What is the one thing that irritates you more than anything?
Needy people! I don't mind helping people every now and again, and if it is someone I care about, I will always be there for them.
But when they are constantly in trouble, or need help, I start to get sick and tired of it after a while.
I'll help them, but I also expect them to help themselves. And if they are not willing to do that, then that makes them a burden.
And that is when I have to cut them loose. As much as I care about them, I have to also take care of myself. And I cannot take care of myself properly, and keep trying to take care of someone who wants to be dead weight.
As much as I care for them, if they are not willing to help themselves, and instead just want to whine and belly-ache about their problems instead of trying to fix them, then there is nothing I can do for them, and that's when they're on their own.
Those tiny little flies that get all up in yo business
I know right! Flies are disgusting. Blech
Hillary Clinton. She's about to make Trump lose the election.
I'm not sorry.
Wannabe gangsters, those are the kids who think they are "OG" and claim for bloods, crips, etc...but they really aren't part of any gang and only do it because they think the gang life is "cool" and don't realize what the gangster life is and are too stupid to realize how dangerous it is to start with that bs.
people who have never watched anime and say it either for kids or say its just porn ive got no problem with people who dont watch anime but actually watch it before making assumptions
Trump is most likely going to win at this point. Just be sure to do your part, and then sit back and relax.
TRUMP 2016!
Right now, people claiming that A New Frontier is delayed for no reason.
People who state their opinions as fact infuriate me to no end.
Hard for me to pick one, when there are many things that irritate me equally.
Alright I'll give you a pass... this time.
Good. Cause I won't. :^)
yo shut your mouth before I pop a cap in yo ass old man, I'm a real G don't mess with me yo
People who call others who disagree with them racist, homophobic, sexist etc. Just because they don't agree with their opinion.
People who CONSTANTLY ask me for the answers on assignments at school.
Hangovers are a fucking bitch.
I remember I once threw up around a dozen times within a span of maybe 6 hours.
How many drinks did you take to achieve this?
The Ad hominem Fallacy
I had around 5 shots, and a couple glasses of a mixed concoction made up of Fireball whiskey, Rumchata, and Tequila. Plus I had eaten a fish sandwich earlier.
Needless to say, I was out of commission for the entire day.
I agree. They claim to be tolerent, but apparently that tolerence ends with anyone who disagrees with their opinion.
I have seen people like that my whole life. And dealing with them is like pulling teeth.
That's a bitch!
I feel ya there.
Except for me, they ask me for literally everything. Food, a pencil, a piece of paper, etc.
When people tell me about something and then say "you wouldn't know"
Mostly on an emotional basis
Fan fiction oddly enough.
Second to that would be people drinking/smoking/vaping/doing drugs/etc. (fun fact when I was 6 or 7 I pointed at a man who was smoking and yelled out to my mom, "Look mommy, that man's killing himself.")
What irritates you about fan fiction?
people who say they will do one thing and don't and get mad at u when u call them on it
It's a FACT that your OPINION sucks
It's worse when you're completely fucked and your mate keeps handing you shots of rum. But in the morning I woke up and had a massive dominoes and got a 2 hour train journey back home. Was.... fun.
When employee's are work do half their job, and expect someone else to finish it. Then talk as if they're a hard worker. Just remember, when white trash rednecks call minorities lazy, just remember, white trash rednecks are just as lazy, to a degree that I find them unbearable.
I also find it irritating when anime fans do not reconize that very "FACT" that Girls und Panzer is the best anime production of all time. Yep.... definitely the best... no question... can not be denied. Irritating the amount of denial... grr. sarcasm
The word "Soon."
Pass on my condolences to your liver!
Only been seriously hungover (as in worse than just a morning headache) once,
I had to go to three classes that day. Never again.
Inability to express sound opinions, or otherwise the general rudeness of some select individuals. It's hard to pick one, especially when you factor in mosquitos.
I agree, that's the worst.
...I could go for a sandwich.