Oh my fucking God, they really are making a Battlefield about World War I! I find the name really stupid, but good God, this trailer makes me rock hard.
Oh my fucking God, they really are making a Battlefield about World War I! I find the name really stupid, but good God, this trailer makes me rock hard.
enter link description here
I'm really curious as to how they're going to handle the campaign, assuming there is one. It'd be cool if they did something similar to the old Call of Duties, with the different playable characters of different nationalities fighting on different fronts.
I'm super hype. I really hope EA doesn't pull their usual garbage with this.
Ahhhhhhhh, finally! Something to break this trend of futuristic shooters, and one set during the Great War no less! Truly refreshing!
My inner historical accuracy nitpicker awaits this with alacrity!
I'm really curious as to how they're going to handle the campaign, assuming there is one. It'd be cool if they did something similar to the … moreold Call of Duties, with the different playable characters of different nationalities fighting on different fronts.
I'm super hype. I really hope EA doesn't pull their usual garbage with this.
Oh my fucking God, they really are making a Battlefield about World War I! I find the name really stupid, but good God, this trailer makes me rock hard.
enter link description here
Well, it looks like Gramps isn't going to make it. Got diagnosed with pneumonia yesterday and took a sharp turn for the worst today.
My mom is flying up to see him, but I've got to stay down here and do fucking finals. Shit blows.
Okay, can't stay here too long. I won't bump my thread just for this so...
I have been super busy for two weeks straight now, barely any time to actually sit back and type my story. I've been having to go out a lot recently, as well as looking after my sister at times when it's just us two uptown, also been helping out my aunt cleaning her house up (which I got recently paid for). Today I'll be gone for most of the day as I'm going up to a city that is a comic convention thing with free comics. Really sorry to my folks for not putting out a chapter as I had hoped. Things will be less busy next week however.
And @BigBlindMax, I'm sorry to hear about your grandpa, it really sucks. Stay strong! You too, @ChuckTheLizard!
I'd imagine they would have the Western Front, Eastern Front, maybe an Arab Revolt storyline (see guy on horse and desert train) if they did it as the old Call of Duty's did.
I'm really curious as to how they're going to handle the campaign, assuming there is one. It'd be cool if they did something similar to the … moreold Call of Duties, with the different playable characters of different nationalities fighting on different fronts.
I'm super hype. I really hope EA doesn't pull their usual garbage with this.
The only complaint I have is that in World War I so many things were different. Trench warfare was generally pretty stagnant, and there's so many planes. So many planes. Also, those planes attacking the ship. I don't think that really happened a lot, if ever in World War I (I can't think of an instance in it).
Oh my fucking God, they really are making a Battlefield about World War I! I find the name really stupid, but good God, this trailer makes me rock hard.
enter link description here
I'd imagine they would have the Western Front, Eastern Front, maybe an Arab Revolt storyline (see guy on horse and desert train) if they did it as the old Call of Duty's did.
Oh my fucking God, they really are making a Battlefield about World War I! I find the name really stupid, but good God, this trailer makes me rock hard.
enter link description here
Trench warfare was mainly on the Western Front. The East has trenches but the battlefield moved a helluva lot more. Also, despite the trench warfare, 1914 had classical formation battles (extremely costly) and 1918 saw the rise of stormtrooper offensives, where small formations bypassed no-man's-land and swept through enemy trenches with submachine guns and flamethrowers.
I see a lot of potential there, especially if we get to play as the Krauts.
The only complaint I have is that in World War I so many things were different. Trench warfare was generally pretty stagnant, and there's so… more many planes. So many planes. Also, those planes attacking the ship. I don't think that really happened a lot, if ever in World War I (I can't think of an instance in it).
I'll still probably enjoy it though.
Okay, can't stay here too long. I won't bump my thread just for this so...
I have been super busy for two weeks straight now, barely any … moretime to actually sit back and type my story. I've been having to go out a lot recently, as well as looking after my sister at times when it's just us two uptown, also been helping out my aunt cleaning her house up (which I got recently paid for). Today I'll be gone for most of the day as I'm going up to a city that is a comic convention thing with free comics. Really sorry to my folks for not putting out a chapter as I had hoped. Things will be less busy next week however.
And @BigBlindMax, I'm sorry to hear about your grandpa, it really sucks. Stay strong! You too, @ChuckTheLizard!
Alright, gotta go! See you around!
It's estimated that half the prison population in America is functionally illiterate. Let that sink in for a bit...
How can you parole someone and expect them to become a productive member of society if they can't fucking read? It's hard to imagine a better example of how this society utterly fails its poor. The reading rainbow doesn't reach the hood, apparently.
It's almost as though these people are being conditioned to end up as cheap, forced labor in some prison enterprise.
Eastern Front would be great. It's greatly under-served by fiction.
Rising up against your own officers during the Revolution would be interesting too.
"The majority of our citizens is today reduced in the latter degrees of degradation in which man, concerned only to survive, is unable to think about the causes of his misery and the rights nature gave him."
My (very) approximate translation of a sentence since I didn't find its english counterpart anywhere on google. It still applies today.
It's estimated that half the prison population in America is functionally illiterate. Let that sink in for a bit...
How can you parole s… moreomeone and expect them to become a productive member of society if they can't fucking read? It's hard to imagine a better example of how this society utterly fails its poor. The reading rainbow doesn't reach the hood, apparently.
It's almost as though these people are being conditioned to end up as cheap, forced labor in some prison enterprise.
True, the Eastern Front was far mobile (and also one-sided). I should have clarified and mentioned the early and late battles, they were definitely different. The "Summer of 1918" anyone?
Maybe it's that I reread All Quiet on the Western Front recently.
Trench warfare was mainly on the Western Front. The East has trenches but the battlefield moved a helluva lot more. Also, despite the tren… morech warfare, 1914 had classical formation battles (extremely costly) and 1918 saw the rise of stormtrooper offensives, where small formations bypassed no-man's-land and swept through enemy trenches with submachine guns and flamethrowers.
I see a lot of potential there, especially if we get to play as the Krauts.
True, the Eastern Front was far mobile (and also one-sided). I should have clarified and mentioned the early and late battles, they were def… moreinitely different. The "Summer of 1918" anyone?
Maybe it's that I reread All Quiet on the Western Front recently.
I always think of the Russians, besides a few instances, of getting their asses handed to them. Even though the Central Powers did screw up quite a bit, I think ultimately it seemed one-sided. Or, maybe like 75 - 25, something like that.
In school we really only focused on the Western Front, and my general knowledge of World War I is "average" I would say.
Yeah, I didn't know much about the Eastern Front until a few years ago when I read up on it for a project. The tl;dr version is basically.
-- Russia and Germany take turns winning and losing (and starving) in Poland while Russia curbstomps the Dual Monarchy in the Capathians.
-- Germans free up some troops from the West, stabilizes Austrian front, preventing a decisive Russian breakthrough.
-- Russian morale plummets, they lose big chunks of Poland and the Baltics in German attacks.
-- Bruslov Offensive pushes Germans/Austrians back and kills/captures a shitload of them, but fails to fully rout the Germans as intended.
-- Russian morale plummets, mutinies, revolutionary talk. Saved by the Germans' inability to launch many decisive attacks, thanks to Western meat-grinder.
Basically, the Russians put up a very tenacious fight from 1914-1915, but they were propped up by huge levels of conscription. The end result was that Russia had an army of mostly young, illiterate peasants who were terrified and resentful of being forced (often at bayonet-point) to fight in a war they didn't understand or care about.
I always think of the Russians, besides a few instances, of getting their asses handed to them. Even though the Central Powers did screw up … morequite a bit, I think ultimately it seemed one-sided. Or, maybe like 75 - 25, something like that.
In school we really only focused on the Western Front, and my general knowledge of World War I is "average" I would say.
So in the 24 hours I've been home from college, I've unpacked everything, saw Captain America Civil War, took in a foster dog, had Bratwurst for dinner, got a much needed haircut, went to a Yankee game (which they won against the Red Sox 8-2), and bought Bioshock. It's been a pretty great 24 hours to say the least.
So in the 24 hours I've been home from college, I've unpacked everything, saw Captain America Civil War, took in a foster dog, had Bratwurst… more for dinner, got a much needed haircut, went to a Yankee game (which they won against the Red Sox 8-2), and bought Bioshock. It's been a pretty great 24 hours to say the least.
Kind of ironic that larger FPS game series have gone full circle. Call of Duty and a few other series took place during World War 1/2 or other historical contexts and moved toward the future, and now Battlefield is moving toward the past.
Oh my fucking God, they really are making a Battlefield about World War I! I find the name really stupid, but good God, this trailer makes me rock hard.
enter link description here
Well, I'm back from the city! Unfortunately, I was misinformed about the "conevention" as someone said to my sister, who in turn hyped things up to me, which I in turn hyped up to some of my friends about it and promised pics! The covention was Comic Con that is in November! -.- It was just huge line ups at comic stores for a few free issues as I originally believed. There was supposed to be a closed street showcasing popular vehicles such as the Batmobile, but no such thing was present...
So.... Le Derp.
And thus, it turned to an ordinary shopping day. We did go to a gaming/comic store on the city edge that my best friend directed me to. This one was not a bust. It was a gold mine! Games dating back to the 90s, consoles, game boys, Magic, YuGiOh, comic books, figures, game tournaments, even tables to play and chill out and eat freaking food! I got some things there as well as some other things in the mall.
Naruto Seventh Hokage book, Walking Dead Vol 15 , Ben Reily Spiderman book (funky art), blank dvds, Amazing Spiderman movie collection (Garfield Spidey), 007 Qauntum Of Solace PS3 version (already had PS2 version), Marvel Vs Capcom 3, 007 Everything or Nothing,Batman Vengeance game, two YuGiOh dvds, Moonraker (finally completed my dvd collection), Korra Book: One (had 2 & 3), DBZ Legacy of Goku II, and Bleach Vol 1 disc set.
Plus small poutine and 3 patty burger for lunch (had two slices of pizza before I left in the morning. Haven't gained any weight. lol).
So I have 15 bucks left from my 200 I had this morning. So bad start but the rest of the day was well spent. But now I'll have to break the news my friends on steam/skype tomorrow when I get on the computer. Yay.
(Yes I typed all that on the vita. Tis was a pain. lol)
Okay, can't stay here too long. I won't bump my thread just for this so...
I have been super busy for two weeks straight now, barely any … moretime to actually sit back and type my story. I've been having to go out a lot recently, as well as looking after my sister at times when it's just us two uptown, also been helping out my aunt cleaning her house up (which I got recently paid for). Today I'll be gone for most of the day as I'm going up to a city that is a comic convention thing with free comics. Really sorry to my folks for not putting out a chapter as I had hoped. Things will be less busy next week however.
And @BigBlindMax, I'm sorry to hear about your grandpa, it really sucks. Stay strong! You too, @ChuckTheLizard!
Alright, gotta go! See you around!
I think the resentment you're feeling is for anyone named "InnerTrilby".
Remember people: Make the distinction.
I basically just modified the recipe on the box.
I got to taste it a few minutes ago, but it seems I added in too much Gelatine powder, so it's hard to take a piece.
Oh my fucking God, they really are making a Battlefield about World War I! I find the name really stupid, but good God, this trailer makes me rock hard.
enter link description here
Ahhhhhhhh, finally! Something to break this trend of futuristic shooters, and one set during the Great War no less! Truly refreshing!
My inner historical accuracy nitpicker awaits this with alacrity!
I'm really curious as to how they're going to handle the campaign, assuming there is one. It'd be cool if they did something similar to the old Call of Duties, with the different playable characters of different nationalities fighting on different fronts.
I'm super hype. I really hope EA doesn't pull their usual garbage with this.
Vocal Reverb: Ruining your favourite songs live since it was created.
C'mon, it's EA. I would not set my expectations in that regard to high.
Now compare that to the totally original and not rehashed COD IW, I'm sorry but Battlefield wins this time!
Although two days late, I am very sorry. The saddest thing is that there's nothing comforting or helpful to say..
Okay, can't stay here too long. I won't bump my thread just for this so...
I have been super busy for two weeks straight now, barely any time to actually sit back and type my story. I've been having to go out a lot recently, as well as looking after my sister at times when it's just us two uptown, also been helping out my aunt cleaning her house up (which I got recently paid for). Today I'll be gone for most of the day as I'm going up to a city that is a comic convention thing with free comics. Really sorry to my folks for not putting out a chapter as I had hoped. Things will be less busy next week however.
And @BigBlindMax, I'm sorry to hear about your grandpa, it really sucks. Stay strong! You too, @ChuckTheLizard!
Alright, gotta go! See you around!
It was. Definitely.
I'd imagine they would have the Western Front, Eastern Front, maybe an Arab Revolt storyline (see guy on horse and desert train) if they did it as the old Call of Duty's did.
The only complaint I have is that in World War I so many things were different. Trench warfare was generally pretty stagnant, and there's so many planes. So many planes. Also, those planes attacking the ship. I don't think that really happened a lot, if ever in World War I (I can't think of an instance in it).
I'll still probably enjoy it though.
Eastern Front would be great. It's greatly under-served by fiction.
Rising up against your own officers during the Revolution would be interesting too.
This was a butchery war; I don't like how "epic" it looks while it basically wasn't. But oh well..
Trench warfare was mainly on the Western Front. The East has trenches but the battlefield moved a helluva lot more. Also, despite the trench warfare, 1914 had classical formation battles (extremely costly) and 1918 saw the rise of stormtrooper offensives, where small formations bypassed no-man's-land and swept through enemy trenches with submachine guns and flamethrowers.
I see a lot of potential there, especially if we get to play as the Krauts.
It's cool man.
You're too busy to write the chapter and I'm probably too busy to read it. It's a match made in heaven!
It's estimated that half the prison population in America is functionally illiterate. Let that sink in for a bit...
How can you parole someone and expect them to become a productive member of society if they can't fucking read? It's hard to imagine a better example of how this society utterly fails its poor. The reading rainbow doesn't reach the hood, apparently.
It's almost as though these people are being conditioned to end up as cheap, forced labor in some prison enterprise.
I am sorry? There is no need for you to make fun of my username
I kind of wanna be Lawrence of Arabia, as cliché as that is.
"The majority of our citizens is today reduced in the latter degrees of degradation in which man, concerned only to survive, is unable to think about the causes of his misery and the rights nature gave him."
My (very) approximate translation of a sentence since I didn't find its english counterpart anywhere on google. It still applies today.
True, the Eastern Front was far mobile (and also one-sided). I should have clarified and mentioned the early and late battles, they were definitely different. The "Summer of 1918" anyone?
Maybe it's that I reread All Quiet on the Western Front recently.
Whaddya mean one sided? Russia thrashed the Austrians until Germany propped them up. Plus the Bruslov Offensive...
I always think of the Russians, besides a few instances, of getting their asses handed to them. Even though the Central Powers did screw up quite a bit, I think ultimately it seemed one-sided. Or, maybe like 75 - 25, something like that.
In school we really only focused on the Western Front, and my general knowledge of World War I is "average" I would say.
What? Mate, use the reply button.
We got my mom to watch Star Wars. She has no idea what's going on...
Yeah, I didn't know much about the Eastern Front until a few years ago when I read up on it for a project. The tl;dr version is basically.
-- Russia and Germany take turns winning and losing (and starving) in Poland while Russia curbstomps the Dual Monarchy in the Capathians.
-- Germans free up some troops from the West, stabilizes Austrian front, preventing a decisive Russian breakthrough.
-- Russian morale plummets, they lose big chunks of Poland and the Baltics in German attacks.
-- Bruslov Offensive pushes Germans/Austrians back and kills/captures a shitload of them, but fails to fully rout the Germans as intended.
-- Russian morale plummets, mutinies, revolutionary talk. Saved by the Germans' inability to launch many decisive attacks, thanks to Western meat-grinder.
Basically, the Russians put up a very tenacious fight from 1914-1915, but they were propped up by huge levels of conscription. The end result was that Russia had an army of mostly young, illiterate peasants who were terrified and resentful of being forced (often at bayonet-point) to fight in a war they didn't understand or care about.
Jacksepticeye reached ten million subscribers!
Tumblr has exploded!
With more gay porn of him, YAY!
I somehow laughed hard at this.
I'm glad i make people happy.
So in the 24 hours I've been home from college, I've unpacked everything, saw Captain America Civil War, took in a foster dog, had Bratwurst for dinner, got a much needed haircut, went to a Yankee game (which they won against the Red Sox 8-2), and bought Bioshock. It's been a pretty great 24 hours to say the least.
There's only one thing missing...
What is your problem?
Kind of ironic that larger FPS game series have gone full circle. Call of Duty and a few other series took place during World War 1/2 or other historical contexts and moved toward the future, and now Battlefield is moving toward the past.
Well, I'm back from the city! Unfortunately, I was misinformed about the "conevention" as someone said to my sister, who in turn hyped things up to me, which I in turn hyped up to some of my friends about it and promised pics! The covention was Comic Con that is in November! -.- It was just huge line ups at comic stores for a few free issues as I originally believed. There was supposed to be a closed street showcasing popular vehicles such as the Batmobile, but no such thing was present...
So.... Le Derp.
And thus, it turned to an ordinary shopping day. We did go to a gaming/comic store on the city edge that my best friend directed me to. This one was not a bust. It was a gold mine! Games dating back to the 90s, consoles, game boys, Magic, YuGiOh, comic books, figures, game tournaments, even tables to play and chill out and eat freaking food! I got some things there as well as some other things in the mall.
Naruto Seventh Hokage book, Walking Dead Vol 15 , Ben Reily Spiderman book (funky art), blank dvds, Amazing Spiderman movie collection (Garfield Spidey), 007 Qauntum Of Solace PS3 version (already had PS2 version), Marvel Vs Capcom 3, 007 Everything or Nothing,Batman Vengeance game, two YuGiOh dvds, Moonraker (finally completed my dvd collection), Korra Book: One (had 2 & 3), DBZ Legacy of Goku II, and Bleach Vol 1 disc set.
Plus small poutine and 3 patty burger for lunch (had two slices of pizza before I left in the morning. Haven't gained any weight. lol).
So I have 15 bucks left from my 200 I had this morning. So bad start but the rest of the day was well spent. But now I'll have to break the news my friends on steam/skype tomorrow when I get on the computer. Yay.
(Yes I typed all that on the vita. Tis was a pain. lol)
If you're 15, your mom should be in her 30s or 40s, maybe 50s. I can't imagine someone that age not knowing about Star Wars.
And what is that?
Thanks Tobi.