My avatar is a character and antagonist called The Tom I made for the interactive fan-fiction on the GoT subforum called Forum of Thrones by @LiquidChicagoTed. The art itself was drawn by @WildlingKing.
It's from a mini-series called "Over the Garden Wall". I totally recommend it, it should be aired around this time of the year on Cartoon Network since it became an instant Halloween classic.
Greg, the smallest boy on this picture, just sang a song and is trying to make his brother Wirt and the blue bird Beatrice sing with him. He is pointing at Beatrice and telling her she will sing "the high part".
I love this cartoon, it is an absolute masterpiece, and I picked this particular scene because it is a cute group shot that doesn't give away any important spoilers. Because really, spoiling a beautiful piece of art like this cartoon should be a crime.
Mine currently is a fanart of Yato. The reasons I use this fanart as my avatar are: 1) I thought the fanart overall is pretty cute and 2) Yato is one if my favorite anime characters so far.
Mine currently is a fanart of Yato. The reasons I use this fanart as my avatar are: 1) I thought the fanart overall is pretty cute and 2) Yato is one if my favorite anime characters so far.
Root A goes a different way from the manga so you're not really spoiling. Alot of people complained. But I still love it despite it taking a different direction. End result is still the same. Season 3 can start the same was Tokyo Ghoul :re can. from volume 1.
Oh, thanks. I'll try to watch it, if I'll have time to do something other than studying. Kaneki joining Aogiri Tree will definietly be... interesting. Also, can't wait for :Re, I hope to see more of Touka. She doesn't really appear in the manga anymore. Kinda sad about that.
She'll be back. They're just focusing on different arcs atm. How can you leave this beautiful face out! XD haha
I just didnt let other peoples opinions shape how I viewed Root A. I watched it, and enjoyed it. Yeah it's different but it was a good watch none the less.
I just do this to people that keep shitting on it. Just dont talk about it then you idiots. Like clicking on the video about it just to go "It's trash." WHY'RE YOU SEARCHING IT THEN... XD
Oh, thanks. I'll try to watch it, if I'll have time to do something other than studying. Kaneki joining Aogiri Tree will definietly be... in… moreteresting. Also, can't wait for :Re, I hope to see more of Touka. She doesn't really appear in the manga anymore. Kinda sad about that.
Well - to put it simply - I took my two favourite characters (Gared Tuttle and Jacob Frye) and mashed their faces together, to see if it would create something horrifying. I think I succeed and so, I had to make it my avatar.
Exactly. I don't really rely on internet's opinion when it comes to that stuff. People are always getting salty, when anime differs from manga. (Black Butler Season 2 is a perfect example of that, it definietly isn't perfect, but it isn't as shitty, as internet makes it out to be.) Which can be understandable, but come on. Just because it's different, doesn't mean it sucks. Btw, that picture of Kaneki is amazing, I'm going to set it as my computer's background.
She'll be back. They're just focusing on different arcs atm. How can you leave this beautiful face out! XD haha
I just didnt let othe… morer peoples opinions shape how I viewed Root A. I watched it, and enjoyed it. Yeah it's different but it was a good watch none the less.
I just do this to people that keep shitting on it. Just dont talk about it then you idiots. Like clicking on the video about it just to go "It's trash." WHY'RE YOU SEARCHING IT THEN... XD
Travis Willingham has done fantastic job as the voice actor of Harvey Dent/Two Face in telltale's Batman series, and the character has risen to be among my favorites - not just on this game, but all telltale games. So, I thought I'd show my respect with the avatar
i like game of thrones: the telltale series because i thought telltale did something unique by showing the forrester house. and also Tuttle's my favoroute
It's a comical depiction of myself, which I've adapted for all my online stuff :P
Since his inception, he has gone through several different looks, the first being him wearing Zorro-gear, hence the mask
Once I decided to try out blogging/YouTubing, I updated him to have a Spiderman-hoodie, similar to one that I had in real life. However, I was a little bit afraid of copyright infringement if I used Spiderman-stuff (if I ever were to make it), so I updated him once again, this time wearing a Denmark-shirt that I also have IRL - To reinforce that he is actually an avatar of myself, I'm also wearing the DK-shirt in every video that I've made so far, it might be dumb, but I think it's somewhat funny x)
I'm pretty happy with how he turned out, as I think the depiction captures myself pretty well, and I enjoy drawing new pictures of him for various games that I play
Ok, i'm pretty sure I've posted on this thread before, but I kind of updated my avatar's looks so why not post a rundown on what I do. I've decided to edit how it looks based on a coming event, or something I am currently into. Previously, it's been normal; With a batman mask; With a witch's hat [Currently for halloween]. And soon, to celebrate the imminent release of TWD S3, it'll have a small capricorn logo on the side. My avatars aren't grandiose, (I use Microsoft paint to change it, so, super limited), but they're the best I can do and I'm fine with that.
I put this avatar because I love Telltales Bttf game and one of my fav people in that game is young Emmet Brown voiced by James Arnold Taylor he is one of me fav voice actors!
and plus who doesn't love Back to the future
If people know anything about me, they know I love tacos. Which my profile image has nothing to do with.
But Vanessa Hudgens and a taco have a lot in common. Both have some form of Mexican descent, both are great to look at, and I'd eat both without hesitation.
Beyond that, Vanessa was absolutely hilarious playing a sexually hedonistic violent psychopath with a love of sniffing gun muzzles and dressing scantly while murdering an entire gang.
It's Kel'Thuzad from WoW

It's Clementine from the awesome new screenshot for TWD S3.
And is the picture for the Sass Class.
One of the many Sunless Sea silhouettes. I like this one the most.
I found this picture of Clementine from episode 4 and thought it was a nice picture.
So it's now my avatar.
My current avatar is Charizard as a female warrior.
I found it on DeviantArt & it was done by DAV-19.
TG :re Touka - edit 26/10 changed to Juuzou
My avatar is a character and antagonist called The Tom I made for the interactive fan-fiction on the GoT subforum called Forum of Thrones by @LiquidChicagoTed. The art itself was drawn by @WildlingKing.
It's from a mini-series called "Over the Garden Wall". I totally recommend it, it should be aired around this time of the year on Cartoon Network since it became an instant Halloween classic.
Greg, the smallest boy on this picture, just sang a song and is trying to make his brother Wirt and the blue bird Beatrice sing with him. He is pointing at Beatrice and telling her she will sing "the high part".
I love this cartoon, it is an absolute masterpiece, and I picked this particular scene because it is a cute group shot that doesn't give away any important spoilers. Because really, spoiling a beautiful piece of art like this cartoon should be a crime.
It's from a game called Potatoman Seeks The Troof, where you... Well, play as a potato.
So basically on one of the levels this green alien I have as my avatar abducts you and sends you to a rock planet.
Yes, I know it's wierd.
she is the best mom
Mine currently is a fanart of Yato. The reasons I use this fanart as my avatar are: 1) I thought the fanart overall is pretty cute and 2) Yato is one if my favorite anime characters so far.
The Walking Bat - done in the 'Avatar request' thread, whose creator's name I can't remember right now - sorry and props to her/him.
Its base is the zombie model from the New Frontier teaser back in June.
He's great.
Juuzou is such a good character, I hope he will appear more in :re.
As do I. Depends how the anime wants to follow the manga. Due to Root A being completely different.

I've never actually watched Root A, because I wanted to read the manga after Season 1 without spoiling anything for myself. Is it good?
Root A goes a different way from the manga so you're not really spoiling. Alot of people complained. But I still love it despite it taking a different direction. End result is still the same. Season 3 can start the same was Tokyo Ghoul :re can. from volume 1.
Oh, thanks. I'll try to watch it, if I'll have time to do something other than studying. Kaneki joining Aogiri Tree will definietly be... interesting. Also, can't wait for :Re, I hope to see more of Touka. She doesn't really appear in the manga anymore. Kinda sad about that.
She'll be back. They're just focusing on different arcs atm. How can you leave this beautiful face out! XD haha
I just didnt let other peoples opinions shape how I viewed Root A. I watched it, and enjoyed it. Yeah it's different but it was a good watch none the less.
I just do this to people that keep shitting on it. Just dont talk about it then you idiots. Like clicking on the video about it just to go "It's trash." WHY'RE YOU SEARCHING IT THEN... XD

It's Neo, who is my favourite character from RWBY (which I recommend watching, it's really great).
Well - to put it simply - I took my two favourite characters (Gared Tuttle and Jacob Frye) and mashed their faces together, to see if it would create something horrifying. I think I succeed and so, I had to make it my avatar.
Exactly. I don't really rely on internet's opinion when it comes to that stuff. People are always getting salty, when anime differs from manga. (Black Butler Season 2 is a perfect example of that, it definietly isn't perfect, but it isn't as shitty, as internet makes it out to be.) Which can be understandable, but come on. Just because it's different, doesn't mean it sucks. Btw, that picture of Kaneki is amazing, I'm going to set it as my computer's background.
Travis Willingham has done fantastic job as the voice actor of Harvey Dent/Two Face in telltale's Batman series, and the character has risen to be among my favorites - not just on this game, but all telltale games. So, I thought I'd show my respect with the avatar
Its a little girl in a witch costume.
I did it for the spooks ok?
You can interpret mine in any way you want.
Oh oh, it's Alexander, right?
Edit: In case you all couldn't tell, I was just talking shit.
i like game of thrones: the telltale series because i thought telltale did something unique by showing the forrester house. and also Tuttle's my favoroute
The best way is to not.
It was time for a spooky avatar and Vicki is super spooky.
It's a comical depiction of myself, which I've adapted for all my online stuff :P
Since his inception, he has gone through several different looks, the first being him wearing Zorro-gear, hence the mask
Once I decided to try out blogging/YouTubing, I updated him to have a Spiderman-hoodie, similar to one that I had in real life. However, I was a little bit afraid of copyright infringement if I used Spiderman-stuff (if I ever were to make it), so I updated him once again, this time wearing a Denmark-shirt that I also have IRL - To reinforce that he is actually an avatar of myself, I'm also wearing the DK-shirt in every video that I've made so far, it might be dumb, but I think it's somewhat funny x)
I'm pretty happy with how he turned out, as I think the depiction captures myself pretty well, and I enjoy drawing new pictures of him for various games that I play
Ok, i'm pretty sure I've posted on this thread before, but I kind of updated my avatar's looks so why not post a rundown on what I do. I've decided to edit how it looks based on a coming event, or something I am currently into. Previously, it's been normal; With a batman mask; With a witch's hat [Currently for halloween]. And soon, to celebrate the imminent release of TWD S3, it'll have a small capricorn logo on the side. My avatars aren't grandiose, (I use Microsoft paint to change it, so, super limited), but they're the best I can do and I'm fine with that.
I'm Susie Derkins, a character from one of my favorite childhood comics.
Whoa. Too much Mafia 3 for you.
Haha, I haven't even played Mafia.
I put this avatar because I love Telltales Bttf game and one of my fav people in that game is young Emmet Brown voiced by James Arnold Taylor he is one of me fav voice actors!
and plus who doesn't love Back to the future
It's a picture of a hilarious sprite from a character in the upcoming game Danganronpa V3.
My newest PP is a lovable fucking loser with too much character development from a series I enjoy greatly.
If people know anything about me, they know I love tacos. Which my profile image has nothing to do with.
But Vanessa Hudgens and a taco have a lot in common. Both have some form of Mexican descent, both are great to look at, and I'd eat both without hesitation.
Beyond that, Vanessa was absolutely hilarious playing a sexually hedonistic violent psychopath with a love of sniffing gun muzzles and dressing scantly while murdering an entire gang.
Gajeel Redfox from Fairy Tail.