I had this picture right before the one I am currently using and it's Ramsay and Reek. Thramsay being one of my favorite game of thrones ship I was really interested in it. I see people are already seeing the existance of this ship as a misfortune...it's pretty sad. I feel like their dynamic is very interesting, purposelly sexualised in order to humiliate and abuse one emotionnally. Still they are alike in some ways and there's that fascinating dependance to each other that appears a sense of belongings. Nothing cute anyway, but it's such a well written relationship, I can't help but falling very deep for it.
Some victimes of abuse or masochist apparently cope with their feelings by shipping it, when in the contrary some are having bad memories because of it. Let's just say everyone feels about things in a very different way.
Who? Possibly Ramsay snow and I don't know who the hell is that is. Why? Because When i was away for days or so I came back in this thread w… moreith this weird-ass profile picture. I'm shocked AF, I never used this picture but I liked it and it's so..interesting.
Murphy from the 100. Why? He's seen by many as an outcast because of his life choices, but continues to prove them wrong through his never ending use of sarcasm.
Murphy from the 100. Why? He's seen by many as an outcast because of his life choices, but continues to prove them wrong through his never ending use of sarcasm.
Asher and Beskha in Game of Thrones for two reasons:
* They really need a Telltale avatar.
* It's one of my top 5 favorite OTPs in the history of video gaming . It's in the number 2 slot.
It's not simply abusing people emotionnally. Cutting his fingers, getting flayed, breaking teeths with a hammer, cutting his junk, starving.. That plus the fact he broke him emotionnaly, not a simple fear of nowaday. He does that to everyone who ends in his hands (hello Lady Hornwood), or worst. Reek is Ramsay's toy, nothing's more.
Victims of abuse and masochists (masochists mean people who likes to suffer, so I don't see how one can be victim of it, except if it's not what you meant) shipping what they supposedly felt is non logical, but if you say so.
I had this picture right before the one I am currently using and it's Ramsay and Reek. Thramsay being one of my favorite game of thrones shi… morep I was really interested in it. I see people are already seeing the existance of this ship as a misfortune...it's pretty sad. I feel like their dynamic is very interesting, purposelly sexualised in order to humiliate and abuse one emotionnally. Still they are alike in some ways and there's that fascinating dependance to each other that appears a sense of belongings. Nothing cute anyway, but it's such a well written relationship, I can't help but falling very deep for it.
Some victimes of abuse or masochist apparently cope with their feelings by shipping it, when in the contrary some are having bad memories because of it. Let's just say everyone feels about things in a very different way.
I am very much aware. I am often irritated seeing people calling Theon's sufferering ''man pain'' or saying ''he deserved it''. Theon is one my favorite character in the show and Ramsay is not good for him, Ramsay is not good for anyone. He did break him, physically, emotionally, turning him into a whole new person.
Still their relationship is interesting, it's as simple as that. I feel like you have read the books, I am talking as a viewer not as a reader, still I remember quotes like :
“The Lord of the Dreadfort glanced at Reek. “Oh, and unchain your pet. I am taking him.” “Taking him? Where? He’s mine. You cannot have him.” Roose seemed amused by that “All you have I gave you. You would do well to remember that, bastard. As for this … Reek … if you have not ruined him beyond redemption, he may yet be of some use to us. Get the keys and remove those chains from him, before you make me rue the day I raped your mother.” Reek saw the way Ramsay’s mouth twisted, the spittle glistening between his lips. He feared he might leap the table with his dagger in his hand. Instead he flushed red, turned his pale eyes from his father’s paler ones, and went to find the keys. But as he knelt to unlock the fetters around Reek’s wrists and ankles, he leaned close and whispered, “Tell him nothing and remember every word he says. I’ll have you back, no matter what that Dustin bitch may tell you. Who are you?” “Reek, my lord. Your man. I’m Reek, it rhymes with sneak.”
''“He is not my bastard, he wanted to say, but another voice inside him said, He is, he is. Reek belongs to Ramsay, and Ramsay belongs to Reek. You must not forget your name.“
That's what they both believed at that point, Theon as a victim of PTSD, Ramsay because he made something that is for him purely his, that exist to please him, belongs to him, and him only, nothing more, nothing less. And for a sociopath, known to be easily tired of the girls he is around, the fact he kept theon and was reluctant to let his father ''borrow" him is very important. Ramsay being weirdly ''in love'' with Theon is not something that would surprise me at all, being sexually attracted to him at least in a way seems plausible. Sociopath can be ''in love'', the problem is the way they have no empathy and they love themself far more anyway, they are willing to manipulate that person, and destroy that person since they don't care about that person feeling, they only care about possessing that person. That's ''their toy''.
I headcanon Theon as heterosexual ( the guy really likes woman ), still his stockolm syndrome can lead him to think he appreciates Ramsay, that he is the one at fault, not Ramsay.
''“My lord was only japing, he tried to tell himself. He does not want to hurt me, he told me so, he only does it when I give him cause. His lord was merciful and kind. He might have flayed his face off for some of the things Reek had said, before he’d learned his true name and proper place.“
Show :
'' do you love me reek ? ''
'' yes of course, my lord ''
It's all manipulation, Reek can actually believe what he is saying, Ramsay is doing it only because he has to send him somewhere. Whatever, that's it, that's their relationship.
It's...what it is really.
That's interesting to read/watch, and it's definitly sick. That's not something anyone deserves, not something I would like anyone to experience in real life. Still it's my ship and this relationship is akwoledged by Alfie Allen himself. Alfie is an human being, you can obviously disagree with him anyway.
We ( most shippers ) are interested the relationship as it is, with how sick it is, and we know, it's not something we would want in real life. At least, I wouldn't like a Ramsay in my life at all.
''Victims of abuse and masochists (masochists mean people who likes to suffer, so I don't see how one can be victim of it, except if it's not what you meant) shipping what they supposedly felt is non logical, but if you say so. ''
It's pretty much what they said though.
Masochists say that instead of hurting themself they forget about it by seeing Theon suffering from torture, making fan arts and writing fanfictions about. I am not a psy, but if they say so, I honestly think that fiction can help you getting away from personal troubles for a short time.
A victim of abuse ( minor one ) actually have Theon as her favorite character, she defends him quite often, she wrote a book about him and his psychological evolution in both the book and show, a book she offered to Alfie Allen himself ( he did talk about it by the well ) and you know what she ''ships'' Thramsay. Not in the way she is thinking they would be good for each other, but because of the similarities in their stories, story itself beautifully written. She said she was pretty tired of ''haters'' 'using abused people to hate on a ship. Saying that sometimes they, themself, didn't experience abuse but that they ''think'' abused people can't handle it, when obviously some can, because everyone is different. Let's say it's a tendancy to overprotect them, in order to feel good about ourself and our opinion...
But even if you are a victim of abuse, you cannot know how another victim of abuse feel, and how they are handling seeing abuse on tv.
( + yes Masochist are not victim of abuse )
In the end, Reek IS his toy, and that's fascinating for many.
It's not simply abusing people emotionnally. Cutting his fingers, getting flayed, breaking teeths with a hammer, cutting his junk, starving.… more. That plus the fact he broke him emotionnaly, not a simple fear of nowaday. He does that to everyone who ends in his hands (hello Lady Hornwood), or worst. Reek is Ramsay's toy, nothing's more.
Victims of abuse and masochists (masochists mean people who likes to suffer, so I don't see how one can be victim of it, except if it's not what you meant) shipping what they supposedly felt is non logical, but if you say so.
Female Nick. Nikita or Nickie, whatever floats your boat. It's originally made by Stephen who makes YTPs out of TWDG. Luckily he was cool with me using it. I love it so much.
I change my avatar a lot, depending on what's happening on the forums or spot a cool image to use. I might add a full list of my gravatars later.
M8 that's copyrighted, you can't have the same one as mine.
Just kidding, if you wanna have one: click on Gravatar then click on the link there, sign up in Gravatar's website, upload a custom image and have fun
Female Nick. Nikita or Nickie, whatever floats your boat. It's originally made by Stephen who makes YTPs out of TWDG. Luckily he was cool wi… moreth me using it. I love it so much.
I change my avatar a lot, depending on what's happening on the forums or spot a cool image to use. I might add a full list of my gravatars later.
I switch back and forth between whatever I like. Currently, it's the Soul of Cinder because I'm in mourning for the end of Dark Souls, yet at the same time absolutely in love with the fight. And otherwise, it's usually either Coco Adel or Bulma Briefs because... I don't know.
So, as I kinda vaguely promised earlier, here's a full list of the gravatars I used. Well, I'm pretty sure I had more, like EP3 Bonnie or EP3 Sarah, but deleted them. It must mean that I didn't like them that much later on, so they don't really qualify. Here's all that do:
- this one is the first one I've ever used when I learned how to put my own avatar up. I thought it was a funny face and really liked it. It was also my long-time profile picture on Twitter, but recently changed it to my beloved Agrael.
- Episode 3 Clementine. A funny face she made while walkers broke into the store room in Howe's. I had it for quite some time.
- This facial expression was famous on the forums for quite a while and I had to have it on my gravatar.
- That's Cripsbeard. My first moments in Photoshop. Not proud of it at all.
- Kissing stuff. Excluding EP3 Bonnie and Sarah, this one I had for the shortest time.
- Literal Luke Skywalker is the best thing I've ever done in Photoshop and I had it in my gravatar for quite some time ^^
- Alien Nick (I have a thing for Nick gravatars, don't I?). Also made by Stephen. I had it for a long time.
- Something I made in Photoshop for Christmas 2014. Nick once again! Not sure, but I think I reused it on Christmas 2015.
- Loaderism, another thing made in Photoshop. I...don't remember the history of this one, but Blind Sniper would be proud.
- Jack's derp face, didn't have it for long on the forums, but for quite some time on Skype.
- Perv Frollo, another thing made by the king of poop Stephen.
This and the next two are also made by Stephen:
- The panda one I had for a long time, but I don't remember the exact story. It was something to do with Rhyiona thread.
- Surprise surprise, this was actually made by Jackooist. I don't know if he was cool with that, but I used it only for a short while.
- The current one Stephen made, I put it on my gravatar in September 2015 and still using it.
- This one I made in Paint on Negan's Day. It would probably be better in Photoshop, but I lost PS along with my disc a long time ago.
So there you have it, a completely unnecessary history of my gravatars. Hope you enjoyed it.
So, as I kinda vaguely promised earlier, here's a full list of the gravatars I used. Well, I'm pretty sure I had more, like EP3 Bonnie or EP… more3 Sarah, but deleted them. It must mean that I didn't like them that much later on, so they don't really qualify. Here's all that do:
- this one is the first one I've ever used when I learned how to put my own avatar up. I thought it was a funny face and really liked it. It was also my long-time profile picture on Twitter, but recently changed it to my beloved Agrael.
- Episode 3 Clementine. A funny face she made while walkers broke into the store room in Howe's. I had it for quite some time.
- This facial expression was famous on the forums for quite a while and I had to have it on my gravatar.
- That's Cripsbeard. My first moments in Photoshop. Not proud of it at all.
- Kissing stuff. Excluding EP3 Bonnie and Sarah, this one I had for the shortest time.
- Literal Luke Skywalker i… [view original content]
My current avatar is Miriam from the upcoming game Bloodstained: Ritual Of The Night, as I do like her design and I'm pretty excited for a new Igavania. In the past I've also used Venom Snake, Skull Face, Cordelia, Kat and Shulk as my avatars.
So yeah... Just want to show my Gravatars for now, since I'm a huge attention whore:
- That's actually one of the first Mira Forrester pics I used here in the forums. I thought that smile looked cute, so I decided to use it.
- I was using that pic for Christmas... but I didn't like it much, so I just changed it to another Christmas pic.
- Just another Christmas pic I made with the help of @RockMySocks. I thought this was a great moment in GoT (one of the most beautiful IMO) so I decided to use that pic for Christmas instead.
- I really loved Asher's expression on the screenshot I took, so I used it for a long time here. Also, I really love Asher, so...
- The MLG Handsome Jack I made. I used for only a day here, but I changed it. But I did use it for longer on Discord, though.
- Loved the fanart and I love the Enclave, so why not use it. Also the X-02 Tesla Power Armor is my favorite in the entire Fallout franchise, so I couldn't resist.
- I really, REALLY loved that Rhys fanart and I almost died cause of Rhys' cuteness... It was so hard for me not to use it ;-;
- I'm a Rhyiona shipper, and I thought the Rhyiona fanart was cute as fuck, so what's not to like.
- I never really used it here, but I did use it on Steam, though. Hancock is my favorite character in the Fallout franchise cause of his personality and how it fitted him with the ghoul look.
- Didn't use that pic, either. But I did like that Piper fanart, so I started using it on Steam because I wanted to use it somewhere.
Thanks for telling me! I was curious c:
This is a good piper avatar -
100% Crush on Piper, Dont even care haha!
This screenshot is fucking amazing
At least I suppose!
He's quite dirty and Reek misses teeth aswell. There's also a good amount of Reek x Ramsay's fan arts, to our great misfortune :^)
I had this picture right before the one I am currently using and it's Ramsay and Reek. Thramsay being one of my favorite game of thrones ship I was really interested in it. I see people are already seeing the existance of this ship as a misfortune...it's pretty sad. I feel like their dynamic is very interesting, purposelly sexualised in order to humiliate and abuse one emotionnally. Still they are alike in some ways and there's that fascinating dependance to each other that appears a sense of belongings. Nothing cute anyway, but it's such a well written relationship, I can't help but falling very deep for it.
Some victimes of abuse or masochist apparently cope with their feelings by shipping it, when in the contrary some are having bad memories because of it. Let's just say everyone feels about things in a very different way.
Murphy from the 100. Why? He's seen by many as an outcast because of his life choices, but continues to prove them wrong through his never ending use of sarcasm.
Here are some of my icons from the past (these ain't even half of them)
Now I've finally decided to pick this one, cause I love Piper
Oh, I like that character.
Piper is (sorry for this) bae.
You smart, i appreciate that.
Gared Tuttle from ttgot because he was my favorite out of the cast.
I hate that word but I would use it on piper definitely haha
That avatar won't last more than a week knowing you :P
you overused meme, i apprechiate that.
UPDATE: @Pipas added a Rhysha on my avatar (thanks for doing that), so I could have 2 out of 3 of my favorite Telltale OTPs in one avatar
It's not simply abusing people emotionnally. Cutting his fingers, getting flayed, breaking teeths with a hammer, cutting his junk, starving.. That plus the fact he broke him emotionnaly, not a simple fear of nowaday. He does that to everyone who ends in his hands (hello Lady Hornwood), or worst. Reek is Ramsay's toy, nothing's more.
Victims of abuse and masochists (masochists mean people who likes to suffer, so I don't see how one can be victim of it, except if it's not what you meant) shipping what they supposedly felt is non logical, but if you say so.
They dont wanna see lotti successful
Atena from TFTB because I love how her eyes stare into my soul.
I am very much aware. I am often irritated seeing people calling Theon's sufferering ''man pain'' or saying ''he deserved it''. Theon is one my favorite character in the show and Ramsay is not good for him, Ramsay is not good for anyone. He did break him, physically, emotionally, turning him into a whole new person.
Still their relationship is interesting, it's as simple as that. I feel like you have read the books, I am talking as a viewer not as a reader, still I remember quotes like :
“The Lord of the Dreadfort glanced at Reek. “Oh, and unchain your pet. I am taking him.” “Taking him? Where? He’s mine. You cannot have him.” Roose seemed amused by that “All you have I gave you. You would do well to remember that, bastard. As for this … Reek … if you have not ruined him beyond redemption, he may yet be of some use to us. Get the keys and remove those chains from him, before you make me rue the day I raped your mother.” Reek saw the way Ramsay’s mouth twisted, the spittle glistening between his lips. He feared he might leap the table with his dagger in his hand. Instead he flushed red, turned his pale eyes from his father’s paler ones, and went to find the keys. But as he knelt to unlock the fetters around Reek’s wrists and ankles, he leaned close and whispered, “Tell him nothing and remember every word he says. I’ll have you back, no matter what that Dustin bitch may tell you. Who are you?” “Reek, my lord. Your man. I’m Reek, it rhymes with sneak.”
''“He is not my bastard, he wanted to say, but another voice inside him said, He is, he is. Reek belongs to Ramsay, and Ramsay belongs to Reek. You must not forget your name.“
That's what they both believed at that point, Theon as a victim of PTSD, Ramsay because he made something that is for him purely his, that exist to please him, belongs to him, and him only, nothing more, nothing less. And for a sociopath, known to be easily tired of the girls he is around, the fact he kept theon and was reluctant to let his father ''borrow" him is very important. Ramsay being weirdly ''in love'' with Theon is not something that would surprise me at all, being sexually attracted to him at least in a way seems plausible. Sociopath can be ''in love'', the problem is the way they have no empathy and they love themself far more anyway, they are willing to manipulate that person, and destroy that person since they don't care about that person feeling, they only care about possessing that person. That's ''their toy''.
I headcanon Theon as heterosexual ( the guy really likes woman ), still his stockolm syndrome can lead him to think he appreciates Ramsay, that he is the one at fault, not Ramsay.
''“My lord was only japing, he tried to tell himself. He does not want to hurt me, he told me so, he only does it when I give him cause. His lord was merciful and kind. He might have flayed his face off for some of the things Reek had said, before he’d learned his true name and proper place.“
Show :
'' do you love me reek ? ''
'' yes of course, my lord ''
It's all manipulation, Reek can actually believe what he is saying, Ramsay is doing it only because he has to send him somewhere. Whatever, that's it, that's their relationship.
It's...what it is really.
That's interesting to read/watch, and it's definitly sick. That's not something anyone deserves, not something I would like anyone to experience in real life. Still it's my ship and this relationship is akwoledged by Alfie Allen himself. Alfie is an human being, you can obviously disagree with him anyway.
We ( most shippers ) are interested the relationship as it is, with how sick it is, and we know, it's not something we would want in real life. At least, I wouldn't like a Ramsay in my life at all.
''Victims of abuse and masochists (masochists mean people who likes to suffer, so I don't see how one can be victim of it, except if it's not what you meant) shipping what they supposedly felt is non logical, but if you say so. ''
It's pretty much what they said though.
Masochists say that instead of hurting themself they forget about it by seeing Theon suffering from torture, making fan arts and writing fanfictions about. I am not a psy, but if they say so, I honestly think that fiction can help you getting away from personal troubles for a short time.
A victim of abuse ( minor one ) actually have Theon as her favorite character, she defends him quite often, she wrote a book about him and his psychological evolution in both the book and show, a book she offered to Alfie Allen himself ( he did talk about it by the well ) and you know what she ''ships'' Thramsay. Not in the way she is thinking they would be good for each other, but because of the similarities in their stories, story itself beautifully written. She said she was pretty tired of ''haters'' 'using abused people to hate on a ship. Saying that sometimes they, themself, didn't experience abuse but that they ''think'' abused people can't handle it, when obviously some can, because everyone is different. Let's say it's a tendancy to overprotect them, in order to feel good about ourself and our opinion...
But even if you are a victim of abuse, you cannot know how another victim of abuse feel, and how they are handling seeing abuse on tv.
( + yes Masochist are not victim of abuse )
In the end, Reek IS his toy, and that's fascinating for many.
Does anyone know how to get a custom avatar? Like a custom image for their profile picture
M8 that's copyrighted, you can't have the same one as mine.
Just kidding, if you wanna have one: click on Gravatar then click on the link there, sign up in Gravatar's website, upload a custom image and have fun
Sign up for Gravatar. Then, go to the selection screen for avatars and click on the Gravatar thing,
Female Nick. Nikita or Nickie, whatever floats your boat. It's originally made by Stephen who makes YTPs out of TWDG. Luckily he was cool with me using it. I love it so much.
I change my avatar a lot, depending on what's happening on the forums or spot a cool image to use. I might add a full list of my gravatars later.
Thank you
You had an avatar of a panda for like 5 months
Yeah, and the current one I'm having for a long time, too.
But in other periods of time, I had quite some avatars in my history.
I switch back and forth between whatever I like. Currently, it's the Soul of Cinder because I'm in mourning for the end of Dark Souls, yet at the same time absolutely in love with the fight. And otherwise, it's usually either Coco Adel or Bulma Briefs because... I don't know.
So, as I kinda vaguely promised earlier, here's a full list of the gravatars I used. Well, I'm pretty sure I had more, like EP3 Bonnie or EP3 Sarah, but deleted them. It must mean that I didn't like them that much later on, so they don't really qualify. Here's all that do:
So there you have it, a completely unnecessary history of my gravatars. Hope you enjoyed it.
<--- Changed to this now! I like it
143 cover. Union. Carl + Lydia
I like the Negan on the best haha. So pretty
I found the gif for it!! omg
Look at that cheeky smile at the end swoon
My new Gravatar is now Gwynevere because praise the breast- i mean the sun!
My avatar is Joey Salads and I use him as my avatar because I love him
Joey Salads is Love, Joey Salads is Life
I'm overdosing in cringe Eryka look at what you did... LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID!
Bro, all I want is people to cringe, I achieved my goal, once again.
Anyone know who mine is now?
Hope someone does
My current avatar is Miriam from the upcoming game Bloodstained: Ritual Of The Night, as I do like her design and I'm pretty excited for a new Igavania. In the past I've also used Venom Snake, Skull Face, Cordelia, Kat and Shulk as my avatars.
So yeah... Just want to show my Gravatars for now, since I'm a huge attention whore:
Holy shit, this post is big as fuck.
Almost as big as you