I say you should #$%& off you said yourself you can't truly understand without going through said thing, so how do you know it is so horrible having gay parents?
I don't know what the solution is, to be honest. All I know man, is that we need better government.
What I want is a world where people treat each other with courtesy and respect.
I wanna a world where people are decent and honest. Not constantly lying and stabbing each other in the back, either deliberately, or when they feel they have no way out of a bad situation.
I want a world where people are looking out for each other, and not just for themselves. I'm a "no one left behind" kinda guy.
I wanna a world where people will work together for the greater good, and not constantly fighting with each other. Where people are willing to make sacrifices to help each other, instead of selfishly clinging to what they want.
I wanna a world where people are willing to work for what they want and for what they get, both the bare necessities, and the luxuries of life. Instead of feeling they're entitled to all of those things.
I don't know what the solution is, to be honest. All I know man, is that we need better government.
What I want is a world where people t… morereat each other with courtesy and respect.
I wanna a world where people are decent and honest. Not constantly lying and stabbing each other in the back, either deliberately, or when they feel they have no way out of a bad situation.
I want a world where people are looking out for each other, and not just for themselves. I'm a "no one left behind" kinda guy.
I wanna a world where people will work together for the greater good, and not constantly fighting with each other. Where people are willing to make sacrifices to help each other, instead of selfishly clinging to what they want.
I wanna a world where people are willing to work for what they want and for what they get, both the bare necessities, and the luxuries of life. Instead of feeling they're entitled to all of those things.
We can disagree; I believe many states are open to independent or unaffiliated persons to vote. I'm guessing the primaries is there to cut the amount of candidates in the general. But I still think primaries are the person's individual party and their representative. It's not like the primaries put people into office.
If you're not sworn to a party, why would it make sense to be able to affect who gets the nomination.
Because I have to vote between… more choices that I didn't have any part in choosing come election time, and that's not fair. The fairest way would be to drop this nonsense of primaries and just let voters choose between all candidates at election time.
But since that's not going to happen in the United States, states should at least make it possible for those who are independent or unaffiliated with any parties to vote in the primaries, or else we're not going to be able to vote for anyone in the parties, and that's not fair at all. Like I said, it's punishing people not affiliating themselves with one of the major parties, since they don't get to vote for anyone in primaries, and democracies are not supposed to work like that.
Well it is a great speech, Charlie Chaplin often says that science is the means that mankind will be better off. However corrupt people, especially in politics, have often times used the discoveries of science to support their own perverted pleasures.
They pervert whatever good things that science can bring. For example shortly after Albert Einstein discovered the way to split an atom, the government immediately figured out how to turn that invention into a weapon, which is how we got the atom bomb. Albert Einstein later said that if he had known what they were going to do with his invention, that he would have rather become a farmer.
Also, look at the way that man has been able to harness nucular power, as a way to power our homes, and some of the other devices that we use everyday. However the government has managed to turn those things into waste grade nuclear weapons, as a means to destroy people by the Millions.
No matter what good things science is able to produce, corrupt men, especially those in government, are always able to twist it into something harmful.
And as long as such things continue, as long as such men are apart of the human race, and in power in government, then peace will always be a pipe dream.
Cause mind you, people don't always need to be in power, in order to harm to others.
I agree with you. Also a lot of people thinks that thanks to progress we're getting better and better with times but I'm not sure of this assumption.
I agree with the fact people thinks too much about themself.
Now the question is: are people selfish because the society raised them to be like that or is it simply in human nature? Or maybe a lack of will, seeing all the shits that happens everyday. What are your thoughts on the matter?
Chaplin made a beautiful speech and what you said before made me remember it.
Well it is a great speech, Charlie Chaplin often says that science is the means that mankind will be better off. However corrupt people, esp… moreecially in politics, have often times used the discoveries of science to support their own perverted pleasures.
They pervert whatever good things that science can bring. For example shortly after Albert Einstein discovered the way to split an atom, the government immediately figured out how to turn that invention into a weapon, which is how we got the atom bomb. Albert Einstein later said that if he had known what they were going to do with his invention, that he would have rather become a farmer.
Also, look at the way that man has been able to harness nucular power, as a way to power our homes, and some of the other devices that we use everyday. However the government has managed to turn those things into waste grade nuclear weapons, as a means to destroy people by the Millions.
No matter what g… [view original content]
I believe EU should stop messing around and just open live fire on illegal border corssers. Migrant crisis solved in 1 day.
Human rights defenders incoming in 3...2...1...
Sadly the West is dying on it's on wish, so while I don't hate it as Euron implied I lost my faith in it. All that West can offer us right now is cash nothing more, We're better off without their ideology with our own way...
I don't hate the west, I like the west of 80's where the leftists had no power and it was a force to be recogned with. Poverty in Eastern Eu… morerope has nothing to do with migrants but with communism which was installed here for 60 years. But that doesn't mean I want to add to the problem and have terrorism here as well. The videos are undeniable, people throwing rocks at border guards, cutting fences, blocking roads. Those are illegal activities, I believe EU should stop messing around and just open live fire on illegal border corssers. Migrant crisis solved in 1 day.
So you Google huh? I use to Google too. As an adolescent, I use to Google all the time, as a matter of fact. Then as a teenager I discovered women. Lol!
Selfishness is a human trait. However the culture that we live in now structured to appeal to the selfish nature of people, now more than ever.
All the advertising that you see done on television for example, it all gives the idea that you you have to have this in order to be with the times, and you have to have it right now no matter the cost. Even if you should go into debt buying it, if you don't have it you will be an outcast, and therefore you will never be happy.
And they do it all so that they can make a buck for themselves. They are not interested in you, they're only interested in what they can get from you, by how they can use you to live.
And that kind of thinking is infectious, and it is seeped into every corner of society today. And the kinds of people that run these big corporations, that produce all the stuff that we get, they come from American homes in American churches and American businesses.
That selfish, self-centered, and entitled thinking is what is responsible for basically all the problems that we have in the world today.
You know, because Charlie Chaplin speech did touch a little bit on religion, I would like to add the following statement into my comment.
And this statement was taken from a letter that St.Paul wrote some 2000 years ago, in a letter that he wrote to his protege Timothy, and in it he talked about "the End times."
And before you read the following, let me just State for the record, that I am not trying to show any kind of religious Dogma down your throat. I am merely just sharing something that I read, and that I found interesting. And I would ask that you read it with an open mind.
Paul said: "You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times.
For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred.
They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good.
They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly." - 2nd Timothy 3:1-5.
Pretty much fits what we have today. These were words that were written shortly after the time of Christ - Christ lived some two thousand years ago - and yet they are proving to fit the modern world to a T.
I agree with you. Also a lot of people thinks that thanks to progress we're getting better and better with times but I'm not sure of this as… moresumption.
I agree with the fact people thinks too much about themself.
Now the question is: are people selfish because the society raised them to be like that or is it simply in human nature? Or maybe a lack of will, seeing all the shits that happens everyday. What are your thoughts on the matter?
Chaplin made a beautiful speech and what you said before made me remember it.
So you Google huh? I use to Google too. As an adolescent, I use to Google all the time, as a matter of fact. Then as a teenager I discovered women. Lol!
Feel the Bern!
Seriously, he's better than Cruz, Trump or Clinton and has some good opinions about the Wall Street. And I like his words about immigration.
I must be a commie terrorist! Because I like Sanders! Nastrowje everyone!
I'm not affiliated with any political party as I don't vote. I admire certain presidents like Reagan and others as both parties do have their flaws and perks but I've seen too many extremists exemplify living breathing definitions of what a liberal or what a conservative would be and I disliked both. The election is just another reason for people to brag about who they support or don't. It's not like votes are anything of value these day and with this years candidates I'm appalled that anyone could take the candidates seriously.
Well, damn, I didn't realize people were left hanging when this thread died.
Basically, I like Hayek because he was the most tolerable of the Austrians. More importantly, His work helped develop my skepticism toward central planning, which steered me away from the statist left.
I have a question about one of your influences. What is it about Friedrich Hayek that makes you like him? I don't know much about him myself… more, but from what I understand, he was a right wing libertarian, which is pretty much the opposite of your views.
Can you explain what Anarchists are? Also Liberalism in greater depth.
As far as I know, these systems, or at least Anarchists support Lazze-faire capitalism, which ultimately turns me away from the idea.
I've been dipping into a lot of Market Anarchism lately, thanks to debates with my libertarian friends. Gotta admit, I've been finding a lot t like. Particularly, I've been looking into Hess and Konkin. Agorism is very interesting, though I somewhat disagree with Konkin's Agorist class theory, that draws a distinction between capitalists and entrepreneurs. Agorism on a practical level is pretty awesome though and I have a new appreciation for black and gray markets. I'm skeptical it can destroy the state, but subversion for fun and profit is always good in my book. Hess is also pretty interesting, though I haven't gotten into him as much.
I've recently changed my mind of tariffs and now generally oppose them. I'm also for dismantling intellectual property and drastically reducing the power of patents.
Very belated reply, sorry.
Anarchism is opposition to state, capitalism and hierarchy.
Liberalism is a capitalist ideology rooted in maintaining liberty, equality and property.
Yeah, ancaps are a special case, and a lot of Anarchists scoff at the idea that they are one of us. But, I tend to ignore that particular semantics debate, as I don't find it helpful.
Basically, ancaps are different from regular anarchists because most of them want to privatize government instead of abolish it. I see this end as pretty hideous personally, but ancaps have never posed much of a threat. They're a tiny subgroup compared to other anarchists.
As for Anarcho- liberalism, I've never really heard the term before. However, much of the Anarchist tradition was created by various thinkers taking the principles of Classical Liberalism to a more radical conclusion.
See a reason I really dislike Anarchy, Liberalism, and Ancaps is because what happens from these are dangerous to the people.
Anarchy creates a dangerous system of a power void. Would it be nice to not need a state to rule over us, create laws, deliver punishments, and do things for us? If we could state nature in it's purest form and go with it? Eh, I guess. However, unless every single person within that system cooperates then it falls apart very easily. A system of government is destroyed and in it's place people take control and usually force the people under their control.
Liberalism? I love the ideas of liberty and freedom and I agree with Liberals on several social issues. However, as many Liberals decide that government intervention stops at all levels including economically, that's when I declare we stop. We have noticed time and time again that a Lazier Fairre capitalist system will hurt those under it, especially those who aren't rich. I say take a look at the Robber Barons of Europe, it wasn't a good system and once we enter the field where no regulation can be placed on systems which prove harmful to the people and the environment, well, we are in a dangerous spot.
Finding a working system that benefits the people have proved extremely difficult.
Yeah, ancaps are a special case, and a lot of Anarchists scoff at the idea that they are one of us. But, I tend to ignore that particular s… moreemantics debate, as I don't find it helpful.
Basically, ancaps are different from regular anarchists because most of them want to privatize government instead of abolish it. I see this end as pretty hideous personally, but ancaps have never posed much of a threat. They're a tiny subgroup compared to other anarchists.
As for Anarcho- liberalism, I've never really heard the term before. However, much of the Anarchist tradition was created by various thinkers taking the principles of Classical Liberalism to a more radical conclusion.
Anarchy creates a dangerous system of a power void. Would it be nice to not need a state to rule over us, create laws, deliver punishments, and do things for us? If we could state nature in it's purest form and go with it? Eh, I guess. However, unless every single person within that system cooperates then it falls apart very easily. A system of government is destroyed and in it's place people take control and usually force the people under their control.
this is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of Anarchism. The goal of anarchists isn't to abolish power, but rather to decentralize and democratize it. They want to enpower the communities and worker syndicates to an extent that centralized power becomes obsolete. On the other hand, my idea society would probably involve a minimalistic 'night-watchman state', as a safety valve against abusive communities and worker syndicates. Even if abolition of the state isn't appealing, anarchists have many interesting ideas, like eliminating intellectual property and allowing competition between different types of capital. I'd also direct you to this quote.
Liberalism? I love the ideas of liberty and freedom and I agree with Liberals on several social issues. However, as many Liberals decide that government intervention stops at all levels including economically, that's when I declare we stop. We have noticed time and time again that a Lazier Fairre capitalist system will hurt those under it, especially those who aren't rich. I say take a look at the Robber Barons of Europe, it wasn't a good system and once we enter the field where no regulation can be placed on systems which prove harmful to the people and the environment, well, we are in a dangerous spot.
liberalism is a huge topic though. It ranges from Liberal Conservatism and Classical Liberalism (Laisse Faire) to Social Liberalism (US democrats), but I generally share your misgivings about them. Though I'd argue that Laissez-Faire capitalism never existed in the first place. Laissez-Faire roughly translates to "leave it alone", which is completely contradictory when you consider that the state has been propping up capitalism from the very beginning. If Capitalism was Laissez- Faire during the robber baron era, we wouldn't have seen National Guardsmen gunning down striking workers. We also wouldn't have invaded a bunch of Latin-American countries on behalf of the U.S. Fruit Company.
Laissez-Faire capitalism can never exist because capitalists rely on the state to protect their privilege and property from the people. Hence why I oppose both Capitalism and the State.
See a reason I really dislike Anarchy, Liberalism, and Ancaps is because what happens from these are dangerous to the people.
Anarchy cre… moreates a dangerous system of a power void. Would it be nice to not need a state to rule over us, create laws, deliver punishments, and do things for us? If we could state nature in it's purest form and go with it? Eh, I guess. However, unless every single person within that system cooperates then it falls apart very easily. A system of government is destroyed and in it's place people take control and usually force the people under their control.
Liberalism? I love the ideas of liberty and freedom and I agree with Liberals on several social issues. However, as many Liberals decide that government intervention stops at all levels including economically, that's when I declare we stop. We have noticed time and time again that a Lazier Fairre capitalist system will hurt those under it, especially those who ar… [view original content]
I'm young and I don't know much about politics but I'm certain that I'm a leftist. A political views test I took recently says that I'm most likely an anarchist or a social democrat and the closest politician to me is Nelson Mandela.
Well, political parties in Ireland are beyond terrible, so nowadays I really don't support any of them. I previously supported The Labour party, but since they went into government with Fine Gael, our equivalent of the UK's Conservatives, they showed that they neither believed, nor supported their "socialist" views and didn't give a fuck about the working class. Before that, I was a Sinn Fein supporter, but the more you dwell into their controversial history and some of the claims they make about it, you begin to realise they still have heavy links to a certain terrorist organisation, which is obviously still in existence. Then there's Fianna Fail, which is known for it's history in corruption, so I avoid them like the plague. All in all, I don't vote and probably won't for a long time.
Politics are a big thing right now, so I'm gonna try bringing this back. Has anyone experienced a shift in political opinions?
I'm still solidly in left-libertarianism, but my economic ideas are becoming more focused. I also feel like I've become a lot more cynical toward elections and the state in general
My entire family is very very conservative. Growing up I'd believe everything they said was "right", because it was all I really knew. Then I kind of realized that I didn't agree with many of their beliefs. Now, I'm pretty liberal. I'm still young and I don't have the most political knowledge, but yeah, I guess I'm a lefty. I've recently taken multiple political tests, and they describe me as a "leftist libertarian", so I guess that's more exact. Like I said, I'm inexperienced and don't understand a lot of labels. I'm looking into it though.
I believe in authoritarianism because i dont believe in democracy, i believe democracy doesn't work, under the CPC China has developed the 2nd largest economy, one of the strongest militaries, it is one of the most influential countries in the world and is pretty safe compared to western countries and where is this democracy? Sure there might be some degree of democracy in China but the State government has done nothing more than improve the people's lives. Even though i hate this man with a burning passion, Mussolini was right about one thing "Democracy is fallacy, you in America will see that one day".
So basically, non-Socialist Socialism? Say it ain't so!
Why authoritarianism?
Do you believe the party line that the "Socialist" Market Economy is just a transitional phase to actual Socialism?
I believe in authoritarianism because i dont believe in democracy, i believe democracy doesn't work, under the CPC China has developed the 2nd largest economy, one of the strongest militaries, it is one of the most influential countries in the world and is pretty safe compared to western countries and where is this democracy?
Playing devil's advocate here. South Korea has also experienced a tremendous economic boom and is very safe, despite being governed by a liberal democracy. To China's credit, poverty has decreased sharply, but there's a rather cavernous income gap between Average citizens and well connected elites. Also, is militarism really that great? The US has tried it.
Even though i hate this man with a burning passion, Mussolini was right about one thing "Democracy is fallacy, you in America will see that one day".
Doubtful. Chinese cultural values play a large role in maintaining authoritarianism, ours do not.
I believe in authoritarianism because i dont believe in democracy, i believe democracy doesn't work, under the CPC China has developed the 2… morend largest economy, one of the strongest militaries, it is one of the most influential countries in the world and is pretty safe compared to western countries and where is this democracy? Sure there might be some degree of democracy in China but the State government has done nothing more than improve the people's lives. Even though i hate this man with a burning passion, Mussolini was right about one thing "Democracy is fallacy, you in America will see that one day".
This is like a right wing mirror of me. Started off a year and a half ago as a Democratic Socialist and then shifted away from statism toward Libertarian Socialism. Since the last time I posted, I've mostly ditched Syndicalism (though I'm still a Wobbly), fell off the bottom end of the political compass and away from hard collectivism. Now I'm something of a Left-Libertarian, but I've mostly foregone specific labels.
Now, I'm a libertarian (I suppose) - or perhaps a conservatarian. I say the former because I find the conflict between libertarianism and authoritarianism a bit more compelling, than the conflict between left and right, at least today. Probably because freedom is the thing I care about most now, whereas it used to be just about being a good person (as I saw it), or a maverick.
FREEDOM!! I'm the same, though I'd wager our conceptions of liberty are greatly different. What makes you skeptical of the state? For me, it's there economic monopolies and realizing how incompatible any meaningful form of Socialism is with central planning.
As for the thing's I don't like, culture and language policing is one, corruption is another (though that's universal, I would hope), and basically anyone who wants to tell me what I can and can't say and do. I guess my whole philosophy is: I just want to be left alone.
It seems to me that corruption is a natural part of a hierarchical state. We live in a rather insidious system, in which government works hand in hand with private industry. Risks and costs are socialized and picked up by us taxpayers, but the profits go straight to the elites. It's the greatest theft in human history. I actually disagree about being left alone. I think we'd benefit from being tied into our communities more, through participatory enterprise and politics.
I mean, I'm no anarchist - though a cultural revolution and flip of the system, sounds appealing. Perhaps that's just because I'm young, but then again... I think it sounds appealing to a lot of people, evident by the success of Brexit and the following of candidates like Sanders (RIP) and Trump. Most people today (regardless of political views, I think) hate politicians, hate the establishment, hate the media, and I'm interested to see how this growing insurgence manifests itself further in the months (or years) to come.
Isn't it exciting?! We're seeing authority challenged in ways like never before in our lifetimes. People are rejecting their leaders and slowly getting fed up with our brutally idiotic justice system. Open source is also exploding. We now live in a world where you can recieve advanced courses and research material online for free, where you can get crowdfunding for sustainable, collective enterprises in places that need it and where you can start your own garage industry, with lower overhead than ever before. Of course "concerned congressmen", both left and right, will be the death of all this if we let them.
Things seem dark with all the violence and hate, but the future is fucking here and it's pretty awesome.
I believe in authoritarianism because i dont believe in democracy, i believe democracy doesn't work, under the CPC China has developed the 2… morend largest economy, one of the strongest militaries, it is one of the most influential countries in the world and is pretty safe compared to western countries and where is this democracy?
Playing devil's advocate here. South Korea has also experienced a tremendous economic boom and is very safe, despite being governed by a liberal democracy. To China's credit, poverty has decreased sharply, but there's a rather cavernous income gap between Average citizens and well connected elites. Also, is militarism really that great? The US has tried it.
Even though i hate this man with a burning passion, Mussolini was right about one thing "Democracy is fallacy, you in America will see that one day".
Doubtful. Chinese cultural values play a large role in maintaining authoritarianism, ours do not.
But under Park, (which is the daughter of the dictator of SK) SK has become politically unstable with increasing unrest and is at the mercy of China economically especially with THAAD deployment, any Chinese embargo or anything economic will really knockout SK for good amount of time. It maybe better to live and is doing fine but i guarantee you we the Southern government will collapse again just as it always done in a few years and a new one will be set up just the keep the North Koreans from pouncing. It is even stated since Park took power that South Korea is regressing back into a dictatorship.
This is like a right wing mirror of me. Started off a year and a half ago as a Democratic Socialist and then shifted away from statism tow… moreard Libertarian Socialism. Since the last time I posted, I've mostly ditched Syndicalism (though I'm still a Wobbly), fell off the bottom end of the political compass and away from hard collectivism. Now I'm something of a Left-Libertarian, but I've mostly foregone specific labels.
Now, I'm a libertarian (I suppose) - or perhaps a conservatarian. I say the former because I find the conflict between libertarianism and authoritarianism a bit more compelling, than the conflict between left and right, at least today. Probably because freedom is the thing I care about most now, whereas it used to be just about being a good person (as I saw it), or a maverick.
FREEDOM!! I'm the same, though I'd wager our conceptions of liberty are greatly different. What makes you skeptical of the state? For … [view original content]
Let's not resort to personal attacks
I don't know what the solution is, to be honest. All I know man, is that we need better government.
What I want is a world where people treat each other with courtesy and respect.
I wanna a world where people are decent and honest. Not constantly lying and stabbing each other in the back, either deliberately, or when they feel they have no way out of a bad situation.
I want a world where people are looking out for each other, and not just for themselves. I'm a "no one left behind" kinda guy.
I wanna a world where people will work together for the greater good, and not constantly fighting with each other. Where people are willing to make sacrifices to help each other, instead of selfishly clinging to what they want.
I wanna a world where people are willing to work for what they want and for what they get, both the bare necessities, and the luxuries of life. Instead of feeling they're entitled to all of those things.
Charlie Chaplin spotted.
enter link description here
We can disagree; I believe many states are open to independent or unaffiliated persons to vote. I'm guessing the primaries is there to cut the amount of candidates in the general. But I still think primaries are the person's individual party and their representative. It's not like the primaries put people into office.
Well it is a great speech, Charlie Chaplin often says that science is the means that mankind will be better off. However corrupt people, especially in politics, have often times used the discoveries of science to support their own perverted pleasures.
They pervert whatever good things that science can bring. For example shortly after Albert Einstein discovered the way to split an atom, the government immediately figured out how to turn that invention into a weapon, which is how we got the atom bomb. Albert Einstein later said that if he had known what they were going to do with his invention, that he would have rather become a farmer.
Also, look at the way that man has been able to harness nucular power, as a way to power our homes, and some of the other devices that we use everyday. However the government has managed to turn those things into waste grade nuclear weapons, as a means to destroy people by the Millions.
No matter what good things science is able to produce, corrupt men, especially those in government, are always able to twist it into something harmful.
And as long as such things continue, as long as such men are apart of the human race, and in power in government, then peace will always be a pipe dream.
Cause mind you, people don't always need to be in power, in order to harm to others.
I agree with you. Also a lot of people thinks that thanks to progress we're getting better and better with times but I'm not sure of this assumption.
I agree with the fact people thinks too much about themself.
Now the question is: are people selfish because the society raised them to be like that or is it simply in human nature? Or maybe a lack of will, seeing all the shits that happens everyday. What are your thoughts on the matter?
Chaplin made a beautiful speech and what you said before made me remember it.
Human rights defenders incoming in 3...2...1...
Sadly the West is dying on it's on wish, so while I don't hate it as Euron implied I lost my faith in it. All that West can offer us right now is cash nothing more, We're better off without their ideology with our own way...
So you Google huh? I use to Google too. As an adolescent, I use to Google all the time, as a matter of fact. Then as a teenager I discovered women. Lol!
Selfishness is a human trait. However the culture that we live in now structured to appeal to the selfish nature of people, now more than ever.
All the advertising that you see done on television for example, it all gives the idea that you you have to have this in order to be with the times, and you have to have it right now no matter the cost. Even if you should go into debt buying it, if you don't have it you will be an outcast, and therefore you will never be happy.
And they do it all so that they can make a buck for themselves. They are not interested in you, they're only interested in what they can get from you, by how they can use you to live.
And that kind of thinking is infectious, and it is seeped into every corner of society today. And the kinds of people that run these big corporations, that produce all the stuff that we get, they come from American homes in American churches and American businesses.
That selfish, self-centered, and entitled thinking is what is responsible for basically all the problems that we have in the world today.
You know, because Charlie Chaplin speech did touch a little bit on religion, I would like to add the following statement into my comment.
And this statement was taken from a letter that St.Paul wrote some 2000 years ago, in a letter that he wrote to his protege Timothy, and in it he talked about "the End times."
And before you read the following, let me just State for the record, that I am not trying to show any kind of religious Dogma down your throat. I am merely just sharing something that I read, and that I found interesting. And I would ask that you read it with an open mind.
Paul said: "You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times.
For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred.
They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good.
They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly." - 2nd Timothy 3:1-5.
Pretty much fits what we have today. These were words that were written shortly after the time of Christ - Christ lived some two thousand years ago - and yet they are proving to fit the modern world to a T.
What do you think?
Lol! That was funny!
Feel the Bern!
Seriously, he's better than Cruz, Trump or Clinton and has some good opinions about the Wall Street. And I like his words about immigration.
I must be a commie terrorist! Because I like Sanders! Nastrowje everyone!
I'm not affiliated with any political party as I don't vote. I admire certain presidents like Reagan and others as both parties do have their flaws and perks but I've seen too many extremists exemplify living breathing definitions of what a liberal or what a conservative would be and I disliked both. The election is just another reason for people to brag about who they support or don't. It's not like votes are anything of value these day and with this years candidates I'm appalled that anyone could take the candidates seriously.
Well, damn, I didn't realize people were left hanging when this thread died.
Basically, I like Hayek because he was the most tolerable of the Austrians. More importantly, His work helped develop my skepticism toward central planning, which steered me away from the statist left.
Very belated reply, sorry.
Anarchism is opposition to state, capitalism and hierarchy.
Liberalism is a capitalist ideology rooted in maintaining liberty, equality and property.
Bringing this thread back!
I've been dipping into a lot of Market Anarchism lately, thanks to debates with my libertarian friends. Gotta admit, I've been finding a lot t like. Particularly, I've been looking into Hess and Konkin. Agorism is very interesting, though I somewhat disagree with Konkin's Agorist class theory, that draws a distinction between capitalists and entrepreneurs. Agorism on a practical level is pretty awesome though and I have a new appreciation for black and gray markets. I'm skeptical it can destroy the state, but subversion for fun and profit is always good in my book. Hess is also pretty interesting, though I haven't gotten into him as much.
I've recently changed my mind of tariffs and now generally oppose them. I'm also for dismantling intellectual property and drastically reducing the power of patents.
I hear of Anarcho-Capitalists or Anarco-Liberalism, how does those ideologies manage to work despite being contrived of two opposing ideals.
Yeah, ancaps are a special case, and a lot of Anarchists scoff at the idea that they are one of us. But, I tend to ignore that particular semantics debate, as I don't find it helpful.
Basically, ancaps are different from regular anarchists because most of them want to privatize government instead of abolish it. I see this end as pretty hideous personally, but ancaps have never posed much of a threat. They're a tiny subgroup compared to other anarchists.
As for Anarcho- liberalism, I've never really heard the term before. However, much of the Anarchist tradition was created by various thinkers taking the principles of Classical Liberalism to a more radical conclusion.
See a reason I really dislike Anarchy, Liberalism, and Ancaps is because what happens from these are dangerous to the people.
Anarchy creates a dangerous system of a power void. Would it be nice to not need a state to rule over us, create laws, deliver punishments, and do things for us? If we could state nature in it's purest form and go with it? Eh, I guess. However, unless every single person within that system cooperates then it falls apart very easily. A system of government is destroyed and in it's place people take control and usually force the people under their control.
Liberalism? I love the ideas of liberty and freedom and I agree with Liberals on several social issues. However, as many Liberals decide that government intervention stops at all levels including economically, that's when I declare we stop. We have noticed time and time again that a Lazier Fairre capitalist system will hurt those under it, especially those who aren't rich. I say take a look at the Robber Barons of Europe, it wasn't a good system and once we enter the field where no regulation can be placed on systems which prove harmful to the people and the environment, well, we are in a dangerous spot.
Finding a working system that benefits the people have proved extremely difficult.
this is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of Anarchism. The goal of anarchists isn't to abolish power, but rather to decentralize and democratize it. They want to enpower the communities and worker syndicates to an extent that centralized power becomes obsolete. On the other hand, my idea society would probably involve a minimalistic 'night-watchman state', as a safety valve against abusive communities and worker syndicates. Even if abolition of the state isn't appealing, anarchists have many interesting ideas, like eliminating intellectual property and allowing competition between different types of capital. I'd also direct you to this quote.
And this excellent FAQ
liberalism is a huge topic though. It ranges from Liberal Conservatism and Classical Liberalism (Laisse Faire) to Social Liberalism (US democrats), but I generally share your misgivings about them. Though I'd argue that Laissez-Faire capitalism never existed in the first place. Laissez-Faire roughly translates to "leave it alone", which is completely contradictory when you consider that the state has been propping up capitalism from the very beginning. If Capitalism was Laissez- Faire during the robber baron era, we wouldn't have seen National Guardsmen gunning down striking workers. We also wouldn't have invaded a bunch of Latin-American countries on behalf of the U.S. Fruit Company.
Laissez-Faire capitalism can never exist because capitalists rely on the state to protect their privilege and property from the people. Hence why I oppose both Capitalism and the State.
I'm young and I don't know much about politics but I'm certain that I'm a leftist. A political views test I took recently says that I'm most likely an anarchist or a social democrat and the closest politician to me is Nelson Mandela.
I also feel related to pan-slavism.
My political affiliation is "self-absorbed."
Could give a fuck about left-wing, right-wing labels.
Well, political parties in Ireland are beyond terrible, so nowadays I really don't support any of them. I previously supported The Labour party, but since they went into government with Fine Gael, our equivalent of the UK's Conservatives, they showed that they neither believed, nor supported their "socialist" views and didn't give a fuck about the working class. Before that, I was a Sinn Fein supporter, but the more you dwell into their controversial history and some of the claims they make about it, you begin to realise they still have heavy links to a certain terrorist organisation, which is obviously still in existence. Then there's Fianna Fail, which is known for it's history in corruption, so I avoid them like the plague. All in all, I don't vote and probably won't for a long time.
Politics are a big thing right now, so I'm gonna try bringing this back. Has anyone experienced a shift in political opinions?
I'm still solidly in left-libertarianism, but my economic ideas are becoming more focused. I also feel like I've become a lot more cynical toward elections and the state in general
My entire family is very very conservative. Growing up I'd believe everything they said was "right", because it was all I really knew. Then I kind of realized that I didn't agree with many of their beliefs. Now, I'm pretty liberal. I'm still young and I don't have the most political knowledge, but yeah, I guess I'm a lefty. I've recently taken multiple political tests, and they describe me as a "leftist libertarian", so I guess that's more exact. Like I said, I'm inexperienced and don't understand a lot of labels. I'm looking into it though.
Fuck outta here with that Dengist Revisionism bio! REEEEE!
Seriously though, I can't tell if you're a Socialist or just like authoritarianism.
I have a lunch line philosophy, picking whichever part I think is right out of either of the two parties. I guess I'm somewhere in the middle.
What aspects do the parties have right, in your opinion?
I believe in Communism/Socialism with Chinese characteristics.I also a tad bit pro-authoritarianism .
So basically, non-Socialist Socialism? Say it ain't so!
Why authoritarianism?
Do you believe the party line that the "Socialist" Market Economy is just a transitional phase to actual Socialism?
I believe in authoritarianism because i dont believe in democracy, i believe democracy doesn't work, under the CPC China has developed the 2nd largest economy, one of the strongest militaries, it is one of the most influential countries in the world and is pretty safe compared to western countries and where is this democracy? Sure there might be some degree of democracy in China but the State government has done nothing more than improve the people's lives. Even though i hate this man with a burning passion, Mussolini was right about one thing "Democracy is fallacy, you in America will see that one day".
Playing devil's advocate here. South Korea has also experienced a tremendous economic boom and is very safe, despite being governed by a liberal democracy. To China's credit, poverty has decreased sharply, but there's a rather cavernous income gap between Average citizens and well connected elites. Also, is militarism really that great? The US has tried it.
Doubtful. Chinese cultural values play a large role in maintaining authoritarianism, ours do not.
This is like a right wing mirror of me. Started off a year and a half ago as a Democratic Socialist and then shifted away from statism toward Libertarian Socialism. Since the last time I posted, I've mostly ditched Syndicalism (though I'm still a Wobbly), fell off the bottom end of the political compass and away from hard collectivism. Now I'm something of a Left-Libertarian, but I've mostly foregone specific labels.
FREEDOM!! I'm the same, though I'd wager our conceptions of liberty are greatly different. What makes you skeptical of the state? For me, it's there economic monopolies and realizing how incompatible any meaningful form of Socialism is with central planning.
It seems to me that corruption is a natural part of a hierarchical state. We live in a rather insidious system, in which government works hand in hand with private industry. Risks and costs are socialized and picked up by us taxpayers, but the profits go straight to the elites. It's the greatest theft in human history. I actually disagree about being left alone. I think we'd benefit from being tied into our communities more, through participatory enterprise and politics.
Isn't it exciting?! We're seeing authority challenged in ways like never before in our lifetimes. People are rejecting their leaders and slowly getting fed up with our brutally idiotic justice system. Open source is also exploding. We now live in a world where you can recieve advanced courses and research material online for free, where you can get crowdfunding for sustainable, collective enterprises in places that need it and where you can start your own garage industry, with lower overhead than ever before. Of course "concerned congressmen", both left and right, will be the death of all this if we let them.
Things seem dark with all the violence and hate, but the future is fucking here and it's pretty awesome.
You forget that the when South Korea experienced its economic boom it was under a Military dictatorship.
again, "You in America will see that one day"
However, it's doing just fine, arguably better under Democracy.
IIRC the mean standard of living is better too.
But under Park, (which is the daughter of the dictator of SK) SK has become politically unstable with increasing unrest and is at the mercy of China economically especially with THAAD deployment, any Chinese embargo or anything economic will really knockout SK for good amount of time. It maybe better to live and is doing fine but i guarantee you we the Southern government will collapse again just as it always done in a few years and a new one will be set up just the keep the North Koreans from pouncing. It is even stated since Park took power that South Korea is regressing back into a dictatorship.