Describe Yourself in 3 Fictional Characters
This is a thing that is trending on Twitter but I thought it'd be fun to see what all you amazing people say about it.
These are the three fictional characters I describe myself as
Jk k here's my serious answer
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Okay the images aren't working properly don't know what's wrong. I'll try and fix later
If chi tight. Hugging.
-Ben Paul
-Scott Pilgrim
But just like Rhys and Scott I can be pretty awkward from time to time
Rhys (inwardly cool, but externally awkward), Clementine (responsible, mature for my age), and Kenny (often let my emotions get in the way and quick to anger, but care about others and would do anything to try and help the people closest to me).
Oh wait... I think I just picked 3 psychos.
Yeah, that's basically me.
Me in a nutshell :
(we both have disorders, and we're both really nice people)
(we're both nerds, and we love technology)
(we're both defiant till the bitter end when it comes to Telltale games)
-Chandler Bing
-Nostalgia Critic
-Howard Wollowitz
Gorden Freeman
Starfish alien from the movie "Home"
wasn't expecting the last one, made me laugh +1 for that.
Three characters? Ho boy.

Shaggy (+ Scooby Doo)
Ben (twdg)

And of course, our favorite Reuben! (too soon?)
hahahaha... oh dear (BUT NOT ON HIS LEVEL, dont judge). Ok judge, this was meant as a joke if anyone knows this guy, I swear
Cares for family and friends
Solo player
I swear wayyyy too much for it to be normal. Plus, Negan and I have a similar sense of humor.
I'm no serial killer, but the way Dexter reacts to awkward situations he has no control over mixed with the fact that he's constantly placed in scenarios where he's just so confused and can't say anything because he doesn't know how to react is ME TO A FUCKING TEE. See? I just fuck again. And again, fuck. WAIT SHIT, I'M SO FUCKING SORRY, I-
I'm Rick in the aspect of the changes I go through. When I was in high school, I started reading The Walking Dead comics, and couldn't put the book down because of how relatable of a character he was to me. Have I ever lived in a zombie apocalypse? No, but during those first two years of attending that school, I felt myself spiraling downward into a shitty person. Spiraling in the same patterns that Rick did while slowly losing it. I was slowly losing it, too. Just in a different aspect/situation. Things got better though, and I'm no psycho killer like Dexter, a maniac who kills people for their stuff like Negan, or a postapocalyptic warrior like Rick. I'm just a guy behind a screen that's venting a little too much.
-Dexter Morgan

-Titus pullo

-Shino Aburame

Yukari Akiyama: Because if I was next to a Panzer IV, I'd likely hug it as well. Yukari is a huge tank and history nut, so am I. I didn't even pick her, someone posted a page to a manga once, which introduced me to Girls und Panzer. I was talking all about tanks/planes, and they posted a page to a manga showing Yukari going bat flap crazy about the differences of tanks. LOL

Hans Landa: I doubt I can find someone who is a closer fit over all, though I doubt our moral compass line up very well. Like Landa, I can also tell when people are lying. He is weird, lets say, but everyone I know thinks I'm weird as well so. Liked his enjoyment of dairy foods which I also love, and his semi child at heart nature he had in the film fits well as well. lol

Yomiko Readman: Similar obsessive nature as Yukari but with books, but the only reason I really picked Readman is because she is the only character that I can think of her can hum/whistle Beethoven so, which has that similar obsessive nature as Yukari. I used to live across the street from a library I can promise not one history book was left unturned there. =D

I think you're like Sheska from FMA, who is obsessed by books. Loves learning all she can about everything - history included.
Well that makes two of us :P
Ya I kind of had to choose between Yomiko Readman and Sheska. In the end Yomiko won. FMA will always be better than FMA Brotherhood just because of Sheska. I honestly believe Sheska was just a rip off of Yomiko Readman though. Yomiko wins because Yomiko would jump off the Statue of Liberty to Rescue a Book in danger. I guess I could of Chose Maria from Harvest Moon 64. I also loved studying bugs as a child... oh heck I just love reading about everything that wasn't fiction as a child, I got into fiction when I got older. I can identify a random spider on the wall, but I still never read Lord of the Rings. Great right? lol

Ser Royland
Tate Langdon from American Horror
Dexter from Dexter
Brave, sassy and lazy?
[imagine the 3rd gif]
Merida(bold, stubborn, free-spirited, ungraceful, tomboyish)
Sasha(does not trust people easily, sassy, showing certain interest or even addiction to smth-for Sasha it's guns)
Umaru Doma(charismatic, humble, plays video games, watches anime, messy, childish, barely does household chores) I know why I don't have many friends xD
Mouth from the Goonies, Tim from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and Petra from Minecraft: Story Mode.
You sound like an interesting person!
Omg I lol'd(loled, lol'ed) at the first pic.
3rd GIF = Max Caulfield?
The only similarity between Max and me is that we're both too nosey lol. So kinda yeah!!
He is implying that he spends most of his day sitting on his rump scratching his hairy rear. =D
1.Ben Paul