Your favorite National Anthems of All Time
Well, the title says it all, it doesn't matter what era it comes from or if it's still used today, just pick the best of what you heard.
- Nazi Germany
- UK (God Save The Queen)
- USSR/Russia
- Kingdom of Egypt (Be safe, Egypt) [Old]
- Palestine [Before Israeli Invasion]
ِAlso, can we please not incorporate any political arguments here, this thread is solely about the music and nothing else, thank you.
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Oh, yes, let's not incorporate any political arguments.
My bloodthirsty Marseillaise.
I really like the anthems from Italia/UK/Russia too.
You saw it coming: why picking specially the nazi anthem instead of Deutschlandlied?
Well, you could call it occupation/invasion whatever you want, just don't argue about it here, please.
Well, I like the Nazi anthem more than the current one music-wise, but that doesn't mean I approve of the Nazis :P
This one is quite pretty
That's not my point at all. You're the one inciting the argument by saying "Israeli invasion". If you were trying to avoid an argument, you should've just written "Palestine", then.
It's a bit strange to ask for no political arguments and then putting a statement that can do nothing but incite one.
But I wanted to point out a specific point in time which is before the Jews came to Palestine and founded Israel which was in 1946, I'm not trying to appear as if I'm taking sides here even if I do myself.
I can understand that, but I still doubt saying "invasion" can stop arguments from occuring. Those are my 5 cents, anyway.
Anyway, even if I had to edit it, I can't. There's something wrong with the forum atm.
You're a Saint. Italy's national anthem is utterly amazing.
Top 6:
sighs I so hate The Star Spangle Banner. Out of all the songs they could of chosen it was the least suited. It was adopted in a Period when Americans became insanely flag happy. It was so bad people were put on trial for refusing to pledge to the flag, including one Presidential candidate. America the Beautiful or My Country Tis of Thee are vastly superior songs, vastly. I would vote in a heart beat to change and remove The Star Spangle Banner as our National Anthem... in a heart beat.
I am generally not a fan of patriotic hymns (especially my national anthem "Advance Australia Fair"). However, I do like these few as pieces of music in their own right.
Polish Anthem
German Anthem
Russian Anthem
Are my eyes deceiving me?
North Korea, East Germany, Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union? Fascist Italy? Why do I have the feeling people are trying to be as politically incorrect as possible?
Well, then I guess I might as well say this is mine:
Or maybe this one
I think it's because the bad guys always have the best music.. I guess ?!
I'm surprised @BigBlindMax hasn't appeared yet with his "Mother Russia" music all over the place. Where are you, comrade?
oh, didn't know fake anthems can be posted too, here is my submission then
even though I despise nazis and commies and my family fought against them both, I admit their anthems are good, even this fake one from RA3
and real anthems, my top 12, not in order
Republic of China












What fake ones mate?
New Russia
^ that
And style, if you look at the history those guys always had the best looking army, parades ect.
It's politically incorrect to enjoy music made in certain locations?
I heard it's politically incorrect to order your coffe black there days so I dare say yes
I guess I just exist to be politically incorrect since I enjoy all of the listed anthems and black coffee.
You and me both, mate you and me both...
I agree, excellent rythm and good lyrics, it catch the spirit of Italia perfectly in my opinion.
Btw they suffered some kind of violent seism today.
Count me in, fellas.
I'm glad to see so many Politicaly (IN)correct people...
How could I forget the most awesome anthem there is?!
It is a real anthem mate, the confederation between Donetsk People's Republic and Lugansk People's Republic is real and has a real anthem despite what the war criminals in Kiev and the west thinks.
The Bikini Bottom national anthem.
I salute you for calling Taiwan The Republic of China.
Oh that's right, I forgot politically incorrect is a trigger word. Then again so is 'trigger word.'
Maybe I shouldn't say politically incorrect. It's fine if you like music from certain locations, but I have the sneaking suspicion that part of this thread has become an 'edgier than thou' competition.
Donetsk People's Republic and Lugansk People's Republic aren't real.
Not one of the nations I am a citizen of recognizes them, not one of the organizations I or my nations are members of recognizes them, not one of my family members recognizes them, be they from Hungary, US, Germany, France, Slovakia, Austria, Canada, Romania or Crimea which is Ukraine.