I think that rather than try to comprehend things we aren't meant to understand, why not use whatever biblical scripture people read as a means to be a better human.
And no, I don't believe in a "God," rather I believe that only each person is responsible for each and every action they take... no consequence for the "wrong" path, no reward for the "right" one. Unless the compass you follow is strong enough to give you joy in-and-of-itself for making the decision yourself.
For me, there's a solace in knowing I'm not being judged either way for the actions I take. It makes me stronger.
No but if God did exist he (is he a he?) probably watches humans like they're cheap reality TV and plays us like we are Sims. Must be a great past time.
Sometimes I get so wrapped up in science that I like to ponder what if God does exist and why humans need to believe in God and why we need some sort of religion, something to worship. It's great fun to think about.
Its actually freaky when you look into to whole reality is a computer program idea, there are lots of supporters of the idea and if its possible that means sim players could be gods
No but if God did exist he (is he a he?) probably watches humans like they're cheap reality TV and plays us like we are Sims. Must be a grea… moret past time.
Sometimes I get so wrapped up in science that I like to ponder what if God does exist and why humans need to believe in God and why we need some sort of religion, something to worship. It's great fun to think about.
Yes, because I would like to believe I'm going somewhere better then here on Earth once I die, and that once I die that I will see many loved ones again. I just Hope I am right.
I believe that religion is not the answer, because to throw your faith behind little more than a book or text, is blind and undermines reason. Then again, how do you comprehend or answer a question credibly with reason and/or evidence when there cannot be any? Therefore, if a proposition (i.e. God) is unable to be proven or disproven, one ought to forget the matter entirely, for focusing on something unknowable will be, by definition, futile and useless. Therefore, agnosticism is the best route.
I think so, or perhaps multiple gods. There's no true way of knowing but I find comfort in believing there is one. I just feel like in order to give the world free will they just not bother getting involved and allow US to make the decisions that affect OUR world.
Yes, because I would like to believe I'm going somewhere better then here on Earth once I die, and that once I die that I will see many loved ones again. I just Hope I am right.
Yes, because I would like to believe I'm going somewhere better then here on Earth once I die, and that once I die that I will see many loved ones again. I just Hope I am right.
Personally, I believe that once you're dead, that's it. I don't believe in no afterlife. It just seems to far-fetched to me.
Personally, … more I believe what the Lord told Adam, after he and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit:
"Since you listened to your wife and ate from the tree
whose fruit I commanded you not to eat,
the ground is cursed because of you.
All your life you will struggle to scratch a living from it.
It will grow thorns and thistles for you,
though you will eat of its grains.
By the sweat of your brow will you have food to eat until you return to the ground from which you were made.
For you were made from dust, and to dust you will return.” - Gen 3:17-19.
Than why be a good person - if there is no afterlife? Personally because I believe it's the right thing for me to do.
I believe that a higher power does indeed exist, it's my personal belief, I can't say there isn't anything important that I've wished or prayed for that hasn't come true.
Eh. I believe a higher power created us and put us here on earth, and then left. I don't believe in some magical bearded man watching over people. I just believe that there was a reason we were created.
I'm religious but still not entirely sure. He may or may not, even if not, I do appreciate the faith and the morals gained from being Christian. I may turn to atheism later down the line, but glad I was brought up Christian.
Why argue? There is literally no reason to argue in this thread, if you don't believe in God, that's cool, if you do, that's also cool. The only way an argument could arise from this is if a selfish, stubborn moron started shunning people due to their beliefs/non beliefs.
Threads like these should promote discussion and understanding, not arguments.
Not that me saying this will change anything...
I am completely agnostic to the concept.
I believe that religion is not the answer, because to throw your faith behind little more than a… more book or text, is blind and undermines reason. Then again, how do you comprehend or answer a question credibly with reason and/or evidence when there cannot be any? Therefore, if a proposition (i.e. God) is unable to be proven or disproven, one ought to forget the matter entirely, for focusing on something unknowable will be, by definition, futile and useless. Therefore, agnosticism is the best route.
This is going to sound weird, but I think that 'Handsome Jack' in Tales and 'certain character on a certain cable show' got it right, or rather their writers respectively. There is just nothing after death, nothing at all. I imagine it being similar to being anesthetized, anyone who went through that before knows that you just fall asleep and wake up hours later with no memory at all. Dying is probably the same, with the difference that you don't wake up.
I don't know how to feel about it, of course a magical place with unicorns shitting rainbows and clouds made out of cotton candy would be preferable, but I'll leave it to other people to lie to themselves like that. All I'm pretty much certain about is that god and the afterlife as we understand it are inventions of people whose lives sucked and who wanted to look forward to something at long last. No offense to any religious people, just my view of it all.
I think that rather than try to comprehend things we aren't meant to understand, why not use whatever biblical scripture people read as a means to be a better human.
And no, I don't believe in a "God," rather I believe that only each person is responsible for each and every action they take... no consequence for the "wrong" path, no reward for the "right" one. Unless the compass you follow is strong enough to give you joy in-and-of-itself for making the decision yourself.
For me, there's a solace in knowing I'm not being judged either way for the actions I take. It makes me stronger.
No but if God did exist he (is he a he?) probably watches humans like they're cheap reality TV and plays us like we are Sims. Must be a great past time.
Sometimes I get so wrapped up in science that I like to ponder what if God does exist and why humans need to believe in God and why we need some sort of religion, something to worship. It's great fun to think about.
When I clicked on this thread I 100% knew who made it. It's like you love watching people argue.
Which one(s)?
Its actually freaky when you look into to whole reality is a computer program idea, there are lots of supporters of the idea and if its possible that means sim players could be gods
Yes, because I would like to believe I'm going somewhere better then here on Earth once I die, and that once I die that I will see many loved ones again. I just Hope I am right.
I am completely agnostic to the concept.
I believe that religion is not the answer, because to throw your faith behind little more than a book or text, is blind and undermines reason. Then again, how do you comprehend or answer a question credibly with reason and/or evidence when there cannot be any? Therefore, if a proposition (i.e. God) is unable to be proven or disproven, one ought to forget the matter entirely, for focusing on something unknowable will be, by definition, futile and useless. Therefore, agnosticism is the best route.
I'm not against the idea but not a 100% believer.
Just as realistic as invisible pink unicorns. So probably not.
Nope, and if he is, he ought to be abolished for doing cruddy work
This thread is getting 2edgy4me.
I think so, or perhaps multiple gods. There's no true way of knowing but I find comfort in believing there is one. I just feel like in order to give the world free will they just not bother getting involved and allow US to make the decisions that affect OUR world.
Took the words right out my mouth, Lee.
Yeah, I am a Christian.

All hail the mighty spaghetti monster!
R'amen pasta bro!
That's exactly what I was thinking
No, I'm simply trying to give people more things to talk about.
I do not believe in religion like in the Bible or the Quran. No there will not be a son of god coming to set up a Kingdom of heaven on Earth.
No, blind faith is not something I have inside me
Personally, I believe that once you're dead, that's it. I don't believe in no afterlife. It just seems to far-fetched to me.
Personally, I believe what the Lord told Adam, after he and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit:
"Since you listened to your wife and ate from the tree
whose fruit I commanded you not to eat,
the ground is cursed because of you.
All your life you will struggle to scratch a living from it.
It will grow thorns and thistles for you,
though you will eat of its grains.
By the sweat of your brow will you have food to eat until you return to the ground from which you were made.
For you were made from dust, and to dust you will return.” - Gen 3:17-19.
Than why be a good person - if there is no afterlife? Personally because I believe it's the right thing for me to do.
But wait, I thought before in one of your post from a few months back that you did believe in God?
I believe that a higher power does indeed exist, it's my personal belief, I can't say there isn't anything important that I've wished or prayed for that hasn't come true.
Eh. I believe a higher power created us and put us here on earth, and then left. I don't believe in some magical bearded man watching over people. I just believe that there was a reason we were created.
From what I can gather of the post he doesn't believe in the afterlife, not god.
I'm religious but still not entirely sure. He may or may not, even if not, I do appreciate the faith and the morals gained from being Christian. I may turn to atheism later down the line, but glad I was brought up Christian.
Why argue? There is literally no reason to argue in this thread, if you don't believe in God, that's cool, if you do, that's also cool. The only way an argument could arise from this is if a selfish, stubborn moron started shunning people due to their beliefs/non beliefs.
Threads like these should promote discussion and understanding, not arguments.
Not that me saying this will change anything...
There's no real way to prove that he does exist, or no real way to prove otherwise.
I simple don't know and I doubt I'll ever find out so I just don't think about it.
Though it would be nice if our world was like in Lovecraft's books.
If there is one he's very cruel.
That is a pretty safe assumption. I believe that there is a God, and I base that purely on what I have personally experienced in my life.
However I don't believe in heaven or hell.
No, and if he (it?) does he has a lot to answer for.
I actually take solace in the belief that there isn't a god as it means I don't have to worry about some higher power constantly judging me.
This is going to sound weird, but I think that 'Handsome Jack' in Tales and 'certain character on a certain cable show' got it right, or rather their writers respectively. There is just nothing after death, nothing at all. I imagine it being similar to being anesthetized, anyone who went through that before knows that you just fall asleep and wake up hours later with no memory at all. Dying is probably the same, with the difference that you don't wake up.
I don't know how to feel about it, of course a magical place with unicorns shitting rainbows and clouds made out of cotton candy would be preferable, but I'll leave it to other people to lie to themselves like that. All I'm pretty much certain about is that god and the afterlife as we understand it are inventions of people whose lives sucked and who wanted to look forward to something at long last. No offense to any religious people, just my view of it all.
Pastafarian is the best religion.
Well obviously god exists, a book told me he was real.