Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Damn right.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Let me guess... tumblr?

  • "What's that dark shadowy place?"

    "That's tumblr, Simba... you must never go there."

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Damn right.

  • Yeah but if I stay awake till 4am again I'll lose my mind. It's light outside and birds are chirping by that time!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Gotta take a break once in a while, afterall.

  • you must never go there

    One of the few pieces of advice I actively listen to

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "What's that dark shadowy place?" "That's tumblr, Simba... you must never go there."

  • Death Stranding looks like Silent Hills :D

    I've been waiting ages for The Last Guardian, Team ICO do some truly amazing games but man they take their time with them :P

    I'm a little worried about Resident Evil 7 though. It looks like Capcom are trying to copy the P.T demo and introduce new characters... But this isn't what the series is about :/

    Btw, how are you Hanna?

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    The last Guardian and Pokemon sun and moon :B Death Stranding looks kinda neat too

  • For good reason, that place is hell.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    you must never go there One of the few pieces of advice I actively listen to

  • sleep is for the weak

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Yeah but if I stay awake till 4am again I'll lose my mind. It's light outside and birds are chirping by that time!

  • edited June 2016

    Maybe Death Stranding is secretly that new Silent Hill game we never got :P

    I didn't even know anything about The Last Guardian before E3 but it looks outstanding and I really want to play it :O Maybe they are so amazing because they take their sweet time with them? Annoying but rewarding in the end. :P

    So what is it about in your opinion? I don't know anything about the series, I'm just asking out of curiosity :P

    Well my vacation is about to start...all I need is to finish off my first 3D model..and it's difficult as hell :P Don't know what else to say really. Just doing normal life thingies

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Death Stranding looks like Silent Hills I've been waiting ages for The Last Guardian, Team ICO do some truly amazing games but man they

  • Then I must be weak :/

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    sleep is for the weak

  • Let's hope so!

    They made ICO and Shadow of the Colossus beforehand. Shadow of the Colossus is one of the best games ever made! It's so good in spite of it's simplicities, ICO looks nice as well :)

    Resident Evil was pretty much the first survival-horror game. It gave you limited resources and item management, tricky puzzles and danger around every corner. The series unfortunately evolved more into an action heavy franchise using some horror elements, and the latest one Resident Evil 6 isn't even scary or difficult... But this new look for Resident Evil 7 seems to be a huge leap from what the series started as.

    Good good :D Vacations are always nice!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Maybe Death Stranding is secretly that new Silent Hill game we never got :P I didn't even know anything about The Last Guardian before E3

  • edited June 2016

    Resident Evil was pretty much the first survival-horror game. It gave you limited resources and item management, tricky puzzles and danger around every corner. The series unfortunately evolved more into an action heavy franchise using some horror elements, and the latest one Resident Evil 6 isn't even scary or difficult... But this new look for Resident Evil 7 seems to be a huge leap from what the series started as.

    Mind explaining which part of the trailer made you think that this won't be a survival horror game with all those features you mentioned then? I really see no base in these "resident evil is copying silent hill" or "this isn't resident evil" claims. Jesus christ calm down guys all they literally did was make it first person, literally the only silent hills game that was first person was P.T, and that doesn't even count as a silent hills game, these claims are bullshit.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Let's hope so! They made ICO and Shadow of the Colossus beforehand. Shadow of the Colossus is one of the best games ever made! It's so go

  • What's with the aggression???

    Resident Evil was always a third person shooter and you played as a character with combat training. These new characters seem to be civilians in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    Ok fine all we have at the moment is a trailer and a demo titled Beginning Hour. But I don't see any of the old content in this game!

    Resident Evil was pretty much the first survival-horror game. It gave you limited resources and item management, tricky puzzles and danger a

  • enter image description here Whoa I leave for like a week and like a whole bunch of stuff happened here. It's like when I came everyone is talking about Batman and catwoman and some other lady but I didn't even know that was a game and I love DC and Marvel stuff so now I feel ashamed.

  • edited June 2016

    Well hopefully Resident Evil 7 will still be enjoyable. I understand the notion of franchises evolving versus the original ideas. Sometimes these leaps are welcome and sometimes they are not. It's like if suddenly you had to follow the traffic rules and avoid killing innocent pedestrians in GTA :P Kinda weak example but eh..

    Vacations are just always too short. How are you btw? :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Let's hope so! They made ICO and Shadow of the Colossus beforehand. Shadow of the Colossus is one of the best games ever made! It's so go

  • Pretty hard to miss it, to get to this forum you have to scroll past a forum with the batman logo on it, would say that's pretty obvious.

    Rhyiona2000 posted: »

    Whoa I leave for like a week and like a whole bunch of stuff happened here. It's like when I came everyone is talking about Batman and catwo

  • I just google this forum to get that's how I found it the first time

    Pretty hard to miss it, to get to this forum you have to scroll past a forum with the batman logo on it, would say that's pretty obvious.

  • *here

    Rhyiona2000 posted: »

    I just google this forum to get that's how I found it the first time

  • It's like if suddenly you had to follow the traffic rules and avoid killing innocent pedestrians in GTA

    That almost reminded me of Watch Dogs haha

    They are but they're always worth it! Where're you vacationing???

    I'm doing good. Work is keeping me on my toes atm but life is fine :)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Well hopefully Resident Evil 7 will still be enjoyable. I understand the notion of franchises evolving versus the original ideas. Sometimes

  • Well now I feel kinda stupid.

    The Resident Evil 7 teaser from E3 is not a representation of the final game. Apparently Capcom made the teaser to depict the new horror atmosphere of the game. The final version will have weapons and combat, but the entire thing will be in first-person...

  • I've read that the teaser we got was a smaller version of a VR demo Capcom showed at last year's E3.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Well now I feel kinda stupid. The Resident Evil 7 teaser from E3 is not a representation of the final game. Apparently Capcom made the te

  • enter image description here

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Well now I feel kinda stupid. The Resident Evil 7 teaser from E3 is not a representation of the final game. Apparently Capcom made the te

  • Ok I'll admit I was misinformed. Touché Capitan.

  • The most unhelpful line that I dislike hearing. Ah.

  • edited June 2016

    And "Watch Dogs" reminded me of Wander over Yonder :P

    enter image description here

    I'm just spending some time at my mom's place. Because free food woo! I'm not completely free tho, I still have my summer job. But I'm not working as intensively as in last summer so it's all good. :P

    Goodie good! Are you working at the gym or something like that? I just vaguely remember you mentioning something like that.. How is it like?

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    It's like if suddenly you had to follow the traffic rules and avoid killing innocent pedestrians in GTA That almost reminded me of W

  • This may be the most random place to say it, but I love your comments. Keep 'em up, girl!

    enter image description here

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    The most unhelpful line that I dislike hearing. Ah.

  • Why aren't we best friends yet.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    The most unhelpful line that I dislike hearing. Ah.

  • Fiona is bae.

    We don't say this nearly as many times as we should.

  • I thought both Rhys and Fiona are bae. :^|

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Fiona is bae. We don't say this nearly as many times as we should.

  • not untrue but Fiona is on a completely different level than everyone, okay

    enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I thought both Rhys and Fiona are bae. :^|

  • I suppose that's true. :^)

    But for me, it's the same thing with Rhys.

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    not untrue but Fiona is on a completely different level than everyone, okay

  • Armis!! Good to see you mate :)

    armis37 posted: »

    This may be the most random place to say it, but I love your comments. Keep 'em up, girl!

  • I'm vacationing at my Parent's house every single day lol. Free food, my own room, everything :P

    I do work at a gym. It has busy days and slow days, but it's an interesting job and can find unique ways to keep you on your toes. Plus it's motivating me to become more active so that's a plus :D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    And "Watch Dogs" reminded me of Wander over Yonder :P I'm just spending some time at my mom's place. Because free food woo! I'm not

  • Hahaha, I am flattered! ^^

    armis37 posted: »

    This may be the most random place to say it, but I love your comments. Keep 'em up, girl!

  • just don't be stealin Fiona's man :P

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I suppose that's true. :^) But for me, it's the same thing with Rhys.

  • Probably because Macedonia, Albania and Montenegro are in our way. </3

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Why aren't we best friends yet.

  • Curse those countries. </3

    We should start a rebellion about those countries gettin' in our way.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Probably because Macedonia, Albania and Montenegro are in our way. </3

  • I can always share him with Fiona, though. ;^)

    just not a 3some tho ew i'm not into that

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    just don't be stealin Fiona's man :P

  • edited June 2016

    I have made my Top 10 OTPs on my Tumblr. You can check it out!


  • Just bring some of good old Greece here. Greece is cool.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Curse those countries. </3 We should start a rebellion about those countries gettin' in our way.

  • Hmmm... I guess your idea is better. :^)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Just bring some of good old Greece here. Greece is cool.

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