Episode 8 Waiting Thread -Out Now on PC/Mac, Xbox One/360, Mobile, PS3/4 NA&EU



  • Yeah, it's a great thread so many theories by some awesome people! Like PertraTheTrader and Super1710 as well. I also contributed to the mix. :)

    You should look at my thread "Is the leader of the Old Builders evil?" this person will possibly be far more worse than the foes he's/she's come across. Jesse VS. Leader of the Old Builders.

  • Yeah, I got rick-rolled

    I don't have to click on the link after seeing this face, thank goodness. If its inappropriate, I say "no way."

  • we want news now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • will the episode be rated by the UK too and other countries

  • edited August 2016

    Well since you added all those exclamation points they're clearly going to give out some news now.

    Jb211 posted: »

    we want news now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Our theories make sense sometimes because we replay the episodes and hear the character's sentence that could lead to a big reveal.

    Saiyan_Wolf posted: »

    Yeah, it's a great thread so many theories by some awesome people! Like PertraTheTrader and Super1710 as well. I also contributed to the mix.

  • I'm pretty sure they might but all that people really need is esrb,pegi,new zeland and Australia.

    vickytonner posted: »

    will the episode be rated by the UK too and other countries

  • Its just another rick roll? God thats so cheesy.

    Yeah, I got rick-rolled

  • The U.K.'s Rating Board only rates films , I don't know about any others.

    vickytonner posted: »

    will the episode be rated by the UK too and other countries

  • edited August 2016

    Patience is a virtue. I understand you want the news now, but TTG plans these things.

    Jb211 posted: »

    we want news now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • When did that occured?

    They got the episode when that bug to download ep8 occurred. The press copies should've been sent by now.

  • Yeah, and we try to analyze everything we can. :P Try to understand and find out the truth using what's been provided. Detective Jesse time! Haha XP.

    Our theories make sense sometimes because we replay the episodes and hear the character's sentence that could lead to a big reveal.

  • Roasted

    xfuriouss posted: »

    Excuse me?

  • Ok I'm expecting telltale to surprise us anytime now maybe for Hype it would be weird if they surprised us with news Monday and then said it would come out Tuesday (which is unlikely). I'm just saying telltale usually hypes finales so they could surprise us at anytime most likely.

  • Or maybe they'll build up the hype and drop the news the last time possible. You never can tell.

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    Ok I'm expecting telltale to surprise us anytime now maybe for Hype it would be weird if they surprised us with news Monday and then said it

  • Yeah, I don't want them to pull a Shadow of Israphel on us. (Any Yognaughts here would know) where they hype it up and never release the next episode, 4 years later...still waiting.
    Any who I know TTG will deliver, it's just it swings both ways. On one hand I can't wait! On the other I can because its the :'( end. But I don't want to wait like 4 years though and still no news. XD

    kmatie posted: »

    Or maybe they'll build up the hype and drop the news the last time possible. You never can tell.

  • I think we might get news tomorrow. we've gotten news on Wednesday before.

  • I can't wait to experience the finale. :)


  • edited August 2016

    They seem to fix some minor bugs now based on steamdb that only occur only on mac or pc.

    EDIT: Also today's Reuben va birthday. :>


  • edited August 2016

    Mmhmm, yes. Although I hope they manage to eliminate all the bugs. XD

    They seem to fix some minor bugs now based on steamdb that only occur only on mac or pc. EDIT: Also today's Reuben va birthday. :>

  • We should send him a pork chop sandwich as a birthday present!

    They seem to fix some minor bugs now based on steamdb that only occur only on mac or pc. EDIT: Also today's Reuben va birthday. :>

  • Happy Birthday to Reuben! Huzzah. ^-^

    We should send him a pork chop sandwich as a birthday present!

  • https://twitter.com/kenjisalk/status/771162127302205441

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Nathan posted a reply to that message.

    Rocked03 posted: »

    Cool! Hey, there was this reply: https://twitter.com/stirpicus/status/771168567366602752

  • Oh boy, we're probably in for some happy/sad emotions, thats the beauty of TTG, they love to add moments where we cry. Like, for example, the death of Lee Everett in the Walking Dead, couldn't stop crying and it broke my heart.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Nathan posted a reply to that message. https://twitter.com/kenjisalk/status/771214929693069312

  • I hope episode 8 is ten hours long beacuse i dont want minecraft storymode to come to and end i hope we get 3 more episodes like when episode 5 was ccouncened

  • That moment your heart is breaking from the long wait

  • Why have we not gotten any teasers we did for episode 6 and 7

  • "That last act" Someone's probably gonna kick the bucket....(I love that saying XD)

  • edited September 2016


    How could you say that?

    We should send him a pork chop sandwich as a birthday present!

  • WE WANT NEWS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry about this but i am getting bored ok

  • I hope that it's very good ending to a story, because in very hyped and I don't want to be disappointed.

  • my heart oˍO / sadness / happiness / or death

  • were is news we cant wait much longer weve been wating for about 2 mounths

  • So, news COULD be out today, but it's not a promise. It still has to be rated by Pegi, before date and trailer is released. Am I correct here?

  • Ok it's the 1st of September (for me at least and I think telltale) the episode is done people have played it so I guess we can expect anything at anytime now.

  • Not usually, I think there was an episode where PEGI rated it after the trailer release...

    So, news COULD be out today, but it's not a promise. It still has to be rated by Pegi, before date and trailer is released. Am I correct here?

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