The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • It can get up to 120 where I live in the summer, but 110 this early in the year is crazy.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Egypt today is officially the hottest country on Earth! Here's the temperature of my city Most people here would probably melt in that kind of temperature, but it's fine, I'm still one piece.

  • Thinking about @2614118's sweet Rhys booty

  • And I thought Arizona was bad!

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Egypt today is officially the hottest country on Earth! Here's the temperature of my city Most people here would probably melt in that kind of temperature, but it's fine, I'm still one piece.

  • That's actually not that bad compared to what I live through everyday tbh.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Egypt today is officially the hottest country on Earth! Here's the temperature of my city Most people here would probably melt in that kind of temperature, but it's fine, I'm still one piece.


  • ErykaEryka Banned

    I wonder if there's any NSFW stuff


  • There is

    enter image description here

    Eryka posted: »

    I wonder if there's any NSFW stuff

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Oh yeah the good puppy :)

    JonDee013 posted: »

    There is

  • ok

    RockMySocks posted: »

    Thinking about @2614118's sweet Rhys booty

  • enter image description here

    So.....I may be late to the party.....but I just found out DSPGaming got caught masturbating on livestream....

  • Basically my mom insulted me and shit because I didn't hear her. I was using headphones at the time, watching a YT video + editing in Photoshop.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    care to share ?

  • This was going to be a non sequitur, but I suppose it's coincidentally topical:

    If there is any cuter combination than dogs and snow, I have yet to witness it.

  • Trying to decide on whether to buy 3 months of xbox gold or 12 months on ebay. I need to buy some for overwatch, but having trouble deciding on how many months to get since I don't play many online games really.

  • ive got a crazy 11 hour shift tonight at work

  • Well, just finished my History exam.

    At least it was kinda easy... thank god.

  • it would be best to get 12 months but be careful with buying things like that on ebay

    Trying to decide on whether to buy 3 months of xbox gold or 12 months on ebay. I need to buy some for overwatch, but having trouble deciding on how many months to get since I don't play many online games really.

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Do you guys remember those retarded channels with frozen elsa and spidermen? And maybe you remember the name of the most popular channel of that kind "SuperHero Real Life"?

    I know who is making those videos, it's the people from a kind of pranking channel called "ViralBrothers"

    Here is 3 reasons why they are the people behind those channels:

    1. They have the same costumes. In multiple pranks we can see the same costumes.
    2. This is the profile pic of the youtube channel ViralSister Lenka :

    enter image description here

    And here is a thumbnail with frozen elsa :

    enter image description here

    But that's not all, if we go on their main or secondary channels we can see that they want us to go see those superhero channels.

  • I mean, was it really that much of a secret?

    Eryka posted: »

    Do you guys remember those retarded channels with frozen elsa and spidermen? And maybe you remember the name of the most popular channel of

  • They look annoying as fuck

    Eryka posted: »

    Do you guys remember those retarded channels with frozen elsa and spidermen? And maybe you remember the name of the most popular channel of

  • Does anybody care?

    Eryka posted: »

    Do you guys remember those retarded channels with frozen elsa and spidermen? And maybe you remember the name of the most popular channel of

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Well, I haven't noticed

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I mean, was it really that much of a secret?

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Well, I haven't noticed

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I mean, was it really that much of a secret?

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Probably a few people

    Does anybody care?

  • So last night I've seen some more footage of Joy of Creation. The Bonnie one was meh tbh, not too different from Freddy's personality besides that he (or she) punches a hole through your skull. However, I've seen the Foxy footage and he's much more relentless and frightening. You CANNOT make him lose track of you! No matter where you go he'll be following you even without his eyes lit, like a predator using his nose to follow his prey. Often he would stand once you look at him without a light, just turning his head to look the other way before he finally turns on his lights and attack (he's faster than Freddy too).When his eyes are white you flash at him and he's stunned momentarily (very interesting, very unique from the other two animatronics I've seen so far), when his eyes are red... well, gg. Foxy suddenly became my favourite of the bunch so far in this game. He's creeped me out the most. Shit, even Markiplier was close to tears during his playthrough of the Foxy level.

  • Yeesh. There needs to be some cooling down with her. ._.

    Well, regardless of that, welcome back Megami!

    enter image description here

    Basically my mom insulted me and shit because I didn't hear her. I was using headphones at the time, watching a YT video + editing in Photoshop.

  • Just got done with a liquor store run. Bought some pucker and some Svedka and Dr. Mcgillicuty's. You know the cheap stuff lol. But so so good.

  • Yeah true. I always make sure the seller has amazing feedback.

    it would be best to get 12 months but be careful with buying things like that on ebay

  • Double post :P

    Eryka posted: »

    Well, I haven't noticed

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    My wifi was lagging

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Double post :P

  • FeelsBadMate

    Eryka posted: »

    My wifi was lagging

  • thats good ive heard some horror stories about ebay some about codes arriving only to find out theyve already been used

    Yeah true. I always make sure the seller has amazing feedback.

  • I'm more of a Jim Bean man. Give me a decent Whiskey and I'm set.

    Hopefully I get some for my birthday today!

    Just got done with a liquor store run. Bought some pucker and some Svedka and Dr. Mcgillicuty's. You know the cheap stuff lol. But so so good.

  • Oh, happy birthday, man!

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I'm more of a Jim Bean man. Give me a decent Whiskey and I'm set. Hopefully I get some for my birthday today!

  • I'm just reading some hot stuff. Very hot stuff. (it's the Until Dawn fanfic I told you guys about)

  • Happy Birthday!

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I'm more of a Jim Bean man. Give me a decent Whiskey and I'm set. Hopefully I get some for my birthday today!

  • Happy birthday mate!

    I hope it will allow you a small break for your studies

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I'm more of a Jim Bean man. Give me a decent Whiskey and I'm set. Hopefully I get some for my birthday today!

  • Thanks everyone!

    Studies just finished, thankfully. Now it's time to find a summer job!

    Euron posted: »

    Happy birthday mate! I hope it will allow you a small break for your studies

  • Happy Birthday

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I'm more of a Jim Bean man. Give me a decent Whiskey and I'm set. Hopefully I get some for my birthday today!

  • Happy birthday!

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I'm more of a Jim Bean man. Give me a decent Whiskey and I'm set. Hopefully I get some for my birthday today!

  • edited May 2016

    Fuck it.

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