“No, we always stay cautious, the best way is to find a discreet way in look for a window or backdoor so we sneak in, if there’s someone ins… moreide…..eh lets hope we’ll meet someone friendly for a change” Howard gasped tiresomely.
“I’m with Howard on this one” Cody nodded.
“Fine, let you boys have it your way, but I’m not going in there first no effing-way” Emily said promptly.
“I’d go if my leg wasn’t this busted” Howard grunted.
“Looks like it’s down to you and me Cody” Zack muttered.
“Yeah but first lets get a look at the place then we can worry on watching each others backs, right” Cody replied indifferently.
The team stopped not far from the front gate, the mansion was guarded by a tall brick wall on the other side of the gate there was a non-functioning water fountain. “That’s a big ass mansion some very rich people must’ve lived here” Cody remarked in awe.
“Maybe they still are, check if the gate’s locked I can’t see a… [view original content]
“No, we always stay cautious, the best way is to find a discreet way in look for a window or backdoor so we sneak in, if there’s someone ins… moreide…..eh lets hope we’ll meet someone friendly for a change” Howard gasped tiresomely.
“I’m with Howard on this one” Cody nodded.
“Fine, let you boys have it your way, but I’m not going in there first no effing-way” Emily said promptly.
“I’d go if my leg wasn’t this busted” Howard grunted.
“Looks like it’s down to you and me Cody” Zack muttered.
“Yeah but first lets get a look at the place then we can worry on watching each others backs, right” Cody replied indifferently.
The team stopped not far from the front gate, the mansion was guarded by a tall brick wall on the other side of the gate there was a non-functioning water fountain. “That’s a big ass mansion some very rich people must’ve lived here” Cody remarked in awe.
“Maybe they still are, check if the gate’s locked I can’t see a… [view original content]
I know, I know, that option won't win, but it's a matter of principle for me. I won't choose an option that is good for that asshole Zack. Letting them go on their own equals more danger, which makes it more likely for that fucker to die, which is good. By now, there's literally nothing he can do to get back in my favour, so I'm hoping that he's going to bite the dust soon.
By the way, I have finally sent you an e-mail. Had some problems with my PC lately, so it took me a while longer. Let me know what you think
“No, we always stay cautious, the best way is to find a discreet way in look for a window or backdoor so we sneak in, if there’s someone ins… moreide…..eh lets hope we’ll meet someone friendly for a change” Howard gasped tiresomely.
“I’m with Howard on this one” Cody nodded.
“Fine, let you boys have it your way, but I’m not going in there first no effing-way” Emily said promptly.
“I’d go if my leg wasn’t this busted” Howard grunted.
“Looks like it’s down to you and me Cody” Zack muttered.
“Yeah but first lets get a look at the place then we can worry on watching each others backs, right” Cody replied indifferently.
The team stopped not far from the front gate, the mansion was guarded by a tall brick wall on the other side of the gate there was a non-functioning water fountain. “That’s a big ass mansion some very rich people must’ve lived here” Cody remarked in awe.
“Maybe they still are, check if the gate’s locked I can’t see a… [view original content]
“No, we always stay cautious, the best way is to find a discreet way in look for a window or backdoor so we sneak in, if there’s someone ins… moreide…..eh lets hope we’ll meet someone friendly for a change” Howard gasped tiresomely.
“I’m with Howard on this one” Cody nodded.
“Fine, let you boys have it your way, but I’m not going in there first no effing-way” Emily said promptly.
“I’d go if my leg wasn’t this busted” Howard grunted.
“Looks like it’s down to you and me Cody” Zack muttered.
“Yeah but first lets get a look at the place then we can worry on watching each others backs, right” Cody replied indifferently.
The team stopped not far from the front gate, the mansion was guarded by a tall brick wall on the other side of the gate there was a non-functioning water fountain. “That’s a big ass mansion some very rich people must’ve lived here” Cody remarked in awe.
“Maybe they still are, check if the gate’s locked I can’t see a… [view original content]
We haven't had tie in a while, so I'm going to leave the voting open for another day or two, otherwise Desmond will assist Zack and Cody in the search. In the meantime here's the next part
Bradley and his group slowly and in silence abandoned the desolated house and tried to reach the nearest town. “I’m tired mom” Violet sighed to her mother. “I know dear….I know, but we have to keep going” Cecelia comforted her. Bradley walked alone in front pondering about his life before the outbreak and regretting how much he dedicated himself to work rather than visit his sister and family more often, only when he decided to see her the world just fall apart. Nicholas kept close to Rachel as he always is, she on the other hand worried about the future. How would Nicholas grow up in such brutal world or how long would he survive without her. The gloom of the day was reflected in the moods of the survivors holding onto the hope of enduring and lasting to the next day. There was nothing but trees on the horizon while they walked through the empty fields. Devyn glanced behind at Liam who looked defeated and sluggishly kept going, she wasn’t in the mood for talking, but wanted to make sure he was okay “Don’t beat yourself Liam” she said rather hesitantly.
Liam smiled thinly for a moment and stayed silent. Emma comforted and whispered a song to the newborn trying to prevent him from crying. Boniek pointed out the direction in which the small town is based from looking at the map. “Guys I think the baby needs some food, have we got any of those canned soups or something?” She asked worriedly.
“Let it cry, he’ll get food when we find some” Bradley muttered harshly.
“It’s only a baby! how could you be so cruel? her mother was to blame not the child” Cecelia argued and glared.
“That baby will be lucky to survive through the week!” Bradley called out indifferently.
“I’m sure a half can of soup won’t make us starve and we’ll find some more food soon I’m sure of it” Rachel tried to keep the morale up.
“We’ll stop once we get to that damn town!” Bradley snarled.
“The baby is going to be a fucking dinner bell if we don’t feed it, lets get it over with and move on” Boniek suggested.
“Fine you all sit tight then” Bradley muttered sarcastically.
“He’s going to get himself killed” Cecelia gasped under her nose.
Rachel knew there was a safety in numbers and now wasn’t the time to split up especially not letting Bradley go on his own, but the baby was getting anxious and maybe not now but it will get dangerous once it starts crying.
“Bradley stop!” She ran after him. “Lets just stop and catch a break okay? look we gotta stick together more than ever, there might be more of those bandits out there….you can’t go alone” She sighed.
“I’ll take down whoever I have to” Bradley objected lightly.
“Don’t turn your back on us, please…….that baby isn’t to blame…..Samantha was….lets just…stop for ten minutes” She said softly.
Bradley paused and after a brief moment he turned around and replied “Ten minutes and we move on”.
After Emma fed the baby the group resumed their trek. Beyond the trees they found a road that lead to another gas station with haphazardly parked cars with walkers in each of them, the sound of buzzing flies made it even more uncomfortable to pass through. There was a strange feeling that these people tried to wait it out by the station, Bradley quickly inspected an empty RV, the lawn chairs in front of it indicated that there were quite a few people staying here. Nothing, the battery was dead “Figures” Bradley groaned before leaving the vehicle and heading for the gas station with his pistol wielded. There was a walker crawling up ahead under a sign placed above a truck “WILL SHOT ON SIGHT! NO GAS!”
“It’s like a graveyard” Cecelia remarked in horror.
“There must’ve been tens of these people cramped out here and probably in the gas station too” Boniek scanned the cars.
“Be careful before opening or touching something” Rachel warned while keeping Nicholas close to her.
Liam sighed in disappointment as he watched the warning sign which had became a symbol of their new world, a place of fear against humans and the dead, where food and weapons were worth more than gold. “Clearly someone attacked this place and took whatever they had by force” Boniek said bluntly.
“Everybody down!” Bradley hissed urgently and signalled everyone to crouch and hide. He peeked from behind the vehicle and watched two guys scavenge the area with guns.
“Not much changed here since last week, the dead are still…well dead what are we looking for anyway?” One of the men spoke out.
“Brick told us to meet some people I think they called themselves ‘The Vultures’ or something like that, he mentioned their a bunch of loonies by the way and live in the woods” The other chuckled.
“People who lived in woods always gave me the creeps” The man shivered.
“Hey—“ A man startled Bradley from behind, but he was quick to react and grabbed him in choke hold position.
“Did you here that? Yo-Jamie is that you? Oscar?!” The man called out. Bradley snapped the neck and started to crawl back into position.
“Show yourself? we won’t shoot unless you come out peacefully!” The man called out and took aim with his automatic rifle.
“Over here” Bradley called out coldly and shot one of them cleanly in the head and the other got wounded in the arm and started running away “Please!…..please….don’t shoot!” the escapee breathed heavily while Bradley focused and took aim.
Jee Bradley, you can't just go and kill random people.
Oh well, might as well finish the job.
[Kill the stranger]
Btw, I don't really mind who will go with Cody and Zack as long as they won't go alone, so I'm changing my vote to [Send Desmond to assist Cody and Zack]. :P
We haven't had tie in a while, so I'm going to leave the voting open for another day or two, otherwise Desmond will assist Zack and Cody in … morethe search. In the meantime here's the next part
Bradley and his group slowly and in silence abandoned the desolated house and tried to reach the nearest town. “I’m tired mom” Violet sighed to her mother. “I know dear….I know, but we have to keep going” Cecelia comforted her. Bradley walked alone in front pondering about his life before the outbreak and regretting how much he dedicated himself to work rather than visit his sister and family more often, only when he decided to see her the world just fall apart. Nicholas kept close to Rachel as he always is, she on the other hand worried about the future. How would Nicholas grow up in such brutal world or how long would he survive without her. The gloom of the day was reflected in the moods of the survivors holding onto the hope of enduring and lasting… [view original content]
I´ve been trying to find a good reason to spare him, but since he seems to be a member of Brick´s group, who is a bad guy as Celestia said previously and we don´t need any information from him, let´s just [Kill the stranger]
We haven't had tie in a while, so I'm going to leave the voting open for another day or two, otherwise Desmond will assist Zack and Cody in … morethe search. In the meantime here's the next part
Bradley and his group slowly and in silence abandoned the desolated house and tried to reach the nearest town. “I’m tired mom” Violet sighed to her mother. “I know dear….I know, but we have to keep going” Cecelia comforted her. Bradley walked alone in front pondering about his life before the outbreak and regretting how much he dedicated himself to work rather than visit his sister and family more often, only when he decided to see her the world just fall apart. Nicholas kept close to Rachel as he always is, she on the other hand worried about the future. How would Nicholas grow up in such brutal world or how long would he survive without her. The gloom of the day was reflected in the moods of the survivors holding onto the hope of enduring and lasting… [view original content]
He's part of this Brick guy's group and they have been built up to be the bad guys, so that man probably got few redeeming qualities. On top of that, he is running away. If he wouldn't run away, capturing him and keeping him hostage would be an option, but if he gets away, he's going to alert the rest of his group. It's not as if he's going to be thankful for the mercy, he's probably wouldn't even realize it if Brad spares him on purpose and would just assume that he took too long to take aim. Nothing to gain from sparing him.
Also, the baby continues to be a worthless waste of space as expected and Bradley is absolutely right in the way he is treating it. It's even worse than Zack. Without that thing, the attack on the motel wouldn't have happened and if it gets even more people killed, I hope it will be Emma or Cecelia. Aside from that, they should have just left it at the house they have been at before. It's a danger to the group, it's dragging them all down, consuming their time and their resources and considering whose blood runs through its veins, it shouldn't even live. Can't wait for when that thing dies, and with it, finally, the last trace that its rotten family ever existed. At least the chances are good that it will die, considering that they have literally nothing a baby needs, so there's a silver lining. On a side note, even if she tried to defend that baby in this part, Rachel is still great and I'm glad she's still looking out for Brad even if he's currently a sullen asshole. Without her, I'm afraid he would get himself killed sooner or later and since she seems to be the only person he still seems to care for, I hope she can pull him back from his current state.
We haven't had tie in a while, so I'm going to leave the voting open for another day or two, otherwise Desmond will assist Zack and Cody in … morethe search. In the meantime here's the next part
Bradley and his group slowly and in silence abandoned the desolated house and tried to reach the nearest town. “I’m tired mom” Violet sighed to her mother. “I know dear….I know, but we have to keep going” Cecelia comforted her. Bradley walked alone in front pondering about his life before the outbreak and regretting how much he dedicated himself to work rather than visit his sister and family more often, only when he decided to see her the world just fall apart. Nicholas kept close to Rachel as he always is, she on the other hand worried about the future. How would Nicholas grow up in such brutal world or how long would he survive without her. The gloom of the day was reflected in the moods of the survivors holding onto the hope of enduring and lasting… [view original content]
[Spare him] gib, resources, gib food, gib hidden porn stash, gib clay, then life gets spared o_O
It's a danger to the group, it's dragging them all down, consuming their time and their resources and considering whose blood runs through its veins, it shouldn't even live.
Strongly disagreeing with this, a child is not to blame for whatever or whomever the parents are. They are the future of mankind, especially during/after a zombie apocalypse or when space sharks invade.
Also, a lot of children in poor nations live on and grow up without a lot of 'necessities' you may believe important.
We haven't had tie in a while, so I'm going to leave the voting open for another day or two, otherwise Desmond will assist Zack and Cody in … morethe search. In the meantime here's the next part
Bradley and his group slowly and in silence abandoned the desolated house and tried to reach the nearest town. “I’m tired mom” Violet sighed to her mother. “I know dear….I know, but we have to keep going” Cecelia comforted her. Bradley walked alone in front pondering about his life before the outbreak and regretting how much he dedicated himself to work rather than visit his sister and family more often, only when he decided to see her the world just fall apart. Nicholas kept close to Rachel as he always is, she on the other hand worried about the future. How would Nicholas grow up in such brutal world or how long would he survive without her. The gloom of the day was reflected in the moods of the survivors holding onto the hope of enduring and lasting… [view original content]
Strongly disagreeing with this, a child is not to blame for whatever or whomever the parents are. They are the future of mankind, especially during/after a zombie apocalypse or when space sharks invade.
With any other child, I'd agree with you. They are important, they are the future. Trust me, I'd love to agree with you in this case as well, because that would mean that I have made my peace with the situation, which simply will not happen. This particular "child", (and considering that its mother was literally not a human being I use the term 'child' very loosely) is fully responsible for what its mother did, because without it, nothing of that would have happened. Aside from that, I dont know if you have read about her, but said mother is the worst character in literature. Not only this story, but literature. She's the only character I ever encountered where I can safely say that submitting her to the story was a severe mistake and that her presence made the one chapter she appeared in into the only chapter of this story I genuinely hated. And trust me, I absolutely love every other chapter of this story, so I know what I'm talking about. I'm dead serious when I say I can hardly stand reading her name in the list of deceased characters, so imagine how much hatred I have for her living offspring. This thing that crawled out of her is keeping her memory and her family alive by existing and after what she did, her entire family, her legacy, her name, her memory simply must die. This "child", if you want to call it a child, might be the only example of a being that was born purely evil and it can only grow up to even greater evil.
Aside from that, even without my highly subjective view on the topic, there is one thing where I am undoubtedly correct. This thing literally is a danger to the group, it is dragging them down and it is consuming their time and their resources, which has even been acknowledged in the part itself. They can get a new baby if they want a future for mankind, but this beast does not deserve the effort it takes to keep it alive and the group members shouldn't endanger themselves by looking out for it. It's not part of the group, it never will be and keeping it alive would be honouring its mother. It has no value and the only use it has and ever will have is as a blunt weapon or walker bait.
[Spare him] gib, resources, gib food, gib hidden porn stash, gib clay, then life gets spared o_O
It's a danger to the group, it's drag… moreging them all down, consuming their time and their resources and considering whose blood runs through its veins, it shouldn't even live.
Strongly disagreeing with this, a child is not to blame for whatever or whomever the parents are. They are the future of mankind, especially during/after a zombie apocalypse or when space sharks invade.
Also, a lot of children in poor nations live on and grow up without a lot of 'necessities' you may believe important.
Strongly disagreeing with this, a child is not to blame for whatever or whomever the parents are. They are the future of mankind, especially… more during/after a zombie apocalypse or when space sharks invade.
With any other child, I'd agree with you. They are important, they are the future. Trust me, I'd love to agree with you in this case as well, because that would mean that I have made my peace with the situation, which simply will not happen. This particular "child", (and considering that its mother was literally not a human being I use the term 'child' very loosely) is fully responsible for what its mother did, because without it, nothing of that would have happened. Aside from that, I dont know if you have read about her, but said mother is the worst character in literature. Not only this story, but literature. She's the only character I ever encountered where I can safely say that submitting her to the story was a severe mistake and … [view original content]
Well, but it isn't any of these things. Actually, it would make the situation even worse for me if it would be a cure carrier, as it would give value and importance to that thing and therefore to its mother as well. I could not stand this. All I want is to move on from that blasted subplot and to erase any sort of memory that it ever existed, but that won't be possible as long as part of her family is still alive.
Bradley was too angry to let this one away, he pulls the trigger and the bullet lands in the back of the runner. He slowly walked up to the wounded survivor who was weakly crawling forwards “Please…..don’t” he begged Bradley, but in response he gave a scolding look and finished the job with a clean shot to the head.
“Are you crazy?! you can’t just open fire on whoever you come upon!” Boniek gasped after getting out of cover.
“Well I just did so what? they didn’t look friendly, did they?” Bradley said coldly and picked up one of the assault rifles.
“That’s not the way we operate!” Boniek argues.
“Oh is that right? I don’t even fucking know you, you appeared out of nowhere and suddenly you know how we OPERATE, I’ll tell you what I don’t give a fuck on who we meet if that person appears even slightly dodgy to me I’m not risking another fucking life of this group” Bradley growled.
“I understand you’re angry with what happened but this isn’t the way to treat others we all need a chance don’t we!” Boniek conitnued.
“That’s enough what has happened, happened lets go before more of them shows up!” Cecelia intervened heavily.
“We should search them first they may have something useful” Devyn remarked indifferently.
Boniek and Bradley stood almost face to face for a moment glaring toughly at each other before Mi-Cha tugged Boniek’s arm away “What?” He jerked and looked at her anxious face. She felt hurt and lowered her face before walking away.
“Bradley c’mon over here you gotta see this” Devyn called out.
“What you got?” Bradley muttered.
From under one of the strangers coat there was a walkie-talkie “You think it works?” She asked.
“He had it on him I’m sure it is working, maybe we’ll get to talk to this Brick guy soon” Bradley remarked toughly and grabbed the radio.
“Who’s Brick?” Devyn frowned.
“Dunno they mentioned him before I blew them away and I think they said something about “The Vultures” too“ Bradley replied calmly.
“I don’t like the sound of that” Devyn sighed.
“Neither do I, but we seem to be right in the middle of this shit-storm and that’s why I’m not taking any chances” Bradley said coldly.
“I partially agree with you on that, but also I can’t stop thinking what if you kill someone good by accident?” Devyn pointed out.
“As long as our group is safe I don’t care about anything else” Bradley assured.
“Are you going to keep that radio?” Devyn asked softly.
“It could come in handy I guess—“ Bradley replied before an optimistic and gravelly voice called out from it “He-yo buoys having fun out there? what’s the status on the station?”
[“Your men are….sort of inconvenient at the moment, who’s speaking?”]
[Stay silent and keep the radio]
[Stay silent and leave the radio]
“There’s no way we’re going back to that house of yours!” Blake said heavily.
“Too bad thought you guys needed some help, hell we all need help down the line” Gina replied smugly.
“Are you good with weapons?” Amanda asked strictly.
“Am I good with weapons? give me anything sharp or blasts bullets and I’ll be the very best” She sniggered while warming her hands.
“I’m serious, we’re looking for the rest of our group and if you’re willing to help then be welcome to tag along” Amanda said firmly.
Nina pulls out her machete “This is my little baby” she smiles.
“The same one you used to kill your HUSBAND?” Blake remarked coldly.
“Asshole deserved it the way he treated me, I don’t think you imagine what it’s like to be constantly slapped around” Nina glared.
“Shit happens to everyone” Blake continued.
“How much longer are you two gonna keep arguing? not everyone gets to survive a bullet to the head” Jean groaned softly.
“Who shot you?” Gina nodded.
“Some bandits attacked us, we were lucky to escape” Blake interjected.
“Did they have a reason to attack?” Gina asked curiously.
“No! why would you even think that they did?” Blake objected.
“I had a reason to kill you after you lot took some of my supplies, didn’t I? Gina sniggered.
“They attacked us for no reason, so lets drop it” Amanda said coldly.
“They’re….bandits obviously they do want they want and no-one will stop them, unless you get the better of them” Gina muttered.
“We should get some sleep, Blake I’ll take over and be on watch” Amanda sighed softly.
“Keep an eye on her” Blake hissed.
“You know I’m here right? too bad YOU can’t stay on watch” Gina sounded flirty.
Blake shrugged and turned his back while Amanda only gave her a short glare.
“So is there a thing between you two?” Gina asked bluntly.
“No” Amanda answered with a glare.
“Good….I mean cool” Gina smirked awkwardly.
“He just lost the love of his life not long ago, so best you just stay away” Amanda said coldly.
“Chill down sister” Gina grinned. “Oh and that girl she—“
“She’s my niece, will you just be quiet for a minute” Amanda said roughly.
“I can do that ” Gina smiled briefly and laid close to the fire in a petal position.
[“Your men are….sort of inconvenient at the moment, who’s speaking?”] Sooner or later, this Brick guy is going to find out about his dead men either way. I was hesitating between this or the option to leave the radio, but in the end I'd like to learn more about Brick. They can always leave the radio later, which I hope they will do.
And Boniek's getting pissed, huh? I hope he's not joining the ranks of the worthless half of the group now. I mean, I have not even the slightest doubt that Bradley was right with butchering these bastards. We have several independent sources that have reported that Brick is a bad guy. His men seem to work with this bunch of forest loonies they have mentioned before, these Vultures, and I wouldn't be surprised if these are the same cancerous submission-mistakes that have previously attacked the motel. I mean, how many loonies do live in that woods? If that's the case, Brick is not only a bad guy, but also very, very dead. But even aside from that, Bradley is absolutely justified with his actions. These people were shady as hell. If they would have shot the bitch on sight, the motel shootout could have been prevented. As much as I wish that frustrating plotline would have never even happened in the first place, the least they can do is to ensure that something like that never happens again. They should have shot on sight from the very beginning and while it is already too late now, they can at least prevent things from getting worse. Bradley is absolutely right here. Whoever acts shady around the group must die for the good of the last people that still matter here. And this Brick guy and his people are certainly not among them.
Bradley was too angry to let this one away, he pulls the trigger and the bullet lands in the back of the runner. He slowly walked up to the … morewounded survivor who was weakly crawling forwards “Please…..don’t” he begged Bradley, but in response he gave a scolding look and finished the job with a clean shot to the head.
“Are you crazy?! you can’t just open fire on whoever you come upon!” Boniek gasped after getting out of cover.
“Well I just did so what? they didn’t look friendly, did they?” Bradley said coldly and picked up one of the assault rifles.
“That’s not the way we operate!” Boniek argues.
“Oh is that right? I don’t even fucking know you, you appeared out of nowhere and suddenly you know how we OPERATE, I’ll tell you what I don’t give a fuck on who we meet if that person appears even slightly dodgy to me I’m not risking another fucking life of this group” Bradley growled.
“I understand you’re angry with what happened but t… [view original content]
Bradley was too angry to let this one away, he pulls the trigger and the bullet lands in the back of the runner. He slowly walked up to the … morewounded survivor who was weakly crawling forwards “Please…..don’t” he begged Bradley, but in response he gave a scolding look and finished the job with a clean shot to the head.
“Are you crazy?! you can’t just open fire on whoever you come upon!” Boniek gasped after getting out of cover.
“Well I just did so what? they didn’t look friendly, did they?” Bradley said coldly and picked up one of the assault rifles.
“That’s not the way we operate!” Boniek argues.
“Oh is that right? I don’t even fucking know you, you appeared out of nowhere and suddenly you know how we OPERATE, I’ll tell you what I don’t give a fuck on who we meet if that person appears even slightly dodgy to me I’m not risking another fucking life of this group” Bradley growled.
“I understand you’re angry with what happened but t… [view original content]
Bradley was too angry to let this one away, he pulls the trigger and the bullet lands in the back of the runner. He slowly walked up to the … morewounded survivor who was weakly crawling forwards “Please…..don’t” he begged Bradley, but in response he gave a scolding look and finished the job with a clean shot to the head.
“Are you crazy?! you can’t just open fire on whoever you come upon!” Boniek gasped after getting out of cover.
“Well I just did so what? they didn’t look friendly, did they?” Bradley said coldly and picked up one of the assault rifles.
“That’s not the way we operate!” Boniek argues.
“Oh is that right? I don’t even fucking know you, you appeared out of nowhere and suddenly you know how we OPERATE, I’ll tell you what I don’t give a fuck on who we meet if that person appears even slightly dodgy to me I’m not risking another fucking life of this group” Bradley growled.
“I understand you’re angry with what happened but t… [view original content]
Bradley was too angry to let this one away, he pulls the trigger and the bullet lands in the back of the runner. He slowly walked up to the … morewounded survivor who was weakly crawling forwards “Please…..don’t” he begged Bradley, but in response he gave a scolding look and finished the job with a clean shot to the head.
“Are you crazy?! you can’t just open fire on whoever you come upon!” Boniek gasped after getting out of cover.
“Well I just did so what? they didn’t look friendly, did they?” Bradley said coldly and picked up one of the assault rifles.
“That’s not the way we operate!” Boniek argues.
“Oh is that right? I don’t even fucking know you, you appeared out of nowhere and suddenly you know how we OPERATE, I’ll tell you what I don’t give a fuck on who we meet if that person appears even slightly dodgy to me I’m not risking another fucking life of this group” Bradley growled.
“I understand you’re angry with what happened but t… [view original content]
Bradley was too angry to let this one away, he pulls the trigger and the bullet lands in the back of the runner. He slowly walked up to the … morewounded survivor who was weakly crawling forwards “Please…..don’t” he begged Bradley, but in response he gave a scolding look and finished the job with a clean shot to the head.
“Are you crazy?! you can’t just open fire on whoever you come upon!” Boniek gasped after getting out of cover.
“Well I just did so what? they didn’t look friendly, did they?” Bradley said coldly and picked up one of the assault rifles.
“That’s not the way we operate!” Boniek argues.
“Oh is that right? I don’t even fucking know you, you appeared out of nowhere and suddenly you know how we OPERATE, I’ll tell you what I don’t give a fuck on who we meet if that person appears even slightly dodgy to me I’m not risking another fucking life of this group” Bradley growled.
“I understand you’re angry with what happened but t… [view original content]
Desmond I think you should go with them” Celestia said softly.
“Hmmph no offence but I still think this is just a waste of time” Desmond sounded reluctant.
“We have to do what we can to help, especially if they’re good people” Celestia replied calmly.
“You have no idea who they are or what they may be hiding, but I’m only doing this for you because you took me when….” Desmond sighed.
“I know….just be careful out there” Celestia smiled warmly and hugged him briefly.
“If things get hairy out there use the radio and save the battery while your at it” Bobby grunted.
“Will do, asshole” Desmond muttered.
In a few minutes Desmond was headed for the door before Cody remarked “You know we could use some of those guns” pointing at both himself and Zack.
“Hell no you ain’t getting your hands on any guns, there’s a shack outside you’ll find something sharp there to protect yourselves” Desmond shrugged.
“One of us should have a pistol at least, what if you were the one in trouble who would help you then?” Zack pointed out calmly.
Desmond stopped and considered what Zack said and agreed with him despite the lack of trust he had towards them “You good with a gun?” he nodded at Zack.
“I know how to use one, if that’s what you are asking?” Zack replied.
He pulled out a backup pistol and reloaded it before giving it to Zack “You’re only getting one magazine make it count” Desmond said cautiously.
“Sure” Zack frowned and hid the pistol behind his back.
“Be careful out there, just come back soon, okay?” Emily hugged and kissed Cody.
“I’ll do my best, like I always do” Cody smirked.
“Bring them back guys” Howard motivated them.
“You better get that leg working old man” Zack joked.
“When you get back I’m gonna show you how not-so-old men kick your ass” Howard chuckled softly resting by the sofa.
“The quicker we go the quicker we get back with your people so I suggest you two get a move on!” Desmond said firmly while heading out.
“Seriously man he’s starting to get on my nerves” Cody hissed angrily to Zack.
“For now we need them, there’s no choice but to play nice” Zack replied calmly.
“I don’t trust him” Cody remarked quietly.
“Neither do I, like I said we ain’t got much choice” Zack reminded.
“Does the truck have gas?” Desmond asked roughly while approaching it.
“Barely, but I reckon it’s enough to get us back” Zack nodded.
“Good, we’ll start at the motel maybe one of them went back—“ Desmond suggested.
“No way, that place was overrun when we split up I doubt they’d return we should head for the fields or the woods they ought to be somewhere there” Cody interjected promptly.
“In that case, we’ll head here first and work are way back, how’s that sound?” Desmond pointed on the map he unfolded.
“Okay, it’s a start I guess” Zack muttered.
“Then lets get going” Desmond murmured tiresomely.
Devyn noticed Bradley was keen to answer back “Wait what are you—“ She tried to stop him briefly.
“Yeah you’re right, no point revealing myself it would only put us into more trouble” Bradley paused right before pressing the talk switch and tossed the radio on top of the dead corpse.
“Justin, Jamie, Oscar answer back dammit!” The man’s voice was elevated.
“We should get out of here” Devyn remarked worriedly while glancing at the radio and Brad..
"Whoever is listening if something happened to those names that I just mentioned......well I'll just put it this way....things aren't going to be pretty when I arrive at that gas station" The man said in a controlled voice.
“This is bad, we have to get the hell out of here” Devyn said urgently.
“What happened?” Rachel interrupted.
“Nothing someone's trying to radio these guys, we gotta go!” Bradley gasped.
“Shit, you think he knows where we are” She continued firmly.
“What do you think? I believe he sent them here himself he might be close by, if he finds out I just killed two of his men” Bradley scratched his head angrily.
“You shouldn’t have killed them” Rachel sounded nervous.
“It would've been us or them” Bradley assured her.
“You don’t know that, they might as well be watching us right now!…rrgh shit…I..I’m lets just go before trouble shows up” Rachel gasped.
“It’s gonna be fine, we’ll go through the fields they shouldn’t find us there” Bradley smirked thinly and tried to hug Rachel but she pushed him away out of anger.
Bradley grabbed the rifle from one of the corpses and gave a pistol to Rachel, Boniek took the other assault rifle and Cecelia retrieved her gun from Bradley.
“You didn’t leave many bullets, did you?” Cecelia joked as she examined the small pistol.
“I wanted to leave you with five, but this asshole needed the extra to be put down” Bradley smirked.
“What’s the plan? do we go back?” Liam asked worriedly.
“No, we keep looking, the plan hasn’t changed” Bradley replied rigidly.
“I hate the feeling that this is starting to become a wild goose chase” Boniek remarked.
“WE keep looking, you can always leave” Bradley made it perfectly clear.
“Okay….okay no need to get so agro” Boniek replied calmly.
“How’s the baby doing?” Cecelia turned to Emma.
“Fine….I think I’m trying to keep him warm” Emma responded softly and cuddled the newborn.
“It’s good that he stopped crying even after all those gunshots” Cecelia smiled thinly.
“Well he’s gonna have to get use to them for awhile” Emma remarked worriedly.
“If you need anything just let me know” Cecelia nodded.
After taking what was left by the gas station which obviously wasn’t much the group pushed forward in hope of finding the rest. They travelled through the fields under the sky that shone bright orange patches standing out against the grey slumber clouds. The faint glow of the sun filled the sky. The shape of dark trees in the distance can be seen clearly against the beautiful sky as lights twinkled through the leaves above it all was a fiery red patch surrounding it with stormy lilac clouds. Although they were all tired the view gave them a weird sense of serenity. “I wonder where this road leads” Boniek remarked blankly as they crossed it in the middle of the field.
“Best to stay of any kind of roads for now” Devyn responded worriedly.
“But still we can’t be wondering around the countryside all our life” Boniek smiled briefly.
“It’s only been a couple of days, appreciate nature” Cecelia joked.
“I do appreciate….but I sure as hell miss fishing” Boniek chuckled softly.
“You’re good at it?” Devyn asked curiously.
“I’m no superstar heh, but it does bring back good memories from when I used to fish with my brother” Boniek sighed.
“Sounds nice, do you….know what happened to him?” Devyn asked warmly.
“Haven’t seen him for a long time could be alive or dead by now” Boniek said sullenly.
“I’m sorry” Devyn sighed deeply.
“Are you okay?” Boniek noticed the sudden change on her face.
“Yeah…..yes I’m fine” She smiled briefly and composed herself “You know…once things cool down I think that fishing trip could be arranged, maybe I’ll even join you” Devyn smiled hopefully.
“That is something to look forward too” Boniek grinned.
“Did you have to kill those men? were they really dangerous?” Rachel kept pondering and had to ask Bradley.
“From the way they spoke to each other I had enough to believe that they weren’t just gonna let us pass” he replied firmly.
“I just hope this won’t lead us to more trouble down the road” Rachel shook her head.
“I won’t let anything happen to you or Nicholas…I….just wanted you to know” Bradley said sincerely.
“We’re all going to make it, we have to” Rachel tried to be optimistic.
“It’ll be faster to get the next town using the road, we might encounter some of our people along the way” Bradley considered.
“Or we could just keeping looking in the woods, it could be safer than wondering in the road waiting to be spotted” Rachel suggested.
[Agree with Rachel and continue through the woods]
Desmond I think you should go with them” Celestia said softly.
“Hmmph no offence but I still think this is just a waste of time” Desmond … moresounded reluctant.
“We have to do what we can to help, especially if they’re good people” Celestia replied calmly.
“You have no idea who they are or what they may be hiding, but I’m only doing this for you because you took me when….” Desmond sighed.
“I know….just be careful out there” Celestia smiled warmly and hugged him briefly.
“If things get hairy out there use the radio and save the battery while your at it” Bobby grunted.
“Will do, asshole” Desmond muttered.
In a few minutes Desmond was headed for the door before Cody remarked “You know we could use some of those guns” pointing at both himself and Zack.
“Hell no you ain’t getting your hands on any guns, there’s a shack outside you’ll find something sharp there to protect yourselves” Desmond shrugged.
“One of us should have a … [view original content]
Desmond I think you should go with them” Celestia said softly.
“Hmmph no offence but I still think this is just a waste of time” Desmond … moresounded reluctant.
“We have to do what we can to help, especially if they’re good people” Celestia replied calmly.
“You have no idea who they are or what they may be hiding, but I’m only doing this for you because you took me when….” Desmond sighed.
“I know….just be careful out there” Celestia smiled warmly and hugged him briefly.
“If things get hairy out there use the radio and save the battery while your at it” Bobby grunted.
“Will do, asshole” Desmond muttered.
In a few minutes Desmond was headed for the door before Cody remarked “You know we could use some of those guns” pointing at both himself and Zack.
“Hell no you ain’t getting your hands on any guns, there’s a shack outside you’ll find something sharp there to protect yourselves” Desmond shrugged.
“One of us should have a … [view original content]
[Agree with Rachel and continue through the woods]
Rachel is right. There's no arguing here, she is simply right. The ones who are currently missing from the group are Blake's group and Zack's group and I couldn't care less if they get reunited with Zack's group. As a matter of fact, I'd even like to actively work against such a reunion. Blake's group meanwhile is camping, so it is unlikely that Brad and the others are just stumbling upon them on the road. None of the missing people are located in the town. Besides, towns are to be avoided in these days, while woods hold at least some minor sense of safety. On a completely different note, I have noticed that Brad is acting a lot more positive when he's around Rachel. While her thoughts on this are still to be explored, it appears there is a ship about to sail.
Desmond I think you should go with them” Celestia said softly.
“Hmmph no offence but I still think this is just a waste of time” Desmond … moresounded reluctant.
“We have to do what we can to help, especially if they’re good people” Celestia replied calmly.
“You have no idea who they are or what they may be hiding, but I’m only doing this for you because you took me when….” Desmond sighed.
“I know….just be careful out there” Celestia smiled warmly and hugged him briefly.
“If things get hairy out there use the radio and save the battery while your at it” Bobby grunted.
“Will do, asshole” Desmond muttered.
In a few minutes Desmond was headed for the door before Cody remarked “You know we could use some of those guns” pointing at both himself and Zack.
“Hell no you ain’t getting your hands on any guns, there’s a shack outside you’ll find something sharp there to protect yourselves” Desmond shrugged.
“One of us should have a … [view original content]
[Agree with Rachel and continue through the woods]
I dont see a reason to take the road over the forest. The town sounds dangerous and maybe it is the place where Brick and his gang have their base, so getting there fast is not what I want.
Desmond I think you should go with them” Celestia said softly.
“Hmmph no offence but I still think this is just a waste of time” Desmond … moresounded reluctant.
“We have to do what we can to help, especially if they’re good people” Celestia replied calmly.
“You have no idea who they are or what they may be hiding, but I’m only doing this for you because you took me when….” Desmond sighed.
“I know….just be careful out there” Celestia smiled warmly and hugged him briefly.
“If things get hairy out there use the radio and save the battery while your at it” Bobby grunted.
“Will do, asshole” Desmond muttered.
In a few minutes Desmond was headed for the door before Cody remarked “You know we could use some of those guns” pointing at both himself and Zack.
“Hell no you ain’t getting your hands on any guns, there’s a shack outside you’ll find something sharp there to protect yourselves” Desmond shrugged.
“One of us should have a … [view original content]
“I reckon you’re right, if any of them are still alive they’d stay in the woods out of sight” Bradley pondered.
“I’m right most of the time” Rachel joked.
“Heh hmmph” Bradley chuckled softly.
“What are you thinking?” Rachel noticed the change in his expression.
“Nothing, I’m just…..well I’m wondering if there is help somewhere waiting for us, someone who could just end this terrible nightmare” Bradley sighed.
“Nicholas why don’t you go talk to Viola for a second” Rachel asked warmly “As much as I hate to think this, but…we have to consider the possibility that a cure may never be produced” She said discreetly.
“Maybe you can think that way……but I can’t” Bradley sighed deeply.
“Yeah….of course we gotta stay positive, I have to….for Nicholas’s sake, but for awhile the longer days pass….nothing happens….we haven’t met anyone that may have had any information about any sort of cure or government settlement or anything that would keep my hopes up…..there’s just evilness” Rachel choked softly.
Bradley tried to find the words to cheer Rachel, but as painful as it sounded he agreed with her, things were gonna get tougher before they got better.
“I-I know you haven’t seen eye to eye with many of these people, but they’re all you got left” Rachel said sullenly.
“Walkers ten o’clock!” Liam gave the heads up “It’s cool! I got it!” Boniek took care of the matter with ease.
“That was pretty good the way you handle them” Liam watched curiously.
“You just need to know where to hit them…..always the legs first and then finish them off, easy” Boniek muttered.
“Too bad it only works when there’s not much of them around” Devyn sighed.
“Obviously you either run or fight, there’s no half measure with this” Boniek tried to catch some air.
“Well it’s good you didn’t break that gun stock” Devyn glanced at the blooded weapon.
“Guys? do you hear that?” Cecelia said cautiously.
“Sounds like an engine” Bradley frowned.
“It’s coming from the road, we should hurry” Rachel urged them.
The group rushed into the woods away from the road as a pick-up truck and two motorcycles drove past. “You reckon is the same crew?” Boniek gasped.
“It has to be, they’re either searching for us or they still don’t know what happened to their men” Bradley groaned. “Lets not stick around till they find out” Boniek hissed.
The group jogged through the woods until suddenly Cecelia shrieked for help after stepping into a trap and fell into a deep hole. They could barely see her Viola cried out for her and Cecelia responded after a brief moment “I’m okay….ugh I think I hurt my leg” she called out.
“Shit we gotta get her out of there” Boniek said urgently.
A barking sound alerted them, there was little to no time in getting Cecelia out before getting caught Viola cried over the dark hole, the rest tried to find something that could help but with no luck. “We have to go” Devyn gasped.
“Lets split up that way they won’t grab us all!” Boniek suggested.
“Viola we have to run!” Rachel tried to grab the girl.
“Leave me alone I’m not leaving my mum!” Viola growled.
“Shit this is so fucked up” Boniek panicked.
[Leave Viola and run]
[Stay and get found]
[Hide nearby]
“So how many are we looking for?” Desmond asked indifferently while driving.
“About ten or eleven” Zack mumbled.
“Damn that’s quite a group you had there” Desmond shook his head in disbelief. “Cheer up Cody we might just be able to find them one way or the other” he teased upon noticing his worried expression.
“Is that supposed to mean something?” Cody asked rigidly.
“Just saying… in today’s world you either find out or you don’t” Desmond said cynically.
“Find out what? that someone is dead…alive or unknown is that what you’re saying?” Zack frowned.
“Exactly” Desmond nodded. “So….we got a bit more to drive, maybe you guys ought to tell me something about yourselves” he added after a pause.
“Like what?” Cody snapped gently.
“Anything to get our minds of things” Desmond answered.
“Why don’t you start then?” Zack suggested.
“Okay….so….believe it or not I used to be a businessman when things weren’t…dead” Desmond chuckled softly.
“What kind of business were you in?” Zack asked.
“Consulting” Desmond muttered.
“Sounds like crap” Cody sniggered.
“Heh but that crap paid well” Desmond chuckled.
“Any family?” Zack asked.
“Wife….Nicole” He sighed.
“What happened to her?” Cody asked curiously.
“She was staying in Augusta at her mother’s the day I was still able to call her, that was when I first saw what was going on with people, turning into monsters fuck it was surreal….I didn’t believe watching the news couple of days before…..everything could’ve turned out differently if I was with her…..the last thing I know is….she evacuated to one of the quarantine zones, but I have no idea to which one” Desmond sighed painfully.
“How come you don’t have a ring?” Zack frowned.
“I….I traded it for food and water…..that was when the medics thought I was infected, they kept many of us isolated for testing, but things got worse as you can imagine” Desmond replied reluctantly.
“That sucks, did you look for her? your wife Nicole?” Cody sighed.
“After the riots I escaped and travelled to Augusta but she wasn’t there, I didn’t even know where to look next, everywhere I went there was either zombies or hostiles waiting to jump me, for weeks I wandered alone up until I holed up in some fancy restaurant, after a while the place was almost overrun I was even ready to…end myself…that’s when Bobby and Celestia showed up with a bunch of other survivors and saved me” Desmond grunted.
“What happened to the survivors that helped? Celestia said something about Brick being responsible?” Zack asked.
“Yeah we started crumbling because of him, eh….I think we should leave this subject until we get back” Desmond said evasively. “Holy shit” he said shortly after noticing the motel up ahead with walkers meandering.
“It was like this when we left” Cody gasped.
“T’was a lot worse” Zack muttered.
“Doesn’t look like anyone alive is around, do you guys see anything?” Desmond scanned the area.
“Over there top floor last apartment by the stairs” Zack pointed.
“Walkers trying to get in….hmmph could be someone trapped” Desmond pondered.
“Or it could be nothing, this is too risky the regret you’ll have is if something goes wrong, this place is overrun who would trap themselves inside an apartment? it’s crazy we should just keep looking” Desmond suggested heavily.
“No, we check it out” Cody said decisively.
“Okay Rambo, but it’s only you and Zack on this one” Desmond warned.
“What are you gonna do?” Zack winced.
“I’m gonna divert the herd with this truck might give you enough time, so we doing this?” Desmond asked cautiously.
Alright, something very odd just happened. I have not gotten a notification for this post. Even worse, when looking through my followed discussions, it wasn't even showing me that you had posted a new part. For me, when looking through my followed discussions or through the forum games section, the last post made in this topic is janitor's comment from the 25th. Since I'm not sure if it makes any sense what I just said, here's a screenshot that should show you what I mean: http://i.imgur.com/GIGnsRw.png
Basically, this post was entirely invisible to me, until I randomly decided to check this thread today and found this part. This is very, very odd and I hope I'm the only one having this problem. I also hope my post here is going to put an end to this weird bug. Luckily, I haven't missed any parts. Could you do me a favour and answer to this post so that I can see if your new comments are correctly displayed from now on?
Now that this is done, here are my votes:
[Leave Viola and run]
Well... I don't like to leave Viola, but I think there are several good reasons to do so. First of all, getting found is by far the worst option here. Brick made it very clear what he intends to do to the group. Second, hiding might be close to impossible, considering that the men pursuing them have dogs with them. They can stay out of sight, but trained hunting dogs have such an excellent sense of smell that they are likely to find them. The thing with Viola is, she's just a child. Whereas people like Brad or Rachel can't expect mercy, Viola did nothing bad and is completely innocent. So far, Brick sounds like a typical thug and bully, a bit like Negan maybe, but even Negan would not harm innocent children. Basically, Cecelia is going to stay down there for sure and I'm not sad if she dies. Staying will lead to all getting captured, including Viola. Hiding is possibly going to lead to the same outcome and even if it doesn't, they will at the very least find Cecelia. And I'm sure that this worthless brat Emma is carrying around is going to fuck things up for them by starting to cry in the worst possible moment. So... running will at least give some of them a chance to escape and to help the rest later.
[Go ahead with the plan]
So... someone is in there and that baffles me. That honestly baffles me, because in theory, the last people at the motel have been members of our group and we know where all of them are. I mean, the only thing I could think of would be that a group member has not managed to escape from the walkers in time and had to hide in this room, because why would a stranger approach a motel that is so badly overrun? But at the same time, we know where every single member of the group is located, so I honestly wonder who it could be. I mean, we do know where every single group member is located, don't we? In theory it could be... Blake and Mandi who came back to check up on the group? I don't know, I don't even have the slightest idea who it could be, because it makes little sense for a stranger, in no way affiliated with our group, to even get anywhere near that walker-infested hellhole. At the same time, someone has to be in there. God, I hope it's not that fucking Herman
Now I got two questions that might influence me to change my votes later on:
In the first choice, will it be a group decision? Or is it just one person abandoning Viola while the rest of the group decides to stay?
And in the second choice, I do get that correctly that going ahead with the plan means that they will check out who is hiding there, right? Because I really want to check this out.
“I reckon you’re right, if any of them are still alive they’d stay in the woods out of sight” Bradley pondered.
“I’m right most of the ti… moreme” Rachel joked.
“Heh hmmph” Bradley chuckled softly.
“What are you thinking?” Rachel noticed the change in his expression.
“Nothing, I’m just…..well I’m wondering if there is help somewhere waiting for us, someone who could just end this terrible nightmare” Bradley sighed.
“Nicholas why don’t you go talk to Viola for a second” Rachel asked warmly “As much as I hate to think this, but…we have to consider the possibility that a cure may never be produced” She said discreetly.
“Maybe you can think that way……but I can’t” Bradley sighed deeply.
“Yeah….of course we gotta stay positive, I have to….for Nicholas’s sake, but for awhile the longer days pass….nothing happens….we haven’t met anyone that may have had any information about any sort of cure or government settlement or anything that wo… [view original content]
[Go ahead with the plan] because I´m curious to find out who is there.
and [Leave Viola and run]. Because staying and leting Bricks group to find them wouldn´t help anyone, in my opinion , and hiding is also not an option, from my point of view, since they have dogs. Like this, they can at least help her later.
“I reckon you’re right, if any of them are still alive they’d stay in the woods out of sight” Bradley pondered.
“I’m right most of the ti… moreme” Rachel joked.
“Heh hmmph” Bradley chuckled softly.
“What are you thinking?” Rachel noticed the change in his expression.
“Nothing, I’m just…..well I’m wondering if there is help somewhere waiting for us, someone who could just end this terrible nightmare” Bradley sighed.
“Nicholas why don’t you go talk to Viola for a second” Rachel asked warmly “As much as I hate to think this, but…we have to consider the possibility that a cure may never be produced” She said discreetly.
“Maybe you can think that way……but I can’t” Bradley sighed deeply.
“Yeah….of course we gotta stay positive, I have to….for Nicholas’s sake, but for awhile the longer days pass….nothing happens….we haven’t met anyone that may have had any information about any sort of cure or government settlement or anything that wo… [view original content]
Hmm... Staying at the place is not an option at this moment and hiding wouldn't solve anything, because I'm pretty sure Brick's group would find them anyway, so...
“I reckon you’re right, if any of them are still alive they’d stay in the woods out of sight” Bradley pondered.
“I’m right most of the ti… moreme” Rachel joked.
“Heh hmmph” Bradley chuckled softly.
“What are you thinking?” Rachel noticed the change in his expression.
“Nothing, I’m just…..well I’m wondering if there is help somewhere waiting for us, someone who could just end this terrible nightmare” Bradley sighed.
“Nicholas why don’t you go talk to Viola for a second” Rachel asked warmly “As much as I hate to think this, but…we have to consider the possibility that a cure may never be produced” She said discreetly.
“Maybe you can think that way……but I can’t” Bradley sighed deeply.
“Yeah….of course we gotta stay positive, I have to….for Nicholas’s sake, but for awhile the longer days pass….nothing happens….we haven’t met anyone that may have had any information about any sort of cure or government settlement or anything that wo… [view original content]
It has to be some sort of bug, I had the same problem when I posted the previous part my entry was shown as "latest" for nearly a week even though you guys were commenting, this time around when I submitted the next piece (sunday evening) I had a notification that the "comment has to be approved by the moderator" it was until the next day the comment was visible.
Anyway regarding the decisions in the first one which is a heat of the moment situation the whole group will start to run.
And yes deciding to go with the plan Cody and Zack will find out who's hiding in the apartment.
Alright, something very odd just happened. I have not gotten a notification for this post. Even worse, when looking through my followed disc… moreussions, it wasn't even showing me that you had posted a new part. For me, when looking through my followed discussions or through the forum games section, the last post made in this topic is janitor's comment from the 25th. Since I'm not sure if it makes any sense what I just said, here's a screenshot that should show you what I mean: http://i.imgur.com/GIGnsRw.png
Basically, this post was entirely invisible to me, until I randomly decided to check this thread today and found this part. This is very, very odd and I hope I'm the only one having this problem. I also hope my post here is going to put an end to this weird bug. Luckily, I haven't missed any parts. Could you do me a favour and answer to this post so that I can see if your new comments are correctly displayed from now on?
Now that this is d… [view original content]
Hm, this is odd. If this bug persists, it might be a good idea to make a screenshot of the notification and send it to a mod. I've never even heard of a comment needing approval before, at least not here. And I haven't encountered the same problem during the last part, where the comments where all displayed correctly for me. At least this comment of yours and the comments of the others have worked correctly as well, so I hope this was a one-time bug. Still, I'm definitely going to check the thread daily from now on, to make sure I'm not going to miss a part.
And that's good to know with the decisions in this case. I'll stick with my choices then, I hope that'll be for the best. At least with the first choice, I'm sure. With the second one, it'll probably depend on whom they'll find. And I still got no idea, even though I've put a great deal of thought into it. A new character maybe? I mean, they haven't forgotten anyone at the motel, have they?
It has to be some sort of bug, I had the same problem when I posted the previous part my entry was shown as "latest" for nearly a week even … morethough you guys were commenting, this time around when I submitted the next piece (sunday evening) I had a notification that the "comment has to be approved by the moderator" it was until the next day the comment was visible.
Anyway regarding the decisions in the first one which is a heat of the moment situation the whole group will start to run.
And yes deciding to go with the plan Cody and Zack will find out who's hiding in the apartment.
Either the whole group gets captured if they stay or hide, or some of them have a chance of escaping if they leave Viola. I feel bad for leaving a young girl but I hope that Brick and his men have enough morals left not to kill an innocent girl for nothing.
[Go ahead with the plan]
I want to know who this is. I have an interesting theory but I dont know if I can say it so open + Im probably wrong. Can I maybe send you a private message?
“I reckon you’re right, if any of them are still alive they’d stay in the woods out of sight” Bradley pondered.
“I’m right most of the ti… moreme” Rachel joked.
“Heh hmmph” Bradley chuckled softly.
“What are you thinking?” Rachel noticed the change in his expression.
“Nothing, I’m just…..well I’m wondering if there is help somewhere waiting for us, someone who could just end this terrible nightmare” Bradley sighed.
“Nicholas why don’t you go talk to Viola for a second” Rachel asked warmly “As much as I hate to think this, but…we have to consider the possibility that a cure may never be produced” She said discreetly.
“Maybe you can think that way……but I can’t” Bradley sighed deeply.
“Yeah….of course we gotta stay positive, I have to….for Nicholas’s sake, but for awhile the longer days pass….nothing happens….we haven’t met anyone that may have had any information about any sort of cure or government settlement or anything that wo… [view original content]
For me there was no error. I received a notification and it showed me that there are six new posts: The story part and five comments. Is it working for you now?
Alright, something very odd just happened. I have not gotten a notification for this post. Even worse, when looking through my followed disc… moreussions, it wasn't even showing me that you had posted a new part. For me, when looking through my followed discussions or through the forum games section, the last post made in this topic is janitor's comment from the 25th. Since I'm not sure if it makes any sense what I just said, here's a screenshot that should show you what I mean: http://i.imgur.com/GIGnsRw.png
Basically, this post was entirely invisible to me, until I randomly decided to check this thread today and found this part. This is very, very odd and I hope I'm the only one having this problem. I also hope my post here is going to put an end to this weird bug. Luckily, I haven't missed any parts. Could you do me a favour and answer to this post so that I can see if your new comments are correctly displayed from now on?
Now that this is d… [view original content]
[Leave Viola and run]
Either the whole group gets captured if they stay or hide, or some of them have a chance of escaping if they leave … moreViola. I feel bad for leaving a young girl but I hope that Brick and his men have enough morals left not to kill an innocent girl for nothing.
[Go ahead with the plan]
I want to know who this is. I have an interesting theory but I dont know if I can say it so open + Im probably wrong. Can I maybe send you a private message?
As the sound of the dog and other people got closer the group had to scatter once again “There’s no time we gotta split!” Liam hissed as he grabbed the reluctant Devyn who preferred to go after Boniek and Mi-Cha. Emma urged Viola to hide while the rest decided to run for their lives.
“Dammit” Marco gasped under his nose as he noticed that Bradley, Rachel and Nicholas were pursued causing him to change direction. Liam was almost exposed but in time Emma pulled him out of sight and hid in a ditch very close to the trap where Cecelia was.
Viola was trembling from shock beside Emma who tried to keep the baby quiet. “They’re going to find us here” Liam said worriedly.
“In this stink I doubt it, just sit tight” Emma replied quietly.
“Hey I think we caught one!” a man cheered by the trap.
“Get her out of there, she’d be a good addition in our compound!” another voice they heard.
“Not until Brick gives the all go, you know the rules!” another man called out.
“NO MUM!” Viola broke out of cover while Liam tried to stop her without exposing himself or Emma. “Oh look one more….where’s the rest of your crew sweetie?” The man held Viola “You can go fuck yourself!” she cried.
“Wow this one’s got quite the mouth” the man sniggered “Tie them up and take them back to the spot, you all search the area there must be more of them and try not to kill them” he finished.
“C’mon Nicholas keep up!” Rachel urged as she held his hand while running.
“This way!” Bradley breathed heavily before unexpectedly getting struck in the head by one of the attackers “Nobody moves” he warned them and cocked a gun “Guys I got’em” he yelled out before Marco jumped on top of him “Go run!” he shouted. Rachel grabbed Nicholas and went out of harms way, while Bradley hit the attacker back to get the gun off of him. “Thanks Marco” Bradley gasped.
“Yeah” Marco sighed laboriously.
“Shit where’s Rachel?! you saw which way she went?!” Bradley said hectically.
“I dunno, I couldn’t see—“ Marco gasped before a dog went rushing straight for Bradley’s arm causing him to drop the pistol after firing it.
“That’s enough Rocco, you good mut!” A man cheered and the dog retreated shortly after.
“Looks like we find our guy” he said while showing the radio.
“Brick’s very eager to meet you, all of you in fact” The man looked down at Bradley.
“He can go fuck himself” Bradley shrugged and held his bleeding arm.
“Oh he’ll be fucking but certainly not himself” The men chuckled loudly before knocking Bradley out unconscious.
After a long drive Bradley could feel being dragged out and a few slaps in the face made him regain consciousness, the bright car lights aimed right at him, his vision was blurred while looking side to side everyone was caught surrounded by a dozen of armed people dressed mainly dark.
“The hell is this?! let us go” Bradley coughed.
“You’re the one that answered the radio, don’t bother denying it” A voice came from a figure sitting in the shadows beside one of the trucks.
“You got the wrong people” Bradley said blankly and shortly.
“Is that right? well Rocco thought otherwise, you see….you killed his owner and he sensed it…..that arm isn’t looking too good” The man chuckled softly “This is one helluva first meeting don’t you think?
“Not much of a meeting if I can’t see you” Bradley gasped with an aiming expression.
"You got some balls I give you that" He sniggered while getting up and revealing himself “Everything starts with a name….I’ll go first…..I’m Brick Williams, what the fuck is yours?” he chuckled ostentatiously.
“Bradley” he replied reluctantly.
“So, you must be the leader then? yeah…you’re the only one to fit the part” Brick smiled mischievously and stood face to face against Brad scanning him and the others.
Brick had a look of a truck driver, tall, broad shoulders, athletic posture wearing a ball cap with long side burns stretching from the sides of his face. He glared with his intimidating cold blue eyes awaiting Brad’s response.
“What do you want?” Bradley shivered from the pain and cold.
“Ha hmm what do I want? there are many pissed of people here for you killing my men and that can’t go unpunished” Brick replied firmly.
“Then kill me and let the rest go” Bradley responded toughly.
“Only you? pff please that’s not much of a deal for the lives taken away from my people, but I admire you sacrificing yourself as a leader for the sake of others, you can end this with a peaceful agreement or death” Brick said with a smug face as he glanced at all their lined up faces.
“Just spit it out” Bradley muttered.
“You’re loving this already! travelling with such a big group can’t be easy especially with small children I’m going to take three gorgeous women off your hands in exchange for the men you killed, how’s that sound? my brothers will take good care of them I assure you nobody gets hurt that way and the rest of you will be free and of course won’t be bothered by us” Brick smiled.
“That’s bullshit!” Boniek tried to break out of line, but got punched down by one of Brick’s men.
“Your leader Bradley brought this on all of you, so don’t hate me please” Brick mocked standing in front of Boniek for a brief moment.
“If I say no deal, what then?” Bradley asked angrily.
“Then…there’s the fun option…..I’m gonna beat the living shit out of one of you….relax Brad you can feel safe I want you to see what happens when cross with the wrong people…..it’s up to you whether you want to spare one life or three” Brick said firmly with a conniving smile.
Major Choice: Gamble
[Agree to Brick taking three prisoners]
[Agree for Brick to execute one member from the group]
Alright, so this weird bug happened again. I did not get a notification about the new part and the last comment that was shown to me was still janitor's from the 4th of Septembre, but luckily I made good on my promise to check the thread daily for new a new part Have you gotten this weird notification about the comment needing approval from a mod once again? Also, could you tag me at the start of the next part, so that I can see if I receive a notification for that?
Anyways, oh man, that was quite the scene. Brick reminds me of Negan, but worse. Hell, Negan's one redeeming feature was his genuine disapproval of rape. Brick meanwhile just voiced his intention to take three of the groups women with him to rape them, meaning he is the absolute worst. And this basically influenced my decision:
[Agree for Brick to execute one member from the group]
There are few chances these three women could ever be saved, so this is one live against three. Even if they could save her, they will at the very least get raped, maybe tortured and certainly horribly traumatized. While I think Emma and Cecelia, not exactly my favourites to put it mildly, would be among the ones taken prisoner, the third one could be either Devyn or even Rachel at worst and I will not risk putting them in harm's way. That said, he could literally execute anyone, maybe even a child if he's going that far, so I am nervous and not sure and maybe I have to change my vote.
However, before making my final choice (and I am still open to change it later), could you tell me where Rachel is? Before he himself got captured, Brad did not see her and she wasn't mentioned during the talk with Brick. If she got captured, then she might very well be on the list of people he could execute and her death is literally the last thing I want. She's the only person left in this group I'd keep safe even above Brad himself and if she is among the ones captured, I might have to reconsider my choice.
As the sound of the dog and other people got closer the group had to scatter once again “There’s no time we gotta split!” Liam hissed as he … moregrabbed the reluctant Devyn who preferred to go after Boniek and Mi-Cha. Emma urged Viola to hide while the rest decided to run for their lives.
“Dammit” Marco gasped under his nose as he noticed that Bradley, Rachel and Nicholas were pursued causing him to change direction. Liam was almost exposed but in time Emma pulled him out of sight and hid in a ditch very close to the trap where Cecelia was.
Viola was trembling from shock beside Emma who tried to keep the baby quiet. “They’re going to find us here” Liam said worriedly.
“In this stink I doubt it, just sit tight” Emma replied quietly.
“Hey I think we caught one!” a man cheered by the trap.
“Get her out of there, she’d be a good addition in our compound!” another voice they heard.
“Not until Brick gives the all go, you know the rules!”… [view original content]
Yep same thing happened, had to wait for approval and the comment appeared the next day without notification -,-
I'll start tagging from the next part.
Anyway the whole group got captured by Brick's people and they're all lined up beside Bradley.
Alright, so this weird bug happened again. I did not get a notification about the new part and the last comment that was shown to me was sti… morell janitor's from the 4th of Septembre, but luckily I made good on my promise to check the thread daily for new a new part Have you gotten this weird notification about the comment needing approval from a mod once again? Also, could you tag me at the start of the next part, so that I can see if I receive a notification for that?
Anyways, oh man, that was quite the scene. Brick reminds me of Negan, but worse. Hell, Negan's one redeeming feature was his genuine disapproval of rape. Brick meanwhile just voiced his intention to take three of the groups women with him to rape them, meaning he is the absolute worst. And this basically influenced my decision:
[Agree for Brick to execute one member from the group]
There are few chances these three women could ever be saved, so this is one live against t… [view original content]
As the sound of the dog and other people got closer the group had to scatter once again “There’s no time we gotta split!” Liam hissed as he … moregrabbed the reluctant Devyn who preferred to go after Boniek and Mi-Cha. Emma urged Viola to hide while the rest decided to run for their lives.
“Dammit” Marco gasped under his nose as he noticed that Bradley, Rachel and Nicholas were pursued causing him to change direction. Liam was almost exposed but in time Emma pulled him out of sight and hid in a ditch very close to the trap where Cecelia was.
Viola was trembling from shock beside Emma who tried to keep the baby quiet. “They’re going to find us here” Liam said worriedly.
“In this stink I doubt it, just sit tight” Emma replied quietly.
“Hey I think we caught one!” a man cheered by the trap.
“Get her out of there, she’d be a good addition in our compound!” another voice they heard.
“Not until Brick gives the all go, you know the rules!”… [view original content]
Hm, this is really weird. I've never heard of a similar problem. Let's hope the tagging will help. At least your replies show up correctly.
And damn it, that is making my decision even harder. Since Brad himself is safe here, keeping Rachel alive is my priority in this scene. With only four adult women in the current group (if you count Devyn), the chances that she'd be among the ones taken prisoner is extraordinarily high. I'd even say it's certain. While it would probably keep her alive for a little longer, I have no doubt she'd hate Brad if he'd do such a thing, therefore destroying whatever feelings she might have for him. And if Brick executes a group member, there's a one out of six chance that she's the one to die unless Brick considers killing one of the children, in which case it would be a one out of nine chance. Considering just how terrible things went lately, I wouldn't be too surprised if she'd be at the receiving end of Brick's beating. Not that expecting it would make it any less horrifying.
Ah, fuck this. I'll stay with my vote. It's either certain rape/torture/death for Rachel, or a chance of roughly 17% of dying instantly. I already know I will regret it, but the alternative does not sound any better. God damn it, I hope she's not going to die now.
Yep same thing happened, had to wait for approval and the comment appeared the next day without notification -,-
I'll start tagging from the next part.
Anyway the whole group got captured by Brick's people and they're all lined up beside Bradley.
Noooo, I missed the last voting
Screw my computer for always breaking down!
[Send Desmond to assist Cody and Zack]
I dont know if they are trustworthy but Desmond sounds a bit nicer than Bobby.
[Send Desmond to assist Cody and Zack]
[Let Cody and Zack out on their own]
I know, I know, that option won't win, but it's a matter of principle for me. I won't choose an option that is good for that asshole Zack. Letting them go on their own equals more danger, which makes it more likely for that fucker to die, which is good. By now, there's literally nothing he can do to get back in my favour, so I'm hoping that he's going to bite the dust soon.
By the way, I have finally sent you an e-mail. Had some problems with my PC lately, so it took me a while longer. Let me know what you think
[Let Cody and Zack out on their own]
We haven't had tie in a while, so I'm going to leave the voting open for another day or two, otherwise Desmond will assist Zack and Cody in the search. In the meantime here's the next part
Bradley and his group slowly and in silence abandoned the desolated house and tried to reach the nearest town. “I’m tired mom” Violet sighed to her mother. “I know dear….I know, but we have to keep going” Cecelia comforted her. Bradley walked alone in front pondering about his life before the outbreak and regretting how much he dedicated himself to work rather than visit his sister and family more often, only when he decided to see her the world just fall apart. Nicholas kept close to Rachel as he always is, she on the other hand worried about the future. How would Nicholas grow up in such brutal world or how long would he survive without her. The gloom of the day was reflected in the moods of the survivors holding onto the hope of enduring and lasting to the next day. There was nothing but trees on the horizon while they walked through the empty fields. Devyn glanced behind at Liam who looked defeated and sluggishly kept going, she wasn’t in the mood for talking, but wanted to make sure he was okay “Don’t beat yourself Liam” she said rather hesitantly.
Liam smiled thinly for a moment and stayed silent. Emma comforted and whispered a song to the newborn trying to prevent him from crying. Boniek pointed out the direction in which the small town is based from looking at the map. “Guys I think the baby needs some food, have we got any of those canned soups or something?” She asked worriedly.
“Let it cry, he’ll get food when we find some” Bradley muttered harshly.
“It’s only a baby! how could you be so cruel? her mother was to blame not the child” Cecelia argued and glared.
“That baby will be lucky to survive through the week!” Bradley called out indifferently.
“I’m sure a half can of soup won’t make us starve and we’ll find some more food soon I’m sure of it” Rachel tried to keep the morale up.
“We’ll stop once we get to that damn town!” Bradley snarled.
“The baby is going to be a fucking dinner bell if we don’t feed it, lets get it over with and move on” Boniek suggested.
“Fine you all sit tight then” Bradley muttered sarcastically.
“He’s going to get himself killed” Cecelia gasped under her nose.
Rachel knew there was a safety in numbers and now wasn’t the time to split up especially not letting Bradley go on his own, but the baby was getting anxious and maybe not now but it will get dangerous once it starts crying.
“Bradley stop!” She ran after him. “Lets just stop and catch a break okay? look we gotta stick together more than ever, there might be more of those bandits out there….you can’t go alone” She sighed.
“I’ll take down whoever I have to” Bradley objected lightly.
“Don’t turn your back on us, please…….that baby isn’t to blame…..Samantha was….lets just…stop for ten minutes” She said softly.
Bradley paused and after a brief moment he turned around and replied “Ten minutes and we move on”.
After Emma fed the baby the group resumed their trek. Beyond the trees they found a road that lead to another gas station with haphazardly parked cars with walkers in each of them, the sound of buzzing flies made it even more uncomfortable to pass through. There was a strange feeling that these people tried to wait it out by the station, Bradley quickly inspected an empty RV, the lawn chairs in front of it indicated that there were quite a few people staying here. Nothing, the battery was dead “Figures” Bradley groaned before leaving the vehicle and heading for the gas station with his pistol wielded. There was a walker crawling up ahead under a sign placed above a truck “WILL SHOT ON SIGHT! NO GAS!”
“It’s like a graveyard” Cecelia remarked in horror.
“There must’ve been tens of these people cramped out here and probably in the gas station too” Boniek scanned the cars.
“Be careful before opening or touching something” Rachel warned while keeping Nicholas close to her.
Liam sighed in disappointment as he watched the warning sign which had became a symbol of their new world, a place of fear against humans and the dead, where food and weapons were worth more than gold. “Clearly someone attacked this place and took whatever they had by force” Boniek said bluntly.
“Everybody down!” Bradley hissed urgently and signalled everyone to crouch and hide. He peeked from behind the vehicle and watched two guys scavenge the area with guns.
“Not much changed here since last week, the dead are still…well dead what are we looking for anyway?” One of the men spoke out.
“Brick told us to meet some people I think they called themselves ‘The Vultures’ or something like that, he mentioned their a bunch of loonies by the way and live in the woods” The other chuckled.
“People who lived in woods always gave me the creeps” The man shivered.
“Hey—“ A man startled Bradley from behind, but he was quick to react and grabbed him in choke hold position.
“Did you here that? Yo-Jamie is that you? Oscar?!” The man called out. Bradley snapped the neck and started to crawl back into position.
“Show yourself? we won’t shoot unless you come out peacefully!” The man called out and took aim with his automatic rifle.
“Over here” Bradley called out coldly and shot one of them cleanly in the head and the other got wounded in the arm and started running away “Please!…..please….don’t shoot!” the escapee breathed heavily while Bradley focused and took aim.
[Kill the stranger]
[Spare him]
Jee Bradley, you can't just go and kill random people.
Oh well, might as well finish the job.
[Kill the stranger]
Btw, I don't really mind who will go with Cody and Zack as long as they won't go alone, so I'm changing my vote to [Send Desmond to assist Cody and Zack]. :P
I´ve been trying to find a good reason to spare him, but since he seems to be a member of Brick´s group, who is a bad guy as Celestia said previously and we don´t need any information from him, let´s just [Kill the stranger]
[Kill the stranger]
He's part of this Brick guy's group and they have been built up to be the bad guys, so that man probably got few redeeming qualities. On top of that, he is running away. If he wouldn't run away, capturing him and keeping him hostage would be an option, but if he gets away, he's going to alert the rest of his group. It's not as if he's going to be thankful for the mercy, he's probably wouldn't even realize it if Brad spares him on purpose and would just assume that he took too long to take aim. Nothing to gain from sparing him.
Also, the baby continues to be a worthless waste of space as expected and Bradley is absolutely right in the way he is treating it. It's even worse than Zack. Without that thing, the attack on the motel wouldn't have happened and if it gets even more people killed, I hope it will be Emma or Cecelia. Aside from that, they should have just left it at the house they have been at before. It's a danger to the group, it's dragging them all down, consuming their time and their resources and considering whose blood runs through its veins, it shouldn't even live. Can't wait for when that thing dies, and with it, finally, the last trace that its rotten family ever existed. At least the chances are good that it will die, considering that they have literally nothing a baby needs, so there's a silver lining. On a side note, even if she tried to defend that baby in this part, Rachel is still great and I'm glad she's still looking out for Brad even if he's currently a sullen asshole. Without her, I'm afraid he would get himself killed sooner or later and since she seems to be the only person he still seems to care for, I hope she can pull him back from his current state.
[Spare him] gib, resources, gib food, gib hidden porn stash, gib clay, then life gets spared o_O
Strongly disagreeing with this, a child is not to blame for whatever or whomever the parents are. They are the future of mankind, especially during/after a zombie apocalypse or when space sharks invade.
Also, a lot of children in poor nations live on and grow up without a lot of 'necessities' you may believe important.
With any other child, I'd agree with you. They are important, they are the future. Trust me, I'd love to agree with you in this case as well, because that would mean that I have made my peace with the situation, which simply will not happen. This particular "child", (and considering that its mother was literally not a human being I use the term 'child' very loosely) is fully responsible for what its mother did, because without it, nothing of that would have happened. Aside from that, I dont know if you have read about her, but said mother is the worst character in literature. Not only this story, but literature. She's the only character I ever encountered where I can safely say that submitting her to the story was a severe mistake and that her presence made the one chapter she appeared in into the only chapter of this story I genuinely hated. And trust me, I absolutely love every other chapter of this story, so I know what I'm talking about. I'm dead serious when I say I can hardly stand reading her name in the list of deceased characters, so imagine how much hatred I have for her living offspring. This thing that crawled out of her is keeping her memory and her family alive by existing and after what she did, her entire family, her legacy, her name, her memory simply must die. This "child", if you want to call it a child, might be the only example of a being that was born purely evil and it can only grow up to even greater evil.
Aside from that, even without my highly subjective view on the topic, there is one thing where I am undoubtedly correct. This thing literally is a danger to the group, it is dragging them down and it is consuming their time and their resources, which has even been acknowledged in the part itself. They can get a new baby if they want a future for mankind, but this beast does not deserve the effort it takes to keep it alive and the group members shouldn't endanger themselves by looking out for it. It's not part of the group, it never will be and keeping it alive would be honouring its mother. It has no value and the only use it has and ever will have is as a blunt weapon or walker bait.
just think of it then as a potential cure carrier, or something that can greatly aid in finding a way to end this all
Well, but it isn't any of these things. Actually, it would make the situation even worse for me if it would be a cure carrier, as it would give value and importance to that thing and therefore to its mother as well. I could not stand this. All I want is to move on from that blasted subplot and to erase any sort of memory that it ever existed, but that won't be possible as long as part of her family is still alive.
Bradley was too angry to let this one away, he pulls the trigger and the bullet lands in the back of the runner. He slowly walked up to the wounded survivor who was weakly crawling forwards “Please…..don’t” he begged Bradley, but in response he gave a scolding look and finished the job with a clean shot to the head.
“Are you crazy?! you can’t just open fire on whoever you come upon!” Boniek gasped after getting out of cover.
“Well I just did so what? they didn’t look friendly, did they?” Bradley said coldly and picked up one of the assault rifles.
“That’s not the way we operate!” Boniek argues.
“Oh is that right? I don’t even fucking know you, you appeared out of nowhere and suddenly you know how we OPERATE, I’ll tell you what I don’t give a fuck on who we meet if that person appears even slightly dodgy to me I’m not risking another fucking life of this group” Bradley growled.
“I understand you’re angry with what happened but this isn’t the way to treat others we all need a chance don’t we!” Boniek conitnued.
“That’s enough what has happened, happened lets go before more of them shows up!” Cecelia intervened heavily.
“We should search them first they may have something useful” Devyn remarked indifferently.
Boniek and Bradley stood almost face to face for a moment glaring toughly at each other before Mi-Cha tugged Boniek’s arm away “What?” He jerked and looked at her anxious face. She felt hurt and lowered her face before walking away.
“Bradley c’mon over here you gotta see this” Devyn called out.
“What you got?” Bradley muttered.
From under one of the strangers coat there was a walkie-talkie “You think it works?” She asked.
“He had it on him I’m sure it is working, maybe we’ll get to talk to this Brick guy soon” Bradley remarked toughly and grabbed the radio.
“Who’s Brick?” Devyn frowned.
“Dunno they mentioned him before I blew them away and I think they said something about “The Vultures” too“ Bradley replied calmly.
“I don’t like the sound of that” Devyn sighed.
“Neither do I, but we seem to be right in the middle of this shit-storm and that’s why I’m not taking any chances” Bradley said coldly.
“I partially agree with you on that, but also I can’t stop thinking what if you kill someone good by accident?” Devyn pointed out.
“As long as our group is safe I don’t care about anything else” Bradley assured.
“Are you going to keep that radio?” Devyn asked softly.
“It could come in handy I guess—“ Bradley replied before an optimistic and gravelly voice called out from it “He-yo buoys having fun out there? what’s the status on the station?”
[“Your men are….sort of inconvenient at the moment, who’s speaking?”]
[Stay silent and keep the radio]
[Stay silent and leave the radio]
“There’s no way we’re going back to that house of yours!” Blake said heavily.
“Too bad thought you guys needed some help, hell we all need help down the line” Gina replied smugly.
“Are you good with weapons?” Amanda asked strictly.
“Am I good with weapons? give me anything sharp or blasts bullets and I’ll be the very best” She sniggered while warming her hands.
“I’m serious, we’re looking for the rest of our group and if you’re willing to help then be welcome to tag along” Amanda said firmly.
Nina pulls out her machete “This is my little baby” she smiles.
“The same one you used to kill your HUSBAND?” Blake remarked coldly.
“Asshole deserved it the way he treated me, I don’t think you imagine what it’s like to be constantly slapped around” Nina glared.
“Shit happens to everyone” Blake continued.
“How much longer are you two gonna keep arguing? not everyone gets to survive a bullet to the head” Jean groaned softly.
“Who shot you?” Gina nodded.
“Some bandits attacked us, we were lucky to escape” Blake interjected.
“Did they have a reason to attack?” Gina asked curiously.
“No! why would you even think that they did?” Blake objected.
“I had a reason to kill you after you lot took some of my supplies, didn’t I? Gina sniggered.
“They attacked us for no reason, so lets drop it” Amanda said coldly.
“They’re….bandits obviously they do want they want and no-one will stop them, unless you get the better of them” Gina muttered.
“We should get some sleep, Blake I’ll take over and be on watch” Amanda sighed softly.
“Keep an eye on her” Blake hissed.
“You know I’m here right? too bad YOU can’t stay on watch” Gina sounded flirty.
Blake shrugged and turned his back while Amanda only gave her a short glare.
“So is there a thing between you two?” Gina asked bluntly.
“No” Amanda answered with a glare.
“Good….I mean cool” Gina smirked awkwardly.
“He just lost the love of his life not long ago, so best you just stay away” Amanda said coldly.
“Chill down sister” Gina grinned. “Oh and that girl she—“
“She’s my niece, will you just be quiet for a minute” Amanda said roughly.
“I can do that ” Gina smiled briefly and laid close to the fire in a petal position.
[“Your men are….sort of inconvenient at the moment, who’s speaking?”] Sooner or later, this Brick guy is going to find out about his dead men either way. I was hesitating between this or the option to leave the radio, but in the end I'd like to learn more about Brick. They can always leave the radio later, which I hope they will do.
And Boniek's getting pissed, huh? I hope he's not joining the ranks of the worthless half of the group now. I mean, I have not even the slightest doubt that Bradley was right with butchering these bastards. We have several independent sources that have reported that Brick is a bad guy. His men seem to work with this bunch of forest loonies they have mentioned before, these Vultures, and I wouldn't be surprised if these are the same cancerous submission-mistakes that have previously attacked the motel. I mean, how many loonies do live in that woods? If that's the case, Brick is not only a bad guy, but also very, very dead. But even aside from that, Bradley is absolutely justified with his actions. These people were shady as hell. If they would have shot the bitch on sight, the motel shootout could have been prevented. As much as I wish that frustrating plotline would have never even happened in the first place, the least they can do is to ensure that something like that never happens again. They should have shot on sight from the very beginning and while it is already too late now, they can at least prevent things from getting worse. Bradley is absolutely right here. Whoever acts shady around the group must die for the good of the last people that still matter here. And this Brick guy and his people are certainly not among them.
[Stay silent and leave the radio]
[“Your men are….sort of inconvenient at the moment, who’s speaking?”]
[Stay silent and leave the radio]
Pipas is right. It would be nice to learn more about Brick but I think it is better if he never learns that the group killed some of his men.
[Stay silent and leave the radio]
Better play it safe. Also I have a really bad feeling about this Gina person.
I think you are right. I hope it is not too late because I will change my vote. This is safer.
Desmond I think you should go with them” Celestia said softly.
“Hmmph no offence but I still think this is just a waste of time” Desmond sounded reluctant.
“We have to do what we can to help, especially if they’re good people” Celestia replied calmly.
“You have no idea who they are or what they may be hiding, but I’m only doing this for you because you took me when….” Desmond sighed.
“I know….just be careful out there” Celestia smiled warmly and hugged him briefly.
“If things get hairy out there use the radio and save the battery while your at it” Bobby grunted.
“Will do, asshole” Desmond muttered.
In a few minutes Desmond was headed for the door before Cody remarked “You know we could use some of those guns” pointing at both himself and Zack.
“Hell no you ain’t getting your hands on any guns, there’s a shack outside you’ll find something sharp there to protect yourselves” Desmond shrugged.
“One of us should have a pistol at least, what if you were the one in trouble who would help you then?” Zack pointed out calmly.
Desmond stopped and considered what Zack said and agreed with him despite the lack of trust he had towards them “You good with a gun?” he nodded at Zack.
“I know how to use one, if that’s what you are asking?” Zack replied.
He pulled out a backup pistol and reloaded it before giving it to Zack “You’re only getting one magazine make it count” Desmond said cautiously.
“Sure” Zack frowned and hid the pistol behind his back.
“Be careful out there, just come back soon, okay?” Emily hugged and kissed Cody.
“I’ll do my best, like I always do” Cody smirked.
“Bring them back guys” Howard motivated them.
“You better get that leg working old man” Zack joked.
“When you get back I’m gonna show you how not-so-old men kick your ass” Howard chuckled softly resting by the sofa.
“The quicker we go the quicker we get back with your people so I suggest you two get a move on!” Desmond said firmly while heading out.
“Seriously man he’s starting to get on my nerves” Cody hissed angrily to Zack.
“For now we need them, there’s no choice but to play nice” Zack replied calmly.
“I don’t trust him” Cody remarked quietly.
“Neither do I, like I said we ain’t got much choice” Zack reminded.
“Does the truck have gas?” Desmond asked roughly while approaching it.
“Barely, but I reckon it’s enough to get us back” Zack nodded.
“Good, we’ll start at the motel maybe one of them went back—“ Desmond suggested.
“No way, that place was overrun when we split up I doubt they’d return we should head for the fields or the woods they ought to be somewhere there” Cody interjected promptly.
“In that case, we’ll head here first and work are way back, how’s that sound?” Desmond pointed on the map he unfolded.
“Okay, it’s a start I guess” Zack muttered.
“Then lets get going” Desmond murmured tiresomely.
Devyn noticed Bradley was keen to answer back “Wait what are you—“ She tried to stop him briefly.
“Yeah you’re right, no point revealing myself it would only put us into more trouble” Bradley paused right before pressing the talk switch and tossed the radio on top of the dead corpse.
“Justin, Jamie, Oscar answer back dammit!” The man’s voice was elevated.
“We should get out of here” Devyn remarked worriedly while glancing at the radio and Brad..
"Whoever is listening if something happened to those names that I just mentioned......well I'll just put it this way....things aren't going to be pretty when I arrive at that gas station" The man said in a controlled voice.
“This is bad, we have to get the hell out of here” Devyn said urgently.
“What happened?” Rachel interrupted.
“Nothing someone's trying to radio these guys, we gotta go!” Bradley gasped.
“Shit, you think he knows where we are” She continued firmly.
“What do you think? I believe he sent them here himself he might be close by, if he finds out I just killed two of his men” Bradley scratched his head angrily.
“You shouldn’t have killed them” Rachel sounded nervous.
“It would've been us or them” Bradley assured her.
“You don’t know that, they might as well be watching us right now!…rrgh shit…I..I’m lets just go before trouble shows up” Rachel gasped.
“It’s gonna be fine, we’ll go through the fields they shouldn’t find us there” Bradley smirked thinly and tried to hug Rachel but she pushed him away out of anger.
Bradley grabbed the rifle from one of the corpses and gave a pistol to Rachel, Boniek took the other assault rifle and Cecelia retrieved her gun from Bradley.
“You didn’t leave many bullets, did you?” Cecelia joked as she examined the small pistol.
“I wanted to leave you with five, but this asshole needed the extra to be put down” Bradley smirked.
“What’s the plan? do we go back?” Liam asked worriedly.
“No, we keep looking, the plan hasn’t changed” Bradley replied rigidly.
“I hate the feeling that this is starting to become a wild goose chase” Boniek remarked.
“WE keep looking, you can always leave” Bradley made it perfectly clear.
“Okay….okay no need to get so agro” Boniek replied calmly.
“How’s the baby doing?” Cecelia turned to Emma.
“Fine….I think I’m trying to keep him warm” Emma responded softly and cuddled the newborn.
“It’s good that he stopped crying even after all those gunshots” Cecelia smiled thinly.
“Well he’s gonna have to get use to them for awhile” Emma remarked worriedly.
“If you need anything just let me know” Cecelia nodded.
After taking what was left by the gas station which obviously wasn’t much the group pushed forward in hope of finding the rest. They travelled through the fields under the sky that shone bright orange patches standing out against the grey slumber clouds. The faint glow of the sun filled the sky. The shape of dark trees in the distance can be seen clearly against the beautiful sky as lights twinkled through the leaves above it all was a fiery red patch surrounding it with stormy lilac clouds. Although they were all tired the view gave them a weird sense of serenity. “I wonder where this road leads” Boniek remarked blankly as they crossed it in the middle of the field.
“Best to stay of any kind of roads for now” Devyn responded worriedly.
“But still we can’t be wondering around the countryside all our life” Boniek smiled briefly.
“It’s only been a couple of days, appreciate nature” Cecelia joked.
“I do appreciate….but I sure as hell miss fishing” Boniek chuckled softly.
“You’re good at it?” Devyn asked curiously.
“I’m no superstar heh, but it does bring back good memories from when I used to fish with my brother” Boniek sighed.
“Sounds nice, do you….know what happened to him?” Devyn asked warmly.
“Haven’t seen him for a long time could be alive or dead by now” Boniek said sullenly.
“I’m sorry” Devyn sighed deeply.
“Are you okay?” Boniek noticed the sudden change on her face.
“Yeah…..yes I’m fine” She smiled briefly and composed herself “You know…once things cool down I think that fishing trip could be arranged, maybe I’ll even join you” Devyn smiled hopefully.
“That is something to look forward too” Boniek grinned.
“Did you have to kill those men? were they really dangerous?” Rachel kept pondering and had to ask Bradley.
“From the way they spoke to each other I had enough to believe that they weren’t just gonna let us pass” he replied firmly.
“I just hope this won’t lead us to more trouble down the road” Rachel shook her head.
“I won’t let anything happen to you or Nicholas…I….just wanted you to know” Bradley said sincerely.
“We’re all going to make it, we have to” Rachel tried to be optimistic.
“It’ll be faster to get the next town using the road, we might encounter some of our people along the way” Bradley considered.
“Or we could just keeping looking in the woods, it could be safer than wondering in the road waiting to be spotted” Rachel suggested.
[Agree with Rachel and continue through the woods]
[Decide to take the road into the next town]
[Agree with Rachel and continue through the woods]
Better safe than sorry.
[Agree with Rachel and continue through the woods]
[Agree with Rachel and continue through the woods]
Rachel is right. There's no arguing here, she is simply right. The ones who are currently missing from the group are Blake's group and Zack's group and I couldn't care less if they get reunited with Zack's group. As a matter of fact, I'd even like to actively work against such a reunion. Blake's group meanwhile is camping, so it is unlikely that Brad and the others are just stumbling upon them on the road. None of the missing people are located in the town. Besides, towns are to be avoided in these days, while woods hold at least some minor sense of safety. On a completely different note, I have noticed that Brad is acting a lot more positive when he's around Rachel. While her thoughts on this are still to be explored, it appears there is a ship about to sail.
[Agree with Rachel and continue through the woods]
I dont see a reason to take the road over the forest. The town sounds dangerous and maybe it is the place where Brick and his gang have their base, so getting there fast is not what I want.
“I reckon you’re right, if any of them are still alive they’d stay in the woods out of sight” Bradley pondered.
“I’m right most of the time” Rachel joked.
“Heh hmmph” Bradley chuckled softly.
“What are you thinking?” Rachel noticed the change in his expression.
“Nothing, I’m just…..well I’m wondering if there is help somewhere waiting for us, someone who could just end this terrible nightmare” Bradley sighed.
“Nicholas why don’t you go talk to Viola for a second” Rachel asked warmly “As much as I hate to think this, but…we have to consider the possibility that a cure may never be produced” She said discreetly.
“Maybe you can think that way……but I can’t” Bradley sighed deeply.
“Yeah….of course we gotta stay positive, I have to….for Nicholas’s sake, but for awhile the longer days pass….nothing happens….we haven’t met anyone that may have had any information about any sort of cure or government settlement or anything that would keep my hopes up…..there’s just evilness” Rachel choked softly.
Bradley tried to find the words to cheer Rachel, but as painful as it sounded he agreed with her, things were gonna get tougher before they got better.
“I-I know you haven’t seen eye to eye with many of these people, but they’re all you got left” Rachel said sullenly.
“Walkers ten o’clock!” Liam gave the heads up “It’s cool! I got it!” Boniek took care of the matter with ease.
“That was pretty good the way you handle them” Liam watched curiously.
“You just need to know where to hit them…..always the legs first and then finish them off, easy” Boniek muttered.
“Too bad it only works when there’s not much of them around” Devyn sighed.
“Obviously you either run or fight, there’s no half measure with this” Boniek tried to catch some air.
“Well it’s good you didn’t break that gun stock” Devyn glanced at the blooded weapon.
“Guys? do you hear that?” Cecelia said cautiously.
“Sounds like an engine” Bradley frowned.
“It’s coming from the road, we should hurry” Rachel urged them.
The group rushed into the woods away from the road as a pick-up truck and two motorcycles drove past. “You reckon is the same crew?” Boniek gasped.
“It has to be, they’re either searching for us or they still don’t know what happened to their men” Bradley groaned. “Lets not stick around till they find out” Boniek hissed.
The group jogged through the woods until suddenly Cecelia shrieked for help after stepping into a trap and fell into a deep hole. They could barely see her Viola cried out for her and Cecelia responded after a brief moment “I’m okay….ugh I think I hurt my leg” she called out.
“Shit we gotta get her out of there” Boniek said urgently.
A barking sound alerted them, there was little to no time in getting Cecelia out before getting caught Viola cried over the dark hole, the rest tried to find something that could help but with no luck. “We have to go” Devyn gasped.
“Lets split up that way they won’t grab us all!” Boniek suggested.
“Viola we have to run!” Rachel tried to grab the girl.
“Leave me alone I’m not leaving my mum!” Viola growled.
“Shit this is so fucked up” Boniek panicked.
[Leave Viola and run]
[Stay and get found]
[Hide nearby]
“So how many are we looking for?” Desmond asked indifferently while driving.
“About ten or eleven” Zack mumbled.
“Damn that’s quite a group you had there” Desmond shook his head in disbelief. “Cheer up Cody we might just be able to find them one way or the other” he teased upon noticing his worried expression.
“Is that supposed to mean something?” Cody asked rigidly.
“Just saying… in today’s world you either find out or you don’t” Desmond said cynically.
“Find out what? that someone is dead…alive or unknown is that what you’re saying?” Zack frowned.
“Exactly” Desmond nodded. “So….we got a bit more to drive, maybe you guys ought to tell me something about yourselves” he added after a pause.
“Like what?” Cody snapped gently.
“Anything to get our minds of things” Desmond answered.
“Why don’t you start then?” Zack suggested.
“Okay….so….believe it or not I used to be a businessman when things weren’t…dead” Desmond chuckled softly.
“What kind of business were you in?” Zack asked.
“Consulting” Desmond muttered.
“Sounds like crap” Cody sniggered.
“Heh but that crap paid well” Desmond chuckled.
“Any family?” Zack asked.
“Wife….Nicole” He sighed.
“What happened to her?” Cody asked curiously.
“She was staying in Augusta at her mother’s the day I was still able to call her, that was when I first saw what was going on with people, turning into monsters fuck it was surreal….I didn’t believe watching the news couple of days before…..everything could’ve turned out differently if I was with her…..the last thing I know is….she evacuated to one of the quarantine zones, but I have no idea to which one” Desmond sighed painfully.
“How come you don’t have a ring?” Zack frowned.
“I….I traded it for food and water…..that was when the medics thought I was infected, they kept many of us isolated for testing, but things got worse as you can imagine” Desmond replied reluctantly.
“That sucks, did you look for her? your wife Nicole?” Cody sighed.
“After the riots I escaped and travelled to Augusta but she wasn’t there, I didn’t even know where to look next, everywhere I went there was either zombies or hostiles waiting to jump me, for weeks I wandered alone up until I holed up in some fancy restaurant, after a while the place was almost overrun I was even ready to…end myself…that’s when Bobby and Celestia showed up with a bunch of other survivors and saved me” Desmond grunted.
“What happened to the survivors that helped? Celestia said something about Brick being responsible?” Zack asked.
“Yeah we started crumbling because of him, eh….I think we should leave this subject until we get back” Desmond said evasively. “Holy shit” he said shortly after noticing the motel up ahead with walkers meandering.
“It was like this when we left” Cody gasped.
“T’was a lot worse” Zack muttered.
“Doesn’t look like anyone alive is around, do you guys see anything?” Desmond scanned the area.
“Over there top floor last apartment by the stairs” Zack pointed.
“Walkers trying to get in….hmmph could be someone trapped” Desmond pondered.
“We gotta find out, otherwise we might regret it” Cody urged.
“Or it could be nothing, this is too risky the regret you’ll have is if something goes wrong, this place is overrun who would trap themselves inside an apartment? it’s crazy we should just keep looking” Desmond suggested heavily.
“No, we check it out” Cody said decisively.
“Okay Rambo, but it’s only you and Zack on this one” Desmond warned.
“What are you gonna do?” Zack winced.
“I’m gonna divert the herd with this truck might give you enough time, so we doing this?” Desmond asked cautiously.
[Go ahead with the plan]
[Continue the search]
Alright, something very odd just happened. I have not gotten a notification for this post. Even worse, when looking through my followed discussions, it wasn't even showing me that you had posted a new part. For me, when looking through my followed discussions or through the forum games section, the last post made in this topic is janitor's comment from the 25th. Since I'm not sure if it makes any sense what I just said, here's a screenshot that should show you what I mean: http://i.imgur.com/GIGnsRw.png
Basically, this post was entirely invisible to me, until I randomly decided to check this thread today and found this part. This is very, very odd and I hope I'm the only one having this problem. I also hope my post here is going to put an end to this weird bug. Luckily, I haven't missed any parts. Could you do me a favour and answer to this post so that I can see if your new comments are correctly displayed from now on?
Now that this is done, here are my votes:
[Leave Viola and run]
Well... I don't like to leave Viola, but I think there are several good reasons to do so. First of all, getting found is by far the worst option here. Brick made it very clear what he intends to do to the group. Second, hiding might be close to impossible, considering that the men pursuing them have dogs with them. They can stay out of sight, but trained hunting dogs have such an excellent sense of smell that they are likely to find them. The thing with Viola is, she's just a child. Whereas people like Brad or Rachel can't expect mercy, Viola did nothing bad and is completely innocent. So far, Brick sounds like a typical thug and bully, a bit like Negan maybe, but even Negan would not harm innocent children. Basically, Cecelia is going to stay down there for sure and I'm not sad if she dies. Staying will lead to all getting captured, including Viola. Hiding is possibly going to lead to the same outcome and even if it doesn't, they will at the very least find Cecelia. And I'm sure that this worthless brat Emma is carrying around is going to fuck things up for them by starting to cry in the worst possible moment. So... running will at least give some of them a chance to escape and to help the rest later.
[Go ahead with the plan]
So... someone is in there and that baffles me. That honestly baffles me, because in theory, the last people at the motel have been members of our group and we know where all of them are. I mean, the only thing I could think of would be that a group member has not managed to escape from the walkers in time and had to hide in this room, because why would a stranger approach a motel that is so badly overrun? But at the same time, we know where every single member of the group is located, so I honestly wonder who it could be. I mean, we do know where every single group member is located, don't we? In theory it could be... Blake and Mandi who came back to check up on the group? I don't know, I don't even have the slightest idea who it could be, because it makes little sense for a stranger, in no way affiliated with our group, to even get anywhere near that walker-infested hellhole. At the same time, someone has to be in there. God, I hope it's not that fucking Herman
Now I got two questions that might influence me to change my votes later on:
In the first choice, will it be a group decision? Or is it just one person abandoning Viola while the rest of the group decides to stay?
And in the second choice, I do get that correctly that going ahead with the plan means that they will check out who is hiding there, right? Because I really want to check this out.
[Go ahead with the plan] because I´m curious to find out who is there.
and [Leave Viola and run]. Because staying and leting Bricks group to find them wouldn´t help anyone, in my opinion , and hiding is also not an option, from my point of view, since they have dogs. Like this, they can at least help her later.
Hmm... Staying at the place is not an option at this moment and hiding wouldn't solve anything, because I'm pretty sure Brick's group would find them anyway, so...
[Leave Viola and run]
And let's see what's inside the apartment.
[Go ahead with the plan]
It has to be some sort of bug, I had the same problem when I posted the previous part my entry was shown as "latest" for nearly a week even though you guys were commenting, this time around when I submitted the next piece (sunday evening) I had a notification that the "comment has to be approved by the moderator" it was until the next day the comment was visible.
Anyway regarding the decisions in the first one which is a heat of the moment situation the whole group will start to run.
And yes deciding to go with the plan Cody and Zack will find out who's hiding in the apartment.
Hm, this is odd. If this bug persists, it might be a good idea to make a screenshot of the notification and send it to a mod. I've never even heard of a comment needing approval before, at least not here. And I haven't encountered the same problem during the last part, where the comments where all displayed correctly for me. At least this comment of yours and the comments of the others have worked correctly as well, so I hope this was a one-time bug. Still, I'm definitely going to check the thread daily from now on, to make sure I'm not going to miss a part.
And that's good to know with the decisions in this case. I'll stick with my choices then, I hope that'll be for the best. At least with the first choice, I'm sure. With the second one, it'll probably depend on whom they'll find. And I still got no idea, even though I've put a great deal of thought into it. A new character maybe? I mean, they haven't forgotten anyone at the motel, have they?
[Leave Viola and run]
Either the whole group gets captured if they stay or hide, or some of them have a chance of escaping if they leave Viola. I feel bad for leaving a young girl but I hope that Brick and his men have enough morals left not to kill an innocent girl for nothing.
[Go ahead with the plan]
I want to know who this is. I have an interesting theory but I dont know if I can say it so open + Im probably wrong. Can I maybe send you a private message?
For me there was no error. I received a notification and it showed me that there are six new posts: The story part and five comments. Is it working for you now?
Sure you can say it openly or feel free to drop an email at tjdomingez@gmail.com with your theory.
Okay I have sent you an e-mail today! I hope you like my theory and I think you see now why I could not say it here so openly XD
As the sound of the dog and other people got closer the group had to scatter once again “There’s no time we gotta split!” Liam hissed as he grabbed the reluctant Devyn who preferred to go after Boniek and Mi-Cha. Emma urged Viola to hide while the rest decided to run for their lives.
“Dammit” Marco gasped under his nose as he noticed that Bradley, Rachel and Nicholas were pursued causing him to change direction. Liam was almost exposed but in time Emma pulled him out of sight and hid in a ditch very close to the trap where Cecelia was.
Viola was trembling from shock beside Emma who tried to keep the baby quiet. “They’re going to find us here” Liam said worriedly.
“In this stink I doubt it, just sit tight” Emma replied quietly.
“Hey I think we caught one!” a man cheered by the trap.
“Get her out of there, she’d be a good addition in our compound!” another voice they heard.
“Not until Brick gives the all go, you know the rules!” another man called out.
“NO MUM!” Viola broke out of cover while Liam tried to stop her without exposing himself or Emma. “Oh look one more….where’s the rest of your crew sweetie?” The man held Viola “You can go fuck yourself!” she cried.
“Wow this one’s got quite the mouth” the man sniggered “Tie them up and take them back to the spot, you all search the area there must be more of them and try not to kill them” he finished.
“C’mon Nicholas keep up!” Rachel urged as she held his hand while running.
“This way!” Bradley breathed heavily before unexpectedly getting struck in the head by one of the attackers “Nobody moves” he warned them and cocked a gun “Guys I got’em” he yelled out before Marco jumped on top of him “Go run!” he shouted. Rachel grabbed Nicholas and went out of harms way, while Bradley hit the attacker back to get the gun off of him. “Thanks Marco” Bradley gasped.
“Yeah” Marco sighed laboriously.
“Shit where’s Rachel?! you saw which way she went?!” Bradley said hectically.
“I dunno, I couldn’t see—“ Marco gasped before a dog went rushing straight for Bradley’s arm causing him to drop the pistol after firing it.
“That’s enough Rocco, you good mut!” A man cheered and the dog retreated shortly after.
“Looks like we find our guy” he said while showing the radio.
“Brick’s very eager to meet you, all of you in fact” The man looked down at Bradley.
“He can go fuck himself” Bradley shrugged and held his bleeding arm.
“Oh he’ll be fucking but certainly not himself” The men chuckled loudly before knocking Bradley out unconscious.
After a long drive Bradley could feel being dragged out and a few slaps in the face made him regain consciousness, the bright car lights aimed right at him, his vision was blurred while looking side to side everyone was caught surrounded by a dozen of armed people dressed mainly dark.
“The hell is this?! let us go” Bradley coughed.
“You’re the one that answered the radio, don’t bother denying it” A voice came from a figure sitting in the shadows beside one of the trucks.
“You got the wrong people” Bradley said blankly and shortly.
“Is that right? well Rocco thought otherwise, you see….you killed his owner and he sensed it…..that arm isn’t looking too good” The man chuckled softly “This is one helluva first meeting don’t you think?
“Not much of a meeting if I can’t see you” Bradley gasped with an aiming expression.
"You got some balls I give you that" He sniggered while getting up and revealing himself “Everything starts with a name….I’ll go first…..I’m Brick Williams, what the fuck is yours?” he chuckled ostentatiously.
“Bradley” he replied reluctantly.
“So, you must be the leader then? yeah…you’re the only one to fit the part” Brick smiled mischievously and stood face to face against Brad scanning him and the others.
Brick had a look of a truck driver, tall, broad shoulders, athletic posture wearing a ball cap with long side burns stretching from the sides of his face. He glared with his intimidating cold blue eyes awaiting Brad’s response.
“What do you want?” Bradley shivered from the pain and cold.
“Ha hmm what do I want? there are many pissed of people here for you killing my men and that can’t go unpunished” Brick replied firmly.
“Then kill me and let the rest go” Bradley responded toughly.
“Only you? pff please that’s not much of a deal for the lives taken away from my people, but I admire you sacrificing yourself as a leader for the sake of others, you can end this with a peaceful agreement or death” Brick said with a smug face as he glanced at all their lined up faces.
“Just spit it out” Bradley muttered.
“You’re loving this already! travelling with such a big group can’t be easy especially with small children I’m going to take three gorgeous women off your hands in exchange for the men you killed, how’s that sound? my brothers will take good care of them I assure you nobody gets hurt that way and the rest of you will be free and of course won’t be bothered by us” Brick smiled.
“That’s bullshit!” Boniek tried to break out of line, but got punched down by one of Brick’s men.
“Your leader Bradley brought this on all of you, so don’t hate me please” Brick mocked standing in front of Boniek for a brief moment.
“If I say no deal, what then?” Bradley asked angrily.
“Then…there’s the fun option…..I’m gonna beat the living shit out of one of you….relax Brad you can feel safe I want you to see what happens when cross with the wrong people…..it’s up to you whether you want to spare one life or three” Brick said firmly with a conniving smile.
Major Choice: Gamble
[Agree to Brick taking three prisoners]
[Agree for Brick to execute one member from the group]
[Stay silent]
Alright, so this weird bug happened again. I did not get a notification about the new part and the last comment that was shown to me was still janitor's from the 4th of Septembre, but luckily I made good on my promise to check the thread daily for new a new part
Have you gotten this weird notification about the comment needing approval from a mod once again? Also, could you tag me at the start of the next part, so that I can see if I receive a notification for that?
Anyways, oh man, that was quite the scene. Brick reminds me of Negan, but worse. Hell, Negan's one redeeming feature was his genuine disapproval of rape. Brick meanwhile just voiced his intention to take three of the groups women with him to rape them, meaning he is the absolute worst. And this basically influenced my decision:
[Agree for Brick to execute one member from the group]
There are few chances these three women could ever be saved, so this is one live against three. Even if they could save her, they will at the very least get raped, maybe tortured and certainly horribly traumatized. While I think Emma and Cecelia, not exactly my favourites to put it mildly, would be among the ones taken prisoner, the third one could be either Devyn or even Rachel at worst and I will not risk putting them in harm's way. That said, he could literally execute anyone, maybe even a child if he's going that far, so I am nervous and not sure and maybe I have to change my vote.
However, before making my final choice (and I am still open to change it later), could you tell me where Rachel is? Before he himself got captured, Brad did not see her and she wasn't mentioned during the talk with Brick. If she got captured, then she might very well be on the list of people he could execute and her death is literally the last thing I want. She's the only person left in this group I'd keep safe even above Brad himself and if she is among the ones captured, I might have to reconsider my choice.
Yep same thing happened, had to wait for approval and the comment appeared the next day without notification -,-
I'll start tagging from the next part.
Anyway the whole group got captured by Brick's people and they're all lined up beside Bradley.
[Agree for Brick to execute one member from the group]
I have a feeling Brick will screw them over anyway, but he may lay off after seeing Bradley somehow cooperating.
Hm, this is really weird. I've never heard of a similar problem. Let's hope the tagging will help. At least your replies show up correctly.
And damn it, that is making my decision even harder. Since Brad himself is safe here, keeping Rachel alive is my priority in this scene. With only four adult women in the current group (if you count Devyn), the chances that she'd be among the ones taken prisoner is extraordinarily high. I'd even say it's certain. While it would probably keep her alive for a little longer, I have no doubt she'd hate Brad if he'd do such a thing, therefore destroying whatever feelings she might have for him. And if Brick executes a group member, there's a one out of six chance that she's the one to die unless Brick considers killing one of the children, in which case it would be a one out of nine chance. Considering just how terrible things went lately, I wouldn't be too surprised if she'd be at the receiving end of Brick's beating. Not that expecting it would make it any less horrifying.
Ah, fuck this. I'll stay with my vote. It's either certain rape/torture/death for Rachel, or a chance of roughly 17% of dying instantly. I already know I will regret it, but the alternative does not sound any better. God damn it, I hope she's not going to die now.