What is the worst country in the world, and why?
The flip side to my last thread on this.
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The flip side to my last thread on this.
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I live in America and I hate it here, maybe its just the place I live, but I can never have a civil conversation with anybody and how can I ever socialize, make friends, or get a girlfriend when most of the people talk nothing about sports (usually Baseball and Soccer), politics (fuck those people especially) and the people go fucking batshit crazy when I actually do give in and talk about those things with them. Like I said, maybe it is just the place I live, but so far I hate it. Worst Country.
North Korea.
Lithuania, which is where I live. There's probably worse but my opinion is obviously biased because I haven't been to any other country. Drunk crime is rampant here.
Planning to move out when I'm ready and sorted.
Yeah, the country with the mad dictator who executes folks on the daily would probably be my best bet as well. That or Ireland (where I live), which is probably the closet thing to a shithole.
Is that a thread where you insert a name of the country you live in and brag on how much you dislike it?
Lithuania has a very high suicide rate IIRC. IT's Villinus how people are treated there!
So what do you think is the worst country?
...I don't know why I tagged you, considering this is a reply, but oh well, it's done now.
I'm sure you'd much prefer Saudi Arabia or North Korea, bastions of human rights that they are.
Well, we know either Clinton or Trump is gonna win the election. And they're both bad leaders (why the fuck can't we have Bernie). So, USA it is.
Clinton and Trump both will not have an overly large impact on American law, that will be up to the Congress, and to a lesser extent the President. Neither candidate wants to pass laws calling for the execution of homosexuals, for example, nor would the Congress allow such a bill to be passed. To say that America is worse than, or even on par with, Saudi Arabia due to the Presidential candidates that might be elected, key word there, is simply naive.
This thread will go well.
Hard to say, every country has bad regions. Iran, Eritrea and North Korea would definitely be on my shortlist for worst overall. Areas of Mexico under cartel control are also pretty damn bad. Somalia is actually slowly getting better.
There's also Swaziland, where a king rules by decree and like 1/4th of the population has aids.
Germany. I have been there and is such a weak country.
the whole earth is a bad country
let's move to a different galaxy who with me
So much this.
The hypocrisy of the Saudi regime truly knows no bounds. They'll lop your head off for being gay or flog you for possessing drugs, yet you'll never find a more decadent, degenerate bunch that Saudi royalty and oil sheiks.
To my understanding, the people don't rise up, partially out of fear and partly because the country can be very generous with free healthcare and such thanks to oil.
One day, they oil will run out, the lifestyle to which the Saudis have become accustomed will be no more and the people will throw off the shackles of King and Cleric.
Where to? Tatooine? Naboo?
Yeah I didn't think it through
I LOVE CATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Second that, I don't know what the hell is going on there right now but Germans just went insane...
What I mean is that they have such a weak network.
I actually love kittens more.
Heheh, same here pal.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Since how long are you living in America? I thought you were italian.
I'd say a lot of the Middle East could be classified as the most dangerous, impoverish, crime related could be seen as such. Constant clashes between terrorist organizations and several instances of genocide including children on a daily basis is difficult for me to shrug off
Fuck you and your cats, I'll be going to Dogworld.
Maybe I don't have to shoot you for calling it "Taylor Ham."
Jordan, Morroco, Tunisia(?), Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Bahraim, UAE. This are all stable middle eastern countries. Hell, some of them aren't even that religious or oppressive.
As a Dane, I'm legally obligated to say Sweden. Not really, but I hate them anyway.
I am Italian, I have lived a long time in America though so I might be considered more American than Italian but I still hail from Naples.
Note that I didn't say all of the middle east.
Maybe you don't, but I'm still going to shoot you for calling it Pork Roll.
I'd fucking hate to live in palestine... or newcastle
It's still on then North Jersey dog. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.
"OH...OH... Fight for the Honor
Fight for the Splendor
Fight for the Pleasure
OH...OH... Fight for the Honor
Fight for the Splendor
Fight for your Life!"