Marvel Cinematic Universe Discussion Thread

edited February 2017 in General Chat

Basically, the thread says it all. If you have anything you wanna talk about related to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, speak it here. Avengers, SHIELD, GotG, etc, say anything MCU related here.



  • I freaking loved Captain America: Civil War, I can't wait for Infinity War Part 1 & 2!!!!

  • I really need to see that. Too bad no one ever has the time to take me to the movies ;-;

    prink34320 posted: »

    I freaking loved Captain America: Civil War, I can't wait for Infinity War Part 1 & 2!!!!

  • Ditto. I was really impressed by the Airport fight scene, as well as how strong the characterization was despite how many characters they had to juggle in the movie. Having the Russo brothers direct was definitely a great choice by Marvel.

    prink34320 posted: »

    I freaking loved Captain America: Civil War, I can't wait for Infinity War Part 1 & 2!!!!

  • Airport scene

    Thx for the spoiler.

    Ditto. I was really impressed by the Airport fight scene, as well as how strong the characterization was despite how many characters they had to juggle in the movie. Having the Russo brothers direct was definitely a great choice by Marvel.

  • It's the fight scene in all the commercials/trailers. All I said was that I was impressed by it.

    Airport scene Thx for the spoiler.

  • Oh OK.

    It's the fight scene in all the commercials/trailers. All I said was that I was impressed by it.

  • Just so you know: Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist and Luke Cage does count as MCU.

  • I haven't watched any of the shows, but I have seen most of the movies, excluding the two Thor movies and Hulk, and really love what Marvel has done so far. Civil War is definitely one of my favorite comic book movies, just slightly behind The Dark Knight. Not every movie has been great (Iron Man 3), but you have to admire the tremendous feat they've accomplished, creating this massive universe with all these connected storylines which companies like DC are trying (and so far, failing) to emulate. And I would have to agree with Blind Sniper, the Russo Brothers are fucking amazing, I'm so glad they're doing Infinity Wars 1 and 2.

    If I had to rank the movies that I've seen, it would probably be:

    1. Captain America: Civil War
    2. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
    3. Avengers: Age of Ultron (yeah, I liked Ultron more than the first one)
    4. Avengers
    5. Iron Man
    6. Ant Man
    7. Captain America: The First Avenger
    8. Guardians of the Galaxy
    9. Iron Man 2
    10. Iron Man 3 (this is the only one I can say I hated, what they did to The Mandarin was unforgivable, and I'm not even a comic book reader)
  • Hey guys, I'm gonna go see Civil War this weekend. I'm so excited!

  • edited May 2016

    My rankings-

    1. Captain America: Civil War

    2. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

    3. Guardians of the Galaxy

    4. Avengers

    5. Iron Man

    6. Ant-Man

    7. Iron Man 3 (I didn't hate it, actually enjoyed it okay)

    8. Captain America: The First Avenger (only saw it once so I can't really remember it)

    9. Thor

    10. Avengers: Age of Ultron (very disappointing imo)

    11. The Incredible Hulk

    12. Iron Man 2

    13. Thor: The Dark World (really don't like this one).

  • edited May 2016

    Best to Worst for me:

    1: Guardians of the Galaxy (I fucking loved this movie. One of the best superhero movies of all time in my opinion)

    2: Captain America: The Winter Soldier

    3: Iron Man

    4: The Avengers

    5: Iron Man 3

    6: Ant-Man

    7: Captain America Civil War

    8: Avengers: Age of Ultron

    9: Captain America: The First Avenger

    10: Thor

    11: Iron Man 2

    12: The Incredible Hulk

    13: Thor: The Dark World (This is the only MCU movie I didn't care for. Even some of the weaker entries I thought were fine. But this one, I thought was a waste of time.)

  • You missed 3 of them.

    1. The Incredible Hulk
    2. Thor
    3. Thor: The Dark World

    I haven't watched any of the shows, but I have seen most of the movies, excluding the two Thor movies and Hulk, and really love what Marvel

  • Yeah, he writes so in the post.

    but I have seen most of the movies, excluding the two Thor movies and Hulk

    You missed 3 of them. * The Incredible Hulk * Thor * Thor: The Dark World

  • Oh, yeah. I forget a lot of stuff sometimes.

    Pipas posted: »

    Yeah, he writes so in the post. but I have seen most of the movies, excluding the two Thor movies and Hulk

  • Noice. Tell us how did you like it after seeing it. :D

    Hey guys, I'm gonna go see Civil War this weekend. I'm so excited!

  • I will :D. I really need to catch up on Daredevil. I stopped watching after S2 E5.

    Pipas posted: »

    Noice. Tell us how did you like it after seeing it.

  • Spider - Man was.awesome, nuff said.

  • The original Spider Man and Iron Man are two of the greatest movies ever made imo.

  • Well, I just saw Civil War, and Tom Holland has to be my favorite Spider-Man. It's good to see that he is back in the hands of Marvel (kinda-ish, basically is.)

  • Ohh, you should finish it. Daredevil is amazing. :)

    I will . I really need to catch up on Daredevil. I stopped watching after S2 E5.

  • I feel that Captain America: Civil War was the sequel that Avengers 2 should have been.

    My favorite Marvel superhero are Iron Man and Captain America. However Ant-Man have the coolest power in my opinion.

  • I don't doubt that.

    Pipas posted: »

    Ohh, you should finish it. Daredevil is amazing.

  • Of course it does

    Just so you know: Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist and Luke Cage does count as MCU.

  • MCU Movies:

    1. Guardians of the Galaxy

    2. Captain America: Civil War

    3. Avengers

    4. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

    5. Iron Man

    6. Ant-Man

    7. Avengers: About a Week of Ultron

    8. Captain America: The First Captain America

    9. Thor

    10. Iron-Man 3

    11. Thor: The Dark Thor

    12. Iron-Man 2

    13. Incredible Hulk

    MCU TV:

    1. Daredevil Season 2

    2. Jessica Jones Season 1

    3. Daredevil Season 1

    Not seen 'Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D' or 'Agent Carter'

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited May 2016

    Iron Man 3 (this is the only one I can say I hated, what they did to The Mandarin was unforgivable, and I'm not even a comic book reader)

    That character wasn't the Mandarin though. He was just an actor. Have you seen the Marvel One Shot All Hail the King (or noticed the Ten Rings thug in Ant-Man with the “Ten Rings of the Mandarin” tattoo on his neck)?

    The real Mandarin is still out there, running the Ten Rings in the shadows, while the rest of the world just thinks he's a legend.

    I haven't watched any of the shows, but I have seen most of the movies, excluding the two Thor movies and Hulk, and really love what Marvel

    1. Civil War
    2. Avengers
    3. Iron man
    4. Winter soldier
    5. The First Avenger
  • Since they revealed that the real Mandarin is still out there. Does that mean that he will appear when Marvel make Iron Man 4? If they make Iron Man 4 that is.

    Jennifer posted: »

    Iron Man 3 (this is the only one I can say I hated, what they did to The Mandarin was unforgivable, and I'm not even a comic book reader)

  • edited May 2016

    Ive seen the 2 avengers movies but in the wrong order, I thought they wre okay action movies

    I watched all three captain americas, I dont know why I watched the first one but then I felt obliged to keep up. They were okay also. My favorite movie of all of them was likely civil war.

    I did see bits of iron mans 3 movies but could never pay full attention

    For TV shows I've seen Jessica jones 1st season and enjoyed it, I watched daredevil and got four episode into season 2 before I couldnt take it anymore and stopped, hated that show.


    1. Civil war
    2. Age of ultron
    3. Jessica Jones
    4. Avengers
    5. Capain America 1
    6. Captain America 2

    7. Daredevil

  • rate the movies

    1 Winter Solider

    2 Civil War

    3 Thor

    4 Age of Ultron

    6 Thor 2 the dark war


  • Well, I just saw the season 3 finale of Agents of SHIELD. It was awesome.

  • Spoiler

    Indeed. Tho I prefer Season 2 finale.

    I was a little off with the prediction. I dunno, I didn't think they would go with a character that would have least emotional impact on viewers considering the heavy teasing. But still was a bit sad to see Lincoln go.

    Squidward tho. ;_; I'll really miss Brett Dalton, I enjoyed that he practically played different character each season. Ward/Hive was an amazing villain. Btw, the CGI of his true form was surprisingly good.

    Fitz got a thing for killing inhumans on season finales, doesn't he? Wonder who he'll murder next. :D

    Also it was great to see the Shotgun Axe again!

    Now I just wonder who'll be the new director. The obvious pick would be May, but wouldn't it be awesome if it was Maria Hill? Considering we haven't seen her in anything MCU related for like a year, it'd be nice to see aunt Robin back in SHIELD. :D

    Well, I just saw the season 3 finale of Agents of SHIELD. It was awesome.

  • I agree with pretty much all of this.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator

    I wouldn't be surprised if he showed up in another Iron Man movie, or elsewhere in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The appearance of the Ten Rings thug in Ant-Man at least means that the Mandarin wasn't forgotten about in the MCU. They did bring back General Ross for Civil War, and he hasn't been in the MCU since the second film in Phase One, The Incredible Hulk. So anything's possible.

    Since they revealed that the real Mandarin is still out there. Does that mean that he will appear when Marvel make Iron Man 4? If they make Iron Man 4 that is.

  • I feel like they filmed the One Shot just to calm angered fans and Mandarin won't appear ever again.

    Jennifer posted: »

    I wouldn't be surprised if he showed up in another Iron Man movie, or elsewhere in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The appearance of the Ten

  • Worst to Best in the MCU movies in my opinion

    1. Iron Man 2
    2. The Incredible Hulk
    3. Iron Man 3
    4. Thor: The Dark World
    5. Captain America: The First Avenger
    6. Thor
    7. Avengers: Age of Ultron
    8. Ant- Man
    9. Guardians of the Galaxy
    10. Iron Man
    11. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
    12. Avengers Assemble
    13. Captain America: Civil War
  • Iron Man 2 is the worst.

    Captain America: Civil War is the best.

  • I couldn't finish watching Iron Man 2. This and the Incredible Hulk are the only MCU movie that I haven't watched.

    Iron Man 2 is the worst. Captain America: Civil War is the best.

  • Spoiler

    GIANT MAN!!!

    I feel that Captain America: Civil War was the sequel that Avengers 2 should have been. My favorite Marvel superhero are Iron Man and Captain America. However Ant-Man have the coolest power in my opinion.

  • I'm going to the movies right now to see Civil War. See ya guys later :D

  • I'm home, and you guys are right. Best MCU movie yet.

    I'm going to the movies right now to see Civil War. See ya guys later

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