The Vent/Help Thread



  • Thank you! :) I'll try.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    It actually might. Good luck, and smile a lot!

  • +1 Very intelligent and vital info

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Something that I can't figure out is why people choose to worry about things that they can't change. It really doesn't make any sense! Th

  • You gotta find out what makes you feel anxious?

    What about the situations scare you?

    The trick helps me just to accept I will make mistakes but as long as I'm honest and have an attempt I don't care what happens

    The people who judge me are just as imperfect and have just as many flaws as me

    Just got to accept yourself really

    I think I have social anxiety and I feel like it's getting worse as I get older.

  • They run those contests in a local paper, the phrase "a face only a mother could love" springs to mind im sorry but some kids are ugly

    Johro posted: »

    I get that all parents think their child is adorable. I get it, I do. Asking your friends to vote, share, etc. when you enter some obligat

  • I bumped into a female friend of mine after not seeing her for a month or two and she has a full tash and beard and I mean FULL its longer and thicker than my boyfriend can physically grow, shes black so I didn't notice it until I got closer and couldn't help staring I felt bad but, woah! Its a real beard like bearded lady style.

    She is such a lovely kind hearted warm person and I love her to bits but im shocked, I guess she got sick of dealing with removers and stuff. I wonder how many women battle day after day with that kind of body hair, I thought I was had a problem because I get two or three recurring hairs on my chin, I will never complain again.

  • edited June 2016

    I'm getting a little tired of people holding grudges based around on how I acted as a preteen. I was a little shit. Who wasn't? I'm clearly matured by now. People are just as understanding as they claim to be, clearly.

  • People hate Physics here, it is pretty tough to them, so don't worry too much now. Now you have a chance to fix it all so just give your best. (:

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Was it because you didn't want to study or you couldn't understand the stuff you learnt in those subjects? When are you going to pass those

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited June 2016

    I took a serious fall from a movable stepper in the warehouse yesterday, Today, there's huge, painful bruise on my elbow and am having trouble moving it.

    I think I have a newfound appreciation for my grandpa's career as a manual laborer. Doing that shit 8-12 hours a day is exhausting.

  • edited June 2016

    Something that really bothers me, is what I did last night, which I'm not very proud of, is that I unintentionally left my friend stranded. He needed a ride and there was nobody else, and I was hanging out with a girl. It was at the bar where he was playing.

    Anyway I said I'd give her a ride and come back when his shift ended and gI've hI'm a ride. When we got her house, we spent some time together.

    My friend texted me twice, saying he needed help, but I didn't realize he texted me that his shift had ended. I didn't hear/feel my phone vibrate.

    A woman he works with called me, and needless to say she wasn't happy with me - rightly so - and told me I needed to get back and help him out!

    I was just leaving the girl's house just minutes after she called me, when he called me and told me that he got someone else to help him. Said - "Don't worry about it, just stay there" - which can be translated as - "Fuck off, I don't need you, you're unreliable." Whether he meant it like that I don't know.

    I didn't mean to do that to him. If I'd have gotten those texts, I'd have come back immediately.

    I have always been there to help him, whenever he's needed me, even when I was sick, I still went outta my way to help him. Had a bad flu, yet I drove him over a hundred miles to get to him to his job.

    I plan to call him in a few days and apologize for what happened. But in the meantime I feel guilty as sin because of doing that to him.

    I'm worried that he may now feel he can't depend on me for anything period - or worse - not think of me as a true friend - which I have always tried to be.

    I've always been hones with him, and I've always been dependable - until last night sadly.

    The only other time I had bailed on him was when I was sick - to the point where I was doubled-over - screaming my head off cause of the ache in my gut - vomiting - and couldn't get up off the couch. Bad case of food poisoning!

    If you were him, given the circumstances and track history, what would you say?

  • The best thing you can do at the moment is apologize. Explain what happened, but admit that you let yourself get distracted. I can't really say I'm experienced but admitting that you made a mistake and not trying to excuse yourself is the best you can do at the moment (after all, isn't an apology meant to be about admitting your mistakes rather than making excuses?).

    If he does move on from it (which, given your history I think he will), then a good idea will be to offer to help him out if he seems to need a hand (after all, why offer your time if you're not planning on helping in the first place?).

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Something that really bothers me, is what I did last night, which I'm not very proud of, is that I unintentionally left my friend stranded.

  • I have done that to. I load his equipment in my truck when we go out of town. He's a muscian.

    The best thing you can do at the moment is apologize. Explain what happened, but admit that you let yourself get distracted. I can't really

  • Not ur fault you didnt hear phone

    But apology is right just because you messed up even if by accident as u promised

    I can tell you great friend because you show signs of empathy over what happened. While narcissist would be angry anyone is mad at him because he didnt hear the phone never empathize.

    You show right perpective here by always thinking how you can be best friend you can and feeling bad when let him down.

    But ok only small mistake don't.worry you are doing all the rights things to fix it

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Something that really bothers me, is what I did last night, which I'm not very proud of, is that I unintentionally left my friend stranded.

  • The problem is that almost everything makes me anxious. I'm afraid to fail and embarrass myself. Everyday I reminisce embarrassing moments I have and I can't get it out of my head. I remember the times when I was bullied and just think why am I so different from others? Everyday I think about those things and I start to feel worse. I try to forget because it's all in the past but it's so difficult.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    You gotta find out what makes you feel anxious? What about the situations scare you? The trick helps me just to accept I will make mis

  • enter image description here

    I just after typing out.4-5 long paragraphs and my page randomly reloaded

    If you want me to type it again and could help you I will?

    The problem is that almost everything makes me anxious. I'm afraid to fail and embarrass myself. Everyday I reminisce embarrassing moments I

  • You never really hear this as guy we always assume females are naturally mostly.hairless they never get praise for all the effort they put in to make seem like that.

    I'm not going whiteknight tho if saw a girl with massive beard or hairy legs I not date them but applaud the bravery and not judge them as person

    Just cause smooth legs just dayum in girls for me

    Plus beard seem like kissing dude

    I seen girl on tv talk show who embraced it and became beard model her story was really inspiring

    I bumped into a female friend of mine after not seeing her for a month or two and she has a full tash and beard and I mean FULL its longer a

  • Nah, I don't want you to go through all that trouble of typing it again. Even though it's hard I'm just going to have to try. Thank you for trying to help me! :)

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I just after typing out.4-5 long paragraphs and my page randomly reloaded If you want me to type it again and could help you I will?

  • Dayum I hope ur ok now bro?

    Get right away

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I took a serious fall from a movable stepper in the warehouse yesterday, Today, there's huge, painful bruise on my elbow and am having trou

  • I plan to call him in a few days

    Don't. Do it as soon as possible, what are you waiting for? For him to get less mad at you or something? You obviously care for him and have been his friends for quite some time (I assume) and it is expected from you (also the only right thign to do) to explain the situation. Explain what really happened. You're truly sorry - show it to him. You'll always feel guilty about that, nothing wrong with that, it isn't a fun thing to experience, of course, but those things happen in every friendship.

    If you were him, given the circumstances and track history, what would you say?

    It's useless think about what would anyone else do, because no one of us is that exact friend of yours. Don't overthink it, 'daydream' about what he WOULD say but rather find out what he WILL say to you. Discuss it.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Something that really bothers me, is what I did last night, which I'm not very proud of, is that I unintentionally left my friend stranded.

  • Been waiting for a digital code to arrive by e-mail for over twelve hours now. It was supposed to only take one to four hours and the codes usually come instantly, but I read the site (ordered from Walmart) and it can take up for forty-eight hours. Man, if I wanted to wait, I would've just asked to go to the store on Monday or something.

  • edited June 2016

    Well after what happened, I can understand if he doesn't wanna talk to me right now. He's got every reason to be pissed off at me.

    Technically, I chose a woman I just met, over friend that I have known for a good couple of years. that's pretty Goddamn low of me!

    I texted him a few minutes ago, and he hasn't gotten back to me. If I were him, right now, I wouldn't get back to me either.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I plan to call him in a few days Don't. Do it as soon as possible, what are you waiting for? For him to get less mad at you or somet

  • I hope you can remain a happylovelyperson2017


  • At least you have something to look forward to

    Been waiting for a digital code to arrive by e-mail for over twelve hours now. It was supposed to only take one to four hours and the codes

  • Yeah dude be careful. Especially with and around forklifts.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I took a serious fall from a movable stepper in the warehouse yesterday, Today, there's huge, painful bruise on my elbow and am having trou

  • This is true.

    At least you have something to look forward to

  • Why is it so tough for people? Like chemistry, it's just formulas, even easier when you only need to remember the formulas for a couple days. . .

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    People hate Physics here, it is pretty tough to them, so don't worry too much now. Now you have a chance to fix it all so just give your best. (:

  • But you didn't hear your phone ringing, right? It isn't a mistake you made.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Well after what happened, I can understand if he doesn't wanna talk to me right now. He's got every reason to be pissed off at me. Techni

  • Why can't it be tough for people? Every subject can be.

    There are formulas and a lot of theory to learn and if people aren't interested in, the experience isn't the best. Most of my peers disliked it, hated it, whatever and had grades that were enough to pass the grade (which was amazing for them).

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Why is it so tough for people? Like chemistry, it's just formulas, even easier when you only need to remember the formulas for a couple days. . .

  • I have this friend who I met a year ago (over the internet), and we've texted a lot over the past year and have become really close. Within the past couple of weeks, shes just randomly become distant and hasn't been answering a lot of my texts. It just upsets me because I really miss how things used to be, and now she is just suddenly cutting off contact with me for no reason. It sucks when you care for somebody, and its not reciprocated :(

  • I really recommend an HP Stream. They are very cheap for an amazing laptop (about 200.00). It does everything a 1000 dollar laptop would. The only thing is that it doesn't have a lot of storage, but you can simply get an SD card or save your stuff to the one drive it has. Perfect for school and boots up so fast. The battery is amazing, i sometimes go without charging it for 3 days and I use it a lot. Not to mention, it looks really sharp and nice.

    My school laptop is a piece of shit. It's a fucking Acer Travelmate B115 that costs $600 at my school, and last night it only charged to 50% for some reason. And this is a Wednesday which means that I need to use my laptop a lot today. So fuck.

  • Unfortunately, we can't connect our own devices to the school's internet at the moment, so it's either use the school one or go with internet (and accessing important stuff, a lot of teachers rely on the internet to share work with students)

    Suzy222 posted: »

    I really recommend an HP Stream. They are very cheap for an amazing laptop (about 200.00). It does everything a 1000 dollar laptop would. Th

  • The saying "you have to face your fears in order to overcome them" fits social anxiety 100%. Not too long ago, I developed a mild case of social anxiety. As of now, It's improved a lot because I've forced myself to do things outside of my comfort zone. Don't let it take over who you are as a person. Fake your confidence until it becomes real! :)

    I think I have social anxiety and I feel like it's getting worse as I get older.

  • Why the fuck are the feet on an Xbox 360 power brick made out of rubber? I tried to get two of them out (because my power brick sounds like it's about to die), and now both of them are broken.

    Oh, and guess what just happened while I typed that; the fucking power brick just shut off by itself.

  • I knew he needed me to come back, and I would've when he texted me, but no I didn't hear/feel it vibrate.

    Regardless, I wasn't there when he needed me. He's got every right to be pissed at me, and I may have just fucked up one of the best friendships I have.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    But you didn't hear your phone ringing, right? It isn't a mistake you made.

  • Yeah, gotta be more careful. Thankfully they don't let me use the forklift, lol.

    Yeah dude be careful. Especially with and around forklifts.

  • Damn, I bet it does. I'd see a chiropractor, cause back pain can be chronic if it isn't treated right.

  • Thanks, I filed a worker's comp claim today and have an appointment for tomorrow. Didn't seem like a big deal at the time, but my arm looks pretty hideous now.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Dayum I hope ur ok now bro? Get right away

  • It's really other people operating them you have to worry about.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Yeah, gotta be more careful. Thankfully they don't let me use the forklift, lol.

  • People tend to drift apart over time. I had a really good friend in college, and afterward, we sent email to each other a lot (this was before texting was a thing but not so early that email wasn't a thing yet). This got more infrequent over time, though we still sent email to each other on our birthdays, and I sent her a real physical card for Christmas. I haven't heard from her at all in the past two years. I've decided not to email her when her birthday comes up, which is the first time not sending her anything. If nothing comes from that, I won't send a Christmas card, either. From that point on, if I don't hear from her, I'll just figure we're done, and not attempt to contact her anymore.

    Suzy222 posted: »

    I have this friend who I met a year ago (over the internet), and we've texted a lot over the past year and have become really close. Within

  • Don't five up so easily, please. You did NOT feel your phone vibrate, not on purpose, and that isn't worth one food friendship breaking apart. Maybe you should have been more careful or something, we all should be like that, but mistakes happen and that is part of our lives. Go talk to him, send him a big message, don't you think you are supposed to do something to save your friendship? Don't let silence be the thing that splits you up.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I knew he needed me to come back, and I would've when he texted me, but no I didn't hear/feel it vibrate. Regardless, I wasn't there when

  • Yeah, you are definitely right about people drifting apart over time. It's super unfortunate though when you still wish they could be in your life. Since my friend lives in the states, and I live in Canada, we used to send each other snacks that aren't in each others countries. I'm gonna miss those memories! But I've decided to do pretty much the same thing you are. I'm not going to contact her first from this point on, and see if one day she decides to reach out to me first. If not, there is no point in trying to keep someone in your life who doesn't want to be there.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    People tend to drift apart over time. I had a really good friend in college, and afterward, we sent email to each other a lot (this was bef

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