Most of the haters probably didn't even play the game. Maybe they just don't like the idea and that's okay, everyone can have an opinion. But calling it a cash grab just shows that they have no idea what they are talking about. This is probably one of the least known Telltale games and it's not as successful as some other titles. I don't think this is that important.
I feel people hate it just because it's Minecraft, and people often dislike it due to it's visual style. As a game it's not truly brimming w… moreith the usual standerd of Telltales story telling. However I feel it's accomplished it's own achievements. It's brought Minecraft into a story based world and given us characters and people we can identify with and enjoy interacting with. Yes, it's obviously more aimed towards children but that doesn't detract the overall quality provided in the games.
People might dislike the Wither Storm arc, but I enjoyed it, quite a lot actually.
I'll always support telltale while not holding back any feedback if need be. In terms of Minecraft I feel it's main resentment comes from the fact that Minecraft is identified in itself as a childish entity, so anything related to it makes it automatically hated.
As someone who finally started playing it for themselves: no. The way some people talk about it, you'd expect something much worse. But it's really not that bad. The first episode's a little bit on the weak side, but it picks up after that. Not to mention that in terms of gameplay and interactivity, this is the closest game to TWD S1. There's puzzles, actual combat mechanics, hubs, and a fair amount of choice tailoring, especially during the Wither story arc. Oh yeah, and the soundtrack.
Maybe it's just me having low standards, but if this is what people consider to be garbage heap-tier, I'm afraid to know what they'd think of actual bad games. Like, bad bad games. Are you telling me this game is ET levels of bad? I don't see MC:SM contributing to the crash of the video game industry.
They hate this game, because they love to belittle the game by comparing it to Telltale's other games like TWD, TWAU, and Borderlands. They hate that Telltale went for a more family-friendly approach with a franchise that they widely consider, "the worst game in the existence of existence. little kids with autism and assburgers play stupid games like this, because they're stupid." And yes, this IS speaking from a Minecraft fan, and in my opinion, I love Story Mode more than I love the original game. I DON'T hate the original Minecraft, by the way. Now yes, comparing this to The Walking Dead, or The Wolf Among Us, it pales in comparison. However, I don't compare it to any of them, and just enjoy it as it's own game. Good graphics, great soundtrack, perfect cast of characters, nail-biting choices, and top-NOTCH gameplay. This is, in my opinion, one of Telltale's finest tales to tell. Is it the best? HELL NO. I'd prefer The Walking Dead. But, it's a must-play for any Minecraft fan that ACTUALLY has experience with Telltale's previous games.
They hate this game, because they love to belittle the game by comparing it to Telltale's other games like TWD, TWAU, and Borderlands. They … morehate that Telltale went for a more family-friendly approach with a franchise that they widely consider, "the worst game in the existence of existence. little kids with autism and assburgers play stupid games like this, because they're stupid." And yes, this IS speaking from a Minecraft fan, and in my opinion, I love Story Mode more than I love the original game. I DON'T hate the original Minecraft, by the way. Now yes, comparing this to The Walking Dead, or The Wolf Among Us, it pales in comparison. However, I don't compare it to any of them, and just enjoy it as it's own game. Good graphics, great soundtrack, perfect cast of characters, nail-biting choices, and top-NOTCH gameplay. This is, in my opinion, one of Telltale's finest tales to tell. Is it the best? HELL NO. I'd prefer The Walking Dead. But, it… [view original content]
They hate this game, because they love to belittle the game by comparing it to Telltale's other games like TWD, TWAU, and Borderlands. They … morehate that Telltale went for a more family-friendly approach with a franchise that they widely consider, "the worst game in the existence of existence. little kids with autism and assburgers play stupid games like this, because they're stupid." And yes, this IS speaking from a Minecraft fan, and in my opinion, I love Story Mode more than I love the original game. I DON'T hate the original Minecraft, by the way. Now yes, comparing this to The Walking Dead, or The Wolf Among Us, it pales in comparison. However, I don't compare it to any of them, and just enjoy it as it's own game. Good graphics, great soundtrack, perfect cast of characters, nail-biting choices, and top-NOTCH gameplay. This is, in my opinion, one of Telltale's finest tales to tell. Is it the best? HELL NO. I'd prefer The Walking Dead. But, it… [view original content]
Have to completely disagree with you about episodes 1 & 2 of MCSM being bad. They were absolutely amazing, in my opinion. If anything, I feel that the weakest episode was 6, the one with White Pumpkin. Honestly, it felt way less serious than the other episodes and kind of Scooby Doo-ish. It was still a good episode, and enjoyable, but, 1 & 2 literally felt like pure excitement, to me. A good reminder of how awesome Telltale is.
it does get alot of hate, to be honest the 1st and 2nd episode is actually agreeable to have the hate, the first episode probably being one … moreof the worst no wonder people think the whole of mine craft is bad as most judged by the 1st or even 2nd episode, but 3 and up the game is much better and does not deserve the hate, especially not right now. also alot of the hate doesnt even come from the game, its from people who havnt even played the game and are just angry that mc is getting episodes and not them.
Have to completely disagree with you about episodes 1 & 2 of MCSM being bad. They were absolutely amazing, in my opinion. If anything, I feel that the weakest episode was 6, the one with White Pumpkin. Honestly, it felt way less serious than the other episodes and kind of Scooby Doo-ish. It was still a good episode, and enjoyable, but, 1 & 2 literally felt like pure excitement, to me. A good reminder of how awesome Telltale is.
(Copied and pasted this because you're the second person who's said this. What was even bad about them?)
Well, the first episode and the second are bad, but the rest is good. Idek why people still hate it. Is this because u need to buy the episodes? I think so.
Agree with Prink that MCSM is on par if not slightly better in terms of choices. I'm starting to wonder if the people playing these games then posting their opinions about what it's "lacking" are really even paying attention or if their opinions are just biased because they don't like the game as much as the other. As someone who is not biased, as I only "tried" Minecraft which I played for maybe a month or two, on and off, before deciding I didn't really like it that much and have never touched it again: I'll give my opinion below. BTW, I'm literally the biggest ASoIF/Game of Thrones fan you'll ever meet in your lifetime, so when I'm comparing this game to "other Telltale games," keep in mind that I'm comparing it to a game based on one of my favorite series' of all time.
MCSM has some incredibly tough choices. While I think no matter what we choose, we will still come to a very similar ending(which is literally the case for... I don't know... every other TT Game?), a lot of the choices in MCSM literally change the entire experience of the game you're playing, while some even change the path.
Even before the game STARTS, you have a choice that will alter your entire game play experience: picking between either a male or female character, both of which, are voiced by two entirely different actors. That is literally mind blowing and I don't recall any other TT game that has done that. Not to mention... a little character customization thrown in there.
Let's not forget when you have to choose between Axel and Olivia when you seek out the first two members of the Order of the Stone. You still end up back at the temple to find the other member all the same, but this literally alters almost an ENTIRE episodes experience for the player. There are SEVERAL choices like this throughout this game, some less impactful than others, but they're there; and give this more replay value than any other Telltale Game I've played.
There's so many awesome little "mini-choices" throughout the game that also sets this way above other Telltale Games in terms of choice. Think about it: You get to choose your own ARMOR. You get to choose how to go about certain cinematic sequences by selecting what potions, super-weapons, and other resources you'll be using. You get to craft a personalized weapon. There is some seriously cool sh** thrown in this game, pardon my language, and it's under appreciated big time.
I very much appreciate the detail put into this game, and it's made it one of the, if not the most, enjoyable TTG for me thus far. Minecraft fan or not(which I'm not).
In terms of the quality of choices, I'd actually argue that Minecraft: Story Mode's is on par with every other TTG game, if not ever so slightly better.
Not only does this game not deserve any hate at all, but it's honestly one of the best Telltale games that has been made so far.
Take this from someone who will proudly admit I am NOT a fan of Minecraft itself. Like most, I tried it, had a short run of maybe a month on and off, and decided Minecraft was boring before refusing to touch it ever again.
Minecraft Storymode, however, adds LIFE into that otherwise boring world. The story is amazing. I disagree with everyone who has said that episode one and two weren't good. I thought they were among the strongest episodes of the series. If anything, 6, the episode with the White Pumpkin, was the only weak episode so far.
Also, I enjoyed this game far more than Telltales Game of Thrones. Just to give you guys an idea of what this means: I am literally the biggest fan you will ever meet of Game of Thrones/ASoIF. I have read the books 3 times, listened to the audiobooks twice, seen the ENTIRE SERIES(seasons 1-5, I've seen 6 twice so far) roughly about 9 times, read every piece of lore associated with the series, probably seen every cast interview, theory video, and reaction video on YouTube...
and yet... I'm willing to say that Minecraft: Storymode trumps Telltales Game of Thrones by epic proportions.
Anyone that "hates" on this game has honestly just never played it. I say that with confidence. Either that, or they're just incredibly cynical people who refuse to allow themselves to ATTEMPT to enjoy it because of their bias against Minecraft itself.
Either way, I'm willing to make a bullet list as to why I think this is one of the best games Telltale has made if anyone would like to request that... but you guys get the point.
This game deserves no hate at all. It's fantastic.
Edit: Just to list off a few comparisons, I thought this game was far better than: TWD Season 2 | TWD Michonne | TT'S Game of Thrones | Back to the Future | Jurassic Park
........ aaaand, just some side notes: While I consider TWAU and TftBL to be better games overall, each one of them had at least 2 weak episodes, while MCSM had only 1(so far), even though it's an 8 part series that we are 7 episodes through. I think MCSM is probably among the most consistently interesting games that has been released so far. The only game that is consistently better than MCSM, is TWD Season 1. TWAU and TftBL are only better by a marginal amount.
MCSM doesn't deserve the hate, especially that is aimed at the audience that is not yet interested in zombies or fantasy/sci-fi adventures. For a game based on minecraft, the graphics are good and the voice actors are good as well. The story itself is okay, and so is the portal adventure. Bugs are everywhere, even found in the perfect merchandise (to all twd fanboyz. Yes, with a z). It's not the worst game in the world (Phoenix Games takes the cake. Any game you thought it was crappy? Sorry, but its place is taken by the Pheonix), nor it will ever be Telltale's worst game. TT did a good job on every game, so only idiots would continue to complain. There is a difference between hate and dislike, ye know? :P
Wright Micah Super-Final Draft 17.5 Telltale Community
ok many people do not like others bumping thards that is 10 days old but i just say this today.
I knew I'm going to gat some hate for this but for people on steam fuck off, I am soo sack and tired of people complaining that telltale is being dishonest with them by not giving them the whole game. ok does anybody knew how telltale works.
you pay $5 per episode. so even if telltale did extended minecraft story mode for popularity it is $15 backs for 3. that is about 270 minutes of play time. so plase make negative reviews; I wont buy games unless I read it but stop complaining about dishonest telltale.
i do understand why soo mush hate. i have a agree that Minecraft can be fun for cesura playing. however some people tack this game. So serious. that they will tack they friends things. even work with the enamel. to attack they own friends. even some people are trolls targeting kids for sex purposes. i mean personally. Minecraft games are fun it's just i don't play it for those reasons.
now with Minecraft story mode. i like when you choose between boy or girl. that episode 2 has 2 completely different games which the person you choose, from episode 1. even also in episode 6 is amusing with all those you tubers. I never seen telltale did that before.
I don't thank this game is bad because my casinos; he is 8 and 12 are autistic. who are a big fin of telltale for they order games. that they both are not quite reader for games like the walking dead, I bought Minecraft story mode, at first they both did not like it, base on telltales new interactive layout i advised the 8 year old to play it again. and loves it he is now playing over 400 hours, compared to me 60 hours. i never seen ham play that mash sense psychonauts( made by double fine). his favorite episode is episode 2 and 6. so far.
From here On some walking dead talk
Even thew i let the 8 year old play' walking dead season 1, but that did not go soo well, he thought that the game is scary, and other game related glitches. I did some research and find the cause of it. so i made a special intel driver for ham that now the issel was resolved. He does still play the game sometimes. The 8 year old can't play episode 2 or 5 becouse i did some changes on my in making it impossible on steam.
Modes you can edit this out
when my casino was 11 years old of nortest that he was reading this fan-fiction named marcy. now for same reason of nortest that he grop the knife out of the kitchen and want upstairs that i thought was odd until 10 minutes later i read the fun fiction was about clementine and christa. more that i read i'v realized why he got the knife. i stop what i was doing run upstairs and tack the thing out of his hand and nortest he has 2 markings on his arm and the same angle discussed in the story. after what i. I had a series talk for about 2 hours. of what her has is that he can't feel different kinds of pain but it's not congenital analgesia, it is a different issue, i did ask one time but i don't remember it's name.
(This story is true above. I told it to make a point that some people are more influence of what he reads and hairs. even thaw he is a lot bitter now 2 years later. by going to a prevent school for special training. about people who can't feel pain and no it is not congenital analgesia. he lives with the rich family. I'm 19 years old, who visits the in-laws regally. who is the poor side of the family in foster care.)
back to mine craft story mode
That some people cannot heady the m games more so tune others. like the 5 year old and the 13 year old in my familly. needs a lot of support or supervision. and becouse of that. I'm happy that telltale is doing games like Minecraft story mode. even thew i have great respect for telltale. they are doing some greet games. they are making games that is to dark even releasing bugger games that has problems, even with dedicated graphics card. but seeing how the batman the telltales series was is flat out going to the the wrong directshen; i hope you go back of what you use to do is light hounded entreatment. that is fun, Still does has as good of a story tune any other game like tales from monkey island. that was made for the younger ages. and making less bugged games. now I will admire telltale for one thing thew, there did not realse the mac port for 3 weeks that was urgently to be realsed in the same week. thick god they waited. PS telltale games.
so yes Minecraft story mode has it's problems but it dissent have any exhume graphics language. except shot a few times in episode 1. and for people on complaining on steam. get a pair for once. ok sure it is not the wolf among us. and even gameover ent. admaded on one of his videos, that he was hoping for the new wolf among us for years but is lasing hope. That hope is greet but your be disappointed. I hope telltale in the future will have more games like minecraft story mode, that is more rated E games. like sesame street the telltale series.
one last update that I forget to say. I love Reuben the pig, he was the only animal I cared to protect like clementine. I hate pits for reasons, millions of them being killed every in the USA. ill give this game 9 out of 10. it was so sad that he died at the end. even trend playing. the nice play though but he still dies. PS telltale games, I love your company (just try to void screw ups in the future)
Nope, this is an amazing game. Just because it's Minecraft based doesn't make it any worse. I LOVE this game. The story is amazing!!!! People really NEED TO STOP judging a book or in this case a game by its cover. Yeah constructive criticism is fine but not biased unalderated hate. Who cares if it's Minecraft it's still great! I hate it on twitter when people comment saying "oh just release Twd or batman or blah or stop making so many mcsm episodes focus on twd etc." on ANY MC:SM post. It's stupid and frustrates me, they're so ignorant! I hate the blind hate of those who won't even grace their eyes and ears on the game, who won't look deep into the story or try it out because Minecraft. I love Minecraft and this game is awesome! And don't get me STARTED on those who complain about having to buy each episode or the season pass or adventure pass and give it a low rating just because they don't understand Telltale's marketing and how they sell stuff.
I do feel like Episode 1 was a bit rushed and there was little activity but from there the game is amazing! Just because you don't like Minecraft it doesn't mean others have to not like it too.
I watched him play it.
Yeah I agree as well.
Most of the haters probably didn't even play the game. Maybe they just don't like the idea and that's okay, everyone can have an opinion. But calling it a cash grab just shows that they have no idea what they are talking about. This is probably one of the least known Telltale games and it's not as successful as some other titles. I don't think this is that important.
What did your son say? :>
I literally like More the Wither Storm arc than the portal arc ,i hope Soren make a cameo in the final episode.
He loved it.
As someone who finally started playing it for themselves: no. The way some people talk about it, you'd expect something much worse. But it's really not that bad. The first episode's a little bit on the weak side, but it picks up after that. Not to mention that in terms of gameplay and interactivity, this is the closest game to TWD S1. There's puzzles, actual combat mechanics, hubs, and a fair amount of choice tailoring, especially during the Wither story arc. Oh yeah, and the soundtrack.
Maybe it's just me having low standards, but if this is what people consider to be garbage heap-tier, I'm afraid to know what they'd think of actual bad games. Like, bad bad games. Are you telling me this game is ET levels of bad? I don't see MC:SM contributing to the crash of the video game industry.
Just waiting for episode 8. I recently finished all 7 episodes
Makes no sense whatsoever.
Ikr Kylo
yes sirs
They hate this game, because they love to belittle the game by comparing it to Telltale's other games like TWD, TWAU, and Borderlands. They hate that Telltale went for a more family-friendly approach with a franchise that they widely consider, "the worst game in the existence of existence. little kids with autism and assburgers play stupid games like this, because they're stupid." And yes, this IS speaking from a Minecraft fan, and in my opinion, I love Story Mode more than I love the original game. I DON'T hate the original Minecraft, by the way. Now yes, comparing this to The Walking Dead, or The Wolf Among Us, it pales in comparison. However, I don't compare it to any of them, and just enjoy it as it's own game. Good graphics, great soundtrack, perfect cast of characters, nail-biting choices, and top-NOTCH gameplay. This is, in my opinion, one of Telltale's finest tales to tell. Is it the best? HELL NO. I'd prefer The Walking Dead. But, it's a must-play for any Minecraft fan that ACTUALLY has experience with Telltale's previous games.
Well said.
And I just read your bio. Glad to see you're staying strong and righteous despite people bullying you.
Whether I like it or not I'm still paying for it because my son loves playing it.
Do you understand now little man?
mcsm:why am i still getting hate?! lol
Have to completely disagree with you about episodes 1 & 2 of MCSM being bad. They were absolutely amazing, in my opinion. If anything, I feel that the weakest episode was 6, the one with White Pumpkin. Honestly, it felt way less serious than the other episodes and kind of Scooby Doo-ish. It was still a good episode, and enjoyable, but, 1 & 2 literally felt like pure excitement, to me. A good reminder of how awesome Telltale is.
Have to completely disagree with you about episodes 1 & 2 of MCSM being bad. They were absolutely amazing, in my opinion. If anything, I feel that the weakest episode was 6, the one with White Pumpkin. Honestly, it felt way less serious than the other episodes and kind of Scooby Doo-ish. It was still a good episode, and enjoyable, but, 1 & 2 literally felt like pure excitement, to me. A good reminder of how awesome Telltale is.
(Copied and pasted this because you're the second person who's said this. What was even bad about them?)
Agree with Prink that MCSM is on par if not slightly better in terms of choices. I'm starting to wonder if the people playing these games then posting their opinions about what it's "lacking" are really even paying attention or if their opinions are just biased because they don't like the game as much as the other. As someone who is not biased, as I only "tried" Minecraft which I played for maybe a month or two, on and off, before deciding I didn't really like it that much and have never touched it again: I'll give my opinion below. BTW, I'm literally the biggest ASoIF/Game of Thrones fan you'll ever meet in your lifetime, so when I'm comparing this game to "other Telltale games," keep in mind that I'm comparing it to a game based on one of my favorite series' of all time.
MCSM has some incredibly tough choices. While I think no matter what we choose, we will still come to a very similar ending(which is literally the case for... I don't know... every other TT Game?), a lot of the choices in MCSM literally change the entire experience of the game you're playing, while some even change the path.
Even before the game STARTS, you have a choice that will alter your entire game play experience: picking between either a male or female character, both of which, are voiced by two entirely different actors. That is literally mind blowing and I don't recall any other TT game that has done that. Not to mention... a little character customization thrown in there.
Let's not forget when you have to choose between Axel and Olivia when you seek out the first two members of the Order of the Stone. You still end up back at the temple to find the other member all the same, but this literally alters almost an ENTIRE episodes experience for the player. There are SEVERAL choices like this throughout this game, some less impactful than others, but they're there; and give this more replay value than any other Telltale Game I've played.
There's so many awesome little "mini-choices" throughout the game that also sets this way above other Telltale Games in terms of choice. Think about it: You get to choose your own ARMOR. You get to choose how to go about certain cinematic sequences by selecting what potions, super-weapons, and other resources you'll be using. You get to craft a personalized weapon. There is some seriously cool sh** thrown in this game, pardon my language, and it's under appreciated big time.
I very much appreciate the detail put into this game, and it's made it one of the, if not the most, enjoyable TTG for me thus far. Minecraft fan or not(which I'm not).
Not only does this game not deserve any hate at all, but it's honestly one of the best Telltale games that has been made so far.
Take this from someone who will proudly admit I am NOT a fan of Minecraft itself. Like most, I tried it, had a short run of maybe a month on and off, and decided Minecraft was boring before refusing to touch it ever again.
Minecraft Storymode, however, adds LIFE into that otherwise boring world. The story is amazing. I disagree with everyone who has said that episode one and two weren't good. I thought they were among the strongest episodes of the series. If anything, 6, the episode with the White Pumpkin, was the only weak episode so far.
Also, I enjoyed this game far more than Telltales Game of Thrones. Just to give you guys an idea of what this means: I am literally the biggest fan you will ever meet of Game of Thrones/ASoIF. I have read the books 3 times, listened to the audiobooks twice, seen the ENTIRE SERIES(seasons 1-5, I've seen 6 twice so far) roughly about 9 times, read every piece of lore associated with the series, probably seen every cast interview, theory video, and reaction video on YouTube...
and yet... I'm willing to say that Minecraft: Storymode trumps Telltales Game of Thrones by epic proportions.
Anyone that "hates" on this game has honestly just never played it. I say that with confidence. Either that, or they're just incredibly cynical people who refuse to allow themselves to ATTEMPT to enjoy it because of their bias against Minecraft itself.
Either way, I'm willing to make a bullet list as to why I think this is one of the best games Telltale has made if anyone would like to request that... but you guys get the point.
This game deserves no hate at all. It's fantastic.
Edit: Just to list off a few comparisons, I thought this game was far better than: TWD Season 2 | TWD Michonne | TT'S Game of Thrones | Back to the Future | Jurassic Park
........ aaaand, just some side notes: While I consider TWAU and TftBL to be better games overall, each one of them had at least 2 weak episodes, while MCSM had only 1(so far), even though it's an 8 part series that we are 7 episodes through. I think MCSM is probably among the most consistently interesting games that has been released so far. The only game that is consistently better than MCSM, is TWD Season 1. TWAU and TftBL are only better by a marginal amount.
MCSM doesn't deserve the hate, especially that is aimed at the audience that is not yet interested in zombies or fantasy/sci-fi adventures. For a game based on minecraft, the graphics are good and the voice actors are good as well. The story itself is okay, and so is the portal adventure. Bugs are everywhere, even found in the perfect merchandise (to all twd fanboyz. Yes, with a z). It's not the worst game in the world (Phoenix Games takes the cake. Any game you thought it was crappy? Sorry, but its place is taken by the Pheonix), nor it will ever be Telltale's worst game. TT did a good job on every game, so only idiots would continue to complain. There is a difference between hate and dislike, ye know? :P
There's only one thing here that needs to be understood: this is not okay, and it needs to stop.
Thank you very much.
Wright Micah Super-Final Draft 17.5 Telltale Community
ok many people do not like others bumping thards that is 10 days old but i just say this today.
I knew I'm going to gat some hate for this but for people on steam fuck off, I am soo sack and tired of people complaining that telltale is being dishonest with them by not giving them the whole game. ok does anybody knew how telltale works.
you pay $5 per episode. so even if telltale did extended minecraft story mode for popularity it is $15 backs for 3. that is about 270 minutes of play time. so plase make negative reviews; I wont buy games unless I read it but stop complaining about dishonest telltale.
i do understand why soo mush hate. i have a agree that Minecraft can be fun for cesura playing. however some people tack this game. So serious. that they will tack they friends things. even work with the enamel. to attack they own friends. even some people are trolls targeting kids for sex purposes. i mean personally. Minecraft games are fun it's just i don't play it for those reasons.
now with Minecraft story mode. i like when you choose between boy or girl. that episode 2 has 2 completely different games which the person you choose, from episode 1. even also in episode 6 is amusing with all those you tubers. I never seen telltale did that before.
I don't thank this game is bad because my casinos; he is 8 and 12 are autistic. who are a big fin of telltale for they order games. that they both are not quite reader for games like the walking dead, I bought Minecraft story mode, at first they both did not like it, base on telltales new interactive layout i advised the 8 year old to play it again. and loves it he is now playing over 400 hours, compared to me 60 hours. i never seen ham play that mash sense psychonauts( made by double fine). his favorite episode is episode 2 and 6. so far.
From here On some walking dead talk
Even thew i let the 8 year old play' walking dead season 1, but that did not go soo well, he thought that the game is scary, and other game related glitches. I did some research and find the cause of it. so i made a special intel driver for ham that now the issel was resolved. He does still play the game sometimes. The 8 year old can't play episode 2 or 5 becouse i did some changes on my in making it impossible on steam.
Modes you can edit this out
when my casino was 11 years old of nortest that he was reading this fan-fiction named marcy. now for same reason of nortest that he grop the knife out of the kitchen and want upstairs that i thought was odd until 10 minutes later i read the fun fiction was about clementine and christa. more that i read i'v realized why he got the knife. i stop what i was doing run upstairs and tack the thing out of his hand and nortest he has 2 markings on his arm and the same angle discussed in the story. after what i. I had a series talk for about 2 hours. of what her has is that he can't feel different kinds of pain but it's not congenital analgesia, it is a different issue, i did ask one time but i don't remember it's name.
(This story is true above. I told it to make a point that some people are more influence of what he reads and hairs. even thaw he is a lot bitter now 2 years later. by going to a prevent school for special training. about people who can't feel pain and no it is not congenital analgesia. he lives with the rich family. I'm 19 years old, who visits the in-laws regally. who is the poor side of the family in foster care.)
back to mine craft story mode
That some people cannot heady the m games more so tune others. like the 5 year old and the 13 year old in my familly. needs a lot of support or supervision. and becouse of that. I'm happy that telltale is doing games like Minecraft story mode. even thew i have great respect for telltale. they are doing some greet games. they are making games that is to dark even releasing bugger games that has problems, even with dedicated graphics card. but seeing how the batman the telltales series was is flat out going to the the wrong directshen; i hope you go back of what you use to do is light hounded entreatment. that is fun, Still does has as good of a story tune any other game like tales from monkey island. that was made for the younger ages. and making less bugged games. now I will admire telltale for one thing thew, there did not realse the mac port for 3 weeks that was urgently to be realsed in the same week. thick god they waited. PS telltale games.
so yes Minecraft story mode has it's problems but it dissent have any exhume graphics language. except shot a few times in episode 1. and for people on complaining on steam. get a pair for once. ok sure it is not the wolf among us. and even gameover ent. admaded on one of his videos, that he was hoping for the new wolf among us for years but is lasing hope. That hope is greet but your be disappointed. I hope telltale in the future will have more games like minecraft story mode, that is more rated E games. like sesame street the telltale series.
one last update that I forget to say. I love Reuben the pig, he was the only animal I cared to protect like clementine. I hate pits for reasons, millions of them being killed every in the USA. ill give this game 9 out of 10. it was so sad that he died at the end. even trend playing. the nice play though but he still dies. PS telltale games, I love your company (just try to void screw ups in the future)
thank you from Wright Micah.
Nope, this is an amazing game. Just because it's Minecraft based doesn't make it any worse. I LOVE this game. The story is amazing!!!! People really NEED TO STOP judging a book or in this case a game by its cover. Yeah constructive criticism is fine but not biased unalderated hate. Who cares if it's Minecraft it's still great! I hate it on twitter when people comment saying "oh just release Twd or batman or blah or stop making so many mcsm episodes focus on twd etc." on ANY MC:SM post. It's stupid and frustrates me, they're so ignorant! I hate the blind hate of those who won't even grace their eyes and ears on the game, who won't look deep into the story or try it out because Minecraft. I love Minecraft and this game is awesome! And don't get me STARTED on those who complain about having to buy each episode or the season pass or adventure pass and give it a low rating just because they don't understand Telltale's marketing and how they sell stuff.
I do feel like Episode 1 was a bit rushed and there was little activity but from there the game is amazing! Just because you don't like Minecraft it doesn't mean others have to not like it too.