The Vent/Help Thread



  • I explained my points way better when I responded to Tobi if you read above. My initial response to you about why this is bad was kind of badly described and not well explained at all, so I apologize for that. I also apologize for my response to your previous response because I was very rude.

    Because I don't think the big youtubers are going to stop posting videos on youtube. They are going to still be making good money, they are

  • There's no need for apologies, I didn't find your comments to be rude.

    I explained my points way better when I responded to Tobi if you read above. My initial response to you about why this is bad was kind of ba

  • I don't have internet for my ps4 or GTA yet. I just have internet stick for my laptop

    But around christmas I hopefully getting internet modem. I can just go online when visiting my mam when get holidays from college

    I get that. I just have some friends online so it's why I got PSN plus in the first place. Plus I hate to make waste of Overwatch. I already

  • You know the scene in The Walking Dead Season 1 where Lee just says "fuck it" and goes through the horde of the undead?

    I allegorically compare that scene to how my life is going right now. I'm trying so hard, damn it.

    I would NEVER kill myself for any reason, but giving up in life is super tempting sometimes.

    I've just gotta keep going.

    Gotta keep slashing my way through that horde...

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited September 2016

    Was thinking of posting this on the politics thread, but it offends me on a much more personal level.

    The companies building the Dakota Pipeline brought in mercenaries to attack peaceful protestors yesterday. Energy Transfer's armed thugs deployed pepper spray and fucking attack dogs against the crowd. Several people were bitten.

    Where is our breaking point, America? How many indignities must our countrymen face before we're willing to act? What will it take to elicit a reaction beyond "Tsk, what a shame. Those people should be more tightly regulated."?

    Also, why isn't this a news story? I guess indigenous protestors being attacked by modern-day Pinkertons just doesn't rate, compared to the latest mean thing that Trump said. Fucking disgraceful.

  • This is what happen when you give the right to companies to get armies.

    Can't they sue them against their striking rights? I know that in America you can sue anyone for anything, so that would be a shame if they can't.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Was thinking of posting this on the politics thread, but it offends me on a much more personal level. The companies building the Dako

  • I want money so I can waste it on frivolous shit I dont need but want!

  • Same though.

    I want money so I can waste it on frivolous shit I dont need but want!

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited September 2016

    Oh, I'm sure it will go to court, but it will probably be unresolved for years. The fact that they can use dogs is particularly insane.

    I wonder how those creeps playing corporate soldier can live with themselves.

    Euron posted: »

    This is what happen when you give the right to companies to get armies. Can't they sue them against their striking rights? I know that in America you can sue anyone for anything, so that would be a shame if they can't.

  • I wonder how those creeps playing corporate soldier can live with themselves.

    That's a riddle I have no answer so far

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Oh, I'm sure it will go to court, but it will probably be unresolved for years. The fact that they can use dogs is particularly insane. I wonder how those creeps playing corporate soldier can live with themselves.

  • edited September 2016

    Things are going from bad to worse i argued with my dad abot havin unlimited time online but he wont let he only allows me to go online for a few hours on my days off i only get one a week me im fed up with customers complaining about prices of things if you dont like it theres a shop a few metres away which is cheaper

    Also i actually would like to apologize for all the complaining its just i need somewhere to air my feelings and no one at home listens

  • i do this too

    I want money so I can waste it on frivolous shit I dont need but want!

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited September 2016

    I don't know, I read an article from the Associated Press that provided some more details. The sheriff indicated that the protestors came upon to private property and accosted the security with wooden posts and flag poles, and it wasn't peaceful. It also said, that 4 of the guards and two dogs were injured in it, in addition to the protestors injured.

    Just pointing out something. Not condoning or supporting anything. Seems the security did get out of hand with the dogs and stuff though, apparently a little kid got bit by a dog (although I must wonder why a little kid was there in the first place?).

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Was thinking of posting this on the politics thread, but it offends me on a much more personal level. The companies building the Dako

  • He has a point though, you have to set yourself a limit, unless you wanna teleport to 2D world forever (spoiler alert: not possible).

    Things are going from bad to worse i argued with my dad abot havin unlimited time online but he wont let he only allows me to go online for

  • they are slowly taking all those features away that made Youtube great in the first place. What am I supposed to watch now? Videos where youtubers are censoring themselves? cat videos can't satisfy me! :']

    YouTube's new guidelines have restricted strong language, offensive content (blood, gore) and suggestive (not actual content, but anything t

  • edited September 2016

    It's been getting a bit better since they fucked everyone over, but people are still losing monetization and their videos are being deleted.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    they are slowly taking all those features away that made Youtube great in the first place. What am I supposed to watch now? Videos where youtubers are censoring themselves? cat videos can't satisfy me! :']

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited September 2016

    Private property? Hardly. Unless they were on a home or ranch or something, that property belongs to the tribe that's maintained ownership over it and buried their dead there for generations. The US violated their treaties and indigenous property rights and it's criminal that construction is being carried out before the case has gone through the courts. That's not even going into how philosophically absurd it is that a corporation can claim private property rights on what amounts to a taxpayer-funded project.

    The sheriff indicated that the protestors came upon to private property and accosted the security with wooden posts and flag poles, and it wasn't peaceful.

    You are accosted by mercenaries with attack dogs. What do you do? a.) run away and let the bad guys ruin your sacred lands, b.) cry, c.) defend yourself. Look, we don't know who started the fighting, but it's pretty obvious that Private Army(TM) was there sent there to fight. Interesting how they were way more brutal then riot cops. I guess when one fights """ethical""" oil, one shouldn't expect any quarter.

    Seems the security did get out of hand with the dogs and stuff though, apparently a little kid got bit by a dog (although I must wonder why a little kid was there in the first place?).

    Maybe they weren't expecting the time warp to 1950 when siccing attack dogs on protestors was accept.

    No offense to you InGen, it just feels like examples of thuggery and cronyism don't come any more black and white than this.

    Associated Press

    Why am I not surprised?

    I don't know, I read an article from the Associated Press that provided some more details. The sheriff indicated that the protestors came up

  • Why am I not surprised?

    Well, at least it isn't totally be ignored. I get a lot of the stuff I read from the stuff MSN brings up, and the AP is often that.

    As I said, I don't condone what the guards did, and how the whole situation is. I merely wanted to throw in some more stuff to paint a fuller picture, so at least all the information could be taken in for a full consideration. I don't mean to come as aggressive or anything. I don't like the things the guards did.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Private property? Hardly. Unless they were on a home or ranch or something, that property belongs to the tribe that's maintained ownership

  • AP isn't too bad as far as sources go. but it's still a corporate source and should be taken with some salt.

    As I said, I don't condone what the guards did, and how the whole situation is. I merely wanted to throw in some more stuff to paint a fuller picture, so at least all the information could be taken in for a full consideration. I don't mean to come as aggressive or anything. I don't like the things the guards did.

    I get that, no hard feelings.

    Why am I not surprised? Well, at least it isn't totally be ignored. I get a lot of the stuff I read from the stuff MSN brings up, an

  • I'm really tired of having to download huge updates and some of them are really massive! so after downloading around two dozen (around 30GB!) big witcher 3 updates there are still many bugs in the game, instead of fixing the bugs these big updates add new ones! and also why are the updates in this generation so huge? why do they have to release unpolished games and fix the problems with huge ass updates? I bought a physical copy of Dying Light The Following Enhanced Edition (PS4) two months ago and I realized I had to download a 4GB update, Enhanced Edition my ass. I'm so fucking tired if all these 5GB+ day one patches, in some cases like Uncharted 4 it's justified but most of the time Devs do this to get their games out faster, Unfortunately where I live Internet ain't exactly cheap and these updates are fucking me up. Suppose in a year or two we have to update our lungs to be able to breathe!

  • edited September 2016

    Why is most of you know, I've been very insecure about a relationship that I've been in with this girl. And now looks like I may have fuck things up for good!

    Tonight went to a bar, we just we're hanging out a little bit, and she started talking to this guy that she had met there.

    And I made a horrible mistake of assuming that she was flirting with a guy, and then even worse calling her out on it when we left.

    Basically what I did is I questioned her loyalty, after she had opened up her entire world to me, which included meeting her daughter.

    The only thing I did not come up as frankly I was fucking insecure. However there was no excuse, and I apologize profusely for doing so and I felt so horrible for what I did, and I still do.

    But after doing what I did, I wouldn't blame her for cutting me off, and not just as a boyfriend, but just as a friend in general.

    (If a person question your loyalty, and you've given them absolutely no reason to do so, that tells you that there's something wrong with the relationship.

    As a matter of fact, it could very well mean that they are guilty of the very thing that they are accusing you of, and those projecting their feelings onto you.

    Funny thing about human psychology is that we tend to project our own negative qualities on to other people. So like for example if someone is a liar, he will start to think that everyone else around him is too.

    Or if someone is a thief, he will automatically assume that everyone else around him this automatically is as well.)

    Now, is that what she is going to do? Well frankly I don't know! But I am going to say that if she did, I wouldn't blame her.

    When you open up your whole world like that to somebody, including introducing them to your child, and then they turn around and questioned your loyalty like that, you have every right to say: "fuck you I'm done with you!"

    So let me put it to you, if somebody did that to you after you open up your entire world to them, would you drop them like they have the plague?

  • I was under the impression that there was a legal right to organize peaceful protests. I can understand light security to avoid violence, but attack dogs? That's over the top.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Was thinking of posting this on the politics thread, but it offends me on a much more personal level. The companies building the Dako

  • edited September 2016

    I actually used to have internet limitations too and it was horrible :D I only had 2 hours per day (I think it's not enough lol) and my computer used to be so slow that I had to waste at least half an hour to turn it on and finish loading all the pages ;D I remember how I had to plan ahead what I wanted
    to do online before actually getting an access to my computer. Oh those were the terrible times. Anyway, now I don't have any limitations but strangely enough I don't use computer that much on a daily basis :] But I know what you are going through and trust me, you will get your freedom. And it will feel so great ;D

    Things are going from bad to worse i argued with my dad abot havin unlimited time online but he wont let he only allows me to go online for

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited September 2016

    There is, but not on "private property". Yes, they have the gall to call it private property even though they're on native land and the freakin US Army is helping them with construction (and taxpayers are probably subsidizing it at every turn). Regardless, that makes it an act of civil disobedience rather than a lawful assembly.

    I'd definitely agree that it's over the top, outrageous even. Which is why I find it infuriating thst it's barely a news story. People have taken justice into their own hands and doxxed the mercenaries and the kennel where they got their dogs. I don't condone it, but I have no pity for them either.

    I was under the impression that there was a legal right to organize peaceful protests. I can understand light security to avoid violence, but attack dogs? That's over the top.

  • edited September 2016

    lol I have no idea but who cares at this point

    This will come off as smartass but I think it's the best idea to stop ''complaing'' about all these problems with your girlfriend on some internet forum. Ask her that question not random interent users, unless you find a really good site. I don't know anymore, you know you are insecure about stupid shit, but you don't sound like you have done anything about it. It's really not that complicated (personal experience).

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Why is most of you know, I've been very insecure about a relationship that I've been in with this girl. And now looks like I may have fuck t

  • Is simple, I realize that. I have absolutely no excuse for what I did. What I did was cruel!

    I must have hurt her so damn badly when I said that. And I don't blame her for being upset with me, because I know I would be upset.

    Wish to God I could take back what I did. The way I see things moving forward and I don't see her for giving me your really want have anything to do with me, and I don't blame her for that.

    I am garbage, and she does not need that in her life. And that is the way it is.

  • Aye I agree with @MariJaaNo7, just ask your gf. Talking to the person is a good resolve.

    Me and my ex talked to each other about insecure stuff etc. We may have broken up but talking made things way better, I may not talk to her all that much anymore but shes still a friend, If she said hey we'd still talk. And you may be over thinking it and things are cool. I mean i'm some dude on the internet so I can't overly understand your situation so just speak to her.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Why is most of you know, I've been very insecure about a relationship that I've been in with this girl. And now looks like I may have fuck t

  • While I do agree that it was wrong of you to question her loyalty I think that you're overreacting. Has she even shown any signs of being horribly offended? As Marija said, we're just random people behind computer screens browsing these forums out of boredom, you won't find much good help here I'm afraid.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Why is most of you know, I've been very insecure about a relationship that I've been in with this girl. And now looks like I may have fuck t

  • I used to have 2 hours now i get 5 hours on days im not at work which is about one day a week if im lucky but the wifi seems like a potato could do better speeds

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I actually used to have internet limitations too and it was horrible I only had 2 hours per day (I think it's not enough lol) and my comput

  • I've had the worst job interview/trial of my life today.

    Half an hour or more of door-to-door salesman just watching my 'tutor' doing all the work without involving me in the experience (while telling me if I had practiced the lines I'm meant to say to potential customers), and then I was taken to McDonald for a coffee break for some time without even doing that much work to begin with. Afterwards, I was forced to wait in the car for yet another half an hour or so until it was time to interview potential clients at their designated time slots, though I was only able to watch the interviews without being properly involved as part of the learning experience. And then it's back to the shops to buy some drinks, and then come back to finish off the interviews.

    The worst part of it all, the people who are trying to 'hire me' made no effort to converse with me unless I spoke up and asked what I was meant to do, and even then I wasn't even given any kind of work at all. I might as well not even be there, considering that the work experience had taught me absolutely nothing, and yet these people are supposedly hiring for more people to work for why even bother in the first place?

    Three and a half hours of just standing around, sitting around, and watching people doing the work I was meant to be doing as part of my program.

    Whew...I needed to vent a little.

  • Bummer. I thought you've might've upgraded. Well, let me know when you do. Then we can drive our clown cars and blow up hospitals. Hahahahahahahaha!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I don't have internet for my ps4 or GTA yet. I just have internet stick for my laptop But around christmas I hopefully getting internet modem. I can just go online when visiting my mam when get holidays from college

  • Here's the question I have; was it legally considered private property? I've got no clue how these sort of laws work in America. As for doxxing, I hate it just as much as I hate swatting. It's a shitty thing to do, especially when you hide behind a screen.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    There is, but not on "private property". Yes, they have the gall to call it private property even though they're on native land and the fre

  • Here's the question I have; was it legally considered private property? I've got no clue how these sort of laws work in America. As for doxxing, I hate it just as much as I hate swatting. It's a shitty thing to do, especially when you hide behind a screen.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    There is, but not on "private property". Yes, they have the gall to call it private property even though they're on native land and the fre

  • No she doesn't. But that is how I feel about myself, especially after I did what I did.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited September 2016

    As a matter of fact, it could very well mean that they are guilty of the very thing that they are accusing you of, and those projecting their feelings onto you.

    I think that fear of projection can also be applied to how you think she will leave you; you are afraid of people leaving and you messing things up, so you are projecting that fear of being left onto her by being afraid that people will leave you for one mistake, or showing any signs of vulnerability.

    When you open up your whole world like that to somebody, including introducing them to your child, and then they turn around and questioned your loyalty like that, you have every right to say: "fuck you I'm done with you!"

    At this point, it's really boiling down to this one thing: She has "opened your world" to you. Have you "opened your world" to her in return? Have you followed my previous advice of owning up to your emotional baggage with her, while explaining that you are working on improving it and trying to let more people into your life? If she trusts you enough to show you her family, shouldn't you trust her enough to own up to your baggage and explain that you are making the first steps at being better?

    Just... let me put it like this: remember a previous post I made where I warned that, if you don't say anything now, then you would put yourself in a position where she would misinterpret your reaction to something as you pushing her away and becoming distant/cold with her? Reread your latest post and think on that point I made.

    If you don't do something about it, you are just going to keep reacting in ways where she feels that you are pushing her away, and it's going to suck for you because you obviously want to be close to her. If you are in a relationship with her despite your trust issues and emotional baggage, that obviously means that you either found something in yourself or in her that inspired you to take that first step at being brave and letting her in. Either way, whether that drive comes from you or her - if you explain your situation and then after explain that you were brave enough to take that first step with her in spite of your emotional baggage (that you are working on being better with), I imagine that she would be touched by that.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Why is most of you know, I've been very insecure about a relationship that I've been in with this girl. And now looks like I may have fuck t

  • That's in the courts right now, as the Sioux are saying their claim to the land is a treaty violation.

    As for doxxing, I hate it just as much as I hate swatting. It's a shitty thing to do, especially when you hide behind a screen.

    True but so is attacking protestors with dogs and LL weapons.

    Here's the question I have; was it legally considered private property? I've got no clue how these sort of laws work in America. As for doxx

  • As an added bonus, it looks like the company bulldozed some burial sites.

    Euron posted: »

    I wonder how those creeps playing corporate soldier can live with themselves. That's a riddle I have no answer so far

  • I can't figure out how to edit my own OP and it's beginning to frustrate me.

    Also, college leveled Physics. I haven't been in the class for four days yet and I'm already terrified. I'm doing the work, but I worry that my teacher already hates me (didn't know he had an anti-gum policy, was late on the second day of school, was sick on the second day of school and basically fell asleep in class). As someone who is terrible with math, I'm still confused that I was recommended and accepted into college-based Physics, but I'll definitely try my hardest to succeed even if I'm screaming and ripping my hair out by the end.

  • Job interviews work both ways. They're evaluating you, but you're also evaluating them. Doesn't sound like a great place to work.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    I've had the worst job interview/trial of my life today. Half an hour or more of door-to-door salesman just watching my 'tutor' doing all

  • I know the feeling i go online and see the game i want to play has a 12 hour update my internet is too slow

    shayan80 posted: »

    I'm really tired of having to download huge updates and some of them are really massive! so after downloading around two dozen (around 30GB!

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