Your Thoughts On The Penguin's/Oswald Cobblepot's Reimagining?
Not sure what you regular comic readers think so I'd like to know your perspective to.
Batman: Arkham Night
Batman: The Telltale Series
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Not sure what you regular comic readers think so I'd like to know your perspective to.
Batman: Arkham Night
Batman: The Telltale Series
The best thing ever.
Prefer him looking like.a human and not a beach ball tbh
I have to say, he is so interesting in this game. I never thought much of the Penguin, but Telltale managed to make him interesting and threatening.
Definitely my favorite re-imagining of him. It shows that Telltale are really creating their own thing,
I loved it, Oz was one of my favorite things about the first episode, and he's in it for, what, 5 minutes. It's a great, more realistic interpretation, and I'm really interested to see where they go with this.
I love him, a lot better than a fat gnome with a monocle. In the other batman games I always saw penguin as an obstacle, just some guy who has some info you need, or he's blocking your path in some way, gotta go beat him up and get what you need.
I freaking love him. Favorite character of the game so far! Love the design, love the voice, love the personality. To be honest, I'm prepared to do whatever it takes to stay buddies with him in future episodes.
Here's a fun fact. Oz's voice actor was also Joker in LEGO Justice League: Gotham City Breakout, and Silico in the current Powerpuff Girls series.
I like the different take on all the characters so far. Harvey is built, Penguin is young and agile instead of small and fat.
It was like reading earth one where some character are drastically different and since this is story driven and not action adventure like arkham thats like a btas for adults, Though them being friends kinda reminded me of hush. I like them changing it up. I loved the arkham series but didn't want telltale just doing their version of it. Actually would have liked to see harvey not be so close to the comic. Though I do wonder if they will be able to give you choices where certain characters like harvey doesn't become evil if u choose right.
Just hope episode 2 will have more wolf type detective moments and that Oz's warning is something u can figure out like the murder in wolf.
It's a change for sure and one I like. But I get this feeling Cobblepots revolution will be his transformation into a more familar form. Maybe not this season but certainly in a second. He's almost too different right now, too "normal" to be at Bat villian. Let me clarify, I like his new look, but Penguins backstory is personal to the Waynes now. This added layer is double edged. It could bite TT in the butt later. Or it may turn out to be so popular the comics adopt it. Can't wait to see which!
one of the best parts of the game so far I hope they make him a monster heel this season
I await for more Oz fanart!
He doesn't walk like a penguin 0/10 smh.
Yeah I've always wondered how Penguin became Batman's second arch enemy by popular opinion. With this version, I could see it.
What an adorable asshole.
This new Penguin gets me more excited for the rest of the series because it proves Telltale are willing to do their own thing, and therefore players won't know exactly what to expect from the story, even if they're huge Batman fans.
I like him.
My only nitpick is I don't get why he has an English accent. I mean he is a childhood friend of Bruce which means he must of grown up in Gotham City which as we know is in New Jersey, USA so why would he have that accent? In the Arkham games it was okay because we can assume he did at least grow up in the UK since he is alot older than Bruce in the Arkham games they could not have been childhood friends.
@Lord_EAA pointed out that Oswald was jailed in Essex Prison Department. It can be seen during the profile that Bruce and Alfred looked at when they talked about him in the Batcave. From there we can assume that he has been in Essex for quite some times after his family's tragedy and he got his accent from there.
Essex is in England by the way.
Thank you for crediting me
Bro's for life!
I love it!
I love Telltale's version of him. I like the hard english gangster exterior with a controversial ambition to change things in good and negative ways. I find him one of the more interesting characters in the game because instead of being your generic fat man crime boss in a suit stereotype (original penguin, Kingpin etc) the game shows him in a more human~ ish light. Some one ordinary who owns nothing and is trying to make a name for himself. I do like the character more than the original concept of the character
I like Telltale's version a lot. I can take the thin thug looking version much more seriously than a fat slob in a suit. I am really looking forward to seeing how Telltale handles him throughout the rest of the season
It's interesting how Telltale's re-interpretation of the Penguin is (mostly) embraced, one suggestion about the Joker possibly being a woman is quickly shouted down...
I like this Penguin better than Danny De Vito, that's for sure. :V I hope he won't actually end up a bad guy this time around.
I'm actually hoping it'll depend on your choice, same for Harvey Dent.
Probably because the Joker is an overused character, it's time for other villains to get the spotlight.
I hope so too, but I have a feeling Penguin will wind up being an adversary regardless. I was looking at the description for episode two and it says "an old friend becomes a new adversary" which very much seems to be pointing at Oswald to me. He also looks like he's up to no good in the episode 3 photo. I'm hoping we'll be able to redeem him or something, if that's the case, though!
Great. I've never liked penguin but his TV version in the gotham tv show has become one of my favorite comic book villains.

Joker is fine the way he is imho
Ya know, he kinda gives off a Handsome Jack type of vibe in that art-style.
Oz could definitely be the new Jack, hopefully he just doesn't try to kill us. xp
I think people are pining to much for his redemption. I think he's one of those un-redeemable villains.
I think it's way too early in the game to call this version of the character un-redeemable, though.
It is. But my point stands. He really doesn't seem like a character that was made for redemption.
Not a full-on redemption, but a bittersweet one where he admits he did wrong before he dies perhaps, or something like that.
He isn't some fat guy with a top hat and a mobster, so you know, original.
I enjoyed him, so whatever they do with him, I hope it's fresh and good.
I hope he doesn't die. At the very least his fate should be choice.
Well, yeah, that was just an example
I like him too though, but sometimes death is the natural conclusion for a character's arc. Can't ofc say yet if that's the case with Oz.