The Vent/Help Thread



  • Fucking hell, my car repair cost £450. Good job I work next door, managed to get a reasonable amount off. But still alot :/

  • Ordered a game a couple of days ago, yesterday a package arrives yay adressed to my neighbour 4 doors down boo boyfriend gave the neighbour their package, now im afraid the idiot postman delivered my game somewhere else and im never going to see it because it will be kept or sold >:(

  • You should be able to ask where it is, and make a complaint if they don't deliver it. Usually they must pay you the value of the package, so don't worry. (At least it's how it works here, but there are no reason it would not be the same in Britain)

    Ordered a game a couple of days ago, yesterday a package arrives yay adressed to my neighbour 4 doors down boo boyfriend gave the neighbour

  • You could buy my love respect and memories for money that's or sure.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Love, respect, memories. Plenty of things.

  • Everybody is invisible among crowds.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I missed out on a lot growing up. My family was not into holidays, and thus we never celebrated them, not even Christmas. My family was n

  • My condolences go to you and yours, Sloaning.

    Thoughts, prayers, and condolences, whatever the fuck you believe in would be appreciated. My father has been moved to hospice care and isn'

  • edited November 2016

    Would not being a Harley Quinn fan in general be acceptable, since at least my fanboyism isn't falsified? :P

    But yeah, it also gets on my grill when people suddenly enjoy something I've been a fan of for years- makes me feel like some kind of hipster, which irritates to think I've become one of the types of people who annoy for their inherent sense of cynicism. It's a depressing pride cycle I really need to break.

    Alright I usually don't rant or anything but what im about to talk about is the thing that turns me into SATAN! Fake Harley Quinn Fans! I

  • I mean, if they love Harley because of Suicide Squad then they're fans. That's like saying if you started liking Harley Quinn through the comics instead of the cartoons then you're not a real fan. Anyone can become a fan at any point. I jumped on the Harley train nearing the end of the Batman Animated Series but if people begin to like her now there's no harm in it. They're just late to the party.

    Alright I usually don't rant or anything but what im about to talk about is the thing that turns me into SATAN! Fake Harley Quinn Fans! I

  • I'm so sorry man, I hope you're doing okay.

    Thoughts, prayers, and condolences, whatever the fuck you believe in would be appreciated. My father has been moved to hospice care and isn'

  • Yeah, I don't much like social networks, either. Stuff like this I'm good with- people who have something inherently in common discussing interesting topics- but I could never get into most networks dedicated to being "social"- this especially being the case with Facebook, for some reason.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Yeah, feeling lonely and being away from people you always like communicating up close is a positive. I know there are things such as "Messenger" and "Facebook", but I absolutely despise them, so...

  • It's what makes them so dangerous. ;)

    Everybody is invisible among crowds.

  • edited November 2016

    ... Really? How much? $100? $200...?

    ... I'm just... kidding...

    You could buy my love respect and memories for money that's or sure.

  • edited November 2016

    I'm broke and taking care of my kid and his mother is selfish and has abandoned us to party every night and live like she didn't have a child. I don't have many friends and the few close friends that I have are too busy in their own blossoming lives to listen to my woes. I feel like my life is pretty fucked and I'm really depressed. Don't even know why I'm posting here. I guess I'm desperate.

  • I'm probably not the only one who has these problems but anyways so whenever I go on Youtube I see the most popular videos and I just think negative towards them and reject it. Same with doing college work. Second, whenever I see a Twitch stream or a Youtube video I kinda wish I could stream or make Youtube videos. I have s Twitch account and have streamed a couple of times but I'm not sure if it's the best (or any good). But I think my voice is ok. And trust me, my comments on these forums are sometimes different compared to the way I talk. Making videos is another thing. I feel like that I'm not person who should be making videos but I really want to. I also want to be artistic and creative. I wish I could sing, be an artist, or even an actor. I just feel like something is missing in my life. And I haven't found what it is.

  • I wish I could sing, be an artist, or even an actor.

    And you can still become those things.

    You just have to work towards it, it may take a while, but with enough hard work and determination, you'll get there.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    I'm probably not the only one who has these problems but anyways so whenever I go on Youtube I see the most popular videos and I just think

  • Sure I could use $100.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    ... Really? How much? $100? $200...? ... I'm just... kidding...

  • So I've been thinking a lot about my content. Thinking about rebranding or even giving up on YouTube, needless to say it's stressful. I'm not doing well at all mentally. In fact suicide is a high priority on my brain right now, and I need to change a lot of things. I'm growing up. I'm not gonna be 17 forever, soon all of my childlike wonder and fun, and my fascination with Let's Plays will fade, hell I already hate Christmas and my love for Halloween is fading. And honestly that fucking terrifies me.

    Because with age comes loss in my love for the simpler things, I become more serious, I've seen it happen to one of my closest friends, and eventually comes death. Yes I know I'm a long time away from that and I shouldn't be afraid of something so dumb, but I associate age with death. Be it my own or my loved ones. And I know deep down that after I die there's nothing, it's the end of consciousness. And it's honestly terrifying. And honestly, as selfish as it sounds, I want to leave my mark before I die or before I lose all interest in doing videos, and Let's Plays won't help that.

    I want to at least make a difference in someone's life or create something worthwhile before that I die or lose interest in making dumb fucking videos on YouTube. Something my kids can look at and say "Dad is so cool!" instead of "Wow dad this is kind of lame." And yes, I know it's ridiculous to look so far into the future, but it's going to happen, and my anxiety doesn't let me think about anything but that. If my kids look at dumbshit videos were I play video games and make stupid jokes, they won't think I'm great. Neither will my viewers.

    I don't know... I'll probably comment about this more when I get back from therapy...

  • Maybe mom will mature someday, or maybe not, but you're definitely not alone in the struggling single parent category. If your friends can't relate, you might want to look for a support group, so you can hash things out with people who can.

    I'm broke and taking care of my kid and his mother is selfish and has abandoned us to party every night and live like she didn't have a chil

  • edited November 2016

    Wonder never dies.

    You've been making a difference on these forums already, creating a strong impression whether you've noticed or not. Becoming cynical towards annual holidays tends to be altogether too easy to do, but it's not something to be terrified of- most people find themselves in that state at some point. Imagine what you could create when you come to realize that you see something about this world that no one else can see. Your children will notice, and want to understand more. They may not share your interests or opinions, but it's false to believe that your work will not fascinate them- whatever work you choose to pursue. They will study you, and whatever you do will cause them to want to learn. Even if they think that some of the stuff you do is silly, there's no more to be said for that than for any individual on the planet. Everyone's kind of dumb, when all is said and done.

    You have a destiny. That's not me spouting a compliment, nor would I even consider it some specific ideal, since the evidences that every human being holds within them the potential to pursue an incredible journey designed by the creator of every path towards an unimaginably remarkable yet almost tangible fate have told me more than the pessimistic views of "realists" ever will. The future may be something to be feared now, but there is something at work within you that will shape what you become- this being your own resolution. I know it likely means nothing, reading this from some random user sitting across the globe...

    But I believe in you. There's too much at stake for you to doubt yourself now. I'm sorry if this whole thing has been a little too philosophical, but I sincerely hope you feel better soon. Good luck.

    ~J. Pseudo Tohabath

    So I've been thinking a lot about my content. Thinking about rebranding or even giving up on YouTube, needless to say it's stressful. I'm no

  • edited November 2016

    If you are to see further ahead, it will be while you stand on the shoulders of giants. That said, whatever you're looking for, I'm pretty sure you're halfway to finding it- you already possess the desire or aptitude towards becoming a modern cultural force (evidenced by your interest in singing, drawing, acting, etc.), and as you search for outlets from which to increase your opportunities, circumstance will present you with what you need.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    I'm probably not the only one who has these problems but anyways so whenever I go on Youtube I see the most popular videos and I just think

  • Thanks man, I really appreciate your kind words and confidence towards me, it means a lot. But it's not enough to get me to stop thinking about this. I think I'll make some kind of decision about my thoughts soon, but for now they're just thoughts. Either way, I appreciate it.

    Tohabath posted: »

    Wonder never dies. You've been making a difference on these forums already, creating a strong impression whether you've noticed or not.

  • All this is right now is a changing period in your life. It's going to be hard to "grow up and get mature, be an adult, get a full life" except that's some of the horrible, impactful things that life does to you. And to be honest, even I hate it for that too.
    One day you realize what's coming up in your near or far future then Life comes and slams you into a brick wall, saying "if you want to get through, GIT GUD (or whatever life says these days..)" It really sucks, but you need to push through. If you think death is the inevitable end-game for us all, then do your best to get everything you need to do to get happy in life before you reach the bottom of that hill. Though try to do it in steps, break it up a bit and tackle it one by one.
    But you shouldn't leave us. You are changing people's lives by making videos and posting in places here. You are connecting your web of a life to others here and are making theirs better. When people see your stuff, they could see it as a sign that they're not alone, others share the same interests they do, they get inspired by people like you. Heck, I hold you in high regard in this forum because I've found ways of relating to you, having this virtual bond somehow, (though you may have a different view of me, and that's perfectly fine. We all percieve the world differently.)
    So don't give up on life or yourself. Hard times may be coming, and some may already be here, but you need to stop that moment from bringing you down, and rise above it. They're meant to catch you off guard, so be prepared, and greet it with a surprise of its own when it comes 'a knocking.
    Good luck.

    So I've been thinking a lot about my content. Thinking about rebranding or even giving up on YouTube, needless to say it's stressful. I'm no

  • Same day I want to dress for wedding. Same day while I won't married. What happened, he's go married another girl. While he's married another girl, I am very very sad. I can talk like God take my legs. How he's married a different lady, I no believe.

  • For a moment I thought you were @TheAutisticGamer...

    I am relieved.

    I'm broke and taking care of my kid and his mother is selfish and has abandoned us to party every night and live like she didn't have a chil

  • Wait what

    Same day I want to dress for wedding. Same day while I won't married. What happened, he's go married another girl. While he's married another girl, I am very very sad. I can talk like God take my legs. How he's married a different lady, I no believe.

  • Why are you relieved?

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    For a moment I thought you were @TheAutisticGamer... I am relieved.

  • Because, he doesn't have kids and isn't married, right @TheAutisticGamer?

    Why are you relieved?

  • Not married, she abandoned us.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Because, he doesn't have kids and isn't married, right @TheAutisticGamer?

  • Jesus that was inspirational.

    Tohabath posted: »

    Wonder never dies. You've been making a difference on these forums already, creating a strong impression whether you've noticed or not.

  • My apologies.

    Not married, she abandoned us.

  • Why did you think it was me?

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    For a moment I thought you were @TheAutisticGamer... I am relieved.

  • Sorry about that, man. It's gotta be rough for ya.

    I'm broke and taking care of my kid and his mother is selfish and has abandoned us to party every night and live like she didn't have a chil

  • In 3 hours of drawing/colouring on my tablet I already have hand cramps. -_- Sigh.

  • No.

    Why would I want to have something I don't deserve?

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Because, he doesn't have kids and isn't married, right @TheAutisticGamer?

  • You're using the same avatar.

    Why did you think it was me?

  • Oh. Haha, stupid me.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    You're using the same avatar.

  • That's not true.

    You deserve happiness as much as anyone else. (That is, if you want a family)

    And if it means anything, I think your a cool guy. And I see you as a friend, even if you don't see me as one.

    No. Why would I want to have something I don't deserve?

  • Yeah, I actually do want a family. :p

    And thanks. You're pretty kewl too.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    That's not true. You deserve happiness as much as anyone else. (That is, if you want a family) And if it means anything, I think your a cool guy. And I see you as a friend, even if you don't see me as one.

  • edited November 2016

    EDIT: Multi post.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    That's not true. You deserve happiness as much as anyone else. (That is, if you want a family) And if it means anything, I think your a cool guy. And I see you as a friend, even if you don't see me as one.

  • edited November 2016

    EDIT: Fucking double post.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    That's not true. You deserve happiness as much as anyone else. (That is, if you want a family) And if it means anything, I think your a cool guy. And I see you as a friend, even if you don't see me as one.

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