What's wrong with Straight people celebrating their sexuality? If it's alright for Homosexuals to celebrate their sexuality, why isn't it okay for Straight people to do the same?
Don't Straight people have the same rights as Homosexual people?
That's true, I read default more like 'the norm'. Which sounds like an insult, but it really just means that most people are straight and nothing more.
I think the default sexuality is different for every individual, it's not something they just change. Just because a larger percentage of the population is a certain sexuality, sex or race doesn't mean those are humanity's defaults.
To an extent. I don't think they are actively forcing themselves in victim roles, it's more of a 'if you can have it, we can have it too' sort of thing. Which is just as stupid as the original parade, but whatever.
And I'm not saying that homosexuals don't do anything against the prejudices, I'm just saying that they don't do enough, at least not enough to reach the general population. And having parades like this makes all participants look rather stupid (of both sexualities), I don't give two shits what you're into, and I dare say most people don't. All you do is attract people who will attack you at these conventions, but the problem is that gay people then often call this proof of the general population degrading them or something, when in reality the parade just attracts the homophobes.
Also, I wish people would stop forcing themselves in victim roles. If you really are shunned, actively, then do something about it other tha… moren whine on the internet.
Isn't this what online activists are doing when they campaign for a straight pride parade?
Also very very many lgbtq people 'do things about it'. That doesn't invalidate having a pride parade.
I may sound rude, but why does it exist? Honestly, Straight Pride Day is just as pointless as Gay Pride Day. I mean, is it really necessary … moreto dedicate a day for being gay/straight? But to each to their own, I guess.
With that being said, I couldn't care less about Straight Pride Day and Gay Pride Day.
Well since "straight pride" was made up by homophobic people, it could be seen as disrespectful. Especially with many people making straight pride accounts and pages on social media to belittle homosexuals online - I remember going onto one page and seeing the page praising the Orlando shooter.
That's reasonable to say, could I get some specific examples?
The reason there are more straight people in media than gay people is because most of the people we meet and see are straight, and we usually base our creative works off of what we see and feel in real life.
The only way I can interpret that response is that you're referring me to answer #1, in which you say that gay people are almost always stereotyped in the media, which I have already responded to. My third point was asking if having significantly more straight people than gay people is harmful, and you responded by bringing stereotypes into it, which wasn't a part of the discussion.
Heterosexuality is not 'celebrated' every single day of the week. People don't draw attention to straight people because nine times out of ten it's not relevant in any discussion. Gay pride day specifically draws attention to sexual orientation.
The gay pride parade was created so that homosexuals wouldn't feel ashamed of themselves and feel more comfortable knowing that there are others in their community just like them. Why do straight people need something like that? Being straight isn't seen as something to be ashamed of, and most people you bump into is straight. So finding someone who's also straight isn't hard at all. Plus straight people have not gone through the years of prosecution for being straight as gays have. So until the world sees that loving someone of the same gender is ligament and stop killing and prosecuting gays, then gay pride should continue.
People aren't objecting to gay people trying to meet and not feel ashamed. It's the idea of 'gay pride' itself that people are objecting to. Why should someone be proud or ashamed of their sexual orientation, when it does nothing to help or harm anyone? Be proud of yourself for knowing that you're a good person and that you care about other people. Sexual orientation has no basis on whether you're a good or bad person.
The gay pride parade was created so that homosexuals wouldn't feel ashamed of themselves and feel more comfortable knowing that there are ot… morehers in their community just like them. Why do straight people need something like that? Being straight isn't seen as something to be ashamed of, and most people you bump into is straight. So finding someone who's also straight isn't hard at all. Plus straight people have not gone through the years of prosecution for being straight as gays have. So until the world sees that loving someone of the same gender is ligament and stop killing and prosecuting gays, then gay pride should continue.
All Prides kinda lose their purpose after the said sexuality becomes accepted, as the whole purpose is, as many mentioned before, is to have a platform where nobody will shame you for "coming out of the closet".
Homosexuals have been persecuted and killed, even to this day they still are. Not only that, gays have committed suicide because the fact they are gay. The entire point of the parade is to show that it is okay and that there are others just like them. Someone should feel proud about their sexuality, especially when it isn't wrong but been told it's a sin or they should be killed because of it. Pride isn't about if you are a good person or not. It's about showing people who literally hate themselves because they're gay that it's okay and there are people just like them inside their community. It's about bringing the gay community together. It's easy to say people should just feel proud of themselves no matter what. But that's easier said then done.
People aren't objecting to gay people trying to meet and not feel ashamed. It's the idea of 'gay pride' itself that people are objecting to.… more Why should someone be proud or ashamed of their sexual orientation, when it does nothing to help or harm anyone? Be proud of yourself for knowing that you're a good person and that you care about other people. Sexual orientation has no basis on whether you're a good or bad person.
Homosexuals have been persecuted and killed, even to this day they still are. Not only that, gays have committed suicide because the fact th… moreey are gay. The entire point of the parade is to show that it is okay and that there are others just like them. Someone should feel proud about their sexuality, especially when it isn't wrong but been told it's a sin or they should be killed because of it. Pride isn't about if you are a good person or not. It's about showing people who literally hate themselves because they're gay that it's okay and there are people just like them inside their community. It's about bringing the gay community together. It's easy to say people should just feel proud of themselves no matter what. But that's easier said then done.
We've obviously got different ideas about what pride is. In the age of the internet and strong pro-equality sentiment in western countries, how many people are being made to feel ashamed of being gay unless they're being isolated from anyone who might tell them otherwise.
Someone should feel proud about their sexuality, especially when it isn't wrong but been told it's a sin or they should be killed because of it.
A quick search on Google gave me this definition of pride:
a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of one's close associates, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.
So I ask you this, why should someone be proud or ashamed of their sexuality rather than their qualities and actions that affect themselves and others? A person's sexual orientation isn't a factor in whether they're a good person or not, so why feel proud or ashamed about it when it's simply irrelevant? Reaching out to gay people and telling them it's okay to be gay is fine, and I support that. But I think 'pride' isn't to right word to use.
It's easy to say people should just feel proud of themselves no matter what. But that's easier said then done.
I didn't say that. I said one should be proud for being good in their intentions and doing something that has affected their world for the better. I'd feel proud of myself for getting my act together and improving my grades in school, for instance.
Homosexuals have been persecuted and killed, even to this day they still are. Not only that, gays have committed suicide because the fact th… moreey are gay. The entire point of the parade is to show that it is okay and that there are others just like them. Someone should feel proud about their sexuality, especially when it isn't wrong but been told it's a sin or they should be killed because of it. Pride isn't about if you are a good person or not. It's about showing people who literally hate themselves because they're gay that it's okay and there are people just like them inside their community. It's about bringing the gay community together. It's easy to say people should just feel proud of themselves no matter what. But that's easier said then done.
Now look at pride as a Verb, not a noun. It has other meanings, not just the one you stated. English language doesn't work that way.
Pride: be especially proud of a particular quality or skill.
You seem to think the people in Pride feel like their sexuality is an achievement of some sort, no. Key word in my definition is quality, which is a characteristic someone possess (i.e homosexuality). So to answer your question, people can feel proud or prideful about anything in their lives, it doesn't have to be a particular achievement. Now like I stated before, pride has nothing to do with rather or not a person is good or bad. That not the purpose of it. It's about bringing the community together. I don't see the issue with them using the word Pride, because it's illustrates how the community is proud of themselves for coming out and accepting that aspect of themselves.
We've obviously got different ideas about what pride is. In the age of the internet and strong pro-equality sentiment in western countries, … morehow many people are being made to feel ashamed of being gay unless they're being isolated from anyone who might tell them otherwise.
Someone should feel proud about their sexuality, especially when it isn't wrong but been told it's a sin or they should be killed because of it.
A quick search on Google gave me this definition of pride:
a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of one's close associates, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.
So I ask you this, why should someone be proud or ashamed of their sexuality rather than their qualities and actions that affect themselves and others? A person's sexual orientation isn't a factor in whether they're a good person or not, so why feel proud or ashamed about it w… [view original content]
Why should someone be proud or ashamed of their sexual orientation, when it does nothing to help or harm anyone
Gay pride is resistance against people telling us to 'be ashamed' though. If you actually read all the comments you'd know that.
Gay pride isn't about thinking we're good because we're gay, it's about fighting the idea that we're worse because of it, or need curing, as very many still believe.
Think of it less as gay pride, and more as Anti Gay Shame.
People aren't objecting to gay people trying to meet and not feel ashamed. It's the idea of 'gay pride' itself that people are objecting to.… more Why should someone be proud or ashamed of their sexual orientation, when it does nothing to help or harm anyone? Be proud of yourself for knowing that you're a good person and that you care about other people. Sexual orientation has no basis on whether you're a good or bad person.
Would be kinda pointles, in my opinion.
All Prides kinda lose their purpose after the said sexuality becomes accepted, as the whole purpo… morese is, as many mentioned before, is to have a platform where nobody will shame you for "coming out of the closet".
So, no.
Why should someone be proud or ashamed of their sexual orientation, when it does nothing to help or harm anyone
Gay pride is resista… morence against people telling us to 'be ashamed' though. If you actually read all the comments you'd know that.
Gay pride isn't about thinking we're good because we're gay, it's about fighting the idea that we're worse because of it, or need curing, as very many still believe.
Think of it less as gay pride, and more as Anti Gay Shame.
Except homosexuality is neither a good nor bad characteristic, and using the word 'pride' suggests that there's no middle ground between pride and shame.
Now look at pride as a Verb, not a noun. It has other meanings, not just the one you stated. English language doesn't work that way.
Prid… moree: be especially proud of a particular quality or skill.
You seem to think the people in Pride feel like their sexuality is an achievement of some sort, no. Key word in my definition is quality, which is a characteristic someone possess (i.e homosexuality). So to answer your question, people can feel proud or prideful about anything in their lives, it doesn't have to be a particular achievement. Now like I stated before, pride has nothing to do with rather or not a person is good or bad. That not the purpose of it. It's about bringing the community together. I don't see the issue with them using the word Pride, because it's illustrates how the community is proud of themselves for coming out and accepting that aspect of themselves.
Except homosexuality is neither a good nor bad characteristic, and using the word 'pride' suggests that there's no middle ground between pride and shame.
Except homosexuality is neither a good nor bad characteristic, and using the word 'pride' suggests that there's no middle ground between pride and shame.
It's clear that we've got differing ideas of what we should be proud of. I just think it makes more sense to be proud of actions or intentions rather than one's sexuality.
Also, I agree that one should be proud of accepting oneself for who they are assuming that they haven't in the past. But accepting who you are can apply to anyone. If I put the effort in, I could certainly come to terms with and accept my negative qualities. Accepting who you are and making a positive change because of it is indeed something to be proud of, but that's something you can do regardless of who you are.
I heard about this straight pride thing right after the Orlando shooting happened. Talk about being disrespectful
What's wrong with Straight people celebrating their sexuality? If it's alright for Homosexuals to celebrate their sexuality, why isn't it okay for Straight people to do the same?
Don't Straight people have the same rights as Homosexual people?
I don't see how this is in the least bit disrespectful.
Gay pride and heterosexual pride are both stupid things. Why would you feel proud just because you're fucking with people of the same/opposite gender?
That's true, I read default more like 'the norm'. Which sounds like an insult, but it really just means that most people are straight and nothing more.
Every day is Straight Pride Day.
To an extent. I don't think they are actively forcing themselves in victim roles, it's more of a 'if you can have it, we can have it too' sort of thing. Which is just as stupid as the original parade, but whatever.
And I'm not saying that homosexuals don't do anything against the prejudices, I'm just saying that they don't do enough, at least not enough to reach the general population. And having parades like this makes all participants look rather stupid (of both sexualities), I don't give two shits what you're into, and I dare say most people don't. All you do is attract people who will attack you at these conventions, but the problem is that gay people then often call this proof of the general population degrading them or something, when in reality the parade just attracts the homophobes.
Homophobic bigot xdddd
The "xd's" are strong in this reply.
Well since "straight pride" was made up by homophobic people, it could be seen as disrespectful. Especially with many people making straight pride accounts and pages on social media to belittle homosexuals online - I remember going onto one page and seeing the page praising the Orlando shooter.
I don't love you like I did yesterday.
Is it? Have not noticed. All I see is a daily reminder that we must respect race, gender, and sexual preference on a daily basis. hehe
Heterosexuality is not 'celebrated' every single day of the week. People don't draw attention to straight people because nine times out of ten it's not relevant in any discussion. Gay pride day specifically draws attention to sexual orientation.
I think we should just get rid of pride days in general. I don't really care about any of them
Gay pride was not born of a need to celebrate being gay, but our right to exist without persecution.
Again, it's more about fighting against people saying we should be ashamed of our sexuality.
If there were straight conversion camps then I think straight pride parades would be fair enough.
The gay pride parade was created so that homosexuals wouldn't feel ashamed of themselves and feel more comfortable knowing that there are others in their community just like them. Why do straight people need something like that? Being straight isn't seen as something to be ashamed of, and most people you bump into is straight. So finding someone who's also straight isn't hard at all. Plus straight people have not gone through the years of prosecution for being straight as gays have. So until the world sees that loving someone of the same gender is ligament and stop killing and prosecuting gays, then gay pride should continue.
People aren't objecting to gay people trying to meet and not feel ashamed. It's the idea of 'gay pride' itself that people are objecting to. Why should someone be proud or ashamed of their sexual orientation, when it does nothing to help or harm anyone? Be proud of yourself for knowing that you're a good person and that you care about other people. Sexual orientation has no basis on whether you're a good or bad person.
Would be kinda pointles, in my opinion.
All Prides kinda lose their purpose after the said sexuality becomes accepted, as the whole purpose is, as many mentioned before, is to have a platform where nobody will shame you for "coming out of the closet".
So, no.
Homosexuals have been persecuted and killed, even to this day they still are. Not only that, gays have committed suicide because the fact they are gay. The entire point of the parade is to show that it is okay and that there are others just like them. Someone should feel proud about their sexuality, especially when it isn't wrong but been told it's a sin or they should be killed because of it. Pride isn't about if you are a good person or not. It's about showing people who literally hate themselves because they're gay that it's okay and there are people just like them inside their community. It's about bringing the gay community together. It's easy to say people should just feel proud of themselves no matter what. But that's easier said then done.
We've obviously got different ideas about what pride is. In the age of the internet and strong pro-equality sentiment in western countries, how many people are being made to feel ashamed of being gay unless they're being isolated from anyone who might tell them otherwise.
A quick search on Google gave me this definition of pride:
a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of one's close associates, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.
So I ask you this, why should someone be proud or ashamed of their sexuality rather than their qualities and actions that affect themselves and others? A person's sexual orientation isn't a factor in whether they're a good person or not, so why feel proud or ashamed about it when it's simply irrelevant? Reaching out to gay people and telling them it's okay to be gay is fine, and I support that. But I think 'pride' isn't to right word to use.
I didn't say that. I said one should be proud for being good in their intentions and doing something that has affected their world for the better. I'd feel proud of myself for getting my act together and improving my grades in school, for instance.
Now look at pride as a Verb, not a noun. It has other meanings, not just the one you stated. English language doesn't work that way.
Pride: be especially proud of a particular quality or skill.
You seem to think the people in Pride feel like their sexuality is an achievement of some sort, no. Key word in my definition is quality, which is a characteristic someone possess (i.e homosexuality). So to answer your question, people can feel proud or prideful about anything in their lives, it doesn't have to be a particular achievement. Now like I stated before, pride has nothing to do with rather or not a person is good or bad. That not the purpose of it. It's about bringing the community together. I don't see the issue with them using the word Pride, because it's illustrates how the community is proud of themselves for coming out and accepting that aspect of themselves.
The meaning of straight pride day has little meaning compared to gay pride day. It's a bit stupid.
Gay pride is resistance against people telling us to 'be ashamed' though. If you actually read all the comments you'd know that.
Gay pride isn't about thinking we're good because we're gay, it's about fighting the idea that we're worse because of it, or need curing, as very many still believe.
Think of it less as gay pride, and more as Anti Gay Shame.
EDIT: Sorry, misread.
Thank you, that's what I've been trying to say
So, the carnival.
But the gays are also reminded of that, so is black people and all the other minorities.
Except homosexuality is neither a good nor bad characteristic, and using the word 'pride' suggests that there's no middle ground between pride and shame.
Fine, then we call it the "Homo Parade"
P.S. plz don't ban, it's TWD reference.
Pride is a defect of the mind. But if people want to be proud of their sexual orientation? By all means, flaunt your heterosexuality girl friend.
Honestly, it's ridiculous how we're constantly trying to label each other.
Why must it be good or bad to feel pride about it? And no using the word pride just mean how proud about accepting themselves.
It's clear that we've got differing ideas of what we should be proud of. I just think it makes more sense to be proud of actions or intentions rather than one's sexuality.
Also, I agree that one should be proud of accepting oneself for who they are assuming that they haven't in the past. But accepting who you are can apply to anyone. If I put the effort in, I could certainly come to terms with and accept my negative qualities. Accepting who you are and making a positive change because of it is indeed something to be proud of, but that's something you can do regardless of who you are.