The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • Hey, I didn't draw that; just calling it how I see it!

    shivers dude, you're truly scary sometimes.

  • Just lampshading the awkward contrast of Kenny telling Jane to just do nothing while he pushes her down--with something sticking out from betwix his nether regions....

    what? Dude, we have a comuncation problem here or someting...

  • It took me a solid 2 minutes to get this comment.

    I laughed at the cheeto dust on him.

  • Seconded!

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    Kenny's 'stach is clearly more powerful than Stalin's. Just look how it slopes down to the sides.

  • It was worth it.


    DabigRG posted: »

    It took me a solid 2 minutes to get this comment.

  • Since we want to turn this into another Kenny vs. Jane thread now, Kenny was absolutely justified in killing Jane. If Jane never hid the baby to pretend it was dead to begin with, the fight would've never happened. The whole reason she started the fight to begin with is so she could kill Kenny, meaning Kenny killed her in self-defense which in and of itself is justified, but also the only reason anyone knows that the baby is still alive is because they hear it crying after the fighting stops. If that never happened then Kenny and Clem would've assumed that the baby really was dead and moved on without him, meaning he actually would've died and Kenny wouldn't have killed Jane for no reason.

    I'm not saying Kenny was justified, only that Jane wasn't either.

  • i'm dead xD

    DabigRG posted: »

    Better or worse than "Kibbles and Bitches"?

  • How can a murder be justified? Even you're killing bitch... killing is bad. Jane didn't want to kill Kenny, she wanted Clem to see how dangerous he was, and both could have died in the fight. Killing isn't justified, no matter how much you like or hate a character.

    marccost3 posted: »

    Since we want to turn this into another Kenny vs. Jane thread now, Kenny was absolutely justified in killing Jane. If Jane never hid the bab

  • enter image description here

    marccost3 posted: »

    Since we want to turn this into another Kenny vs. Jane thread now, Kenny was absolutely justified in killing Jane. If Jane never hid the bab

  • edited August 2016

    How can a murder be justified? Even you're killing bitch... killing is bad. Jane didn't want to kill Kenny, she wanted Clem to see how dang

  • In Spanish the "j" is pronounced like the english "h".

  • In Spanish the "j" is pronounced like the english "h".

  • Jane didn't want to kill Kenny

    Yes she did. She knew Kenny wold react that way if she did that, that's why she did it. She even says during the fight she knew he would try to kill her.

    she wanted Clem to see how dangerous he was

    She wanted Clementine to herself, but couldn't kill Kenny outright because Clementine wouldn't have been okay with that. That's why she manipulated Clem, and that's why Clementine is angry with Jane when she finds out the baby is still alive if she lives, but is not angry with Kenny if he lives.

    Killing isn't justified

    Yeah, that's why you killed Kenny after he killed Jane right? You Kenny haters are the biggest hypocrites in the entire fandom. So if someone's trying to kill me, and the only way I can stop them is by killing them, I should just let them kill me? People like you make me wish the apocalypse would actually happen. That way you'd learn the hard way that sometimes you have to kill to protect yourself.

    How can a murder be justified? Even you're killing bitch... killing is bad. Jane didn't want to kill Kenny, she wanted Clem to see how dang

  • I have no argument so I'll post a meme image instead

    Your basic Kenny hater everyone.

  • Yes she did. She knew Kenny wold react that way if she did that, that's why she did it. She even says during the fight she knew he would try to kill her.

    She knew that Kenny would be infuriated and attempt to kill her. That is because she was showing Clementine—a person who the plot forces to stick with Kenny—how quickly the situation could go down were something to happen in the future involving her. None of what you said above shows that she wanted to kill Kenny.

    She wanted Clementine to herself, but couldn't kill Kenny outright because Clementine wouldn't have been okay with that. That's why she manipulated Clem, and that's why Clementine is angry with Jane when she finds out the baby is still alive if she lives, but is not angry with Kenny if he lives.

    Jane would not have put her knife away nor she would have given Kenny a chance to calm down if she was so desperate to kill him. Nothing in the game points in that direction, unless you can bring new evidence to the table.

    Yeah, that's why you killed Kenny after he killed Jane right? You Kenny haters are the biggest hypocrites in the entire fandom. So if someone's trying to kill me, and the only way I can stop them is by killing them, I should just let them kill me? People like you make me wish the apocalypse would actually happen. That way you'd learn the hard way that sometimes you have to kill to protect yourself.

    That logic can be applied in reverse. If somebody is trying to kill somebody else, and the only way you can stop them is by killing them, should you let them kill the person? You are the hypocrite up to this point.

    marccost3 posted: »

    Jane didn't want to kill Kenny Yes she did. She knew Kenny wold react that way if she did that, that's why she did it. She even says

  • None of what you said above shows that she wanted to kill Kenny.

    Kenny: "I'll fuckin' kill you!"
    Jane: "I knew you would!"

    If Jane lives when she's trying to convince Clementine to stay with her she says "I didn't think Kenny would go that far." Jane outright lied to you and you fell for it.

    Jane would not have put her knife away nor she would have given Kenny a chance to calm down if she was so desperate to kill him.

    If she didn't want to kill Kenny she would've told him that the baby was still alive after he took the first swing at her. All she had to do when Kenny attacked her was tell the truth. That's it, "point" proven. She put the knife away to 1. make Kenny look like the aggressor, and 2. to catch him off guard with it, which she actually does.

    If somebody is trying to kill somebody else, and the only way you can stop them is by killing them, should you let them kill the person?

    It depends on the person. By this logic, Clementine should've killed Lee when he got the upper hand on the stranger, but she didn't, she only kills the stranger if he gets the upper hand on Lee. Likewise, I'd kill a person I didn't even know if it was the only way to save a family member or close friend, but I wouldn't kill a family member or close friend to save somebody I didn't know, especially if I know that that particular person wouldn't do something like that unless there was a very good reason for it.

    Yes she did. She knew Kenny wold react that way if she did that, that's why she did it. She even says during the fight she knew he would try

  • edited August 2016

    Kenny: "I'll fuckin' kill you!"
    Jane: "I knew you would!"

    If Jane lives when she's trying to convince Clementine to stay with her she says "I didn't think Kenny would go that far." Jane outright lied to you and you fell for it.

    I hope you do realize that knowing that Kenny would attempt to kill her is not the same as wanting to kill Kenny. These two are not correlated, which doesn't mean that they are mutually exclusive, either. I am not sensing a relation, though.

    If she didn't want to kill Kenny she would've told him that the baby was still alive after he took the first swing at her. All she had to do when Kenny attacked her was tell the truth. That's it, "point" proven. She put the knife away to 1. make Kenny look like the aggressor, and 2. to catch him off guard with it, which she actually does.

    You have gotten me to understand and acquire this point, so now I do agree that it was foolish to drop the plan when it was the perfect instance to complete it by telling Kenny that AJ was safe and sound in one of those cars. Thank you, honestly. This is what I seek every day.

    However, I still do not think that Jane's intentions were to kill Kenny, given the multiple times that she prompted him to go away instead of actually killing him right there.

    It depends on the person. By this logic, Clementine should've killed Lee when he got the upper hand on the stranger, but she didn't, she only kills the stranger if he gets the upper hand on Lee. Likewise, I'd kill a person I didn't even know if it was the only way to save a family member or close friend, but I wouldn't kill a family member or close friend to save somebody I didn't know, especially if I know that that particular person wouldn't do something like that unless there was a very good reason for it.

    I did not agree with the thinking I presented above. I brought it into the conversation to see what you would say, because, ultimately, both scenarios—the one in which you're the victim and the one in which you're the expectator—hold the same moral value. Somebody dies no matter what you choose. In that sense, being in that position is a privilege, because you get to choose who lives and who dies without and others cannot accuse you of acting incorrectly. As you said, one would probably be inclined to save oneself, a relative or friend instead of a stranger.

    The paragraph above doesn't take into account lawfulness.

    Edited section
    Holy shit, we're in the Meme And Fun Thread?

    marccost3 posted: »

    None of what you said above shows that she wanted to kill Kenny. Kenny: "I'll fuckin' kill you!" Jane: "I knew you would!" If Ja

  • I found this while lookin for somethin
    enter image description here

  • edited August 2016

    How do you do fellow kids?

    I don't know how to make the image show up

  • It's a little awkward looking at this meme now considering that the actor had recently passed away...

  • A-IBRAHIM0702A-IBRAHIM0702 Banned
    edited August 2016

    Yep. Jane fans just like Jane don't care if a baby died. Thats why she shelters the baby from the blizzard inside a safe warm car and even opens the window just so that the baby does not suffocate to death. Seriously Jane, you're a terrible person.

    What you should'd done is march to Wellington armed with a baby through a walker infested blizzard. Kenny would've approved.

  • A-IBRAHIM0702A-IBRAHIM0702 Banned
    edited August 2016

    If Jane really wanted to shelter AJ she would have taken him into the building

    She didn't know where the rest stop was did she? And the line of sight was basically zero at that moment.

    That is a bit contradictory lol. How can a car be warm if the window is open in a blizzard? And how is AJ safe with the window open?

    Please rewatch the scene. The window was not all the way open just a little bit so that he does not suffocate to death. And it WAS safer than the walker infested blizzard going on outside.

    omg I never considered this before: what if Jane never planned on revealing AJ to Clem? And the only reason they found him was because he cried? Wouldn't be out of character

    What if Clementine lost AJ and Kenny killed her. Wouldn't be out of character.

    What ifs go both ways.

  • Why didn't she back to pick up AJ once she found the rest stop then?

    Cause she wanted to execute that stupid plan. Thats why.

    So what? Walkers would still be able to break in.

    But moving through a blizzard with a baby with zero line of sight and walkers everywhere is still dangerous.

    The difference between yours and mine is unrealistic and completely out of character, whereas there is quite a high chance that is what Jane was trying to do.

    I can say the same thing.

  • A-IBRAHIM0702A-IBRAHIM0702 Banned
    edited August 2016

    EXACTLY! She values proving a point over AJ's safety! Now I don't see her risking her life for him.

    She did make sure he was safe. And I don't see Kenny risking his life for AJ either. Last I saw, AJ was laying on the ground in the middle of a gunfight while Kenny was busy exchanging stray shots with Vitali instead of worrying about the safety of the baby or even Clementine. He even said "I will NOT let them touch the baby in the previous episode. But in the next episode we see his PROTECTION practically.

    Better than leaving a baby in a blizzard with walkers everywhere

    Its not.

    You could, but you'd be making a fool of yourself

    Just because your opinion doesn't line up with mine. Nice.

  • A-IBRAHIM0702A-IBRAHIM0702 Banned
    edited August 2016


    marccost3 posted: »

    I have no argument so I'll post a meme image instead Your basic Kenny hater everyone.

  • A-IBRAHIM0702A-IBRAHIM0702 Banned
    edited August 2016


    marccost3 posted: »

    I have no argument so I'll post a meme image instead Your basic Kenny hater everyone.

  • Your basic Kenny hater everyone.

    Your basic forum generalizator everyone.

    marccost3 posted: »

    I have no argument so I'll post a meme image instead Your basic Kenny hater everyone.

  • Edit: omg I never considered this before: what if Jane never planned on revealing AJ to Clem? And the only reason they found him was because he cried? Wouldn't be out of character

    I expected something more sensible than than this from you Daze, to be honest.

  • You said it wouldn't be out of character for Jane to leave with Clementine and abandon the baby for good.

  • Wasn't this a meme thread?

    You said it wouldn't be out of character for Jane to leave with Clementine and abandon the baby for good.

  • It used to be, but now it has taken an interesting turn.

    I_am_rambo posted: »

    Wasn't this a meme thread?

  • Haha shame this image couldn't be true in Glenn's case

  • edited August 2016

    Thats why she shelters the baby from the blizzard inside a safe warm car and even opens the window just so that the baby does not suffocate to death.

    Safe warm car? Now that is hilarious! Jane turned on the engine and got the fuckin heater going didn't she? And yeah she was soooo kind leaving the window open for him to breathe, but it's not as if there was a risk that a walker could get in and push the window through and get to AJ, i mean after all, Jane had a baby monitor and was keeping an eye on her right? It's not as if she left him alone or anything....oh

    Yep. Jane fans just like Jane don't care if a baby died. Thats why she shelters the baby from the blizzard inside a safe warm car and even o

  • And it WAS safer than the walker infested blizzard going on outside.

    What would have been safer is keeping the baby with her until reaching the rest stop which was more sheltered than a car, plus by not pulling the stunt she did would not have put anyone in danger.

    If Jane really wanted to shelter AJ she would have taken him into the building She didn't know where the rest stop was did she? And

  • I'm so glad this thread is still going after 2 years. Can't get enough of the memes and i can't wait to see new Season 3 memes

  • A general warning for all parties involved:

    Less Kenny vs Jane squabbling, more memes.

    You have warned, and you cannot be unwarned.

    Yeah, cuz leaving a crying baby alone inside a car in a zombie apocalipse just to prove a point and make a man mad is justified.

  • TWD season 1 + TWD season 2


    TWD season 3 confirmed

  • edited August 2016

    Oh wait, I mixed the threads up.

    Go on with your lives, people.

    A general warning for all parties involved: Less Kenny vs Jane squabbling, more memes. You have warned, and you cannot be unwarned.

  • enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    I apologize for the first one. That one post with Kenny and Jane and the uh... dagger triggered one of my flashbacks.

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