The Vent/Help Thread



  • edited June 2016

    Watch these 3 video!
    Please don't comment until you have done so. Thank you!
    enter link description here
    enter link description here

    Pay special attention to the 3rd video, as it the information in it is presented by a woman who was a victim of gun violence.
    enter link description here

    Chilled posted: »

    It really fucks me off how absolutely dumb some Americans are. When will people realise guns are killing more than they are saving, how many

  • Sounds fun. I recommend taking a break, relaxing, just do your own thing.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Don't you just love it when you're constantly pissed off around everyone around you, feel stressed and axtious 24/7 for jackshit and are on the verge of screaming majority of the time!

  • Sounds like every day for me

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Don't you just love it when you're constantly pissed off around everyone around you, feel stressed and axtious 24/7 for jackshit and are on the verge of screaming majority of the time!

  • edited June 2016

    First video:
    Guy is just pulling statistics as if the death of people is simply a number. Sorry, but this guy is sick. "Let's not ban guns that kill thousands every year, because knives kill more." A gun won't cut up the veggies i'm cooking tonight, a gun won't hammer in those nails to build my house (hammer), and a gun won't heal my sore leg (doctor). Completely impractical statement to show me and the audience. The sole purpose of a gun is too kill, end of story.
    A man wielding a knife also will never kill 30 people in a night club, but a gun? Within a few minutes. The lethality of a gun far outweighs a knife in almost all circumstances.
    It's the typical, 'murderers will always find a way to commit mass murder'. Really? Let me use my previous example. Australia has PROVEN that guns do not need to be in a first-world, civilised society...throw those stats back at me. There is no other tool that can kill so many people so quickly other than a bomb.
    Just a quick's not cutting the horns off the gazelle, it's cutting the claws off the leopard. Stop the violent weapon before it can get to the innocent. Why he compares metal guns with nature is beyond me, it's asinine.
    Second video:
    More stats, more BS. What's up with the Afghan war reference? She just told us over 3000 people were killed by guns in Chicago (and 1% by the weapon she is discussing), so she thinks being allowed to keep them will result in less deaths because 'self defence'? Logic? Where are you?
    This video is only talking about specific firearms, I don't understand why you would show me this video, ALL guns, are dangerous.
    If this girl wants to keep joining gun clubs and going to shooting ranges, fine by me. But it doesn't mean she should be allowed to take the gun home and carry it around as she pleases for 'self defence'. She's 15 FFS.
    Third video:
    If the crazy man in the truck lived in a society where guns are not readily available he would not have been able to empty however many clips he so had into that diner. Which is my point.
    "I'm not mad at the madman for murdering my parents and however many other people got brutally slaughtered that day...i'm mad at my legislators for not letting me carry a gun and protect myself." Far out woman, you're more nuts than he is. If these legislators had their way and stopped guns getting to the people, you AND your parents would have finished your meals and lived happy lives. NO ONE, even the madman, would have died that day.

    Look, to be honest, I could just keep using Australia as an example, over and over...and I probably will. Unless America truly is a twisted country full of sick, mentally deranged people (which I don't believe is the case), guns are not necessary for defence because there is only an offence in very rare scenarios, that NO ONE can stop, whether you have a gun or not.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Watch these 3 video! Please don't comment until you have done so. Thank you! enter link description here enter link description here P

  • edited June 2016

    The point is, is that banning Firearms is not the answer. Even if you were to ban Firearms, the people would still find a way to kill each other. People been killing each other for centuries, even before Firearms or even a thought.

    Since the time of Cain and Abel, people have been finding ways to kill each other. If you're going to ban things like Firearms, than you might as well ban people from having rocks in their yards, because even rocks can be to kill fellow human beings.

    As the man said in the first video: "What we really want to ban are violence, murder, and insanity. and we don't talk about those things, because deep in our hearts each of us knows that violence, murder, and insanity, are built into the human condition and likely always will be."

    And he also mention things like knives, and cars, that whenever somebody gets hurt with one of them, we don't go to the manufacturers of these things and tell them they should stop making them.

    What he is saying is, is that Firearms are not the problem. People are!

    Just because somebody might abuse what is made, doesn't mean that it shouldn't be made. There are people in this country who abuse medicare, and yet there are those that truly do depend on it.

    The problem isn't Medicare itself, the problem is the people who abuse Medicare.

    The problem car accidents, or crimes commited with cars, is not because of the car, but rather often times it is because of the person who was behind the wheel.

    The problem is not because of firearms, but the people who misuse them.

    As a human being, if you misuse, or abuse something, then the fault lies with you as a person. if you do something stupid, or you do something that you know you're not supposed to do, yet you do it anyway, the fault lies with you.

    And on a personal note, as an American, I do not appreciate being called "fucking stupid." Just because you don't agree with something, doesn't mean you need to respond the way you did the first time.

    Even though you might not like, or disagree with somebody, you can still express yourself in a dignified and respectful way. And if you do that, you'll find that people will be more willing to listen to what you have to say, and respect your opinion when you offer it.

    But if you resort to personal attacks, just simply so you can make a point - like you did in your first post - then people are get tired of that and they're going to want to have anything to do with you.

    And I'm not being mean, I'm just simply telling you a fact of life.

    The point is, think before you speak. Don't talk, dont act, think.

    Chilled posted: »

    First video: Guy is just pulling statistics as if the death of people is simply a number. Sorry, but this guy is sick. "Let's not ban guns

  • edited June 2016

    The thing is, Australia is very damn different than the US. You're not bordering countries with the highest homicide/crime rates in the world. Smuggling weapons into Australia is too much work unlike the US. Geographically speaking, you are in paradise. The United States however, borders Mexico. Funny thing is... Mexico banned all guns and look how much fun the Cartels are having. They see your nice truck, they kill you and take it because they have no fear of self defense. They want a change of scenery they can just hop on over to the USA. They want a quick buck, they smuggle in weapons for sale on the black market. And who buys weapons illegally on the black market all the time??? Criminals.You are literally just demonizing countless of responsible gun owners who enjoy it as a hobby or have it in case of emergencies, similar to having a fire hydrant in your house.

    I'll tell you an interesting partially unrelated story. My parent's hometown in Mexico is small, in the hills, unpaved roads, the farthest thing from civilization you can imagine. Not many law enforcers there so guns naturally find a way. Right around when the Cartels started getting real bad recruiting or kidnapping people from small towns like theirs, something strange happened. The townspeople didn't want any of their shit, got together in arms, and waited in the hills for the cartels to roll up with their truck convoys. They killed the motherfuckers and made them run for the hills. The cartels never came back, crazy huh? Now if those townspeople were good ole "law abiding please take my guns because i'm too dangerous" type of individuals, they would've no doubt been killed, raped, or tortured.

    Yes I will agree that we need to heavily revise our laws to make it difficult to acquire a firearm but banning them won't do jack shit but leave us to the wolves. You think criminals will give up their guns because the government deems it illegal?! LMAO... Most massacres happen in states with the strictest gun laws or Gun Free Zones. Now why do you think that is? Less risk for the criminals.

    What I find sad is that people would rather ban guns and put a bandaid over the underlying reasons for violence. I'd be more interested in finding ways to improve our gun laws. Let's have open discussions on what could work and what wouldn't. Do we need 1 year waiting periods on gun purchases? Maybe... idk. Should we have weeks or months of tests evaluating our mental health before being permitted to own a firearm? It's so hard to pinpoint what laws will work and which won't because many people are unpredictable. They can be ticking time bombs with anger issues and many other psychological problems. What can we do to solve those mental health problems?

    Chilled posted: »

    First video: Guy is just pulling statistics as if the death of people is simply a number. Sorry, but this guy is sick. "Let's not ban guns

  • edited June 2016

    Love your post. Personally, I am against gun legislation. And the reason for that is because yes it's going to slow down the average citizen from getting a gun - but it won't stop the criminal from doing so - because like you said: They can buy guns on the black market.

    We need to have stricter consequences for people who buy guns illegally, and they shouldn't be able to get any plea bargains, or any deals of any kind, that would keep them out of jail.

    And when it comes to those who murder, they should be executed. Even if they have mental instabilities, if they have killed someone, there is a debt that needs to be paid. "An Eye for an Eye."

    Same goes for the drug dealers. They bring poison into our cities every day, and ruin so many lives.

    same goes for all rapists, and pedophiles. There's never been a recorded case of a pedophile ever having been cured. And if they are let back on the streets, there is always the chance of them re-offending.

    If you are lenient on those who commit those kind of crimes, all that does is promote the idea that people can do this, and yet get away with it. and therefore, they are emboldened to do it again.

    Not to mention, our prisons are busting at the seams already. sooner or later, we're going around to places to put these people.

    JonGon posted: »

    The thing is, Australia is very damn different than the US. You're not bordering countries with the highest homicide/crime rates in the worl

  • Exactly. Gun control has definitely changed Australia for the better (unless gun legislation and no more mass shootings are just a big coincidence), but America is not Australia, and something that works well in one country might not work well in another country.

    I think there is a fair compromise to the issue; if you can prove yourself mentally and physically able and don't have a long or recent history of violent crime, then you can be trusted with a gun. Sure, it'll take awhile, but the people who've committed gun massacres in the past are probably not very mentally sound, so making mental stability a requirement for gun ownership seems like a good option. Besides, we have licences for driving cars, so why not have licences for an object built for the purpose of killing?

    JonGon posted: »

    The thing is, Australia is very damn different than the US. You're not bordering countries with the highest homicide/crime rates in the worl

  • edited June 2016

    Thanks for your response.

    The point is, is that banning Firearms is not the answer. Even if you were to ban Firearms, the people would still find a way to kill each other. People been killing each other for centuries, even before Firearms or even a thought.

    Since the time of Cain and Abel, people have been finding ways to kill each other. If you're going to ban things like Firearms, than you might as well ban people from having rocks in their yards, because even rocks can be to kill fellow human beings.

    A person armed with a rock will not be able to slaughter 40 people in a club, or kill a bunch of people in a cafe, nor will a knife, a gun has the lethality and is a weapon capable of doing that. This is about saving lives that we can save. Don't you want that? Placing restrictions on guns to the public, WILL save lives. Period.

    As the man said in the first video: "What we really want to ban are violence, murder, and insanity. and we don't talk about those things, because deep in our hearts each of us knows that violence, murder, and insanity, are built into the human condition and likely always will be."

    This 'man' is insane. Built into the human condition? He's a fruit loop, humanity has developed beyond this. Violence, murder, and insanity, are not, characteristics of the human condition. What an idiot. We aren't in Ancient Rome anymore. People who kill are locked up because they lack what it is to be human in today's society.

    And he also mention things like knives, and cars, that whenever somebody gets hurt with one of them, we don't go to the manufacturers of these things and tell them they should stop making them.

    What he is saying is, is that Firearms are not the problem. People are!

    Just because somebody might abuse what is made, doesn't mean that it shouldn't be made. There are people in this country who abuse medicare, and yet there are those that truly do depend on it.

    The problem isn't Medicare itself, the problem is the people who abuse Medicare.

    The problem car accidents, or crimes commited with cars, is not because of the car, but rather often times it is because of the person who was behind the wheel.

    The problem is not because of firearms, but the people who misuse them.

    As a human being, if you misuse, or abuse something, then the fault lies with you as a person. if you do something stupid, or you do something that you know you're not supposed to do, yet you do it anyway, the fault lies with you.

    I've already discussed this and won't again. A gun won't get me to work etc, a gun is used to kill. End of story, bottom of the line. Of course it's the madman behind the weapon, but why THE FUCK would anyone want madman to have such easy access to these weapons? It makes, ZERO, sense. If America clearly has so many nutcase, insane people, why insinuate the problem more by freely giving them tools to kill innocent people in such numerous and mass numbers? Families...children. For Christ's sake.

    On your last paragraph, I almost always share my opinion respectfully, whilst respecting others as well. But this is the 'Vent' thread is it not? I think I vented pretty well.
    This is a topic I simply refuse too though. People are being brutally slaughtered from gun violence when they don't need to be. Innocent, good people...these guns protecting them, they're being used to shove a bullet in their brain and silence them indefinitely. Maybe their 8 year old daughter as well...or their parents. can say i'm pulling a sympathy card here. Sadly though, it's the brutal truth.
    Sorry mate, but while you may be insulted by my original comment, it's only in regards to this matter (guns, of course)... and my stance won't be changing on it. I'm more concerned about how many times I open the news paper and a heading states "another mass shooting in the US". Those are the words that matter.
    Please, don't be insulted. I've got a lot of respect for you on these forums for your input and the discussions you make, but I know that there are some opinions I have that you will find 'fucking stupid' also.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    The point is, is that banning Firearms is not the answer. Even if you were to ban Firearms, the people would still find a way to kill each o

  • edited June 2016

    Thanks for your response.
    Although I understand you're first paragraph, I think we can both agree America is much more closely related to Australia than Mexico, in terms of government, general wellbeing of it's people and etc., If America of all countries can't protect it's citizens from criminals in other states/countries, I think there is something seriously wrong with how your country is being run.
    I don't think it's fair to compare a fire hydrant to a gun. As I've stated to Kenny/Lee, lethality is one of the biggest issues and a fire hydrant just won't be able to kill so many people so efficiently.

    Not many law enforcers there so guns naturally find a way.

    That's kinda my point, Mexico...USA? A big difference between them no matter how close they are. That entire paragraph is not how a first world society runs. Cartels never came back but what we had is a bunch of bloodshed and murder from both parties either way. The US is not like that and probably never will be. This isn't the Wild West partner ;) This is a developed, prospering nation. Unlike Mexico.

    Yes I will agree that we need to heavily revise our laws to make it difficult to acquire a firearm but banning them won't do jack shit but leave us to the wolves. You think criminals will give up their guns because the government deems it illegal?! LMAO... Most massacres happen in states with the strictest gun laws or Gun Free Zones. Now why do you think that is? Less risk for the criminals.

    If this is the case, why are you focusing more on readily-available guns for protection instead of the act of law-enforcement and getting your government to knuckle down on getting rid of these sickos.
    More guns does not equal better defence. More guns = easier access to weapons, and more deaths. You told me yourself why people get massacred in gun free zones, because there is less risk for criminals. These criminals can still get weapons in most other parts of America though...of course they would target these zones. If the ENTIRETY of America decided, "that's it, way too many people getting murdered", and focused on restricting gun use, i'm sure it would be for the better. It may take time...but we are the human race...anything is possible, and stopping these shootings, is definitely, possible.

    What I find sad is that people would rather ban guns and put a bandaid over the underlying reasons for violence. I'd be more interested in finding ways to improve our gun laws. Let's have open discussions on what could work and what wouldn't. Do we need 1 year waiting periods on gun purchases? Maybe... idk. Should we have weeks or months of tests evaluating our mental health before being permitted to own a firearm? It's so hard to pinpoint what laws will work and which won't because many people are unpredictable. They can be ticking time bombs with anger issues and many other psychological problems. What can we do to solve those mental health problems?

    It's a start.

    12? Let's make a list of the times guns failed to stop mass shootings...then we'll make one of how many times mass shootings could have been avoided all together if the guns weren't available to begin with...

    JonGon posted: »

    The thing is, Australia is very damn different than the US. You're not bordering countries with the highest homicide/crime rates in the worl

  • We need to have stricter consequences for people who buy guns illegally, and they shouldn't be able to get any plea bargains, or any deals of any kind, that would keep them out of jail.

    And when it comes to those who murder, they should be executed. Even if they have mental instabilities, if they have killed someone, there is a debt that needs to be paid. "An Eye for an Eye."

    Same goes for the drug dealers. They bring poison into our cities every day, and ruin so many lives.

    same goes for all rapists, and pedophiles. There's never been a recorded case of a pedophile ever having been cured. And if they are let back on the streets, there is always the chance of them re-offending.

    If you are lenient on those who commit those kind of crimes, all that does is promote the idea that people can do this, and yet get away with it. and therefore, they are emboldened to do it again.

    Not to mention, our prisons are busting at the seams already. sooner or later, we're going around to places to put these people.

    Agree with everything you said here.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Love your post. Personally, I am against gun legislation. And the reason for that is because yes it's going to slow down the average citizen

  • There was this cute cat that would play around in my front garden. This morning I found it at the bus stop, laying in a patch of grass, dead. This is the first time I've encountered the corpse of anything other than insects or my own pets, so I feel a bit...traumatized and upset.

  • Dead animals always make me sad. Might sound a tad hypocritical coming from a meat eater.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    There was this cute cat that would play around in my front garden. This morning I found it at the bus stop, laying in a patch of grass, dead

  • I guess everyone decided it was "piss off Golden" year.

    So two of my friends are dating, I'm happy for them, I support the relationship. Well, one of the girl's friends didn't (Who's a guy), and texted the boyfriend about he'll move over here and she'll leave him for her. The boyfriend told me about this, right? Well he also told me that he tried to talk to her about this and she ignored it. Okay, that makes me mad, so I try and talk to the girl about it. I don't know if she is stupid or what but she decided that she didn't care about it, and me calling her best friend for 6 years a dick was too far. First of all, he was being a huge dick. Secondly, She seemed upset about it so I apologized if I crossed any boundaries.

    "Ok, just don't talk about him anymore", that's all she needed to say and I would've complied. She just lets it drop after then, right? No. She decides to kick me in our friends group chat and then mock me by saying "question this bitch". Fuck. Her. That group chat is the only real human interaction I get during most of my days. She knows that too yet she kicks me. Allow me to say that I never talked to the dick in the group chat, I never talked about the dick in the group chat, and I wasn't going to talk to the dick in the group chat.

    Honestly, I was looking forward to seeing them all again, but if she is really this fucking childish, I can't.

  • edited June 2016

    What this screams to me is she cheating with best.friend he sounds so arrogant and confident about situation something is up

    While she sees you as a direct threat now to the secret relationship so is isolating you from group

    DO NOT APOLOGIZE. What a douche I would asked dude if I was boyfriend say that to my face. Then smacked him if he did.

    enter image description here

    I guess everyone decided it was "piss off Golden" year. So two of my friends are dating, I'm happy for them, I support the relationship.

  • What this screams to me is she cheating with best.friend he sounds so arrogant and confident about situation something is up

    I doubt that and even if she is, I don't care, not my relationship. The friend isn't even living around the area and people say she doesn't see him as more.

    While she sees you as a direct threat now to the secret relationship so is isolating you from group

    It really upsets me how childish she is about this, instead of resolving it all in private she brings it in public. Even if I talk to people about this stuff, I tell people privately, not in a place with a lot of people. I'm back in but I'm really turned off by a lot of these people.


    I apologized before she kicked me, so fuck her now.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    What this screams to me is she cheating with best.friend he sounds so arrogant and confident about situation something is up While she se

  • Maybe make a backup this time....

    Motherfucker. Okay, something bullshitty just happened: I was recording TWAU Episode 2, and the recording stopped, and I exited the ga

  • edited June 2016

    Like this week has just been so full of shit for me??

    A shooting happened at Tescos. The victim was a 40 year old mother of 2 kids and she died in hospital. Not only did it happen in my area but it’s depressing as fuck.

    As well as having a “friend” who constantly makes fun of me for having a cycle of being depressed, stressed and sucidal. And takes the whole “kill yourself” jokes too far, he won’t understand when you tell him to shut the fuck up and just continues.

    And on top of that, the queen of cluke attacked my tumblr trying to make out that hating on pedo ships and homophobia are as bad as each other and told me to “pull my head out of my ass”. What the fuck???

  • Sorry your week hasn't been great :( .. BUT I hope next week is great for you :)

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Like this week has just been so full of shit for me?? A shooting happened at Tescos. The victim was a 40 year old mother of 2 kids and sh

  • Thats fucked up

    Do you know the owners I hope they know their cat is dead and not just missing.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    There was this cute cat that would play around in my front garden. This morning I found it at the bus stop, laying in a patch of grass, dead

  • edited December 2021


    lottii-lu posted: »

    Like this week has just been so full of shit for me?? A shooting happened at Tescos. The victim was a 40 year old mother of 2 kids and sh

  • edited June 2016

    Shooting at Tesco? Wait was this the Labour MP in yorkshire?

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Like this week has just been so full of shit for me?? A shooting happened at Tescos. The victim was a 40 year old mother of 2 kids and sh

  • Goodness gracious what luck I have whenever I use my PS3. I bought the Black Ops 1 and 2 bundle pack and they absolutely refuse to work properly! I seriously can't tell whether it's the game, or the system itself. I assume it's the game because after ejecting the disc, the system resumed to work fine. But still, I have the best luck with my PS3. Fucking piece of shit...

  • Another grandparent with Cancer. Fuck you cancer.

  • And yeah thats not a friend, thats just a dick. I had those kinda people in school, I just cut them off and did my own thing. Well 'Cut off' was more of a fuck you guys

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Like this week has just been so full of shit for me?? A shooting happened at Tescos. The victim was a 40 year old mother of 2 kids and sh

  • First was horrible

    That not a friend cut him out

    Another attention seeker annoying you.

    How feeling today charlotte?

    What makes you feel happy each week? Gaming etc

    How think people see you?

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Like this week has just been so full of shit for me?? A shooting happened at Tescos. The victim was a 40 year old mother of 2 kids and sh

  • i had this happen a few years ago i finished a paperound i did and found a cat dead took me 2hours to find the owner

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    There was this cute cat that would play around in my front garden. This morning I found it at the bus stop, laying in a patch of grass, dead

  • edited June 2016

    are you sure the games in the right area code oritmight be callofduty black ops 3 on my ps4 can kill my system sometimes it swithches the system off by itself

    Goodness gracious what luck I have whenever I use my PS3. I bought the Black Ops 1 and 2 bundle pack and they absolutely refuse to work prop

  • edited June 2016

    Thank you!

    Chilled posted: »

    We need to have stricter consequences for people who buy guns illegally, and they shouldn't be able to get any plea bargains, or any deals o

  • edited June 2016

    "Violence, murder, and insanity, are not, characteristics of the human condition. What an idiot. We aren't in Ancient Rome anymore. People who kill are locked up because they lack what it is to be human in today's society."

    Have you ever thought about why history repeats itself? It is because people now, or just the same as they were 2000 years ago, and that they have the same hopes, the same dreams, the same goal, and the same fears.

    To say that violence and Insanity are not part of the human condition, it is frankly unrealistic.

    Look at all the monsters that have been produced throughout history: Roman Emperor Caligula, Vlad the Impaler, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Saddam Hussein. All of these men were violent, sadistic people.

    Caligula, was said to have tortured and killed children in front of their parents. His predecessor Tiberius was widely known for his sexual perversion.

    Vlad the Impaler is said to have actually roasted children alive, and then force their own parents to eat them.

    Adolf Hitler, committed one of the worst genocides in human history, wiping out nearly three million people.

    Joseph Stalin killed even more. Dyadkin estimated that the USSR suffered 56 to 62 million "unnatural deaths" during that period, with 34 to 49 million directly linked to Stalin. In “Europe A History,” British historian Norman Davies counted 50 million killed between 1924-53, excluding wartime casualties.

    Look at how many people Mao Zedong killed. Mao's Great Leap Forward 'killed 45 million in four years' Mao Zedong, founder of the People's Republic of China, qualifies as the greatest mass murderer in world history, an expert who had unprecedented access to official Communist Party archives said yesterday.

    And look at the things that Saddam Hussein did while he was in power. Estimates as to the number of Iraqis killed by Saddam's regime vary from roughly a quarter to half a million, including 50,000 to 182,000 Kurds and 25,000 to 280,000 killed during the repression of the 1991 rebellion. Estimates for the number of dead in the Iran-Iraq war range upwards from 300,000.

    All these men lived years apart from each other, sometimes up to almost 2,000 years, and yet they still commited terrible atrocities.

    So to say that, "Violence, murder, and insanity, are not, characteristics of the human condition", is as I said unrealistic. And things are not getting better, but rather are going from bad - to worse.

    Chilled posted: »

    Thanks for your response. The point is, is that banning Firearms is not the answer. Even if you were to ban Firearms, the people would

  • Hope your grandparent makes it through. Stay strong. Fuck cancer.

    Another grandparent with Cancer. Fuck you cancer.

  • I hope so too. We found it early so it should be all good

    Hope your grandparent makes it through. Stay strong. Fuck cancer.

  • How do I check the games area code? I might just consider downloading the two from the PS store instead, but still please tell me how to so I can check.

    are you sure the games in the right area code oritmight be callofduty black ops 3 on my ps4 can kill my system sometimes it swithches the system off by itself

  • Fuck cancer.

    Another grandparent with Cancer. Fuck you cancer.

  • edited June 2016

    it should be on the box mainly on the spine a little globe like thing withthe number in the middle thats the area code my ara code is 2 because i live in the uk it also works in japan, i think places like the u.s and australia are region 1 coded it usually craps up the ps3 if you use the wrong area it happened when i bought an american version of a game crashed the system 3-4 times after it was used also try the littlecode at the bottom of the spine for some games that is also an area code best to check sonys site for help with those codes

    How do I check the games area code? I might just consider downloading the two from the PS store instead, but still please tell me how to so I can check.

  • Alright, so I lost an entire group of friends.

    The bitch from before has caused so many problems. She was having some issues and I was ignoring her, well she posts in the group chat that no one ever responds to her, and I try and explain myself by saying "I don't feel like talking" and she kicks me. At this point I realize that everything I predicted before was fucking right, but I go to her immediately and ask her if she is serious and ask her to invite me back. She refuses, and it takes everything at this point to not go fucking off on her. She decides to just insult me after that, I tell her to stop acting like a fucking child. Now, she goes against everything she ever asked the group (Something only she has ever done) and bring the drama into the group chat. She says that I'm not coming back, and I tell her to fuck off, because I'm 200% done with her shit.

    She decides to insult me, calling me an asshole, saying I'm a backstabbing liar and the best part, saying the two guys that threw me into a suicidal depression were right about me. At that point, I realize she is either not who she was before, or she finally let the curtain drop. I have everything I need to just fucking break her, and I could've said one thing that pretty much would shut her up, but I'm not a complete asshole. She keeps going, I try and calm her down to see if we can resolve this and at least fix it to where we don't talk but I still talk to my friends in the group. I guess that was like asking her to swallow shit whole because she got pissed, saying things like they aren't my friends, this is her group, she'll make sure of that. Let me tell you what, she has some serious issues with being in control.

    At the end, I basically told her good bye, hope she feels better, maybe mature a bit, get a therapist. Would she shut the fuck up and quit? If you thought yes, well, you haven't been paying attention to her actions. she keeps going, so I tell her, she obviously isn't going to stop so I'll stop her for her. I blocked her, and a few others after that. She bad mouthed me and ruined several friendships in the group. I'm not even upset about it, I wasn't in the moment and I'm not now, at this point it's become so common I just accept it. I'm relieved she finally revealed how fucking bat shit insane she is though.

  • Jesus christ this lady needs a therapist, at least you know how fake she is now.

    Alright, so I lost an entire group of friends. The bitch from before has caused so many problems. She was having some issues and I was ig

  • She really does, but she won't listen to me and no one else in that group chat will speak up because they're all basically controlled by her. I wouldn't be shocked if they don't talk to me because of her.

    Jesus christ this lady needs a therapist, at least you know how fake she is now.

  • The little icon says "all" so I'm guessing it's universal lol.

    Well, just my luck.

    it should be on the box mainly on the spine a little globe like thing withthe number in the middle thats the area code my ara code is 2 beca

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