Will Isa, Milo, Aiden, CassieRose, Harper, and the three Youtubers come back in the finale? THREAD

As I played through the episodes realized the characters at each ending either became friends with Jesse, or regretted trying to kill him/her. Could it be possible that everyone Jesse met will help aid him/her in the last journey against a deadly powerful foe that will require strength in numbers?

1.You end Milo and Isa's dispute of leadership, making them share power of ruling together. (Milsa romance? XD)
2. Aiden will never try to compete with Jesse again, and you can tell him to help the people of Sky City, also he said he'll become a writer.
3. You tell Stampy, Stacy, and Lizzie/Dan to share the flint and steel, and make their own order of the stone and will remember what you said, (Possible hint of returning?)
4. CassieRose was evil, being stuck in a world for years drove her BATSY coo-coo, but you can choose to feel sympathy for her and will remember what you told her, (Will she come back somehow to apologize and help?)
5. Harper wasn't crazy like Cassie was, she was isolated being all alone like Soren was, stuck in a lab, having to build talking machines to keep them company, you can have her come with your group to start a new life. (also I think Ivor took Harry's flower to give to her. Another romance. XD)

So what will these people do at the end? Is it something to do with Soren? Will he be evil, feeling tired of being a coward? Or will the Ender Dragon return to wreak havoc after being "blinked" out of The End to another world? Or a monster more huge and powerful?



  • edited August 2016

    I very much believe this.

    For number 4 it might also have something to do if you:

    A ) Helped dig CassieRose out of the sand
    B ) Gave her her Winslow.

    It would be great if they all came back.

    I think Soren is a builder, and has control of the Atlas. I'm guessing that the Ender Dragon will be a thing they'll have to defeat. Someone's probably going to die, knowing Telltale's tendency to end seasons in tears. Maybe it'll be Jesse's choice who lives, who dies, who tells your story. (I couldn't resist the reference, sorry) Hopefully there's going to be some romance; LONG LIVE JETRA AND LUKESSE! I don't know if Soren will be a coward or not, but maybe it'll depend on they way you've treated him in the pass.

  • Yeah! Cassie probably heard what you said when she was under the sand! Wow, I forgot about that scene. Also yeah, gave her the Winslow. And told her it didn't have to be like this.

  • I think Harper most definitely will be in Ep 8 since her presence is looked down upon in her world for PAMA.

    It's like Gale from Hunger Games all over again.

  • Dan/Lizzie: She's done terrible things, but no one deserves this!

    Yeah! Cassie probably heard what you said when she was under the sand! Wow, I forgot about that scene. Also yeah, gave her the Winslow. And told her it didn't have to be like this.

  • edited August 2016

    Thats true.

    fancies posted: »

    I think Harper most definitely will be in Ep 8 since her presence is looked down upon in her world for PAMA. It's like Gale from Hunger Games all over again.

  • I wonder if she heard them say that.

    Jessefan5 posted: »

    Dan/Lizzie: She's done terrible things, but no one deserves this!

  • Stampy: If only she just asked us for help... we could've avoided this whole thing.

    I wonder if she heard them say that.

  • Most likely not. I can only see Harper returning, the others are in a different world with no idea where Jesse and co. are.

  • Yes, I agree, I think we got a proper goodbye with the others. Besides Cassie, that is...

    Pipas posted: »

    Most likely not. I can only see Harper returning, the others are in a different world with no idea where Jesse and co. are.

  • If this were to happen it would depend on choices Here are the choices I think you would have to make for certain characters to come

    Isa/the founder: let her keep power
    Milo:let him keep power
    Milio and isa: let them share power
    Cassie rose: dig for her give her Winslow

    That's how I think it would happen if it happens.

  • I think theres a choice to say that to her at the end that it didn't have to end like this.

    Jessefan5 posted: »

    Stampy: If only she just asked us for help... we could've avoided this whole thing.

  • Isa cant be a builder cause she didn't know anything about the portal when you find it

  • Yes thats true, but why did her bookshelf contain a book on Endermen by Soren, and I wondered, why was the exit portal below ground? Was it perhaps buried with dirt blocks by someone so no one can find it?

    But heres a weird theory I just thought about...WHAT IF CassieRose, Milo, and Isa along with the next character for episode 8 are actually the next builders? It makes a little sense because Isa doesn't know about the portal network, what if the people you met are actually the "next generation" of Old Builders?

    Isa cant be a builder cause she didn't know anything about the portal when you find it

  • Bro that's to much people from the past in this episode that's TOO MUCH

  • I guess Aiden could be left out? He's starting a new life. XD

    Bro that's to much people from the past in this episode that's TOO MUCH

  • Maybe Milo or Reggie?

    Yes thats true, but why did her bookshelf contain a book on Endermen by Soren, and I wondered, why was the exit portal below ground? Was it

  • Huh, I thought of Milo having the talents of a skilled old builder, but Reggies a captain of the Founder's guard, I don't think he does any building.

    Maybe Milo or Reggie?

  • Yeah, but what about the exit portals? They are all still open when the group went through them, could there be a small montage of Jesse gathering the friends she met for an important mission or something? This actually reminds me of the episode 5 finale of Tales from the Borderlands, all the friends help, but you can only pick three to destroy the Traveler vault monster. So will they gather the friends or rivals for an epic clash against a creature, or villain?

    Pipas posted: »

    Most likely not. I can only see Harper returning, the others are in a different world with no idea where Jesse and co. are.

  • Jesse: (Chose, "Poor Cassie") Man, poor Cassie. She did some terrible things but no, one deserves to be trapped far from home...

    I think theres a choice to say that to her at the end that it didn't have to end like this.

  • Don't forget about Aiden! (The choice will likely be "[Take Aiden]")

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    If this were to happen it would depend on choices Here are the choices I think you would have to make for certain characters to come Isa/

  • All I want is for Aiden and his crew to show up in the last episode, they deserve to go home too. :'C

  • Maybe his books are going to start appearing in other worlds...

    I guess Aiden could be left out? He's starting a new life. XD

  • edited August 2016

    Is Aiden actually the narrator who tells the story of Jesse on "A Journey's End?" The narrator's subtitle text color is green.

    kmatie posted: »

    Maybe his books are going to start appearing in other worlds...

  • Yep, that one. I wonder how she survived, secret entrance perhaps?

    Jessefan5 posted: »

    Jesse: (Chose, "Poor Cassie") Man, poor Cassie. She did some terrible things but no, one deserves to be trapped far from home...

  • Maybe it was all 3 of those sentences.

    Yep, that one. I wonder how she survived, secret entrance perhaps?

  • I love how Cassie went from psycho to normal. Also felt regret of killing some of the characters.

    Jessefan5 posted: »

    Maybe it was all 3 of those sentences.

  • Makes me wonder if a beast was to appear in the finale, you make strategies for two teams, and you'll take members who you'll think will help the most. If so, I choose

    1. Isa, because the wiki says she knows martial arts, making her a powerful ally
    2. CassieRose, she has a thing for using Ender Pearls and makes traps
    3. Petra, she's good at fighting

    Lol, I realized I picked three skilled women. XD

    Jessefan5 posted: »

    Don't forget about Aiden! (The choice will likely be "[Take Aiden]")

  • I certainly want Milo and Isa in the finale.

  • Yeah, Isa knows martial arts, and uses dual-wielded swords.

    I certainly want Milo and Isa in the finale.

  • edited August 2016

    Its possibly gonna be an huge epic showdown, because Vahram Antonian, who directed the finale of TWAU, and also did alot of TTG's epic action scenes, is directing the finale for episode 8. This is gonna be awesome. :)

    All I want is for Aiden and his crew to show up in the last episode, they deserve to go home too. :'C

  • I want Isa, Cassie, and Harper, AND Soren to return because they might be Old Builders.

  • Hmm, I remember Harper said they have to gather the Old Builders at the end. For what reason, it probably involves the Atlas that will get them home.

    JimMate789 posted: »

    I want Isa, Cassie, and Harper, AND Soren to return because they might be Old Builders.

  • It did kinda reminded me of Gale. :O

    fancies posted: »

    I think Harper most definitely will be in Ep 8 since her presence is looked down upon in her world for PAMA. It's like Gale from Hunger Games all over again.

  • Probs. xD

    Its possibly gonna be an huge epic showdown, because Vahram Antonian, who directed the finale of TWAU, and also did alot of TTG's epic action scenes, is directing the finale for episode 8. This is gonna be awesome.

  • So @Cuwwa told everyone that the achievements came out for Ep. 8.


    I was looking at the names for the achievements and I thought they all had a similar theme: Games.

    "Let the Games Begin"
    "Playing for Keeps"
    "The Most Dangerous Game"
    "To the Victor Go the Spoils"

    A while back I remember some people talking about the Hunger Games Minecraft edition, so, maybe Ep. 8 will be a game of the Hunger Games. It would explain why they have Vahram Antonian direct the episode. They did a Skyblock thing Ep. 5, why not Minecraft Hunger Games?
    Maybe they'll also have Isa, CassieRose, and all those past people show up, and depending on how you've treated them, they'll be more or less inclined to kill you.

    Thoughts on this theory?

  • edited August 2016

    Thats true, they'll never forgot the moments Jesse spent with them in their worlds, I wonder if Vahram will have them add a storm during the final fight, just like episode 5, which had monsters everywhere, the thunderstorm, mobs, and the citizens of Sky City running for their lives like its the end of the world was a good combination of action, especially the showdown with Aiden. Will the finale have an epic full-fledged war against mobs running around destroying the arena they'll probably be in during a storm, and have Jesse trying to get the Atlas from a villain. I'm kinda obsessed with battles in thunderstorms, its so dramatic and epic. :)

    kmatie posted: »

    So @Cuwwa told everyone that the achievements came out for Ep. 8. https://steamdb.info/app/376870/stats/ I was looking at the names fo

  • Episode 5 ending was fantastic. One of my favorite episodes. Aiden is/was the best villain in my opinion, and the thunderstorm mixed with mobs mixed with utter chaos made everything better.

    Thats true, they'll never forgot the moments Jesse spent with them in their worlds, I wonder if Vahram will have them add a storm during the

  • What everyone keeps thinking about is Hunger Games when they see the achievement names. There are other games too.

    kmatie posted: »

    So @Cuwwa told everyone that the achievements came out for Ep. 8. https://steamdb.info/app/376870/stats/ I was looking at the names fo

  • edited August 2016

    What about that online Minecraft Battle Mode? Players grab certain items to battle their competitors, also remember the image where Jesse and Ivor are in the portal hallway, Jesse has the enchanted command block sword again, and Ivor is wearing his old armor he had on when he was with the Order, the only scene we see him wear it was in episode 1. Is the finale gonna have them use these items again for something huge? Ivor probably wants to impress Harper. :)

    JimMate789 posted: »

    What everyone keeps thinking about is Hunger Games when they see the achievement names. There are other games too.

  • I love epic episodes that make me want to replay them like episode 5, episode 8 will be the same.

    kmatie posted: »

    Episode 5 ending was fantastic. One of my favorite episodes. Aiden is/was the best villain in my opinion, and the thunderstorm mixed with mobs mixed with utter chaos made everything better.

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