Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    This would actually be an art thing, not a design thing.

    Oh, well then I apologize for apologizing to the wrong guy

    This would actually be an art thing, not a design thing. This game takes place ~2005. Sam isn't 10 years old, she's 22. It should say 1983.

  • In files based on the unused locations, (I think) that they were friends with Sam and Greg, and they left because of Randall. Dunno, just saying. But this is weird, in the files of locations says the whole house is of John and Vanessa, idk what that could mean.

    So his model does exist? Interesting. Too bad the whole mystery of their disappearance will likely never be explained.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    So I'm guessing the whole Rashid/Vanessa plotline was one of those things that got scrapped/changed sometime during production. I guess they just kept some of the lines about them in the episode to provide extra incentive for Pete and Michonne to investigate the ferry?

    In files based on the unused locations, (I think) that they were friends with Sam and Greg, and they left because of Randall. Dunno, just sa

  • That also explains why Dominic's neighbor with the baby was called Vanessa. The Vanessa that Pete knew was supposed to appear, same as Rashid. Then they decided to use her model so that it didn't go to waste. Both of the models are very detailed.

    Deltino posted: »

    So I'm guessing the whole Rashid/Vanessa plotline was one of those things that got scrapped/changed sometime during production. I guess they

  • The scar on lee's face looks similar to the scar which harry potter had
    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • edited April 2016

    Maybe there will be a small DLC episode that centers around Rashid? One can hope, I suppose...

    Deltino posted: »

    So I'm guessing the whole Rashid/Vanessa plotline was one of those things that got scrapped/changed sometime during production. I guess they

  • edited April 2016

    When it comes to seemingly dumb decision that characters make, it helps me to think of it like "well, everyone makes dumb choices now and then" - particularly when you don't have time to go over every inch of a plan with a fine-tooth comb. It sort of humanizes them a bit more too, to think that they aren't perfect, always clear-headed thinkers much like ourselves. Anyways, that's my little shit-dribble on the matter :)

    DoubleJump posted: »

    I figured that would be the case, but part of me was hoping for something else or something I missed. Also thank goodness I don't have to write essays anymore.

  • Nicole_MNicole_M Former Telltale Staff

    And now I finally have time to read this thread! :D

    I love seeing you guys find all the little details we put in. I'll also add that John Bernhelm and Zack Keller did a lot of work on that freewalk too. That scene was a huge team effort, so I'm glad you enjoyed it @BetterToSleep

    There were a number of writers on episode 3, but predominantly Nicole Martinez, Erica Harrell, Desiree Proctor, and Andrew Hanson. They dese

  • emilybuckshotemilybuckshot Former Telltale Staff

    No apologies needed!

    Just trying to spread the knowledge about who does what. :D

    Deltino posted: »

    This would actually be an art thing, not a design thing. Oh, well then I apologize for apologizing to the wrong guy

  • So he always was gonna die then... Ah shit

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    It's the universe's way of punishing him for that fucking pun

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    So he always was gonna die then... Ah shit

  • emilybuckshotemilybuckshot Former Telltale Staff

    Exactly what Deltino said.

    I spent some long, weird days reading through boats on books to come up with how that could work, and I cannot even begin to tell you how awesome it is to see that some people understood what on earth was happening there. Thank you. All my hard work feels really worth it right now.

    Deltino posted: »

    For how they got the boat to shore, Pete tells them to kedge the boat and lay anchor near the shoreline. Kedging is bascially throwing an an

  • Oh, alright. I probably should've done some research on the subject, then. My apologies!

    I spent some long, weird days reading through boats on books to come up with how that could work,

    Ah, gotta love researching especially for creative work like this

    Exactly what Deltino said. I spent some long, weird days reading through boats on books to come up with how that could work, and I cannot

  • edited April 2016

    Take Janey and her crew down to the Mobjack. See if anyone else picked up on this "signal."

    —Norma to Zachary, in 'In Too Deep.'

    That quote provides us with the information that there is a relatively relevant character at Monroe called Janey. I believe I already know who it is. It might seem like I'm making the connections out of nowhere, but bear with me, and I promise it'll seem otherwise. I'll appreciate all of your feedback either way, so feel free to tell me what you think about this.

    Janey on the boat.

    Everyone, listen up! Prisoners have escaped and they are armed and dangerous! Stay out of sight. We'll find them soon. We need to spread out.

    —Blonde woman, warning the colony of Monroe.

    Okay, this blond girl here was first encountered in 'Give No Shelter,' before Michonne determinantly blows up a sailing boat with fuel barrels at the colony of Monroe. You might've missed that she ducks into the water in time, saving her own life.

    Janey jumping for her life.

    You might remember hearing a male guard through Randall's walkie-talkie, asking about Janey and Rich's whereabouts. Another male voice, presumably Rich, informs that the prisoners aren't cooperating. The conversation will then end.

    Surprise! The blond girl is back some minutes later, with a reduced number of Monrovians and the prisoners aforementioned. She is seen carrying a rifle.

    Janey is back!

    If Michonne threatens to harm Randall, or the negotiation turns into an argument, she will be seen panicking in the background, behind Norma.

    Janey can be anxious, too.

    After one of her fellow community acquaintances is shot by Pete, she won't hesitate to aim her rifle at the Fairbanks' residence, along with Gabby or Zachary and Jonas, and the fair-haired, bearded man.

    Janey, mad after witnessing a fellow Monrovian's death.

    This woman will make a break for the gate with the bearded man.

    Janey attempts to save the day.

    She will then unsuccessfully try to kill a walker.

    Janey fails at life.

    Finally, she will be killed by Michonne, although I believe that if you don't shoot her, she can be devoured by the walker about to grab her. Actually, the only way she can die is with a bullet to the head.

    Janey dies. RIP.

    Even though she had died on-screen at that point, a character voiced by the same actor can be heard screaming for Norma while Michonne has to make the decision what to do.

    Keep in mind that Janey was name-dropped several times across the game, and this woman is of the few minor characters who had a voice actor. If you know how… that… stuff… works… I'd really appreciate it if you told me the name of her character model, which would basically confirm if she is Janey or not.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited April 2016

    For the record, she won't get killed by the zombie behind her. If you don't shoot her, she'll just kill Michonne.

    Also, the voice calling for Norma, while it's the same voice actor, isn't meant to be Janey. It's just meant to be a random Monroe resident. While we're on that topic, I'm almost certain that the guy that voices Berto also voiced a random Monroe guy during this scene, the guy that says "We can't hold it!"

    Take Janey and her crew down to the Mobjack. See if anyone else picked up on this "signal." —Norma to Zachary, in 'In Too Deep.'

  • Oh, that could be it, yes. I was a little thrown off, because the "no! Norma!" had the same yellow tone as the the woman's dialogue.

    For some reason, after replaying a couple of times and watching a lot of playthroughs, my own strange, personal canon told me that this woman died, resurrected, screamed for Norma and then died again, taken down by walkers off-screen.

    Deltino posted: »

    For the record, she won't get killed by the zombie behind her. If you don't shoot her, she'll just kill Michonne. Also, the voice calling

  • Sam looks a bit like her voice actress, Devery Jacobs (or her full name Kawennáhere Devery Jacobs). I'm not saying that because they are both Native American. Devery's short hair along with some of her facial features resembles Sam's character model a bit. I wonder if TellTale did this on purpose or this just happen to be a cool coincidence. The only other time I know something similar happened in a video game was in the Half-Life series: Merle Dandridge looks likes her character, Alyx Vance, who just so happens to be Black and Asian like her.

    enter image description here

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited May 2016

    If you tell Norma that you hurt Randall in episode 2 (or told him he shot an innocent man or any of the other options for that matter), she'll comment on it multiple times in the episode, but my favorite part about it is when she mentions you hurting him at the very beginning of the episode. You get the option to tell her he's doing fine, and this happens:

    Michonne: Calm down. He's doing just fine.

    Randall: Oh fucking really?!

    I need to know who is responsible for writing Randall's lines so I can give them a medal

    Oh man, and while we're on the discussion of Randall lines:

    Michonne: You can still call her off, get her to let go of my friends.

    Randall: I'd rather eat shit out of a dead dog's ass.

  • Isn't the bearded dude named rich in the walkie talkie convos

    Take Janey and her crew down to the Mobjack. See if anyone else picked up on this "signal." —Norma to Zachary, in 'In Too Deep.'

  • I found this out through tumblr, so no credit for this info. Nicki Rapp posted her audition script for Lilly:

    enter image description here

    It confirms a few things. Firstly that Lilly was intended to be the same Lilly from the comics [an old trophy confirmed that before it was removed, so that's nothing new, but still cool] second, is that she was abused by Larry and wasn't a great Dad, and lastly Ben was originally going to die on the roadside.

  • Woah, that's a lot of new info.

    Firstly, that information really makes me hate Larry and now I almost regret not killing him in the meat locker. The fact that he was an abusive parent really makes me see him in a new light.

    Secondly, I'd really like to see how the story might have played out if Ben had died instead of Carley or Doug and if the whole Crawford situation would have been the same.

    Thirdly, I REALLY want Lilly to return in Season 3. She was one of my faves from Season 1 and since Kirkman no longer has use for her. Also, I kind of shipped her and Lee and told her I'd leave with her as I felt her and Lee would have been good together.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I found this out through tumblr, so no credit for this info. Nicki Rapp posted her audition script for Lilly: It confirms a few thing

  • Also-

    Talking about the player's daughter

    WAIT WHAT?! Was Clementine meant to be Lee's daughter originally?! OMFGFDJSDBNIGHAHL\SFHJBASL!

    Woah, that's a lot of new info. Firstly, that information really makes me hate Larry and now I almost regret not killing him in the meat

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited May 2016

    Hey, wait a minute

    You've watched your dad die in front of you and a member of the group had to finish him off right before your eyes, lest he become a zombie

    Did that just confirm that Larry was in fact dead in the meat locker? Or at the very least, intended to be? Maybe this age-old argument can finally be put to rest

    Also, regarding Ben, it's weird how despite saying that he dies, the lines below immediately start referring to a 'she' instead. I'm just spitballing here, but maybe they planned for Ben to determinantly die there? I know there's quite a few things in the choice department that ended up changing along the way (taking or leaving Ben in the woods where you first meet him was a choice, IIRC), so maybe this was a possible death for him before they decided on his current story line/role in the story. Or it's a misprint, since there are quite a few other errors in that packet.

    I really want to see the rest of the audition packets now, provided the rest of the cast held on to them all these years (doubt it)

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I found this out through tumblr, so no credit for this info. Nicki Rapp posted her audition script for Lilly: It confirms a few thing

  • I will do battle with you over the zombie Larry thing like the lake Deltino >.> come at me bro.

    And I noticed that, maybe it was an error or something is missing? Notice after the 'from point blank range' line, you get a full stop and the word T. Must've had a bit of a typo with that part of the script.

    Deltino posted: »

    Hey, wait a minute You've watched your dad die in front of you and a member of the group had to finish him off right before your eyes,

  • While never explicitly stated, she is the daughter of abuse. Larry was a shit father then and he's not much better now.

    Larry, I officially dislike you now. I can't believe how one of his few redeemable qualities—being a good father—was thrown out of the window like this.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I found this out through tumblr, so no credit for this info. Nicki Rapp posted her audition script for Lilly: It confirms a few thing

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited May 2016

    Or it's a misprint, since there are quite a few other errors in that packet.

    The subtitler must've wrote this packet.

    Deltino posted: »

    Hey, wait a minute You've watched your dad die in front of you and a member of the group had to finish him off right before your eyes,

  • edited May 2016

    Haha, I live in Virginia as well! High five!

    eRock92 posted: »

    As a Virginian, I love these VA references.

  • edited May 2016

    More Lilly info?????


    Lmao, they refered to Ben as a 'she'. Maybe they didn't want to spoil Carley's death to the VA?

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I found this out through tumblr, so no credit for this info. Nicki Rapp posted her audition script for Lilly: It confirms a few thing

  • I know right?! Now he's an asshole all around.

    While never explicitly stated, she is the daughter of abuse. Larry was a shit father then and he's not much better now. Larry, I off

  • edited May 2016

    I will do battle with you over the zombie Larry thing like the lake Deltino >.> come at me bro.

    Oh I remember reading about that! How did it end?

    I feel like I've said this before.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I will do battle with you over the zombie Larry thing like the lake Deltino >.> come at me bro. And I noticed that, maybe it was an

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited May 2016

    Whoever wrote this packet has a uh... interesting style, to say the least. I don't mean that in an offensive way, but I dunno, I would have expected something like this to be more formal, you know?

    I like the description of Kenny and Lilly's relationship

    "Lilly thinks Kenny is a loser"

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I will do battle with you over the zombie Larry thing like the lake Deltino >.> come at me bro. And I noticed that, maybe it was an

  • I won of course >.> then Deltino bought me a waffle cupcake and we went and saw a movie.

    I will do battle with you over the zombie Larry thing like the lake Deltino >.> come at me bro. Oh I remember reading about that! How did it end? I feel like I've said this before.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    DeltinoBlooms, guess I could sell merchandise for it.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I won of course >.> then Deltino bought me a waffle cupcake and we went and saw a movie.

  • "Lilly thinks Kenny is a loser"

    That part made me laugh so hard XD

    Deltino posted: »

    Whoever wrote this packet has a uh... interesting style, to say the least. I don't mean that in an offensive way, but I dunno, I would have

  • I was thinking more like Lilactino.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    DeltinoBlooms, guess I could sell merchandise for it.

  • edited May 2016

    Edit: just read above comment lol

    Deltino posted: »

    So, in Sam's room, you can get a glimpse at her passport: But there is one small problem. Her birth date. It's listed as August 1,

  • edited May 2016

    Where did you find/get this?

    Here's Rashid for ya'll.

  • Dude, I'd pay so much money to see the stuff they were going to have.

    Deltino posted: »

    Hey, wait a minute You've watched your dad die in front of you and a member of the group had to finish him off right before your eyes,

  • Also his screams when smashing his fingers were in the first ep.

  • From my pals from the other twd forum.

    AGentlman posted: »

    Where did you find/get this?

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