A Petition (Please Help!)
Hey guys, I have a class project, a petition more specifically, and I'd love for you guys to sign it and give it your support. So, basically, the project is about whitewashing in Hollywood, and my group is specifically focusing on the upcoming live action version of DeathNote, wherein two of the main leads were not only cast as white instead of Asian, but was specifically segregated to only white leads. So if you like DeathNote, anime, or just in general don't agree with some of Hollywood's choices like whitewashing, please help us and sign this petition! Thank you guys!
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I don't know anything about anime, but I saw this thread and decided to look the characters up. Most of the characters I'm seeing look white, so how is them being portrayed by white people incorrect or bad? Could you show me the characters you specifically mean, maybe I just saw the wrong ones.
I don't see any problem here. Not only do the original characters not look that Asian, it's also up to the studio to decide.
Those characters don't even look asian so I have no idea what your problem is.
Just because it's an anime it's live action adaptation needs to have asian actors?
Well no, but the characters were designed to be Asian. They're deliberately changing the ethnicity of the leads; nevermind how they look. I mean, the history of replacing Asian characters with white actors is terrible, especially with this picture:
Pretty messed up, huh?
I mean,to be fair, how many actual Asian-looking Anime characters are there?
There is already a japanese movie with japanese actors, this is the american movie with american actors... ie american version like the ring, grudge, ect...
Petitions don't really go anywhere though.
Something oxymoronic about a petition website called change.
No not really, I think you're just overblowing it too much. Oh no, the american live action adaptation has american actors! Who could have thought?
Personally, I don't mind what kind of actors are hired to play the role in a live-action version of the anime. As long as they look like the characters and their acting is subjectively good, I don't personally mind who is cast. Plus, if I don't like the live-action version, then I can just watch the original.
I don't rightly know; the first part of my comment said that I don't know anything about anime.
On this same website french created a petition against the infamous labor law. Sure the gouvernment didn't listen to it but it created a political movement and strikes.
So still it can go somewhere, like sometimes.
personally think turning anime into live action is stupid they did it with animes like dragonball and crying freeman as an anime fan who likes deathnote ithink to change anime to live action is just ridiculous it just ruins the uniqueness of anime itself
Don't really understand why people are complaining about this more as of late, we've been very lenient about letting some stuff go in the past. The Nostalgia Critic recently put a video up about this topic which I find a very interesting watch:
If people wonder why many anime characters are considered looking Japanese, then pay attention to stuff like their eye-shapes.
Japanese authors tend to make characters look Japanese, despite their skin color which is obviously Caucasian (Light Yagami for example.)
Kind of like marble statues. They look albino unlike people they re-present.
There is already a live action japanese made death note and it sucks.
What I have a problem with is american remakes, what is the point cant people watch a dub or with subtitles? Ive never seen the american oldboy but that pissed me off big time, oldboy was a masterpiece are people so closed minded they wont watch the original because its foreign? And they dont even sop with foreign language they have american remakes of british things, WHY?! Why stop with films why not art and music ffs.
Sorry for the rant, lol, I dont know where it came from
You should really check out american Oldboy, the story is pretty similar and the actors are good. I liked it.
Is this spam?
Who cares? An American movie with American actors is offensive, why? Stop making an issue over nothing and get over it.
There's a huge difference between Breakfast at Tiffany's (the movie shown above) and this American adaptation of Death Note. Breakfast at Tiffany's depiction of an Asian man is build off racial stereotypes and is going out of it's way to be offensive, whilst the adaptation is simply creating an American version of a Japanese anime. I really can't see how they're comparable, to be honest, and think you're overreacting.
That's actually really cool. I've never heard about that before. Usually, people don't care and just sign and completely forget about it and move on with their lives.
Petitions as a component of a mass movement can be useful, but on their own, they stink of liberal Slacktivism. Particularly in regards to something like this.
The protests and strikes in France give me hope. I wish we American proles were willing to stand up for ourselves like that, because our working conditions are even worse.
i agree why not have subtitles i usually prefer watching anime in japanese with subtitles it just seems tofit with the theme
I don't think it's white washing, I think it's an artistic/casting choice honestly. Some Japanese people have even spoken up about this and said that casting American actors doesn't mean that the characters are being white washed, it's that casting American actors for the role kind of makes them look more anime-like, they even said they really liked ScarJo for the role of Kusanagi for Ghost in the Shell. Honestly, I think that complaining about this is just people looking for a reason to be butthurt and offended, it's like saying that they shouldn't have Chris Sabat do the american voice of Vegeta because he's american, when in reality Chris is perfect for the role. Sorry man, I'm sure you're a great dude, but I'm not gonna support a petition to change what I feel isn't a problem. Unless actual racism is in play with these role castings (Which is not at all true as far as we know), there's no true problem.