characters, dialogue choices, and quest outcomes, its' not really all that surprising that many people find Fallout 3 better than Fallout 4. As much as I love Fallout 4, I can't for the life of me wonder what Bethesda was thinking when they decided to do a poor man's version of a dialogue wheel where most are your options are extremely vague, especially when a lot of times it'a just four options of one word like "Violent," "Sarcastic," or "Institute?" (and I'm aware there's a PC mod that fixes that, but that's besides the point). And that was the least of the problems I had with the game.
Well, I didn't find many people that think Fallout 3 is better than NV but there are surely many but many people that think that Fallout 3 is better than Fallout 4. And I'm one of those few people that think Fallout 4 is better than 3.
Her Story - The only reason it was acclaimed was because of how you figure out the story. Nothing really about it was compelling yet it won a shit ton of awards.
Heavy Rain - Replaying it made me realize how mediocre this game truly was. Maybe its because I've played way better games since it.
Undertale - A great game that is people ruin and over hype.
Rise of The Tomb Raider - The story was the biggest disappointment.
Tales From The Borderlands - Often called the best game TTG has come out with. Putting it ahead of TWD when really for me it was just a funny game. Nothing really compelling about it
Somebody understands! I do feel bad for Toby Fox, making a great story with funny and memorable characters, only for its image to be ruined by bad fans and people who like to hate it to feel superior.
The term is so diluted.
Basically what I gather is that you're supposed to call something "overrated" when a lot of people play something… more but you don't like it even after playing it a bit, thus making it "overrated" among those who agree with you.
Essentially it's fancy way to say that you don't get it.
Life is Strange , and The Last of Us. Life is strange overall seemed really bland to me - Max wasn't particularly interesting , Chloe had way too much attitude , the voice acting for a lot of the chracters wasn't very good (Max and Allysa especially) , and the story had a lot of dead ends and plot holes.
Now , The Last of Us on the other hand was a very pretty game with nice voice acting. A lot of survival sequences worked pretty well. But i feel like the game could have been so much more if a choice making mechanic had been added , especially considering the ending. Ugh , that ending.
I think of it as say COD or BF series. Huge top selling franchises that are actually selling more because of their name anymore than that they're good games. Mean while there are scores of better games out there. Heck a lot of free games better. lol
Life is Strange , and The Last of Us. Life is strange overall seemed really bland to me - Max wasn't particularly interesting , Chloe had wa… morey too much attitude , the voice acting for a lot of the chracters wasn't very good (Max and Allysa especially) , and the story had a lot of dead ends and plot holes.
Now , The Last of Us on the other hand was a very pretty game with nice voice acting. A lot of survival sequences worked pretty well. But i feel like the game could have been so much more if a choice making mechanic had been added , especially considering the ending. Ugh , that ending.
Bioshock Infinite - It was such a disappointing gane, for me. Itwas another case where early on, the devs shows off these amazing scripted demos while claiming none of it was scripted, and then you play the game and it's barely anything like those demos. I will say that it at least had great art direction and voice acting, but that's about it. I found the gunplay to be mediocre, the enemies were just bullet sponges, the boys of silence were underused and didn't make much sense (shouldn't they detect you by sound, not through vision?), the repeated boss battle against the siren, the sky rails were watered down from the demos, Columbia doesn't feel all that alive, considering as soon as combat starts, citizens poof out of existence, there's technically a time paradox at the end, which the writers ignore, I found Booker to be an nunlikeable character, Comstock would've been a pretty underwhelming antagonist, if not for the twist at the end, Songbird was hyped up as this constant threat that you would either have to fight or run from, and he only shows up in about 3 or 4 scripted scenes and you never fight.
Life is Strange , and The Last of Us. Life is strange overall seemed really bland to me - Max wasn't particularly interesting , Chloe had wa… morey too much attitude , the voice acting for a lot of the chracters wasn't very good (Max and Allysa especially) , and the story had a lot of dead ends and plot holes.
Now , The Last of Us on the other hand was a very pretty game with nice voice acting. A lot of survival sequences worked pretty well. But i feel like the game could have been so much more if a choice making mechanic had been added , especially considering the ending. Ugh , that ending.
Life is Strange , and The Last of Us. Life is strange overall seemed really bland to me - Max wasn't particularly interesting , Chloe had wa… morey too much attitude , the voice acting for a lot of the chracters wasn't very good (Max and Allysa especially) , and the story had a lot of dead ends and plot holes.
Now , The Last of Us on the other hand was a very pretty game with nice voice acting. A lot of survival sequences worked pretty well. But i feel like the game could have been so much more if a choice making mechanic had been added , especially considering the ending. Ugh , that ending.
Tomb Raider (2013). That game is such an Uncharted Drake's Fortune spin-off. Lara Croft was so uninteresting, she had one of the biggest plot armors in gaming history, she has been through a lot of situations where she should have died for real. She was annoying me for using bows and arrows during cutscenes, I mean, she USED them around a big number of enemies when she did have better weapons like pistol, assault rifle, shotgun etc. Bows and arrows don't kill 2 or more people at the same time unless it's combined with explosives. Also, unlike the movies (I only watched one), Lara never used two pistols until the last chapter of the game.
Life is Strange , and The Last of Us. Life is strange overall seemed really bland to me - Max wasn't particularly interesting , Chloe had wa… morey too much attitude , the voice acting for a lot of the chracters wasn't very good (Max and Allysa especially) , and the story had a lot of dead ends and plot holes.
Now , The Last of Us on the other hand was a very pretty game with nice voice acting. A lot of survival sequences worked pretty well. But i feel like the game could have been so much more if a choice making mechanic had been added , especially considering the ending. Ugh , that ending.
Overwatch people were praising ot to high heaven even though it hasnt come out yet. I've played it its boring, the characters are cool but theres no story it isnt a real AAA title to me. it feels like a pretty indie game, one you might even get free with online membership.(gold/+)
Life is Strange , and The Last of Us. Life is strange overall seemed really bland to me - Max wasn't particularly interesting , Chloe had wa… morey too much attitude , the voice acting for a lot of the chracters wasn't very good (Max and Allysa especially) , and the story had a lot of dead ends and plot holes.
Now , The Last of Us on the other hand was a very pretty game with nice voice acting. A lot of survival sequences worked pretty well. But i feel like the game could have been so much more if a choice making mechanic had been added , especially considering the ending. Ugh , that ending.
Tomb Raider (2013). That game is such an Uncharted Drake's Fortune spin-off. Lara Croft was so uninteresting, she had one of the biggest plo… moret armors in gaming history, she has been through a lot of situations where she should have died for real. She was annoying me for using bows and arrows during cutscenes, I mean, she USED them around a big number of enemies when she did have better weapons like pistol, assault rifle, shotgun etc. Bows and arrows don't kill 2 or more people at the same time unless it's combined with explosives. Also, unlike the movies (I only watched one), Lara never used two pistols until the last chapter of the game.
Well not anymore. A friend of mine used to play it and he said that they've lost over 80% of online players after a recent update. I don't really have specifics because... well... I didn't really care.
Tomb Raider (2013). That game is such an Uncharted Drake's Fortune spin-off. Lara Croft was so uninteresting, she had one of the biggest plo… moret armors in gaming history, she has been through a lot of situations where she should have died for real. She was annoying me for using bows and arrows during cutscenes, I mean, she USED them around a big number of enemies when she did have better weapons like pistol, assault rifle, shotgun etc. Bows and arrows don't kill 2 or more people at the same time unless it's combined with explosives. Also, unlike the movies (I only watched one), Lara never used two pistols until the last chapter of the game.
Until Dawn - Good game, but people praise it because their choices matter...and those same people shit on Telltale because choices don't matter. Until Dawn had one ending with several different outcomes. So did Game of Thrones and Tales from the Borderlands. I don't see the logic.
The Walking Dead: Season 1 - This game redefined interactive storytelling, but in my honest opinion, it doesn't hold up well. The ending was emotional the first time, but I never even came close to crying, and I think people are just spamming that for no reason. Yes, the ending was sad. No, it is not the saddest thing in existence, not even the saddest game. My problem with this game is that, while it without a doubt revolutionized gaming, there have been better games using the same story format since. Even better Telltale games. But fans are just so dead set on this game...I think it's very overrated.
Every MMORPG ever - I hate these kind of games, they're boring as hell. Basically, to me they are the PC/console equivalent of bad mobile games, however people love them for some reason.
Uncharted series and The Last of Us - I love them both, but Uncharted in especial is insanely overrated. I replayed the last chapters of UC3 today, and I became bored halfway through. It just made me realize that Uncharted has always been a generic shooter, however with very memorable and loveable characters. The Last of Us is similar, but I think it actually earned a lot of the praise. It isn't perfect, but for me, it is one of the best games there is.
Mass Effect 1: Ok, I'm going to be brutally bland here: people only like or pretend to like it so much because it's the first one, which sadly seems to have become a trend nowadays. It's very ugly, even for a 2007 game. The dialogue system was fresh, but not fleshed out properly. The story was mediocre at best. The loading times were extreme. The RPG element was just annoying, you ended up with one billion armors, weapons etc. The combat system was interesting at first, then it just became frustrating. All in all, by far the weakest Mass Effect game in (imo) every aspect. On a related note: Mass Effect 3 is definitley the most underrated ME game, and one of the most underrated games in general. It had its fair share of problems, but made up for it with beautiful graphics and set pieces. People hate on EA a lot, but they saved the Mass Effect franchise for me.
Well, I didn't find many people that think Fallout 3 is better than NV but there are surely many but many people that think that Fallout 3 is better than Fallout 4. And I'm one of those few people that think Fallout 4 is better than 3.
This fucking game
I am so tired of this game being mentioned everywhere.
My father is telling me about it
My Mom is telling me about it.
Hell, even my fucking pet is telling me about it.
Someone please end my misery.
I never said it was garbage, I just think the fandom blew it insanely out of proportion.
Life is Strange, Until Dawn and The Wolf Among us.
Shitstorm in 3... 2... 1...
No, I'm not starting nothing. You lose.....
Microsoft likely paid Capcom for 3 to be a console exclusive, much like Sony paid them to make SF5 a console exclusive. For 1, on the other hand, the PS3 wasn't out at the time of release and early on it was pretty hard to program for, which is why a lot of early PS3 ports are shit compared to their 360 counterparts.
Doesn't sound like you've played the games. At least the Halo games developed by Bungie were pretty solid and well made FPS games, with 2 helping to make Xbox Live a big success. The Halo series also has great lore for an fps series.
Off the top of my head, those are the games that I've played (don't want to mention games I've never played) that I would call overrated. If I can think of others, I'll add them.
Let's face it guys, almost every game is overrated in at least some way.
The term is so diluted.
Basically what I gather is that you're supposed to call something "overrated" when a lot of people play something but you don't like it even after playing it a bit, thus making it "overrated" among those who agree with you.
Essentially it's fancy way to say that you don't get it.
I do, although I think both are great I've spent more time playing Fallout 3
I totally agree with you on this. I have played cod and damn they are missing so many things. The only one that seemed close to a good campaign was Black Ops 2 (some of it's writing was bad though). Ghosts was the worst. Kids will keep defending this ongoing franchise.
He got it right.
Well, in terms of people role-playing their characters, dialogue choices, and quest outcomes, its' not really all that surprising that many people find Fallout 3 better than Fallout 4. As much as I love Fallout 4, I can't for the life of me wonder what Bethesda was thinking when they decided to do a poor man's version of a dialogue wheel where most are your options are extremely vague, especially when a lot of times it'a just four options of one word like "Violent," "Sarcastic," or "Institute?" (and I'm aware there's a PC mod that fixes that, but that's besides the point). And that was the least of the problems I had with the game.
basically good games...
Somebody understands! I do feel bad for Toby Fox, making a great story with funny and memorable characters, only for its image to be ruined by bad fans and people who like to hate it to feel superior.
It's Popular, I don't like it, must be over rated. Or is it me?
Life is Strange , and The Last of Us. Life is strange overall seemed really bland to me - Max wasn't particularly interesting , Chloe had way too much attitude , the voice acting for a lot of the chracters wasn't very good (Max and Allysa especially) , and the story had a lot of dead ends and plot holes.
Now , The Last of Us on the other hand was a very pretty game with nice voice acting. A lot of survival sequences worked pretty well. But i feel like the game could have been so much more if a choice making mechanic had been added , especially considering the ending. Ugh , that ending.
I've always seen the use of "overrated" more as: How can I stand out and be unique? Hmm, oh!
I think of it as say COD or BF series. Huge top selling franchises that are actually selling more because of their name anymore than that they're good games. Mean while there are scores of better games out there. Heck a lot of free games better. lol
Same here man. Thank god the multiplayer is dope though.
Bioshock Infinite - It was such a disappointing gane, for me. Itwas another case where early on, the devs shows off these amazing scripted demos while claiming none of it was scripted, and then you play the game and it's barely anything like those demos. I will say that it at least had great art direction and voice acting, but that's about it. I found the gunplay to be mediocre, the enemies were just bullet sponges, the boys of silence were underused and didn't make much sense (shouldn't they detect you by sound, not through vision?), the repeated boss battle against the siren, the sky rails were watered down from the demos, Columbia doesn't feel all that alive, considering as soon as combat starts, citizens poof out of existence, there's technically a time paradox at the end, which the writers ignore, I found Booker to be an nunlikeable character, Comstock would've been a pretty underwhelming antagonist, if not for the twist at the end, Songbird was hyped up as this constant threat that you would either have to fight or run from, and he only shows up in about 3 or 4 scripted scenes and you never fight.
Well, Naughty Dog added choice-dialogue mechanics in The Last of Us Left Behind and Uncharted 4.
why add a choice mechanic? not every game needs that.
like the creators said, it was THEIR story they wanted to tell and thats is how it went.
Tomb Raider (2013). That game is such an Uncharted Drake's Fortune spin-off. Lara Croft was so uninteresting, she had one of the biggest plot armors in gaming history, she has been through a lot of situations where she should have died for real. She was annoying me for using bows and arrows during cutscenes, I mean, she USED them around a big number of enemies when she did have better weapons like pistol, assault rifle, shotgun etc. Bows and arrows don't kill 2 or more people at the same time unless it's combined with explosives. Also, unlike the movies (I only watched one), Lara never used two pistols until the last chapter of the game.
It's just how I feel about it.
It was harbage in my opinion.
I thought it was harbage, too.
Each to their own. I've actually never played it, hence why I'm not calling it garbage. I'm not calling it good for the same reason.
I just remembered two games that were praised by a lot of critics but were kinda meh to me.
Firewatch - Doesn't work twice kid
Oxenfree - Plz Chuck
Ending was the highlight imo. Tied it up really nicely while leaving it open for interpretation...or a sequel.
cough Uncharted series cough
Overwatch people were praising ot to high heaven even though it hasnt come out yet. I've played it its boring, the characters are cool but theres no story it isnt a real AAA title to me. it feels like a pretty indie game, one you might even get free with online membership.(gold/+)
Hmm... Overrated games, im not gonna name any names because thats rude but um cough Destiny cough cough
I have somthing to add, the rewind/ time travel mechanic felt like a cheap way to get out of a bad choice
Nathan drake is actually a rippoff of lara croft, seriously young uns today.
Well not anymore. A friend of mine used to play it and he said that they've lost over 80% of online players after a recent update. I don't really have specifics because... well... I didn't really care.
Tomb Raider is possibly the most disappointing game I've ever played.
And Tomb Raider is Indiana Jones with boobs.
Until Dawn - Good game, but people praise it because their choices matter...and those same people shit on Telltale because choices don't matter. Until Dawn had one ending with several different outcomes. So did Game of Thrones and Tales from the Borderlands. I don't see the logic.
The Walking Dead: Season 1 - This game redefined interactive storytelling, but in my honest opinion, it doesn't hold up well. The ending was emotional the first time, but I never even came close to crying, and I think people are just spamming that for no reason. Yes, the ending was sad. No, it is not the saddest thing in existence, not even the saddest game. My problem with this game is that, while it without a doubt revolutionized gaming, there have been better games using the same story format since. Even better Telltale games. But fans are just so dead set on this game...I think it's very overrated.
Every MMORPG ever - I hate these kind of games, they're boring as hell. Basically, to me they are the PC/console equivalent of bad mobile games, however people love them for some reason.
Uncharted series and The Last of Us - I love them both, but Uncharted in especial is insanely overrated. I replayed the last chapters of UC3 today, and I became bored halfway through. It just made me realize that Uncharted has always been a generic shooter, however with very memorable and loveable characters. The Last of Us is similar, but I think it actually earned a lot of the praise. It isn't perfect, but for me, it is one of the best games there is.
Mass Effect 1: Ok, I'm going to be brutally bland here: people only like or pretend to like it so much because it's the first one, which sadly seems to have become a trend nowadays. It's very ugly, even for a 2007 game. The dialogue system was fresh, but not fleshed out properly. The story was mediocre at best. The loading times were extreme. The RPG element was just annoying, you ended up with one billion armors, weapons etc. The combat system was interesting at first, then it just became frustrating. All in all, by far the weakest Mass Effect game in (imo) every aspect. On a related note: Mass Effect 3 is definitley the most underrated ME game, and one of the most underrated games in general. It had its fair share of problems, but made up for it with beautiful graphics and set pieces. People hate on EA a lot, but they saved the Mass Effect franchise for me.