End of the season 1 when lee is dying.. I cried in that scene. Also end of the season 2 when we are in wellington with kenny. Kenny says please just the childeren. Take them. He sacrifices himself. Many of people say kenny is losing but he is just protecting everyone who he cares so much. I was sad when i was playing that part too
"Do you think this looks dumb?"
— Pete about his inability to objectively judge his body image.
"The ladder or the windo… morew."
— Michonne, about the inevitability of having to choose one of two routes.
"If it makes you feel any better I'm not… a… great… shot."
— Paige, moments before looking outside the window for the tenth time.
"Prisoners aren't cooperating! What do you want us to do?"
— Rich over a walkie-talkie, about the dilemma of what to do with an uncooperative Berto.
"They've managed to hold onto something we all lost a long time ago. Something like… normal. You know, it feels like before. Just a little bit."
— Pete, about the Fairbanks's degree of normalcy.
"They shot her!"
— Janey expressing her feelings about Norma being shot.
Except no one knew that he'd be back until the scene we first see him in A House Divided but seeing as this post was negative towards him, i'll just add "I was so glad"
I actually was holding back tears of anger when his butt-ugly face was directly in front of our group... It was at that moment I knew he would intercept and hijack the season's so-far incredible direction and make it into a big messy beard of whining and "3edgy5me" bullshit.
Ugh, his presence ruined so much potential season 2 had going for it.
Love you Dan, even if your opinions are sometimes wrong.
Except no one knew that he'd be back until the scene we first see him in A House Divided but seeing as this post was negative towards him, i'll just add "I was so glad"
I actually was holding back tears of anger when his butt-ugly face was directly in front of our group...
I actually was holding back tears of joy when his powerful, godly stache/bearded face was directly in front of our group.
It was at that moment I knew he would intercept and hijack the season's so-far incredible direction and make it into a big messy beard of whining and "3edgy5me" bullshit.
It was at that moment i knew he would deliver drama, good controversy, humorous quotes, season 1 feels making season 2's so far incredible direction even better.
Ugh, his presence ruined so much potential season 2 had going for it.
Yay, his presence improved the already great potential season 2 had going for it
Love you Dan, even if your opinions are sometimes wrong.
Love you too, even if your opinions are sometimes wrong.
I actually was holding back tears of anger when his butt-ugly face was directly in front of our group... It was at that moment I knew he wou… moreld intercept and hijack the season's so-far incredible direction and make it into a big messy beard of whining and "3edgy5me" bullshit.
Ugh, his presence ruined so much potential season 2 had going for it.
Love you Dan, even if your opinions are sometimes wrong.
I actually was holding back tears of anger when his butt-ugly face was directly in front of our group...
I actually was holding back… more tears of joy when his powerful, godly stache/bearded face was directly in front of our group.
It was at that moment I knew he would intercept and hijack the season's so-far incredible direction and make it into a big messy beard of whining and "3edgy5me" bullshit.
It was at that moment i knew he would deliver drama, good controversy, humorous quotes, season 1 feels making season 2's so far incredible direction even better.
Ugh, his presence ruined so much potential season 2 had going for it.
Yay, his presence improved the already great potential season 2 had going for it
Love you Dan, even if your opinions are sometimes wrong.
Love you too, even if your opinions are sometimes wrong.
When I first watched that outcome, it legitimately drove me to tears of laugh. I believe it also has something to do with the unnecessarily but hilariously long shot—it killed all tension established. My ribs popped after that.
When Kenny mentions Duck during dinner at the lodge when he says "pass me that can Duck" and then gives a look of shock when he remembers Duck had died. It was as if Kenny had almost forgotten that happened.
* Kenny's whole speech at Wellington
* Kenny's speech at the tent in Amid The Ruins
* Sarah's line about Carlos coming back (after she saw… more him die) and "going back to the cabin"
* Clementine's "people die because of me" line
* Clementine telling Lee never to leave her in S2 E5 (determinate)
The Walking Dead Season 1 :
I miss you -- Lee
Me too Clementine
The Walking Dead Season 2 :
Kenny's speech at the fence in episo… morede 5 ( I miss my Boy )
The Walking Dead - Michonne episode 3
the farewell letter from Sophie Fairbanks :
John, Take care of our children and take care of yourself. I´m sorry.
I know that dosen´t help or explain anything, but it´s true.
I can´t stand watching you and the Kids suffer, knowing what´s going to happen to me . . . . and what I´ll become.
Better to spare you that pain .
I love you more than anything. Sophie
Kenny's speech at Wellington is my favourite part of the whole game, it makes my cry every time. Espessially when he says "I'm real glad to have met you Clementine". I also love the whole conversation between Lee and Clementine at the end of season 1.
So many but here are my top 5 in no particular order:
Season 1
Clem: My parents, it's so horrible.
Lee: I can't imagine sweet pea
Clem: "And now...you? PLEASE...please don't be one of them. Please don't become a walker."
Lee: "There's only one thing you can do. You know that." (Had me crying my eyes out every time no matter how often i watch it!) - Episode 5 No Time Left
Lee: "I'll miss you."
Clem: "Me too." - Episode 5 No Time Left
Kenny: "Lee. Lee it's okay."
Lee: "No Ken! No it's not!" Episode 5 No Time Left
Season 2
The whole Wellington/Kenny speech but the lines that made me cry were:
Kenny: "Just take the kids! Please! Just take the kids. It's too dangerous out here for them. It's just a little girl and a baby boy. You can make room for that. You can take back the supplies you gave us if that helps. Please, just...i need them to be safe. It's safe in there, i know that. Just ask someone? Please? They won't make it out here! Please?" (The only time Kenny ever begged for anything in his life most likely)
Kenny: "You'll meet people...You'll make friends...People better than me...Good people...That don't have to look at you...and feel ashamed at what they put you through...Please, Clem, please...Where you won't have to sleep with a gun next to you every night...Where you can be a kid for a while..."
Kenny: "I'm real glad to have met you Clementine."
Forgot the lines exactly but Clementine's speech about Lee in All That Remains when talking to Luke at the table and everything she had been through. Very tear jerking.
Christa: "Oh god...Omid. Omid can you hear me? Omid? Omid?"
Come on man! We get you hate him but give a proper response to a saddest line of dialogue and not a jokey one because you hate the character so much. It's just going to cause arguments.
Don't know the exact line, but when you tell Kenny that he'll be with Kat and Duck soon, before you shoot him.
At the moment, it felt like a sad and heartwarming thing to say.
Now looking back, what an asshole!
"Lee" - Clementine , on the last scene of S01
I don't think I seen this one posted yet...
enter link description here
End of the season 1 when lee is dying.. I cried in that scene. Also end of the season 2 when we are in wellington with kenny. Kenny says please just the childeren. Take them. He sacrifices himself. Many of people say kenny is losing but he is just protecting everyone who he cares so much. I was sad when i was playing that part too
The best line-reading ever witnessed
you could feel the despair and confusion
Except no one knew that he'd be back until the scene we first see him in A House Divided but seeing as this post was negative towards him, i'll just add "I was so glad"
I actually was holding back tears of anger when his butt-ugly face was directly in front of our group... It was at that moment I knew he would intercept and hijack the season's so-far incredible direction and make it into a big messy beard of whining and "3edgy5me" bullshit.
Ugh, his presence ruined so much potential season 2 had going for it.
I actually was holding back tears of joy when his powerful, godly stache/bearded face was directly in front of our group.
It was at that moment i knew he would deliver drama, good controversy, humorous quotes, season 1 feels making season 2's so far incredible direction even better.
Yay, his presence improved the already great potential season 2 had going for it
When I first watched that outcome, it legitimately drove me to tears of laugh. I believe it also has something to do with the unnecessarily but hilariously long shot—it killed all tension established. My ribs popped after that.
When Kenny mentions Duck during dinner at the lodge when he says "pass me that can Duck" and then gives a look of shock when he remembers Duck had died. It was as if Kenny had almost forgotten that happened.
when did number 4 happen - what series and what episode I don't remember it.
Season 2 Ep 1 when Clem is talking to Luke about who she is.
oh ok I always went with the lee option. next time I will go with that.
what is the option
Pretty sure its "People die because of me" :P
Or I think she might say that people died trying to save her from the stranger.
ok I never seen it. it seems like only appears if you choose a certain option when you tell luke about the stranger
Season 2's end with Kenny in Wellington. I was a crying mess after it.
The Walking Dead Season 1 :
I miss you -- Lee
Me too Clementine
The Walking Dead Season 2 :
Kenny's speech at the fence in episode 5 ( I miss my Boy )
The Walking Dead - Michonne episode 3
the farewell letter from Sophie Fairbanks :
John, Take care of our children and take care of yourself. I´m sorry.
I know that dosen´t help or explain anything, but it´s true.
I can´t stand watching you and the Kids suffer, knowing what´s going to happen to me . . . . and what I´ll become.
Better to spare you that pain .
I love you more than anything. Sophie
…huh? Is that a deleted scene, or…?
oh crap I meant in episode 5
where he spoke about his son Duck. I miss my Boy
Edit : corrected
Lee and Clementine's final conversation in No Time Left
"Some days, I envy the dead." -Michonne
The Wellington Speech
Kenny's speech at Wellington is my favourite part of the whole game, it makes my cry every time. Espessially when he says "I'm real glad to have met you Clementine". I also love the whole conversation between Lee and Clementine at the end of season 1.
ben's speech about his family.
"You have to shoot me honey" - Lee Everett
Season 1 ending and season 2 Wellington ending.
"Give me the gun Ken, i'll do it"
Kenny (about to walk in to his "death" in season 1): It's ok Lee. Lee: No Ken, no it's not.
Saddest line...
Kenny: I got lucky, real lucky.
Season 1:
Lee And Clementine Conversation When Lee is Dying,Ben Talking To Kenny About His Family
Season 2:
Kenny Speech at The Tent in Episode 4,Kenny Lefting Clem and AJ At Wellington
"You have to shoot me honey"
Lee: Clem, people don't always make sense.
Clementine: How come?
Lee: 'Cause bad things happen to everyone. And it's hard to keep bein' yourself after they do.
I just think that this is a very powerful line as it is so fucking true. Still gives me some chills when i hear it.
So many but here are my top 5 in no particular order:
Season 1
Clem: My parents, it's so horrible.
Lee: I can't imagine sweet pea
Clem: "And now...you? PLEASE...please don't be one of them. Please don't become a walker."
Lee: "There's only one thing you can do. You know that." (Had me crying my eyes out every time no matter how often i watch it!) - Episode 5 No Time Left
Lee: "I'll miss you."
Clem: "Me too." - Episode 5 No Time Left
Kenny: "KAT! KAT! KATJAA! Why Kat? Honey, oh fuckin' god." - Episode 3 Long Road Ahead
Kenny: "Lee. Lee it's okay."
Lee: "No Ken! No it's not!" Episode 5 No Time Left
Season 2
The whole Wellington/Kenny speech but the lines that made me cry were:
Kenny: "Just take the kids! Please! Just take the kids. It's too dangerous out here for them. It's just a little girl and a baby boy. You can make room for that. You can take back the supplies you gave us if that helps. Please, just...i need them to be safe. It's safe in there, i know that. Just ask someone? Please? They won't make it out here! Please?" (The only time Kenny ever begged for anything in his life most likely)
Kenny: "You'll meet people...You'll make friends...People better than me...Good people...That don't have to look at you...and feel ashamed at what they put you through...Please, Clem, please...Where you won't have to sleep with a gun next to you every night...Where you can be a kid for a while..."
Kenny: "I'm real glad to have met you Clementine."
Forgot the lines exactly but Clementine's speech about Lee in All That Remains when talking to Luke at the table and everything she had been through. Very tear jerking.
Christa: "Oh god...Omid. Omid can you hear me? Omid? Omid?"
Come on man! We get you hate him but give a proper response to a saddest line of dialogue and not a jokey one because you hate the character so much. It's just going to cause arguments.
Cheers, I'll drink to that.
Sarah: Clementine? (When left behind).
It made me cry hard. I can't believe people can be so stupid to cheer her death.
It's amusing how he/she can hate a game character so much to be fair Aron! Telltale created a masterpiece with Kenny. Most divided character ever!
That was so out of my Clementine's character to do that to Sarah