I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere(Telltale on Mac)
This story says that Telltale is porting their titles to Mac.
The rundown:
-The titles will start coming out for Mac "in a few weeks", demonstration on February 11th at MacWorld Expo
-Buy the title once to get a license for both operating systems
-The games will be released in this order: Tales of Monkey Island will launch first, Sam & Max will launch in several weeks, and the others will be out in the next few months.
-No ports for Bone or Texas Hold 'Em
The rundown:
-The titles will start coming out for Mac "in a few weeks", demonstration on February 11th at MacWorld Expo
-Buy the title once to get a license for both operating systems
-The games will be released in this order: Tales of Monkey Island will launch first, Sam & Max will launch in several weeks, and the others will be out in the next few months.
-No ports for Bone or Texas Hold 'Em
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It confirms the rumors I’ve told about here… and it’s very great news
It will also let them think of adapting their licenses for the iPad (the thing you hate so much), almost painlessly. So much good things to come, I can’t wait
………or *nix developers
But with that post I post this warning:
I've known about this for a little under a month, and again: it's just rumor at this point.
Edit: Thank you so much TTG! I have been waiting for this since... well, since my Crossover Games trial expired.
that was already released by vanbrio in conjunction with ttg in 2005!
in fact i have the bone act 1: out of boneville demo on my mac right now.....
I agree! That's actually what I came here to see. I would like to have DVD's for my Mac and PC... I may even be willing to pay more for a second (Mac) DVD on games that I already have the PC disc for.
link to the article about the bone mac release.... still donno why it no longer is distributed
Sounds like they really...
*puts on sunglasses*
... got Boned.
Oh man, that was bad.
yeeeeeeeeeeah! :cool:
agreed. i'd definately pay at least shipping if not a few bucks for hybrid hardcopies with all the little extras for my collection
wootz! keep us posted
I can feel it, it's coming, after so many years of pain and frustration.
Dance, everybody, dance and sing praises!
*dances some more*
Sheesh, if there was ever a time someone should post up that dancing Guybrush/Winslow, that would be now.
I love you, TellTale.
It's running really well on my MacBook Air 2.13 GHz,
therefore I think it will perform amazing on beefier
iMacs or MacBook Pros.
Thanks again, Telltale Team, you're my heroes.
I've been waiting ages for your games coming to the Mac, having only played Bone: Out from Boneville back in 2006 (the Vanbrio release) and Sam & Max: Season One on the Wii.
And now, ladies and gentlemen – back to dancing!:guybrush:
We've got one of the larger current iMacs in the back of the office, and the game runs beautifully full screen at native res with all the settings turned up. Load times on new Macs is also refreshingly quick. Nice hardware
I’m so happy, it works so great
It's a native port of the engine, done internally by the same people who write the PC (and console) code. We're using OpenGL instead of Direct3D since its a Mac and not Windows, but its running on the same codebase natively without a Cider-style emulation or virtualization layer or anything like that.
Now that you have cross platform solutions for Audio and Video (FMOD and OpenGL) the gap towards a Linux version is a lot smaller. Do you think that could happen one day, even if it's just released as experimental?
That would be nice. It's not working for me with wine (although it sees other people have made it work). But it might be more work than it's worth I guess.
May I ask you another question ?
Now you’ve made this engine, do you plan to make systematically day-one PC & Mac versions of your upcoming titles ? Let’s say, a paah mad space gorilla-thingy game, for example… :P