Explain your avatar
Mine is a...well...I think Rhys looks pretty cool in this one.
How about yours? Please, share!
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Mine is a...well...I think Rhys looks pretty cool in this one.
How about yours? Please, share!
It's handsome!
It's just "pixel-thing".
© Tobi-Is-A-Good-Boy , 2014
Currently mine is the prince of Gehenna, Son of Satan - Rin Okumura
But he's a nice guy
Zero, from Drakengard 3, looking happy about the idea of getting to kill one of her sisters.
It's Batman. I don't need to explain anything, because he's Batman.
Sometimes I feel like a insecure shy nerdy sad face photographer.
Fits the bill then
It's a nice pic of Tracer. The only pic I like going back to.
Killface from Friskey Dingo.
I can feel you looking into the depths of my soul. Violating it.
Thats the avatar I think of when I always saw you without it
Carley = favorite character + was orignally focused in journalism + kawaii.
Old thread
The cover for Metallica's upcoming album Hardwired...To Self Destruct.
Its uhh.. I think everyone knows what it is.
Well I'm really excited for Season 3 and it has my favorite TWD character in it (Clementine), So why not?
EDIT: This was for my old avatar.
Mine's Kazuichi Soda from Danganronpa 3 Despair Arc anime (there's also a Future Arc), which is a prequel anime to the game series, Danganronpa (if you ever plan to play this series don't ever look up individual characters, it'll spoil the Hell out of you, Heck don't even look up the game on anything other than Steam or Wikipedia to see if it interests you).
Anyway what's happening in the image is that he was when the game when the Ultimate Lucky Student who was previously losing suddenly rolled a miracle and drove him bankrupt, this is his shocked face.
Mine is Clem from The Walking Dead TellTale Game series.
You normies wouldn't understand.
Also, it sucks that avatars are so small since the update.
I love Carley, and your profile picture looks sweet and cute! : - D
My avatar is an Indiana Jones styled Sam from Sam & Max drawn by Steve Purcell.
Ah, that sucks. I thought I created something unique, but thanks for letting me know!
Your avatar looks great!
I agree, it's perfect!
Hopefully this will help you out:
Deformed Bat-Snow.
I wanted to know what I'd looked like with a glorious stache'.
The outcome? Sexy Af!
It has nothing to do with my username.
Mine is an apple and it symbolizes love but also violence and the summertime. Im too scared to change it as I forgot the password so im stuck with it.
No worries
It's a chicken. Hence the name. Well, also because I'm terrible at horror games, so terrified by the atmosphere and the jumpscares.
My avatar is taken from the cover of Bastille's new album "Wild World" which releases on September 9th. I chose this avatar as I needed a new one and am a hardcore Bastille fan who is looking for any way to celebrate.
Wounded soldier girl licking melted chocolate off her finger from a metal tin she took out of her pocket. What is there not to like?
Well, Ruby. Just

Its a shitty self portrait i did while i was partially high
It's some random old dude.
Eren Jaeger because I got addicted to Attack On Titan to the point where I began considering buying a body pillow, Collector's Blu-Ray sets for the accessories and a near-statue of one of the characters(I know x.x).
My Avatar is my favorite actor Bud Spencer (Carlo Pedersoli)
Weeaboo profile photo. xd I can't put TriHard as a profile photo so just go with it.
Captain Pronin superstar... Oh man, that silly theme song is now stuck in my head. I should go rewatch this kickass series.
Hahaha, glad you got out of it alive!
I adore AoT as well...