Is the Leader of the Old Builders Evil?

When you think about Soren being an Old Builder of Worlds, would it be bad if the leader of their group is a "Destroyer of Worlds?" Like when Jesse met the members they all weren't so trusty to him/her. What if this so-called leader manipulated them to not trust each other, including Soren or anyone else, explains why he said in episode 3, "When you give you people what they want, they turn on you. They become resentful and show their TRUE colors." and also says that all of them turned on him, that could mean Soren and his old friends made the impossible objects for each other, and doesn't it seem strange that each of the characters are having "trust issues" with Jesse and are protective of their items.

  1. (I know she isn't an Old Builder but hey, you never know...) Isa and her citizens were isolated on a city in the sky and was manipulated by Aiden and didn't trust Jesse, and was very protective of Benedict and the "Eversource Crown."

  2. Cassie was isolated underneath her built mansion and never trusts anyone because someone who she was friends with betrayed her and got her trapped in the world with two moons, was very protective of hiding the fact that someone has the green Flint and Steel, and is fond of growing White Pumpkin heads which looks impossible to make.

  3. Harper was isolated underneath Crown Mesa, and didn't trust Jesse, thinking him/her and friends came to steal her "secrets", was protective of not only PAMA, but the Redstone Heart as well because its a power source.

  4. Soren was isolated in The End, and didn't trust Jesse when they met until you mention the Amulet and Gabriel, and was protective of his Super TNT because fear of being betrayed.

    So the leader told them they shouldn't trust Soren with the items he made for them, this man/woman is probably responsible for separating the Old Builders to different worlds. Will this person be the same and not trust you and protect his/her Atlas?



  • Oh, I should've thought of adding Milo except he doesn't have a Builder title name, nor an impossible object.

  • Isa built the whole island with just a little island, the eversource, and the tree she never cutted, so with just the spawners, and their drops, she might have awesome crafting skills, like soren, another old builder, and her ceation was awesome architecture, i dont know but ep. 8 its gonna be (like other eps), worth-to-buy

  • She's the ultimate Sky Blocker

    Isa built the whole island with just a little island, the eversource, and the tree she never cutted, so with just the spawners, and their dr

  • True, there has to be a reason why she has a book on habits of the Endermen by Soren, I don't think she has a spawn egg of Endermen because all they drop are ender pearls.

    Isa built the whole island with just a little island, the eversource, and the tree she never cutted, so with just the spawners, and their dr

  • Well, what if this person isn't evil per se, what if they are more manipulative or was using them like strings on a puppet. Maybe in Cassie's case if she's an old builder (she seems a bit young but who knows) maybe the leader went with her to that world and left her there. Maybe that could be who she was referring to about the one who back stabbed her. Maybe this leader used all of them to build stuff, made them turn or just mistrust each other. Maybe they're not evil at all maybe they're nice and not corrupt you never know.

  • All the members you've met were a little bad but we felt sympathy for them in the end, it has to be this leader's fault, was jealous of Soren which was probably the main cause, and misled the others to not trust him or each other.

    Saiyan_Wolf posted: »

    Well, what if this person isn't evil per se, what if they are more manipulative or was using them like strings on a puppet. Maybe in Cassie'

  • If Soren isn't the leader and if there is a different leader of the builders then maybe he chose to be the leader of the order because he thought he could become a better leader than the builders leader. So maybe he realized after the enderdragon incident that he was almost no better than the builders leader so that's why they split. He possibly thought that he was no good, isolating himself in the mountains and the end. Idk, just something I thought of since Soren seems so hard on himself. Happy when you say that they asked for him and not just his stuff. Maybe just maybe. Just trying to build off of the possibly evil/manipulative builder leader.

    All the members you've met were a little bad but we felt sympathy for them in the end, it has to be this leader's fault, was jealous of Soren which was probably the main cause, and misled the others to not trust him or each other.

  • The thought of a much bigger threat than Soren is cool, also they might as well make this finale a seriously intense one, it might have drama in it as well since we'll find out every detail about the "Ancient Group of Builders" and how they got separated just like the Order, you can tell how Ivor said the word, "Adventure?" with a question mark perhaps meaning this episode is going down a more serious and less funny path.

    Saiyan_Wolf posted: »

    If Soren isn't the leader and if there is a different leader of the builders then maybe he chose to be the leader of the order because he th

  • I doubt Soren is even a threat, I certainly hope not! I agree Ivor usually is like ADVENTURE! but this time he was like adventure?? So speculatory. I mean there are little clues to what episode 8 will be like. Even the Achievements aren't much. Sometimes the 'cheves don't correspond too much with the episode (the lever one in episode 1) sometimes they can be silly or a play on words. I hope it isn't hunger games. Though they may have to do something to get the atlas.

    The thought of a much bigger threat than Soren is cool, also they might as well make this finale a seriously intense one, it might have dram

  • My hopes is that this episode won't involve hunger game type fighting, I speculate that they'll have some sort of a battle/war against a villain we don't know yet (Possibly the Builder leader), remember in the Adventure pass image, Ivor is wearing his old blue/gold armor from the order without his helmet wielding a diamond sword with Jesse like they're ready for a fight. I think that Soren, Cassie, Isa and Harper possibly have a part to play in this showdown, the episode is being directed by Varahm, he directed the finale of TWAU with action scenes, so what could we possibly expect from this awesome director?

    Saiyan_Wolf posted: »

    I doubt Soren is even a threat, I certainly hope not! I agree Ivor usually is like ADVENTURE! but this time he was like adventure?? So specu

  • It could be a build off? I mean we've had competitions before, the grief off in the death bowl. I mean a build off possibly makes sense they're with a bunch of old builders. Who knows how the teams would be made. What if they have to do a build off to get the atlas. Who knows but it makes sense. Yeah, I'm pretty sure there will be action so it may not be a build off there could be a lot more fighting but why would they fight? Aren't they all friends? Maybe they have to fight the salty leader or so who loses and tries to fight Jesse because they won the build off? I dunno.

    My hopes is that this episode won't involve hunger game type fighting, I speculate that they'll have some sort of a battle/war against a vil

  • Might get mad that he/she lost to Jesse and immediately fights him/her instead of giving up the Atlas.

    Saiyan_Wolf posted: »

    It could be a build off? I mean we've had competitions before, the grief off in the death bowl. I mean a build off possibly makes sense they

  • That seems really plausable. Kind of like the fight with Aiden.

    Might get mad that he/she lost to Jesse and immediately fights him/her instead of giving up the Atlas.

  • Could be he/she would have a short temper.

    Saiyan_Wolf posted: »

    That seems really plausable. Kind of like the fight with Aiden.

  • Yes either a short fuse or that they're really a sore loser if it is some sort of games/competition.

    Could be he/she would have a short temper.

  • edited August 2016

    Like a rage quitter. It happens in Minecraft Battle Mode. XD

    Saiyan_Wolf posted: »

    Yes either a short fuse or that they're really a sore loser if it is some sort of games/competition.

  • Oh, forgot episode 5 was like Sky Block.

    kmatie posted: »

    She's the ultimate Sky Blocker

  • Hmm, well, I have to theorize something, we have to speculate things before they happen sometimes. Sure, I could be wrong but when we look back in the past episodes we hear key sentences that could connect to the bigger picture of the story.

    Who cares?

  • Isa I doubt is an old builder because once spotting the portal she has NO idea what it is. Cassie and Harper are the only ones that know about the portals, the portal keys, and the portal hallway. As for Soren, YES, his books are in every world meaning he has visited those worlds at some point in time. Lets remember a line he said upon meeting him "Once people get what they want from you, they turn on you." After meeting Cassie and Harper you can make MANY theories on this.

  • edited August 2016

    Also there could be a good reason why the leader has the Atlas, he/she uses it to take them to places they want to go, this is a silly theory but, what if he's/she's using the object to teleport to different worlds to steal loot and stuff? Consumed by greed of having so much treasure, he/she probably isolated himself/herself up with the Atlas along with his/her treasure when the Builders separated. I remember Harper said at the end of episode 7

    Harper : Uhhh...No. No, I don't have it. But, I know WHO does.

    Harper : Don't you worry! We'll just go right in, ask for the Atlas, and then you'll be home. No muss, no fuss...Easy.

    Then Petra was strangely skeptical of this and says

    Petra : Funny. Whenever someone says that my instincts start screaming "danger."

    Harper : In order to find the Atlas...we need to track down the rest of the "Old Builders."

    So they need to reassemble the group of Builders in order to find the Atlas and the leader. But I don't think he/she would be willing to give up his/her precious object if Jesse and the group just "ask" for the Atlas like Harper said. Gonna end up fighting a psycho Builder blinded by greed. I don't know, something like this could probably happen since we're gonna see another isolated ancient Builder that went coo coo in the head.

    Saiyan_Wolf posted: »

    That seems really plausable. Kind of like the fight with Aiden.

  • "ຕົວຈິງແລ້ວທ່ານ ບົວລະບັດ ພຽງພໍທີ່ຈະ ແປພາສາ ນີ້" answers all questions

    (you must translate it bc spoilers)

  • What could it mean? I wish I could decipher it.

    fancies posted: »

    "ຕົວຈິງແລ້ວທ່ານ ບົວລະບັດ ພຽງພໍທີ່ຈະ ແປພາສາ ນີ້" answers all questions (you must translate it bc spoilers)

  • copy, paste it in google search, add "in English" at the end

    bammmmmm, magic

    What could it mean? I wish I could decipher it.

  • What about the the Eversource? Ivor had knowledge in episode 5 and said that the Old Builders temple in the jungle could lead them one step closer to finding the Eversource. So did someone else make the crown and not Isa? (Soren perhaps?) Also its strange how Jesse has these items from each episode,

    1. The Eversource Crown
    2. The White Pumpkin hat
    3. Redstone Heart (Just to unlock Soren's secret door, could still be used since its a power source)
    Jenjamboree posted: »

    Isa I doubt is an old builder because once spotting the portal she has NO idea what it is. Cassie and Harper are the only ones that know ab

  • edited August 2016

    Omg, so simple. XD

    fancies posted: »

    copy, paste it in google search, add "in English" at the end bammmmmm, magic

  • Yes, it is curious how word about the eversouce got to an entirely different world, not to mention the fact that the sky island was pretty much isolated. Someone had to go there and then travel to another world to tell the tale.

    What about the the Eversource? Ivor had knowledge in episode 5 and said that the Old Builders temple in the jungle could lead them one step

  • Everyone who left a comment or looked at this thread including you. You can leave now.

    Who cares?

  • Also he finds it fascinating to watch Jesse craft things, he didn't know what an anvil was, heck, did he even know what a ladder was?

    Oh, I should've thought of adding Milo except he doesn't have a Builder title name, nor an impossible object.

  • Something doesn't quite add up, though . If Isa wasn't one of those Builders, then why does she even HAVE that crown? How else would she be able to create such a big city? Reginald said she helped in the construction of Sky City, and her name, think about it, "Keeper of the Eversource." Did someone give her the gold crown to use, maybe she also got help from this person while the city was in the making. I guess maybe she really isn't an Old Builder, but she could've been taught by one.

    So what IF the Old Builders use the Portal Network Hallway to jump from one world to next teaching regular folks to build architectural cities and buildings and mansions?
    I think this explain why there are so many worlds.

    Super1710 posted: »

    Yes, it is curious how word about the eversouce got to an entirely different world, not to mention the fact that the sky island was pretty much isolated. Someone had to go there and then travel to another world to tell the tale.

  • Nor building an Iron Golem.

    Super1710 posted: »

    Also he finds it fascinating to watch Jesse craft things, he didn't know what an anvil was, heck, did he even know what a ladder was?

  • Well she did have a major advantage over other sky blockers, she had the eversource.

    kmatie posted: »

    She's the ultimate Sky Blocker

  • edited August 2016

    Yes Isa could have previously met an old builder, which would explain how word got out about the Eversource. (And how they all still speak the exact same language as everyone else, but that's just cartoon logic.) I still believe Soren is related to Milo in some way, but we haven't actually seen any siblings to anyone in the MCSM universe. And Eric said that he doesn't believe that aging in the Minecraft universe works the same as real life. Although you can still breed animals and they age like you expect them to. Same goes for villagers. It's confusing to say the least.

    Something doesn't quite add up, though . If Isa wasn't one of those Builders, then why does she even HAVE that crown? How else would she be

  • Trophies.
    As they had done on their own world, they picked up lil souvenirs to remember those adventures.
    Also remember what Isa said if she hadn't FOUND the eversource ... This is quite vague. They eversource crown could have been left behind and she found it or it was given to her but question, how would she have known that it would need to be on a chicken? Where did the chicken come from? Skyblocks only give you, a tree, water, lava, and some food to grow/eat.
    On another not how about Cassie. Did Cassie Rose steal mob spawners? Cant make those. She might be in a world that is more related-able to our type of minecraft but i doubt she has the ability to go into create mode.

    What about the the Eversource? Ivor had knowledge in episode 5 and said that the Old Builders temple in the jungle could lead them one step

  • Makes sense, what if (now this may be a stretch?) Soren gave Isa the ever source or put it in plain sight? What if Soren visited the place (which would explain possibly why there is a portal to sky city there instead of that particular portal they found being an exit portal to the network). Like that could help explain why his book is there (what if that book was a present) with all of the legal documents in Isas bookcase.

    Super1710 posted: »

    Yes Isa could have previously met an old builder, which would explain how word got out about the Eversource. (And how they all still speak t

  • Well Harper also said that you don't need to go through another portal to find them which is weird. Of course it won't be easy, nothing is ever easy. The leaders greed could be why they split. What if they left Cassie stranded in that world and drove the others to different worlds. Harper did say that (if you keep her) the world with Crown Mesa in it wasn't her original world or isn't originally where she was from so, where was she from? Why was she there in the first place?

    Also there could be a good reason why the leader has the Atlas, he/she uses it to take them to places they want to go, this is a silly theor

  • Ooh maybe, just maybe she was trying to start a new life like Soren did, he made a fresh start when him and his new Order friends were just nobodies, Harper probably located herself to a Mesa biome with her little block robot PAMA before he was made into a huge machine. She made friends with redstone engineers like Harry, and had her good days until she used the Redstone Heart to make her invention big and made Redstone Chips to be put on mobs to farm, build, and mine.

    Saiyan_Wolf posted: »

    Well Harper also said that you don't need to go through another portal to find them which is weird. Of course it won't be easy, nothing is e

  • So Soren helped Isa, Cassie, and Harper and gave them impossible objects to build structures and other things, and gave them 3 books written by himself, heres another question, did he give them MORE books than that? I did see those other ones in episode 6.

    1. "Legend of the World Portals"
    2. "Basic Portal Theory"
    3. "Portals and You"

    Anyway each of their shelves contain lots of books, Cassie seemed to have the most and was probably involved in making the Portal Network since Harper said she helped build it.

    Saiyan_Wolf posted: »

    Makes sense, what if (now this may be a stretch?) Soren gave Isa the ever source or put it in plain sight? What if Soren visited the place (

  • Well impossible objects like Mob Spawners, Eversource Crown, Redstone Heart, and Redstone Chips, are what Old Builders make. Even Ellegaard said, "Impossible objects were Soren's specialty." So Cassie made the Zombie spawner above the surface to surround her mansion.

    Jenjamboree posted: »

    Trophies. As they had done on their own world, they picked up lil souvenirs to remember those adventures. Also remember what Isa said if

  • Riddle me this, if these theories are true and Soren is an old builder and he's helped people out that means Soren's been places. He's managed to keep ALL of this secret including being an OLD BUILDER. I just remembered something Ivor said. He said (if you pick the secrets option in ep 4) "Keeping secrets is easy." Soren then said "Believe you me". That takes that line to a while new level.

    So Soren helped Isa, Cassie, and Harper and gave them impossible objects to build structures and other things, and gave them 3 books written

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