Perhaps @TheGreatLeoDio could put @ signs in front of all of the handles in the main post (at least the ones where it makes sense). That would make it easy to check the profiles before sending a Happy Birthday message. I've wished a couple of banned people Happy Birthday myself, and anyone who hasn't logged in in 8 months probably won't log in in time to see their birthday wishes.
Happy belated birthday @El_Taco1220, @JonDee013, @GaredAndBacon, @JordaaNPopee @JMOREL !
I wish you health, sucsess and true friends in you life!
And best wishes from me @CathalOHara & @TDMshadowCP !
The birthday list has been updated to remove all banned and inactive members. If you believe there has been a mistake, then let me know and I'll fix it right up for ya.
I was the one who suggested just putting an @ in front of everyone's handle, so that it's easy to check prior to wishing anyone a happy birthday, to make sure they aren't banned and have logged in some time in the last 8 months. It won't work for those with a space or special character in their handle, unless you also put the numeric ID form there.
That's only if the forum won't re-tag everyone every time you edit it for a new birthday, though, which I really don't know for sure, as people don't edit posts with tags in them that often.
The birthday list has been updated to remove all banned and inactive members. If you believe there has been a mistake, then let me know and I'll fix it right up for ya.
Happy birthday to @InGen_Nate_Kenny, such a great member.
Wow, and you even got such high praise from a moderator! Happy birthday!
And belated ones to @AmazingAura01 and @ComingSoon, too!
(EDIT: Whoops, both of them have been banned. Oh well.)
Happy birthday @AmazingAura01 @ComingSoon and @InGen_Nate_Kenny !
Forgive me for being late!
Happy birthday to @InGen_Nate_Kenny!
@InGen_Nate_Kenny Happy Birthday man, hope you enjoy it.
Happy Birthday @InGen_Nate_Kenny!! Hope this day is great for you. (And I hope everyone behaves here today...)
Happy Birthday @InGen_Nate_Kenny
Happy belated birthday @Puncake32 !
I wish you health, success and more true friends in your life!
Seems pointless congratulating a banned person. A probably perma banned person.
Sorry, I didn't noticed.
Try not to torture
Perhaps @TheGreatLeoDio could put @ signs in front of all of the handles in the main post (at least the ones where it makes sense). That would make it easy to check the profiles before sending a Happy Birthday message. I've wished a couple of banned people Happy Birthday myself, and anyone who hasn't logged in in 8 months probably won't log in in time to see their birthday wishes.
Happy birthday @JMOREL
Happy belated birthday @El_Taco1220, @JonDee013, @GaredAndBacon, @JordaaNPopee @JMOREL !
I wish you health, sucsess and true friends in you life!
And best wishes from me @CathalOHara & @TDMshadowCP !
Happy birthday to everyone from the past few days who I forgot to congratulate. Yay to you guys!
Cheers! I had a lovely ald'time!
Can't leave May without wishing you Happy Birthday, @ReggiesLeftArm!
Happy birthday @ReggiesLeftArm
Can you pls add me? My birthday is on February 13th. Thanks c:
Happy belated birthday, lady Sonya! ^.^
Aye, thank you
Thanks a lot, @WarpSpeed and @Karnedg2013
And sorry for the late respond! :P
I hope you had nice day, buddy
I have. Thx
Happy belated birthday @John_Smith13 !
Belated bday @catwolf
Thanks for bump this thread, Adam!
Happy very-jery-bary belated happy sweet birthdAY @Jewfreeus !
And happy birthday @TheCatWolf .
I hope you had nice days!
My birthday is on July 9th..
Add it please?
My Birthday is January 11th can I be added to the list.
You sure can. Added!
Thank you!
Someone suggested how to root out the inactive/banned members. Who was that? What was the suggestion? It'd be highly appreciated. Thank you!
The sugestion was to put a '@' in front of the name of banned users. I can't remember who sugested it tho!
(I think a † symbol would be more fitting
I think that might've been it. I'll probably just scour through and remove all banned users or something.
The birthday list has been updated to remove all banned and inactive members. If you believe there has been a mistake, then let me know and I'll fix it right up for ya.
I was the one who suggested just putting an @ in front of everyone's handle, so that it's easy to check prior to wishing anyone a happy birthday, to make sure they aren't banned and have logged in some time in the last 8 months. It won't work for those with a space or special character in their handle, unless you also put the numeric ID form there.
That's only if the forum won't re-tag everyone every time you edit it for a new birthday, though, which I really don't know for sure, as people don't edit posts with tags in them that often.
coolz bro. and by the way, I noticed August - MetallicRules should be MetallicaRules
Thank you for catching that. I'll edit that now.