Sleep Depriation from a Shadow
Hey everyone, please read this all before posting an answer if you have one, Ive been having problems sleeping the same that many other people surprisingly have been having, this isn't a crappypasta, it really is a phenomenon that people with sleep deprivation have been having. Apparently many people have been seeing this "shadow man" wearing a hat and no face standing at the end of their bed, "it" wakes them up in the middle of the night and when people stare at it, they are unable to move and are forced to stare at it for a long time until it disappears. When people see it, they are drained of energy from the shadow in the morning as apparently it comes when you are very fearful and it wants that. This is something adults have been seeing, not something a little kids brain makes them see. Its literally seen around the world in many different cases, Its called "hat man" by the people who see it (how original) but I guess it isnt much other than a shadow wearing a hat. Now it doenst matter if you believe in ghosts or not if this really is a demon, because this can be seen as either a "demon" or something that a sleep deprived brain makes up, because either one it is true and people have been seeing it, and it actually makes them unable to move. You can probably read more about it if you want to but thats it in a nutshell. Theres even a documentary about it. The real reason I posted this is because Im having the same problem ever since I heard of this, I keep waking up in the middle of the night and unable to fall asleep, I never had this issue before and Im unsure of whats waking me up. I get actually worried to look to see if I see this "shadow" because I dont want my "sleep deprived" brain to make me see it, if I did I probably have a scar of it for life. It seems like when people are totally sleep deprived they see this thing, which is what worries me because I am starting to get sleep deprived because of this, so its almost like Im "cursed" with it and starting to see this thing to, whether or not its real or something your brain tricks you with to make up for the sleep deprivation. Its very recurring and people say its not friendly mood and feel at all some saying they see it charge at them/touch them ect. The thing is that I see a few people say how after they hear, watch and learn things about "hat man" they start to see him, so it really is like something of a curse, something your brain trolls you with. Unfortunately when I woke up in the middle of the night, my tv actually was frozen on ofcourse a demon, not the hat man or anything but frozen on some kind of movie demon of whatever I left on last night. I mostly just stayed up for the rest of the night. I sleep with my box terrier and this stuff rarely bugs me especially if I have her but it really isnt helping this time. Im thinking about taking sleeping pills, but not strong ones for now, but I feel like I will still wake up at the same time which is usually 2 a.m. I feel like I will see this hat man if I keep getting sleep problems like this again whether if its real or my brain will just make me see it, its almost like a disorder if it does have to do with the brain and I dont want it. I feel like Im getting sleep paralysis and I really want to stop it, because I am waking up in the middle of the night and unable to go back to sleep, Ive never had this issue before. I need sleep for many reasons so this is serious for me and Im tired. Has anyone else heard of this, have any tips for sleep deprivation whether or not it has to do with this, one thing I dont want to do yet is tell anyone that I know irl about this as I just want to keep it between me and the internet for now before I accept this as a problem, so please no answers having to do with talking to someone yet.
Yes Im tired so I know I spelled deprivation wrong.
Sleep hallucinations and paralysis are not an uncommon thing. I've felt frozen, hallucinated giant insects on the ceiling and such before, too.
But while it's not a fully understood phenomenon, not for a second do I believe it's due to anything paranormal nor demonic. It's all in my head, even if it rattles me.
I try not to think too much of it after an episode. I just take it as a sign that stressors in my life are taking their toll, and I need to make efforts to reduce them. And to pay attention to sleep hygiene, e.g. no caffeine in the evenings, and no computer screens 30 minutes before bed kind of stuff.
I know you asked for answers not to include referrals, but if it is as severe for you as you say, then it may be worthwhile to see a sleep specialist if you can. I doubt random strangers on the Internet are qualified to give you adequate advice for what seems to be a problem affecting your quality of life.
I felt this kind of shadow when running in the morning, then going back to bed after a shower. It happened to me twice. It wasn't a gentleman though, cause it didn't have a hat.
Well, I would say you make yourself a problem:
Here you've got your answer. You worry way too much about a thing you don't want to happen (and still didn't happen, you never saw the shadow man). Just chill and think about good, reassuring stuff, like the company of your dog. Go to bed earlier if you're going to bed too late.
You "sound" young, sleep pills don't seem to me a solution.
The only solution I have is to advise you to see a doctor. That's the only way you'll get help with this.
I've always had problems with sleeping, myself, but I've never seen anything like this "Hat Man", but if this starts seriously becoming a problem, you should look into seeing a specialist or someone who could really help.
But fuck, that's some creepy shit...
Stop watching demon movies before bedtime.
Don't overthink it, If you think too much about something you're afraid of, you actually start hearing, feeling or seeing it. Around 5 months ago I started experiencing "Sleep paralysis", One time I stayed up late to study and I fell asleep on the couch but then something woke me up, I couldn't fully open my eyes (only halfway), I felt a ringing in my ears, my eyelids started twitching and I saw a strange black shape in front of me, It lasted for a few seconds and then it stopped and I got up. Another time I was half-asleep when I "felt" a tall dark figure standing right beside me calling my name and telling me to wake up, I opened my eyes and there was no one else in the room. The sleep paralysis happened to me a few more times (without hallucinations however), it wasn't really serious, it happened to me once every 1-2 weeks but suddenly it got worse, I started experiencing it almost every night, It was fucking horrible. Around 2 months ago I decided to stop sleeping on bed and sleep on the floor instead and it worked! It hasn't happened to me since then.
Sounds like ghosts
Shadow person: tips shadow fedora "M'lady/sir."
If it happens again tonight I will seek help.
yeah that may be the problem... but its halloween so most channels are halloween themed shit.. bad timing for this to happen
Thanks, and I know, I was just thinking that telling people about this would be accepting this as a problem and Im not really sure if it is yet, but if it happens again tonight I'll seek help, thanks anyways.
Alot of people have been saying its a worrying problem, thanks for tips. I hope your own hallucinations stay away.
that certainly would make the shadow less threatening..
Really? Seeing shadows is one thing, but having a shadow start talking to you, that's where I would really get creeped out. No matter how polite they may seem.
If the shadow where to tip its fedora I would probably befriend it. As this shadow obviously wouldnt do that and people who do see it have seen it charge, grab and stare at them for a an uncomfortable amount of time Im going to guess if this shadow was in any way real its not friendly what so ever so it is rather creepy
the people who see it say its not friendly so trust me, I wont trust "it"
that thing deserves to be exorcisted if its somehow real.
I had something similar when I was a teen. It sucked, big time. When I moved to an apartment it went away. However, when dealing with it as a teenager I would sleep the opposite way. Moved my head to the foot of the bed and my feet would be at the head of the bed. The bed was up against a wall, so when you get up, you'll be facing a wall and there's no way a person could stand there, Yay! Sometimes I also had a fan going to cover up noises, like the house creaking or people talking outside. Hopefully this helps.
the wall idea sounds good, thanks.
I used to have trouble sleeping and I always thought I heard someone or something breathing in my room it was creepy. I was then recommended to take melatonin it's a medicine that helps you sleep if you didn't know and I don't even need it I hope that helps.
It sounds like sleep paralysis. I have episodes of this myself. It's due to stress and not getting proper sleep. When it happens just calm down and remind yourself what it is. I heard that trying to move your toes can help you begin to move the rest of your body. I myself never tried it. What I do is just try to go back to sleep.
Knowing what it is, is your first defense of not being fearful. So I also recommend doing more research on sleep paralysis, it's very interesting. I hope this helps. I've suffered from sleep paralysis since I was 18 and I'm 25 now, so trust me when I tell you there's no shadow man. It just your brain still being in the midst of REM.
So do I. It's interesting to note that I only learned about the phenomenon last night!! I had no idea what it was when it happened to me. Another thing that might help is to only go to bed when you're really tired so you won't have time to think or worry about the shadow man.
I think I solved the problem, but thanks everyone who helped. I have a wolf hybrid dog and no fucker is getting past him since hes on my bed now, helped calm my head
i love how none of them got the joke
No I do.
I think you need to see a psychiatrist...
I seen more things when ive been sleep deprived then being on acid
Shadow people are a common thing to see when your sleep deprived but ive only seen them after about 72hrs and these hallucinations aren't like full detailed figures just shadowy human shaped blobs not scary just distracting its just as your eyes are closing you see a figur lurch across the room and then your wide awake again