The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Speaking of that, I recently read the lyrics for Pour Some Sugar on Me and Hurricane, and those songs have some fucking weird and strangely sexual lyrics, which kind of bugs me because these are songs still played uncensored on radio stations today.

    "The bitch is hungry, she means to tell, so give her inches and feed her well."

    Seriously, what the fuck?

    There's something special about listening to "Pour Some Sugar on Me" while sitting on the couch browsing the forums.

  • I think most of Gone Home's charm lies in it's symbolism, Silent Hill 2 is kind of like Gone Home in a way because you can't really truly appreciate it unless you see the symbolism.

    So I just finished gone home and I am in actual shock over how bland and awful it was What. Was. The point?

  • edited June 2016

    Divide is featured in the ends credits of Volume 3 after the big baddie in charge, Salem, shows herself for the first time. It's followed by a slow paced and beautiful tribute song to Monty Oum (and symbolically Arkos), which many fans consider to be the salt in the wound after that fast paced, action packed and strangely disturbing song. The lyrics directly refer to Salem speaking to Ozpin.

    Sorry, I got really fanboyish and technical there, I just fuckin' love RWBY.

    AChicken posted: »

    YES SO EPIC. But, wait. Can any RWBY experts tell me where this song was used? It doesn't ring a bell... Edit: @ClemyClooAndBabyboo perhaps? I know you're a good Rwby fan, recognise it?

  • That's pretty good! The heads a little big though :p

    So like, I don't know if anyone gives a shit, but I drew Spider-Man in the symboitic costume from Volume 6 of Ultimate Spider-Man and I was pretty proud of it so I wanted to share.

  • Better than I could do. Ultimate Spider-man had a giant head(at least in cover art). It's pretty accurate.

    So like, I don't know if anyone gives a shit, but I drew Spider-Man in the symboitic costume from Volume 6 of Ultimate Spider-Man and I was pretty proud of it so I wanted to share.

  • Yeah, Mark Bagley and Art Thibert's style on the Ultimate Spider-Man series had Spidey and his friends with somewhat big heads, however I will say I made his head a bit too big in this one. It'll probably start to bother me eventually. XD

    lupinb0y posted: »

    That's pretty good! The heads a little big though

  • Yeah, his head was pretty big, but in the specific panel I based it off of the head was a bit smaller than that. And I'm sure you're not that bad at art, I think everyone's good at art!

    Johro posted: »

    Better than I could do. Ultimate Spider-man had a giant head(at least in cover art). It's pretty accurate.

  • :/

    I fail to see the humor in it.

  • That is great. Hopefully it will stay that good. :)

    Better than middle school. Middle school was painful AF.

  • Ayy you back

    papai46 posted: »

    Let's repent together (Lenny face)

  • I second this.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    You could start off by getting rid of that weird ass profile pic.

  • Ahh, friends. I realized one of my friends has been lying to me about all kinds of stuff and ignored my phone calls with replying that she hadn't gotten the call. That hit me hard, I even dreamt about it. I don't know what it is with me but I've been feeling kinda empty recently, never knew it felt or rather didn't feel this sucky. My rant is over now.

    Smart move. You've acknowledged it and decided to fight it, that's more than a good progress. Sometimes, you don't know how far you've come while still walking. Every single thing you do is a something. The worst you can do is go in circles, and that means going back to old habits, not so useful methods, and mindset.

    Thanks for the welcome back. Depression is pretty shit. Eh, life is just going along to be honest. Had friends turn against me earlier wh

  • edited June 2016

    enter link description here

    @Markd4547 I made this for you and every Kingdom Hearts fan on the forum:) but that tumbnail though

  • So I defeated Gone Home and... Seriously (deletes game).

    So I just finished gone home and I am in actual shock over how bland and awful it was What. Was. The point?

  • You're the first to offer so if you're willing I'd thank you a lot. Also, the full idea for the dialogue would be the entire speech like:

    Why, Mr. Sanders? Why? Why do you do it? Why? Why get up? Why keep fighting? Do you believe you're fighting for something? Something more than your political career? Can you tell me what it is? Do you even know? Is it equality or truth? Perhaps peace? Could it be for a political revolution? Illusions, Mr. Sanders. Temporary constructs of a feeble political intellect trying desperately to justify an existence without meaning or purpose. And all as artificial as the government itself, although, only a socialist mind could invent something as insipid as a revolution. You must be able to see it Mr. Sanders. You must know it by now. You can't win. There's no point in fighting. Why, Mr. Sanders? Why? Why do you persist?

    And Bernie just replies: Because I choose to.

    But if you just want to do the bit in my initial post, I'd still thank you a lot.

    Has someone done it for you yet or do you still want to see it happen? Because I've got a few hours of free time and this'll take like 10 minutes.

  • Does someome here work at a game company besides TTG look I like you guys and girls but I don't live in america sorry, or a movie studio?

    joshua007 posted: »

    enter link description here @Markd4547 I made this for you and every Kingdom Hearts fan on the forum:) but that tumbnail though

  • so i redownloaded saints row 4 (i know the game is pretty bad) but i got it for a few quid in a sale and have made a character that looks just like Vasquez this is the second character lookalike i have made in saints row i made agent 47 in sr3

  • I had to make a refund request on steam for GTA IV, It didn't go so well on my pc

  • What the fuck?

    So like, I don't know if anyone gives a shit, but I drew Spider-Man in the symboitic costume from Volume 6 of Ultimate Spider-Man and I was pretty proud of it so I wanted to share.

  • Is it that hard to look at the hardware area of the page?

    I had to make a refund request on steam for GTA IV, It didn't go so well on my pc

  • edited June 2016

    Pretty good.

    Ultimate Spiderman was my favourite adaption of the Spiderman comics, so many good stories in it and such good art.

    So like, I don't know if anyone gives a shit, but I drew Spider-Man in the symboitic costume from Volume 6 of Ultimate Spider-Man and I was pretty proud of it so I wanted to share.

  • I wouldn't really know tbh. Most here still have school but there's a slight chance there may be one.

    joshua007 posted: »

    Does someome here work at a game company besides TTG look I like you guys and girls but I don't live in america sorry, or a movie studio?

  • Lol what? How is the game bad? From what I've heard from friends and others along with what I've seen it looks pretty damn fun.

    so i redownloaded saints row 4 (i know the game is pretty bad) but i got it for a few quid in a sale and have made a character that looks just like Vasquez this is the second character lookalike i have made in saints row i made agent 47 in sr3

  • Good! I released a new chapter to my current side story recently! Also I'm trying to learn 3d modelling to make some of the characters. It's a bitch! lol

    Hey Tobi, how's the comics going?

  • People call it bad as a sequel, Saints row 2 is the best Saints row game to the veterans, saints row 3 and 4 made the game less gangsterier.

  • edited June 2016

    I swapped the music for a part of the trailer, I thought it looked pretty good so i decided to upload it... Should i be disappointed in myself or be proud?

    enter link description here

  • So uh which part was made by you?

    I swapped the music for a part of the trailer, I thought it looked pretty good so i decided to upload it... Should i be disappointed in myself or be proud? enter link description here

  • the thumbnail

    and i changed the music

    So uh which part was made by you?

  • Nice thumbnail then I guess.

    the thumbnail and i changed the music

  • edited June 2016

    Thanks, my precious 5 minutes got put into that.

    Nice thumbnail then I guess.

  • I'm gonna celebrate by making me a nice victory omelet.

    I'M DONE!!!

  • So my friend just bought me Borderlands 2 on steam so we can play it together! It's gonna take me a while to get used to the controls since I've only played it on a console.

    In other news, one of my sisters got a Steam...

    enter image description here

    The Youtube fangirl we need

  • Disinterest, I guess. I check around here and there but never find a conversation I'd like to join.

    Any real reason?

  • im straight and i LOVE gay people

    doesn't that contradict itself

    lottii-lu posted: »

    So my friend just bought me Borderlands 2 on steam so we can play it together! It's gonna take me a while to get used to the controls since

  • I'll be her big daddy.

    Okay I'm really sorry for that one.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    So my friend just bought me Borderlands 2 on steam so we can play it together! It's gonna take me a while to get used to the controls since

  • Maybe she just means she feels more comfortable around them, not necessarily into them.

    im straight and i LOVE gay people doesn't that contradict itself

  • Nah, she's gonna be your big daddy. :P

    I'll be her big daddy. Okay I'm really sorry for that one.

  • I was off the forums for a couple of days and I see quite a few controversial threads. The recent one I just read seems like it is getting people fired up. Is making threads like these a fad now?

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