Nicky stood over and looked blankly at the walker trapped under a bookcase in the building beside the cafe, the retching sound was easily heard by Ruth. She rushed over with her shorty shotgun wielded. “Don’t just stand there, kill it” Ruth muttered and stomped on the head.
“Sorry I….I was miles away” Nicky sighed.
“You are still alive, make the best of it, I’m not going to drag you if you don’t want to, just so you know” Ruth said bluntly.
“I miss them so much” Nicky sighed painfully.
“You can choose to join them or just accept what happened and move on it sounds hard but there’s no other way” Ruth replied honestly.
“Have you found anything useful next door?” Nicky changed the subject.
“Actually I did got some food, water, scissors, a screwdriver, ammo” Ruth answered smiling.
“Sounds like quite a lot, who’d keep ammo in a cafe?” Nicky winced.
“I dunno maybe someone was hiding out there, I found a couple of bodies in the back” Ruth replied calmly.
“Were they dead or re-animated when you found them? seems kinda strange don’t you think?” Nicky continued to frown.
“Not really, somebody could’ve killed them or they just ended it themselves, whatever happened it’s over” Ruth muttered.
“Are we done here?” Nicky said reluctantly.
“Yeah, lets push forward” Ruth replied promptly. A walker decided to break the silence crawling from under a debris in the street “I’ll take care of it” Ruth gasped.
“So how far is this ‘friends’ place of yours?” Nicky frowned.
“It shouldn’t be far now, good thing I remember the address” Ruth chuckled briefly.
The two survivors walked through the empty town Ruth was starting to lose hope that she’ll ever find her friends, Nicky was too busy pondering about where does life go from here. Luckily it wasn’t cold yet, but the days were starting to get shorter. Ruth decided that it’d be best to rest up and move forward in the morning. They finally arrived at Ruth’s friend house, the front door creaked as she opened, the squeaking sound didn’t attract anyone or anything in the house. Ruth examined the place and discovered her friend might have left in a hurry “You think she made it?” Nicky asked anxiously.
“I have no idea, but the photos were taken… someone, maybe she evacuated like everybody else” Ruth picked up a frame which contained a college diploma.
“Was she a close friend?” Nicky asked softly.
“She was once” Ruth sighed.
“What happened?” Nicky asked curiously.
“We chose different colleges I went up North, Amy chose to stay here” Ruth smirked hopefully.
“Ruth look at this” Nicky called her over and handed a evacuation notice advising to travel to the nearest safe zone outside Atlanta. “I’m sorry” Nicky said as Ruth eagerly looked at the note.
“Why you sorry? this means she probably went there” Ruth winced.
“That quarantine zone was overrun” Nicky replied compassionately.
“How do you know that?” Ruth asked roughly.
“A few people from my group were there when it happened” Nicky stuttered and choked.
“But THEY made it out, maybe Amy did too!” Ruth responded coldly. Nicky stayed silent and walked to the other room. Ruth sniffed tearfully and climbed upstairs to Amy’s room. All she wanted to do and had the strength for was to lie down and cry, she came to terms that she was truly alone, the painful memory of losing everyone she loved has struck her. Nicky’s head was still throbbing and felt exhausted, she relaxed on the couch and quickly dozed off.
Ruth gasped while she awoke from another nightmare it was already dark and rain splattered against the window. She quickly sat up and rubbed her eyes before going to see what’s outside. She leaned her forehead against the cold glass there was something soothing about it. It was almost pitch dark, she snapped out her short trance and grabbed her gear. Nicky was still asleep on the couch and Ruth couldn’t shake the thought of Amy, Jacksonville or even the slightest idea where to head from here. Every story had the same ending the only difference was the location, every person Ruth tried to find or survive with ended up dead. She didn’t put too much hope into that second quarantine zone, Amy was most likely gone just like everyone else. Her body was still tired and it was best if she got more sleep before heading out.
It was a bright morning Ruth shortly realised she left her gear downstairs on the kitchen table, she later climbed down the stairs and caught a glimpse of the kitchen there was someone going through her things “The hell? HEY!” Ruth shouted. “Wha? Ruth!” Nicky grumbled as she woke up.
The woman briefly glanced and made a run for it with Ruth's backpack, Ruth went straight after her with Nicky behind. “Just give me my bag!” Ruth called out but the woman kept running. They pursued her through the narrow alleys of the neighbourhood, until a walker grabbed Nicky by the ankle and caused her trip and fell over a container. The walker later crawls on top of Nicky.
“Nicky?” Ruth stopped to look behind.
“Go! don’t let her get away!” Nicky gasped as she was struggling to fight off the walker. Ruth briefly glanced ahead at the running woman trying to climb over a fence and looked back at Nicky.
Nicky stood over and looked blankly at the walker trapped under a bookcase in the building beside the cafe, the retching sound was easily he… moreard by Ruth. She rushed over with her shorty shotgun wielded. “Don’t just stand there, kill it” Ruth muttered and stomped on the head.
“Sorry I….I was miles away” Nicky sighed.
“You are still alive, make the best of it, I’m not going to drag you if you don’t want to, just so you know” Ruth said bluntly.
“I miss them so much” Nicky sighed painfully.
“You can choose to join them or just accept what happened and move on it sounds hard but there’s no other way” Ruth replied honestly.
“Have you found anything useful next door?” Nicky changed the subject.
“Actually I did got some food, water, scissors, a screwdriver, ammo” Ruth answered smiling.
“Sounds like quite a lot, who’d keep ammo in a cafe?” Nicky winced.
“I dunno maybe someone was hiding out there, I found a couple of bodies in t… [view original content]
Violet_Ant summarized my own thoughts on this. Saving Nicky's life is far more important than some stupid backpack. I am a bit surprised Nicky is willing to basically sacrifice her life so that Ruth could get her stuff back. I knew she was in a bad condition, but I have not thought that she would be that suicidal. Poor girl
Nicky stood over and looked blankly at the walker trapped under a bookcase in the building beside the cafe, the retching sound was easily he… moreard by Ruth. She rushed over with her shorty shotgun wielded. “Don’t just stand there, kill it” Ruth muttered and stomped on the head.
“Sorry I….I was miles away” Nicky sighed.
“You are still alive, make the best of it, I’m not going to drag you if you don’t want to, just so you know” Ruth said bluntly.
“I miss them so much” Nicky sighed painfully.
“You can choose to join them or just accept what happened and move on it sounds hard but there’s no other way” Ruth replied honestly.
“Have you found anything useful next door?” Nicky changed the subject.
“Actually I did got some food, water, scissors, a screwdriver, ammo” Ruth answered smiling.
“Sounds like quite a lot, who’d keep ammo in a cafe?” Nicky winced.
“I dunno maybe someone was hiding out there, I found a couple of bodies in t… [view original content]
Nicky stood over and looked blankly at the walker trapped under a bookcase in the building beside the cafe, the retching sound was easily he… moreard by Ruth. She rushed over with her shorty shotgun wielded. “Don’t just stand there, kill it” Ruth muttered and stomped on the head.
“Sorry I….I was miles away” Nicky sighed.
“You are still alive, make the best of it, I’m not going to drag you if you don’t want to, just so you know” Ruth said bluntly.
“I miss them so much” Nicky sighed painfully.
“You can choose to join them or just accept what happened and move on it sounds hard but there’s no other way” Ruth replied honestly.
“Have you found anything useful next door?” Nicky changed the subject.
“Actually I did got some food, water, scissors, a screwdriver, ammo” Ruth answered smiling.
“Sounds like quite a lot, who’d keep ammo in a cafe?” Nicky winced.
“I dunno maybe someone was hiding out there, I found a couple of bodies in t… [view original content]
The walkers teeth snapped and clicked getting closer to Nickys face, she closed her eyes in front of the impending doom. The weight was jerked off of her, Ruth stomped as hard as she could repeatedly on the lurkers head. Both women panted heavily “Thanks” Nicky gasped.
Ruth turned back and saw the woman jump over the fence “There goes our food and my weapons” she said out of breath.
“Sorry Ruth, you should’ve gone after her” Nicky said softly.
“And what? let you die? couldn’t let that happen” Ruth tried to catch her breath.
“Still thanks” Nicky stuttered.
“We’ll get her, whoever she is, she couldn’t have gone far” Ruth slowly resumed.
“Over there!” Nicky pointed as she caught a glimpse of the stranger cutting the corner.
Ruth and Nicky stealthily tracked her down to one of the houses by the road, before entering the home the woman looked around to see if she weren’t followed and let her guard down thinking she was in the clear. “How do you want to play this?” Nicky asked worriedly.
“Lets get closer see if she’s alone and then we go in” Ruth said roughly.
“But she has your gun how do you know she ain’t gonna use?” Nicky stuttered nervously.
“One thing at a time” Ruth whispered while peaking through the window.
“See anything?” Nicky gasped.
“No, she must be upstairs” Ruth scanned the place hectically.
“What do we do now?” Nicky panted.
“I’m going in, you can stay here if you want” Ruth answered passively and slipped through the window. “Wait! it’s too quiet something is up” Nicky gasped and watched as Ruth grabbed what looked to be a letter opener from the desk and tried to sneak upstairs. Shortly Nicky forced herself to follow Ruth. The woman was heard whispering to someone benignly as if she was talking to a child. “You hear that?” Nicky hissed while Ruth only frowned in confusion as they continued to sneak up. The woman was crouching beside a young boy, he flinched upon noticing Ruth and Nicky “Angela” the boy stuttered. She turned and pointed a pistol at Ruth wearily “Please don’t hurt us, I’m sorry I stole your bag we needed the food” she said nervously.
“You could’ve asked first” Ruth replied coldly with her hands held up mid-air.
“Heh kindness nearly got me killed once, I could’ve, BACK OFF! I SWEAR I’LL SHOT” Angela yelled madly as she noticed Nicky advancing.
“Calm down, I’m sorry for what you went through, we can split the food, but I need my weapons back” Ruth tried to ease the situation.
“Just stay back!” Angela groaned. Ruth saw how her hands were shaking, maybe she was bluffing, there was little time to think and someone has to act fast.
[Threaten Angela and grab the pistol]
[Talk Angela down and make her lower the pistol]
[Retreat by taking a few steps back]
Back at the mansion Ian placed the candle by the window and waited for a response “C’mon c’mon” he grumbled to himself and the flashlight signalled him three final times. Ian waited, but nothing was happening maybe it was morse code, things went quiet he closed the window and checked again if the door was still locked “figures” he mumbled. There was nothing left do but to try and getting some sleep he reckoned, a long day was awaiting him. On the other side of the mansion Felicity stepped out of her room and quietly headed for the front gate where a while later Ivy showed up. “Did he see it? what did he do?” Felicity giggled.
“He lit up a candle that’s all” Ivy sounded disappointed while locking the gate.
“Oh…well that was boring I guess he won’t try to escape after all” Felicity moaned.
“I thought you wanted him to stay?” Ivy sniggered.
“I do, but I thought it’d be fun if he wanted to escape then we could catch him like a stray dog again” Felicity laughed softly.
“All in good time, he’ll be fed up with us by the end of the week just like mum and dad” Ivy groaned.
“Anyway how was it out there?” Felicity changed the subject.
“You will always find a creeper out there I tell you that” Ivy chuckled softly.
“How many?” Felicity asked anxiously.
“Relax I killed a few and diverted the rest it’s fine we’re cool” Ivy assured her confidently.
“Yeah you’re right creepers can’t climb walls right?” Felicity giggled.
“Right, I’d kill a dozen creepers for some hot chocolate” Ivy smirked.
The walkers teeth snapped and clicked getting closer to Nickys face, she closed her eyes in front of the impending doom. The weight was jerked off of her, Ruth stomped as hard as she could repeatedly on the lurkers head. Both women panted heavily “Thanks” Nicky gasped.
Ruth turned back and saw the woman jump over the fence “There goes our food and my weapons” she said out of breath.
“Sorry Ruth, you should’ve gone after her” Nicky said softly.
“And what? let you die? couldn’t let that happen” Ruth tried to catch her breath.
“Still thanks” Nicky stuttered.
“We’ll get her, whoever she is, she couldn’t have gone far” Ruth slowly resumed.
“Over there!” Nicky pointed as she caught a glimpse of the stranger cutting the corner.
Ruth and Nicky stealthily tracked her down to one of the houses by the road, before entering the home the woman looked around to see if she weren’t followed and let her guard down thinking she was in the clear. “How do you want to play this?” Nicky asked worriedly.
“Lets get closer see if she’s alone and then we go in” Ruth said roughly.
“But she has your gun how do you know she ain’t gonna use?” Nicky stuttered nervously.
“One thing at a time” Ruth whispered while peaking through the window.
“See anything?” Nicky gasped.
“No, she must be upstairs” Ruth scanned the place hectically.
“What do we do now?” Nicky panted.
“I’m going in, you can stay here if you want” Ruth answered passively and slipped through the window. “Wait! it’s too quiet something is up” Nicky gasped and watched as Ruth grabbed what looked to be a letter opener from the desk and tried to sneak upstairs. Shortly Nicky forced herself to follow Ruth. The woman was heard whispering to someone benignly as if she was talking to a child. “You hear that?” Nicky hissed while Ruth only frowned in confusion as they continued to sneak up. The woman was crouching beside a young boy, he flinched upon noticing Ruth and Nicky “Angela” the boy stuttered. She turned and pointed a pistol at Ruth wearily “Please don’t hurt us, I’m sorry I stole your bag we needed the food” she said nervously.
“You could’ve asked first” Ruth replied coldly with her hands held up mid-air.
“Heh kindness nearly got me killed once, I could’ve, BACK OFF! I SWEAR I’LL SHOT” Angela yelled madly as she noticed Nicky advancing.
“Calm down, I’m sorry for what you went through, we can split the food, but I need my weapons back” Ruth tried to ease the situation.
“Just stay back!” Angela groaned. Ruth saw how her hands were shaking, maybe she was bluffing, there was little time to think and someone has to act fast.
[Threaten Angela and grab the pistol]
[Talk Angela down and make her lower the pistol]
[Retreat by taking a few steps back]
Back at the mansion Ian placed the candle by the window and waited for a response “C’mon c’mon” he grumbled to himself and the flashlight signalled him three final times. Ian waited, but nothing was happening maybe it was morse code, things went quiet he closed the window and checked again if the door was still locked “figures” he mumbled. There was nothing left do but to try and getting some sleep he reckoned, a long day was awaiting him. On the other side of the mansion Felicity stepped out of her room and quietly headed for the front gate where a while later Ivy showed up. “Did he see it? what did he do?” Felicity giggled.
“He lit up a candle that’s all” Ivy sounded disappointed while locking the gate.
“Oh…well that was boring I guess he won’t try to escape after all” Felicity moaned.
“I thought you wanted him to stay?” Ivy sniggered.
“I do, but I thought it’d be fun if he wanted to escape then we could catch him like a stray dog again” Felicity laughed softly.
“All in good time, he’ll be fed up with us by the end of the week just like mum and dad” Ivy groaned.
“Anyway how was it out there?” Felicity changed the subject.
“You will always find a creeper out there I tell you that” Ivy chuckled softly.
“How many?” Felicity asked anxiously.
“Relax I killed a few and diverted the rest it’s fine we’re cool” Ivy assured her confidently.
“Yeah you’re right creepers can’t climb walls right?” Felicity giggled.
“Right, I’d kill a dozen creepers for some hot chocolate” Ivy smirked.
Sorry for missing the last voting, I had much to do in the last week! I also would have chosen to save Nicky, like the rest. And here I think it will be the best to talk Angela down. It sounds like the safest way.
The walkers teeth snapped and clicked getting closer to Nickys face, she closed her eyes in front of the impending doom. The weight was jerk… moreed off of her, Ruth stomped as hard as she could repeatedly on the lurkers head. Both women panted heavily “Thanks” Nicky gasped.
Ruth turned back and saw the woman jump over the fence “There goes our food and my weapons” she said out of breath.
“Sorry Ruth, you should’ve gone after her” Nicky said softly.
“And what? let you die? couldn’t let that happen” Ruth tried to catch her breath.
“Still thanks” Nicky stuttered.
“We’ll get her, whoever she is, she couldn’t have gone far” Ruth slowly resumed.
“Over there!” Nicky pointed as she caught a glimpse of the stranger cutting the corner.
Ruth and Nicky stealthily tracked her down to one of the houses by the road, before entering the home the woman looked around to see if she weren’t followed and let her guard down thinking she was in the … [view original content]
The walkers teeth snapped and clicked getting closer to Nickys face, she closed her eyes in front of the impending doom. The weight was jerk… moreed off of her, Ruth stomped as hard as she could repeatedly on the lurkers head. Both women panted heavily “Thanks” Nicky gasped.
Ruth turned back and saw the woman jump over the fence “There goes our food and my weapons” she said out of breath.
“Sorry Ruth, you should’ve gone after her” Nicky said softly.
“And what? let you die? couldn’t let that happen” Ruth tried to catch her breath.
“Still thanks” Nicky stuttered.
“We’ll get her, whoever she is, she couldn’t have gone far” Ruth slowly resumed.
“Over there!” Nicky pointed as she caught a glimpse of the stranger cutting the corner.
Ruth and Nicky stealthily tracked her down to one of the houses by the road, before entering the home the woman looked around to see if she weren’t followed and let her guard down thinking she was in the … [view original content]
The walkers teeth snapped and clicked getting closer to Nickys face, she closed her eyes in front of the impending doom. The weight was jerk… moreed off of her, Ruth stomped as hard as she could repeatedly on the lurkers head. Both women panted heavily “Thanks” Nicky gasped.
Ruth turned back and saw the woman jump over the fence “There goes our food and my weapons” she said out of breath.
“Sorry Ruth, you should’ve gone after her” Nicky said softly.
“And what? let you die? couldn’t let that happen” Ruth tried to catch her breath.
“Still thanks” Nicky stuttered.
“We’ll get her, whoever she is, she couldn’t have gone far” Ruth slowly resumed.
“Over there!” Nicky pointed as she caught a glimpse of the stranger cutting the corner.
Ruth and Nicky stealthily tracked her down to one of the houses by the road, before entering the home the woman looked around to see if she weren’t followed and let her guard down thinking she was in the … [view original content]
Huh, like Pipas I didn't get a notification either this time. Weird. But well, it's a good thing I regularly check the thread then, because I am dedicated to not miss a part
[Talk Angela down and make her lower the pistol]
I agree with janitor that this sounds like the safest choice. I mean, backing off would mean losing the backpack and that's not what I want. Similarly, Angela seems to be almost willing to give it up and I think all she needs is a little encouragement. Threatening her meanwhile sounds like the worst option here, because such a thing can easily go wrong and end with Angela shooting someone, either out of reflex, or out of nervousness. So... I hope I am not wrong, but the safe option would probably be talking.
And ah, I knew it with Ian! I freaking knew that this was only one of the creepy twins' mind games. Those bitches really need a good beating, but I am glad we apparently dodged a bullet for Ian here.
The walkers teeth snapped and clicked getting closer to Nickys face, she closed her eyes in front of the impending doom. The weight was jerk… moreed off of her, Ruth stomped as hard as she could repeatedly on the lurkers head. Both women panted heavily “Thanks” Nicky gasped.
Ruth turned back and saw the woman jump over the fence “There goes our food and my weapons” she said out of breath.
“Sorry Ruth, you should’ve gone after her” Nicky said softly.
“And what? let you die? couldn’t let that happen” Ruth tried to catch her breath.
“Still thanks” Nicky stuttered.
“We’ll get her, whoever she is, she couldn’t have gone far” Ruth slowly resumed.
“Over there!” Nicky pointed as she caught a glimpse of the stranger cutting the corner.
Ruth and Nicky stealthily tracked her down to one of the houses by the road, before entering the home the woman looked around to see if she weren’t followed and let her guard down thinking she was in the … [view original content]
“Please, lets all just catch a breather, we’re unarmed and not here to harm you all I came for is my stuff” Ruth approached Angela cautiously with her hands held up.
Angela’s hands trembled as Ruth slowly got closer and placed her hand on the slide of the gun and gently lowered it. “I-I’m sorry I took your bag…he was hungry I only wanted to take the food, but you came down and I panicked” Angela stuttered, Ruth glanced at her and the boy hiding behind her.
“Situations like that lead to people getting killed, my friend almost died chasing you, I get it things are worse than bad-“ Ruth said coldly.
“But luckily we’re all alive, hey there little fella what’s your name?” Nicky interrupted and crouched towards the kid.
The boy had a cute blue ball cap he smiled, but held onto Angela “Milo” he answered softly.
“That’s a nice name I’m-“ Nicky replied.
“I’m sorry for everything just take your things and leave us be” Angela snapped nervously and took a step back with Milo. Nicky flinched and stood behind her companion while Ruth approached her bag in silence and started dividing the food. Footsteps creaked on the wooden stairs behind her, she startled and aimed her shorty at the slowly approaching intruders. A young man in his twenties wearing a bright blue hoodie stealthily revealed himself alongside a teenage girl both pointing their pistols towards Ruth. “Evan!? put your guns away!” Angela intervened.
“Who are they?” Evan asked suspiciously.
“I’ll explain later please all of you put your guns down!” Angela demanded. They listened and lowered their weapons “Are you okay?” the teenage girl rushed to Milo. “So what’s going on here?” Evan inquired firmly.
“We had a misunderstanding” Angela replied hesitantly.
“About what?” Evan pressed.
“She stole my stuff and it’s good that no one got hurt” Ruth started dividing the food.
“Why would you put us in danger like that?! I told we’ll find something with Devanne, Milo could have died because of you” Evan responded aggressively.
“I know I know and I’m sorry!” Angela sobbed softly.
“So here we are, maybe it’d be nice if we finally introduced ourselves….I’m Nicky and she’s Ruth” She said awkwardly after a brief moment of silence.
“Evan, I believe you already met Angela and Milo and that’s his sister Devanne” He answered calmly.
“We better get going Nicky” Ruth said indifferently.
“Go where? I think it’s time we take a break” Nicky frowned and suggested. Ruth jerked her aside “We gotta go to Jacksonville, if there still is a safe zone down there then we have to go maybe they will have some answers about this outbreak” she whispered.
“We can still go, but with them too and they seem nice” Nicky hissed.
“We almost got killed if you haven’t forgotten!” Ruth hissed loudly even the others heard her and gave a short glance.
“But we’re okay right? look Ruth…..if we continue surviving like this on our own, one of us is going to die, to be frank I’ve come to terms that I most likely won’t make it down the line, we lost everyone that we cared about that’s what we have in common you and I, that’s why I want to help as many good people as I can, look at them they just want to survive, like us….there’s a safety in numbers right?” Nicky said thoughtfully.
Ruth glanced at the new group she didn’t really agree with everything her companion said. Maybe they were good people, but at this point she hardly knows them and there’s two sides to that coin about safety in numbers, her college friends turned on her and on themselves only to stay alive, perhaps now would be different depending on the circumstances. Ruth always had a strong fear of making wrong decisions, right now the most livid one was revisiting those first few weeks seeing how her friends dying one by one by walkers or ‘not-so-friendly’ fire. However not everything has to end that way, this was the time to prove it.
“You’re sure we can trust them even after the stunt Angela pulled?” Ruth sighed.
“They got kids to look out for, I would’ve done the same thing honestly” Nicky tried to persuade her.
For the record, this time I got a notification again
[Stay with the new group]
The thing is, where would she even go? Nicky seems eager to stay, so it is possible that Ruth would leave all on her own. That in turn could lead to all kinds of problems, because a lone wolf sooner or later runs into a deadly situation, whereas a group can provide at least some protection. I just hope that these people can be trusted, but ultimately, I think this is worth the try. Im going to eat my hat if I'm spectacularly wrong here, but still, I want to try it.
“Please, lets all just catch a breather, we’re unarmed and not here to harm you all I came for is my stuff” Ruth approached Angela cautiousl… morey with her hands held up.
Angela’s hands trembled as Ruth slowly got closer and placed her hand on the slide of the gun and gently lowered it. “I-I’m sorry I took your bag…he was hungry I only wanted to take the food, but you came down and I panicked” Angela stuttered, Ruth glanced at her and the boy hiding behind her.
“Situations like that lead to people getting killed, my friend almost died chasing you, I get it things are worse than bad-“ Ruth said coldly.
“But luckily we’re all alive, hey there little fella what’s your name?” Nicky interrupted and crouched towards the kid.
The boy had a cute blue ball cap he smiled, but held onto Angela “Milo” he answered softly.
“That’s a nice name I’m-“ Nicky replied.
“I’m sorry for everything just take your things and leave us be” Angela snapped n… [view original content]
“Please, lets all just catch a breather, we’re unarmed and not here to harm you all I came for is my stuff” Ruth approached Angela cautiousl… morey with her hands held up.
Angela’s hands trembled as Ruth slowly got closer and placed her hand on the slide of the gun and gently lowered it. “I-I’m sorry I took your bag…he was hungry I only wanted to take the food, but you came down and I panicked” Angela stuttered, Ruth glanced at her and the boy hiding behind her.
“Situations like that lead to people getting killed, my friend almost died chasing you, I get it things are worse than bad-“ Ruth said coldly.
“But luckily we’re all alive, hey there little fella what’s your name?” Nicky interrupted and crouched towards the kid.
The boy had a cute blue ball cap he smiled, but held onto Angela “Milo” he answered softly.
“That’s a nice name I’m-“ Nicky replied.
“I’m sorry for everything just take your things and leave us be” Angela snapped n… [view original content]
“Please, lets all just catch a breather, we’re unarmed and not here to harm you all I came for is my stuff” Ruth approached Angela cautiousl… morey with her hands held up.
Angela’s hands trembled as Ruth slowly got closer and placed her hand on the slide of the gun and gently lowered it. “I-I’m sorry I took your bag…he was hungry I only wanted to take the food, but you came down and I panicked” Angela stuttered, Ruth glanced at her and the boy hiding behind her.
“Situations like that lead to people getting killed, my friend almost died chasing you, I get it things are worse than bad-“ Ruth said coldly.
“But luckily we’re all alive, hey there little fella what’s your name?” Nicky interrupted and crouched towards the kid.
The boy had a cute blue ball cap he smiled, but held onto Angela “Milo” he answered softly.
“That’s a nice name I’m-“ Nicky replied.
“I’m sorry for everything just take your things and leave us be” Angela snapped n… [view original content]
I finally managed to read through all of this great story! I've been lurking on these forums for a while, so it's about time I make an account and actually contribute.
“Please, lets all just catch a breather, we’re unarmed and not here to harm you all I came for is my stuff” Ruth approached Angela cautiousl… morey with her hands held up.
Angela’s hands trembled as Ruth slowly got closer and placed her hand on the slide of the gun and gently lowered it. “I-I’m sorry I took your bag…he was hungry I only wanted to take the food, but you came down and I panicked” Angela stuttered, Ruth glanced at her and the boy hiding behind her.
“Situations like that lead to people getting killed, my friend almost died chasing you, I get it things are worse than bad-“ Ruth said coldly.
“But luckily we’re all alive, hey there little fella what’s your name?” Nicky interrupted and crouched towards the kid.
The boy had a cute blue ball cap he smiled, but held onto Angela “Milo” he answered softly.
“That’s a nice name I’m-“ Nicky replied.
“I’m sorry for everything just take your things and leave us be” Angela snapped n… [view original content]
I finally managed to read through all of this great story! I've been lurking on these forums for a while, so it's about time I make an account and actually contribute.
[Stay with the new group]
I finally managed to read through all of this great story! I've been lurking on these forums for a while, so it's about time I make an account and actually contribute.
[Stay with the new group]
“Okay, we’ll see how it goes” Ruth replied somewhat hesitantly.
They returned back to the new people, Ruth currently focused her attention on Milo and Devanne. The girl had gentle ginger hair tied up in a messy bun, her face bloodlessly pale and fully dotted with freckles. She turned her curious green eyes towards Ruth and Nicky as they came closer. Milo started coughing, nothing surprising for this time of year where he days are short and gloomy, he seemed like a cheerful boy as he turned his hooded brown eyes and small round face throwing a hopeful smile their way. Evan had short black hair and a soul patch on his chin and kept the same cold expression as they first met. Angela had shoulder length hazel brown hair, her almond eyes still looked doubtful and this time filled with guilt.
“I reckon we can help each other” Ruth said bluntly.
“How so?” Evan frowned.
“Bigger groups usually mean more security that’s what we all need, so what’s your story how you guys been coping till now?” Ruth sounded awkward.
“As you probably are thinking it’s been tough, we were low on food so Devanne and I went to scavenge what was left of this neighbourhood” Evan replied blankly.
“You’re not from around here?” Nicky asked curiously.
“Nah, we came from a secluded neighbourhood in the countryside bout twenty miles from here give or take, we-er we were all neighbours and had no idea what was going on in the first few weeks” Evan replied sullenly.
“I’m going to go and get some air” Angela rushed to her feet almost sobbing.
“Is she gonna be alright?” Ruth asked firmly.
“She’s been through a lot” Evan answered shortly.
“Where are you from?” Devanne asked bluntly looking at Ruth.
“I-I grew up not far from here, but haven’t been here for a few years” She replied sullenly.
“Oh why did you come back then?” Devanne persisted.
“Give it a rest Dev” Evan smirked.
“Do you guys have a plan on where to go from here?” Nicky changed the subject.
“Not really no, we have just aimlessly kept on going trying to get through the next day, if we had food and medicine I don’t think we’d ever have left our homes, heh for the first days we thought it was a powercut or something, so we waited…food was running out no one knew what was going on in the world, when my grandfather died from a heart attack…..he came back and almost…killed me, that’s when it struck us, the dead have risen” Evan sighed blankly. “We’ve all lost loved ones, I lost my grandfather, Milo and Devanne lost their parents and Angela lost her husband, daughter and son… yeah it’s been more than tough” Evan choked softly.
“God, I’m so sorry” Nicky gasped. “I’ll go talk to her see if she’s alright” she added.
“Have you guys heard any rumours about a safe zone in Jacksonville?” Ruth asked after a long pause.
“We saw flyers about that place in a couple of homes, do you think it’s real or if it’s still functioning?” Evan sounded skeptical.
“It’s worth a shot I think and we might find out more about the virus and what’s going to happen next” Ruth answered calmly.
“You could be right, but it’s still risky and quite far from here” Evan muttered.
“Everything is better than to just walk aimlessly” Ruth winced.
Evan exhaled deeply and looked at Milo and Devanne, Milo hardly speaks much these days, trauma seems to work differently on children than on adults, Devanne tries to stay positive, but Evan is worried that she’s bottling her thoughts and Milo would slowly start slipping into shock or depression. “I’ll have to talk to Angela about this, but I guess if it means that we would finally find some place that would bring safety and stability then it’s worth the hassle” Evan nodded.
“I’m starving can we finally eat?” Devanne asked softly.
“Of course” Evan smirked and opened his bag.
“We can mix and match” Ruth chuckled softly and grabbed her supply of food from the backpack.
Downstairs on the front porch Angela wanted to get some space “Oh it’s you” she startled as Nicky opened the creaking door “Sorry, you okay?” she asked.
“Yep everything’s great” Angela muttered with sarcasm.
“Look I just want to help-“ Nicky stuttered.
“Well you can’t help me! no-one can” Angela snapped briefly.
“I believe you lost someone, everyone has, the place you are right now it’s like you’re falling and can’t find the bottom” Nicky said sullenly.
“You have no idea how I feel you don’t even know me so….just…..leave me the hell alone” Angela murmured rudely with suppressed anger.
In a dark and musty chamber reeked with mouse droppings, the eerie silence was broken by heavy footsteps waking Sara, she was on the ground tied up and scantily clad. The door gave out a loud click and opened, the light forced her to cover her eyes for a brief moment “Have no fear Brick’s here” he said ceremoniously and ambled over to her.
“Tsst tsst I really hate you being down here darling, I really do, and you know you could be treated like a queen only if you let me, why the fuck would you want to stay down here? am I really that bad?” Brick chuckled.
“You finished?” Sara shivered.
“Far from it and you do know how to hurt my feelings, just tell me where you guys were planning to go cos your escape kinda created a bad vibe around here and I don’t like it!” Brick raised his voice.
“That was the intended effect” Sara smiled and stuttered from the cold.
“Oh girl….oh girl you are one strong cookie, but honestly I did everything for you and this is how you repay my trust? I wonder who came up with the big plan, I bet it was you or Monica that broad was always a bad influence, too domineering for my taste” Brick sniggered.
“You’re wasting you time their long gone just let it go” Sara coughed.
“Let it go?! oh no that ain’t an option, you all deceived us and now you want us to bend over and forget?” Brick laughed in her face.
“No, I just wanted to piss you off before I kill you” Sara smiled cunningly.
“Hah awesome just awesome that’s why I love you girl, I think that’s enough foreplay don’t you think? now are you ready to come back to the flock?” Brick shook his head excitingly as he continued the display.
“Okay, we’ll see how it goes” Ruth replied somewhat hesitantly.
They returned back to the new people, Ruth currently focused her attentio… moren on Milo and Devanne. The girl had gentle ginger hair tied up in a messy bun, her face bloodlessly pale and fully dotted with freckles. She turned her curious green eyes towards Ruth and Nicky as they came closer. Milo started coughing, nothing surprising for this time of year where he days are short and gloomy, he seemed like a cheerful boy as he turned his hooded brown eyes and small round face throwing a hopeful smile their way. Evan had short black hair and a soul patch on his chin and kept the same cold expression as they first met. Angela had shoulder length hazel brown hair, her almond eyes still looked doubtful and this time filled with guilt.
“I reckon we can help each other” Ruth said bluntly.
“How so?” Evan frowned.
“Bigger groups usually mean more security that’s what we all need, so… [view original content]
I finally managed to read through all of this great story! I've been lurking on these forums for a while, so it's about time I make an account and actually contribute.
[Stay with the new group]
So, the problem is, we don't know where her group is, we don't know where the other direction is, so sending Brick's men in either direction could endanger my favourite characters. Therefore, refusing to answer, while quite dangerous for Sara, sounds like the safest option for the other characters. This includes her group, since Brick can probably see through her lies, as Pipas said.
“Okay, we’ll see how it goes” Ruth replied somewhat hesitantly.
They returned back to the new people, Ruth currently focused her attentio… moren on Milo and Devanne. The girl had gentle ginger hair tied up in a messy bun, her face bloodlessly pale and fully dotted with freckles. She turned her curious green eyes towards Ruth and Nicky as they came closer. Milo started coughing, nothing surprising for this time of year where he days are short and gloomy, he seemed like a cheerful boy as he turned his hooded brown eyes and small round face throwing a hopeful smile their way. Evan had short black hair and a soul patch on his chin and kept the same cold expression as they first met. Angela had shoulder length hazel brown hair, her almond eyes still looked doubtful and this time filled with guilt.
“I reckon we can help each other” Ruth said bluntly.
“How so?” Evan frowned.
“Bigger groups usually mean more security that’s what we all need, so… [view original content]
“Okay, we’ll see how it goes” Ruth replied somewhat hesitantly.
They returned back to the new people, Ruth currently focused her attentio… moren on Milo and Devanne. The girl had gentle ginger hair tied up in a messy bun, her face bloodlessly pale and fully dotted with freckles. She turned her curious green eyes towards Ruth and Nicky as they came closer. Milo started coughing, nothing surprising for this time of year where he days are short and gloomy, he seemed like a cheerful boy as he turned his hooded brown eyes and small round face throwing a hopeful smile their way. Evan had short black hair and a soul patch on his chin and kept the same cold expression as they first met. Angela had shoulder length hazel brown hair, her almond eyes still looked doubtful and this time filled with guilt.
“I reckon we can help each other” Ruth said bluntly.
“How so?” Evan frowned.
“Bigger groups usually mean more security that’s what we all need, so… [view original content]
“Nobody likes a rat, isn't that what you used to say?” Sara replied through her teeth.
“Mmm that’s one way to put it, but this is for YOUR own good, you got till morning to tell me where you were heading or else I’m gonna kill one of the girls in front of you simple as that, I’m done waiting I’ve been nothing but patient with you for these past few days” Brick shook his head in disappointment and was about to leave.
“Really? You’d kill one of your precious girls just to prove a point, you’re pathetic Brick if you want to hurt someone, HURT ME” Sara called out angrily stopping Brick for a second.
“You’ll get your turn honey, sit tight now” Brick clenched his fist and slammed the door loudly.
“You think she’s gonna spill, I mean we can send a group to the place we found her and search from there, maybe they didn’t even have a plan on where to go in the first place?” Sven muttered into Brick’s ear.
“Well dumbass it’s no coincidence that they took off shortly after we mentioned about our new pals, if Sara breaks we might find out for sure” Brick smirked cunningly.
“Which pals Brick? the ones we encountered in the road?” Sven looked confused.
“Are you brain damaged Sven? because I swear this is getting very fucking weird, they escaped BEFORE I smashed a poor boys head in, I’m talking about our new FRIENDS The “Cave Dwellers” from the ‘Cave’ if that ain’t more obvious, if you still have no idea who I’m referring to then Russell Cave National Monument should ring you a fucking bell!” Brick replied cynically and aggressively.
“Sorry Brick of course they must’ve overheard at some point….I mean it’s quite far though but we might still find them, my head is just all over the place you know” he stuttered nervously.
“Are you on your period? what’s so damn important that's literally tripping you?” Brick joked with a stony-faced experession.
“I’m just worried about Penny, she’s been acting strange around me all of a sudden” Sven said worriedly trying to avoid eye contact with Brick.
“I knew there was pussy involved, maybe SHE’S having ‘that time of the month’ give her some space man, take a load off at the bar or go to the ‘Cat House’ enjoy something for a change it’s already miserable enough as it is out there pun intended haha” Brick patted him heavily on the shoulder and laughed.
“Miserable, good one I get it, that’s why you’re the man Brick!” Sven gasped cheerfully and caught up on the joke.
“Yeah, I still can’t get that poor kids face out of my head, but rules are rules there are no exceptions, anyway I reckon it’s time I get his name carved into our little mascot here” Brick swung casually and admired his cricket bat.
“It still has the kids blood on it” Sven pointed out.
“Young blood ey always tough to wash off” Brick and Sven chuckled loudly as they headed through the grey corridor.
Silence welcomed the hallway again. A young woman dressed in a hooded vest made of multiple panels of nylon canvas tied together with black and brown strings matched with tan cotton mesh shorts and smudged slip-ons emerged from the opposite side. She sneaked over to Sara’s cell and whispered “Hey Sara, psst you in there?”
“Penny is that you?” Sara hissed.
“Yeah I’m gonna get you out I managed to get the keys from one of the boys, are you hurt?” Penelope whispered urgently.
“Wait he might come back soon you’re gonna get into trouble!” Sara hissed and squirmed.
“I think we’re way past trouble don’t you think?” Penelope replied rhetorically.
“What about the other girls? do you have a plan?” Sara asked urgently and wondered if there was any chance of escaping this time.
“Er-I haven’t thought that far ahead, we have to hurry!” Penelope said urgently as she rushed in to untie her. Getting out of the compound unnoticed wasn’t easy the first time around they had to split into two teams to make the plan work. However now it’s only her and Penelope; additionally the benefit of travelling by night felt compelling but the risk was still high of getting caught even within the compound perimeter Sara thought diligently.
[Refuse and stay back]
“We should rest” Gia let out a long sigh of tiredness after walking a few good hours by the side of the road. The sun was down and the night almost upon them, she took off her sheath and sat on the grass with her legs crossed. Herman paused beside her, the boy stayed silent for most of the walk. Zack couldn’t get Emily out of his thoughts and what was he going to say to her if they met again. Gia repeated her words which he finally heard and stopped blankly gazing at the harmonious plains and at the flat long road ahead.
“You deaf or something?” Gia asked with a cocked eyebrow.
“Yeah-no…..I was just thinking about Cody” Zack sighed and shook his head in disappointment.
“Your friend is dead and I’m sorry, but blaming yourself is not the answer” Gia said stiffly.
“Easy for you to say, it was….painful seeing him go out like that” Zack choked and clenched his teeth.
“You will never forget it” Gia said dolefully recalling a tragic memory of her own.
“Are you okay?” Zack turned around.
“Tired….try killing a dozen dead corpses then we’ll talk” Gia shrugged.
“I have, but not at once” Zack forced out a thin smirk and sat beside her. “What’s really troubling you?” he added after a short pause.
“It’s none of your business” Gia muttered offensively.
“I know that, sorry didn’t mean to pry or anything” Zack said calmly.
“You better hope we find this mansion” she warned him mildly.
“We will, eventually” Zack replied hopefully.
“What are we gonna do once we get there?” Herman asked softly. Zack and Gia felt is was a good question and to one they wished to have an answer to.
“We’ll figure something out” Zack sighed and shook his head dubiously. Gia felt she could just sit here for hours and not think about the world around her, but she hated travelling by night so it was time to move again. She sighed deeply while grabbing her katana and was ready to go “C’mon lead the way you don’t want to be out here when it’s completely dark”
It might seem a bit cold to leave the others, but if she stayed one of the girls would most likely die (because Brick always keeps his word, blah blah) and I don't think Brick will kill anyone without Sara watching. Plus I doubt there'll be another oppurtunity like that. Let's just hope it's not a trap.
“Nobody likes a rat, isn't that what you used to say?” Sara replied through her teeth.
“Mmm that’s one way to put it, but this is for YOU… moreR own good, you got till morning to tell me where you were heading or else I’m gonna kill one of the girls in front of you simple as that, I’m done waiting I’ve been nothing but patient with you for these past few days” Brick shook his head in disappointment and was about to leave.
“Really? You’d kill one of your precious girls just to prove a point, you’re pathetic Brick if you want to hurt someone, HURT ME” Sara called out angrily stopping Brick for a second.
“You’ll get your turn honey, sit tight now” Brick clenched his fist and slammed the door loudly.
“You think she’s gonna spill, I mean we can send a group to the place we found her and search from there, maybe they didn’t even have a plan on where to go in the first place?” Sven muttered into Brick’s ear.
“Well dumbass it’s no coincidenc… [view original content]
Herman paused beside her, the boy stayed silent for most of the walk.
Ugh, not that useless piece of shit again, getting another undeserved appearance in which it keeps getting worse. It seriously must die. And if it can cause the death of Zack as well, all the better. But Herman is on top of the list right now, its death can't come soon enough and it can't be painful enough and I certainly hope that it is going to return as a walker as well, because if anyone deserves it, it's that thing. Although Zack would certainly deserve the same fate. I even start to hate Gia because she is travelling with these two disgusting bastards, even if she should, by all means, be a character I like a lot.
Certainly, this is a chance she has to take. In her current position, there is nothing she can do to help the others either way. I also doubt Brick is going to kill one of them just because she escapes, because he does not strike me as someone who does sadistic things completely without reason, but to achieve his goals. If he kills one of the girls for this, he will put himself at a disadvantage and may lose what little leverage he still has over Sara. At least that's what I hope, but Brick is also certainly unpredictable, so yeah, I don't know. But that chance is too good to pass up on and it might save her live at the very least.
“Nobody likes a rat, isn't that what you used to say?” Sara replied through her teeth.
“Mmm that’s one way to put it, but this is for YOU… moreR own good, you got till morning to tell me where you were heading or else I’m gonna kill one of the girls in front of you simple as that, I’m done waiting I’ve been nothing but patient with you for these past few days” Brick shook his head in disappointment and was about to leave.
“Really? You’d kill one of your precious girls just to prove a point, you’re pathetic Brick if you want to hurt someone, HURT ME” Sara called out angrily stopping Brick for a second.
“You’ll get your turn honey, sit tight now” Brick clenched his fist and slammed the door loudly.
“You think she’s gonna spill, I mean we can send a group to the place we found her and search from there, maybe they didn’t even have a plan on where to go in the first place?” Sven muttered into Brick’s ear.
“Well dumbass it’s no coincidenc… [view original content]
“Nobody likes a rat, isn't that what you used to say?” Sara replied through her teeth.
“Mmm that’s one way to put it, but this is for YOU… moreR own good, you got till morning to tell me where you were heading or else I’m gonna kill one of the girls in front of you simple as that, I’m done waiting I’ve been nothing but patient with you for these past few days” Brick shook his head in disappointment and was about to leave.
“Really? You’d kill one of your precious girls just to prove a point, you’re pathetic Brick if you want to hurt someone, HURT ME” Sara called out angrily stopping Brick for a second.
“You’ll get your turn honey, sit tight now” Brick clenched his fist and slammed the door loudly.
“You think she’s gonna spill, I mean we can send a group to the place we found her and search from there, maybe they didn’t even have a plan on where to go in the first place?” Sven muttered into Brick’s ear.
“Well dumbass it’s no coincidenc… [view original content]
Penelope quickly untied Sara and the two rushed out into the dark corridor. This was plain suicide....then again everyday felt like a suicide mission; Sara thought negatively about the rash plan to escape. The stairwell lead them to the exit right under the watchout post. Penny peaked out to check if the guard wasn’t back yet “I’m guessing they fixed the fence huh?” Sara hissed.
“That was the first thing they did” She whispered back.
“I’m sorry we left you behind” Sara said remorsefully.
“It’s wasn’t your fault, only mine” Penelope replied with regret in her voice.
“Where’s the guard this doesn’t look right?” Sara sounded agitated.
“He’s in the clubhouse I got the key from him, we’re lucky he’s not back yet” Penelope chuckled softly.
“You must’ve given him a good time” Sara looked at her incredulously.
“I always do” Penelope muttered. “Okay c’mon” she signalled once two drunken henchmen meandered back to the cat house on the opposite side of the compound.
“Shit now what?” Sara mumbled angrily as they advanced to the front gate.
“There’s no other way or time, we gotta knock them out and make a run for it” Penelope whispered.
“Piece of cake” Sara muttered confidently while approaching the guard from behind, she jumped on top of him and subdued him with her thighs wrapped around his neck. The second guard turned around shortly after, Sara was already dashing towards him about to throw a punch that would break his nose; the guard stumbles backwards holding his bleeding nose while Sara wrapped her arms around his throat to subdue him. Killing them would provoke Brick to try and avenge his so-called brothers; something Sara wouldn’t risk in doing if he got his hands on any one of them again.
“Where did you learn to that?” Penelope sniggered.
“Self-defence class” Sara hissed and took the leather jacket off the guard. “We ain’t got time to loot him!” Penelope mumbled nervously. The whole setup was in their favour all they had to do was sprint through the gate and be home free, but Sara felt something wasn’t right there were more guards the last time around; Monica was the bravest of the lot, she volunteered to lure the guards away from their posts by stealing one of the dirt bikes, that gave time for Sara to cut the fence using pliers that Bree stole from the clubhouse garage. They agreed on regrouping at the rest area on the interstate when things cooled down and head for Alabama and finally meet with the small community of ‘Cave Dwellers’ that Brick was rambling on about. Everything was better than the Brotherhood compound any place was better to die in than here.
“It’s cold out here Penny, take the stupid jumper!” Sara ordered and later opened the gate.
Brick and a few other men waited by the bushes observing the girls sprinting the hell away from their little kingdom. “Hehe looks like Penny took the bait” one of them sniggered hoarsely.
“Gentlemen, I think it’s safe to say that the first stage of our plan had just worked out” He grinned in accomplishment while looking through the binoculars hoping that Sara would lead them to the other escapee’s.
Sara and Penelope had a long journey ahead and could only imagine reuniting again with their little group. Almost forty miles away Monica, Bree, Beth, Luna and Margaux were hold up in an abandoned retro diner. Margaux was still healing from the injuries she inflicted and was resting in the back with Bree accompanying her. Beth and Luna were making a last count of inventory before hitting the sack; ammo was scarce but they managed to scavenge enough food to ration for the upcoming week. Monica was sharpening a new knife she found while sitting in the booth and occasionally looking out the window observing the darkness while rain clattered gently against the glass.
“You don’t have to sit there and babysit me I’m fine-I’m better now” Margaux glanced at Bree’s optimistic face.
“But I want to, after all the times you….saved me…what sort of friend would I be if I just left you here alone?” Bree said idealistically.
“Don’t be a goofy cow, I think I can manage a moment of alone time” Margaux joked and slurred slightly in her french accent.
“I never really got to thank you for—“ Bree stuttered.
“Please not now, I don’t want to think about that place any more, what happened happened I’m glad I was able to help you out……sorry for snapping I didn’t mean” Margaux interrupted her roughly.
“It’s okay try getting some rest” Bree nodded gently. She looked at her briefly before going upfront to meet the rest and thought about how far Margaux has gone, the once famous fashion magazine editor Margaux Davenport born in America raised mostly in France. Before the outbreak she was headlined in the papers dating both boys and girls, now it would’ve been more like “big celebrity turned trigger-happy sniper”. Bree always thought that Margaux was psychologically the strongest of the group, the hardship and violations she took away from Brick’s sex slave camp made Bree’s skin crawl. For once in her life Bree was grateful for not being the prettiest woman in the neighbourhood and possessing the essential housewife skills of cooking which ‘bought’ her way out from being another working girl under Brick’s regime. Margaux saved her from being raped a few days before the initial escape.
She sighed and went upfront to the check on the others. “How we doing girls?” She called out softly.
“Not bad, we’re low on everything obviously, but we’ll manage just like we always do” Beth replied.
“Haven’t seen a walker for days, things are starting to look up” Evelyn Luna chuckled softly.
“How’s Margaux? She asleep?” Monica asked firmly.
“The wound is healing nicely, I’m not sure how her internal organs are doing…she did take quite a hit, good thing we treated it in time, because she wouldn’t be here now” Bree choked softly.
“You guys think we’ll ever see Sara again?” Beth sighed remorsefully.
“Maybe we will” Luna said blankly.
“I miss her, I miss our trainings together-“ Beth sounded nostalgic.
“Lets focus on getting to that damn cave first….then we could go back for her……if she’s even still alive” Monica snapped anxiously and slowly bursted into the bathroom. She sighed angrily while looking at her own reflection in the mirror thinking about this messed up situation. All it has ever been was moving from one fucked place to another. Those women are her friends but couldn’t help weighing them out according to “survival skills and mindset”. It’s a miracle they survived Brick’s terror considering how different they all were in terms of coping, but still mostly unpredictable.
Luna, still have no idea why she never wanted us to call her by first name, under that polite and helpful exterior lied an emotionally broken individual. Her start to the dead world began with having an affair on her dull husband to spice up her life and got more than she bargained for. She missed her husbands death as she was with the other man when a walker bit her husband in their own house. She’s been cutting herself almost religiously little by little every single day since first meeting at the compound, none of the girls know about this; no point on de-stabalizing the group anymore than it already is Monica assumed. Luna spent every minute looking like she’s going to punch her own ticket, probably this escape came at just the right time, or not. Beth, academic student turned survivor, oddly this girl has potential and is able to give a good fight thanks to Sara; the camp didn’t faze her so much or maybe she’s just good at hiding it and might well outlive the rest if she keeps enduring this way. Bree, another misfit; pleasant not very useful in killing walkers, but could gossip and knew how to cook a good grub, without the girls she’d be dead no question about it. Margaux, oh Monica fancied her and the one she’d ride off into the sunset, too bad the feeling wasn’t mutual. “You alright in there?” Bree startled her.
“Fine, just needed a minute to myself” Monica replied firmly.
“You’re always hiding away lets-“ Bree said softly.
“Shut it Bree, just leave me alone” Monica slammed the door with her fist.
“Okay that’s everything on my end, you done too?” Luna nodded in Beth’s direction.
“I believe this is yours” Beth hands over a silver beretta pistol “Keep it, I always hated that gun, any guns in general actually” Luna murmured.
“But I have mine, you should have one too” Beth insisted with a smile.
“I’m a lousy shot anyway, give it to Bree she may take it, listen I’m really tired I just want to get some sleep” Luna yawned trying to end the conversation and leaned against the glass covering herself with a blanket. Beth glanced behind noticed Bree was by the bathroom door and thought to herself “You both hate guns, but it might save your life”
Damn it, so Brick was tricking them! Should have seen that coming. I should have seen that coming for sure. But I am very surprised that he has been tricking Penelop as well, I would have more guessed that she was secretly on his side. Argh, this is going to get people killed, I know it. That said, Brick is oddly growing on me as an antagonist. He is unarguably a huge step forward from the cannibals, who have been atrociously terrible in every imaginable way, and while he's no Jarvis or Hiram yet, he has quite something that makes him intriguing, in som weird way.
[Give the gun to Bree]
You know, these choices are always the hardest, where I can't really analyze potential pro's and con's for them. We don't know either character very well, but Beth basically summed the problem up in her final thought here. In the end, I think giving the gun to Bree is marginally better, since she is actually awake and able to take it immediately. If you just let that thing lie around for Luna to take, anything can happen and anyone can take it. At least with Bree, we know who has it and we can avoid any bad surprises later on. Though well, that is not much speaking in favour of it, but neither does it speak against it, right?
Penelope quickly untied Sara and the two rushed out into the dark corridor. This was plain suicide....then again everyday felt like a suicid… moree mission; Sara thought negatively about the rash plan to escape. The stairwell lead them to the exit right under the watchout post. Penny peaked out to check if the guard wasn’t back yet “I’m guessing they fixed the fence huh?” Sara hissed.
“That was the first thing they did” She whispered back.
“I’m sorry we left you behind” Sara said remorsefully.
“It’s wasn’t your fault, only mine” Penelope replied with regret in her voice.
“Where’s the guard this doesn’t look right?” Sara sounded agitated.
“He’s in the clubhouse I got the key from him, we’re lucky he’s not back yet” Penelope chuckled softly.
“You must’ve given him a good time” Sara looked at her incredulously.
“I always do” Penelope muttered. “Okay c’mon” she signalled once two drunken henchmen meandered back to the cat house on … [view original content]
Penelope quickly untied Sara and the two rushed out into the dark corridor. This was plain suicide....then again everyday felt like a suicid… moree mission; Sara thought negatively about the rash plan to escape. The stairwell lead them to the exit right under the watchout post. Penny peaked out to check if the guard wasn’t back yet “I’m guessing they fixed the fence huh?” Sara hissed.
“That was the first thing they did” She whispered back.
“I’m sorry we left you behind” Sara said remorsefully.
“It’s wasn’t your fault, only mine” Penelope replied with regret in her voice.
“Where’s the guard this doesn’t look right?” Sara sounded agitated.
“He’s in the clubhouse I got the key from him, we’re lucky he’s not back yet” Penelope chuckled softly.
“You must’ve given him a good time” Sara looked at her incredulously.
“I always do” Penelope muttered. “Okay c’mon” she signalled once two drunken henchmen meandered back to the cat house on … [view original content]
Penelope quickly untied Sara and the two rushed out into the dark corridor. This was plain suicide....then again everyday felt like a suicid… moree mission; Sara thought negatively about the rash plan to escape. The stairwell lead them to the exit right under the watchout post. Penny peaked out to check if the guard wasn’t back yet “I’m guessing they fixed the fence huh?” Sara hissed.
“That was the first thing they did” She whispered back.
“I’m sorry we left you behind” Sara said remorsefully.
“It’s wasn’t your fault, only mine” Penelope replied with regret in her voice.
“Where’s the guard this doesn’t look right?” Sara sounded agitated.
“He’s in the clubhouse I got the key from him, we’re lucky he’s not back yet” Penelope chuckled softly.
“You must’ve given him a good time” Sara looked at her incredulously.
“I always do” Penelope muttered. “Okay c’mon” she signalled once two drunken henchmen meandered back to the cat house on … [view original content]
I was gone for so long, sorry about it. I moved and had problems with my internet connection at my new flat. Now I am back and I have read the parts I have missed
Penelope quickly untied Sara and the two rushed out into the dark corridor. This was plain suicide....then again everyday felt like a suicid… moree mission; Sara thought negatively about the rash plan to escape. The stairwell lead them to the exit right under the watchout post. Penny peaked out to check if the guard wasn’t back yet “I’m guessing they fixed the fence huh?” Sara hissed.
“That was the first thing they did” She whispered back.
“I’m sorry we left you behind” Sara said remorsefully.
“It’s wasn’t your fault, only mine” Penelope replied with regret in her voice.
“Where’s the guard this doesn’t look right?” Sara sounded agitated.
“He’s in the clubhouse I got the key from him, we’re lucky he’s not back yet” Penelope chuckled softly.
“You must’ve given him a good time” Sara looked at her incredulously.
“I always do” Penelope muttered. “Okay c’mon” she signalled once two drunken henchmen meandered back to the cat house on … [view original content]
[Give the gun to Bree]
I was gone for so long, sorry about it. I moved and had problems with my internet connection at my new flat. Now I am back and I have read the parts I have missed
Beth took the gun and approached Bree “Take this” she said firmly to her. Bree grasped the pistol carefully, but also felt repulsed by the sight of it “Why didn’t you give it to Luna?” she winced.
“She said the same thing about you, one of you gotta step up might as well be you” Beth giggled softly. Bree reluctantly slid the pistol into her pants while Monica stepped out from the bathroom and walked past them without saying a word. “Monica isn’t taking this too well” Beth said worriedly.
“This is sort of new for all of us, we haven’t set foot out of that camp since we were captured and that felt like a lifetime ago, I understand why she’s acting this way I really do” Bree replied compassionately.
“No, there’s something else going on with her” Beth said doubtfully.
Monica headed to the back of the diner where Margaux was resting and their gear was placed. She grabbed the assault rifle and was ready to exit the back entrance “Monica, wait” Margaux stopped her.
“Just going to see if there are any walkers, I’ll be back soon” Monica replied coldly.
“Are you avoiding me?” Margaux asked her bluntly. “I though we were through this” She groaned after Monica turned around.
“It’s best we stay out of each others way” Monica said decisively and left.
“What was that about?” Beth came in shortly after.
“She still can’t get over our ‘one night stand’ and thinks it meant something” Margaux groaned.
“And did it?” Beth sat beside her.
“Not to me, I knew she was into me from the first moment we met, she’d always watch me carefully as I cleaned my sniper rifle it was kinda sweet at first, she puts on this whole…I dunno reserved persona, I used her and she used me that was it nothing else to it” Margaux answered uncommitted.
“That sounds quite cold” Beth sighed.
“Does it? she’s always like this taking off isolating herself, but you know this because we had this conversation before many times and to be honest I don’t fucking care anymore” Margaux shrugged.
“I’m sure she has a reason for being like this, she saved our asses on many occasions and that stands for something” Beth argued.
“Trying to be a lone wolf and actually being one is two different things, Monica can’t stand being alone that’s why she sticks around and that night she was hurting after what the boys did to her, so I gave her what she wanted most, me” Margaux said in a matter-of-fact tone.
“In her own way she thinks of us as her family, I know it, she wouldn’t be putting her life on the line if it were otherwise” Beth said thoughtfully.
“Either that or she basically has a death wish” Margaux groaned.
“I’m going to check on her” Beth said decisively.
“Be careful she likes to bite” Margaux scoffed softly.
Beth followed Monica and found her pointing the rifle at something in the distance “What is it walkers? Beth gasped.
“No it turned out to be nothing” Monica muttered after a long pause and lowered the weapon. “What are you doing out here anyway?” She arched an eyebrow at Beth.
“It’s been two days now, you reckon we’re gonna move out tomorrow?” Beth asked firmly.
“Maybe, depends on how Margaux is doing, I ain’t carrying her if that’s what your wondering” Monica replied uncommitted.
“She always likes the attention, but I’m sure she feels better now and fit to travel” Beth assured. “If we move out at dawn, we might get there by tomorrow night, maybe even quicker if we find another vehicle” Beth argued.
“Margaux is in no condition to travel, an extra day or two will help reduce the bruising-“ Bree intervened and objected.
“Brick could be on his way right now, if he finds us it will be on you two” Beth said coldly and went back to the diner.
“Fuck….I’ll talk to Margaux see what she wants” Monica felt reluctant to talk to her, but there was no other choice the journey was on hold because of her.
Inside, after exchanging eye contact and a brief moment of awkward silence followed an even awkward conversation “So you’re not avoiding me that’s start” Margaux groaned sarcastically.
“You think you can manage to travel?” Monica asked her blankly.
“I can try but I’ll only slow you guys down, no doubt about it” Margaux replied honestly.
“Bree reckons we should wait another day-“ Monica said flatly.
“And let me guess Beth wants to go yeah I figured that out” Margaux chuckled softly. “Listen I know I’ve been a bitch to you and it’s probably too late to change that….maybe it’s best you all go and I’ll catch up later once I’m fully recovered, it’s not like I’m in danger here I can always lock myself in, besides this way it’ll give you guys time to see if that cave community or whatever is somewhere we can finally stay safe and in peace” Margaux coughed.
“We should stay together no matter what” Monica murmured.
“You’re the one that got us out, well and Sara of course, you should decide on what move we do next” Margaux smirked thinly.
[Stay the extra day at the diner]
[Leave at dawn]
[Depart without Margaux]
Sarah rolled carefully onto her side, it was almost dawn and Blake was already up. The campfire heat seemed to be sucked into the chilling air before ever reaching their bodies. Blake poked what was left of the flames with a stick just to kill some time, he figured leaving the rest to sleep a bit longer was for the best. His cold breath hung in the air like a slow moving cloud against the clean blue sky “You’re up already?” Sarah murmured lethargically. Waking up was no longer a pleasure when a walker could easily gobble you up during a pleasant dream or nightmare “You don’t want to die in your sleep right?” Blake couldn’t resist scaring the kid. “Were there any walkers?” Her awareness heightened and sat quickly upright.
“Relax, if there were any you’d be first know” Blake grinned.
“Not funny dude” Sarah smirked.
“What do you think of her?” Blake leaned his head at Gina who was still asleep.
“She’s weird that’s for sure” Sarah murmured.
“Yeah she is a bit crazy, but I’m trying give her the benefit of the doubt” Blake narrowed his brows.
“Can I ask you something personal?” Sarah asked softly.
“Sure, go ahead” Blake nodded.
“Why do you keep your hair that way, it looks quite scary?” She smiled staring at his mohawk and unshaven sides.
“Fear gives the upper hand sometimes, but the main reason I have it is cos, when I was in juvy....this was a long time ago my case worker had this very hairstyle and he taught me a few good things about life, I kinda looked up to him, later when they released me I decided to have something to remember him by hence the hairstyle” Blake smirked thinly.
“Wow that’s a long time to keep your hair like that, what were you in for?” Sarah asked eagerly.
Blake lowered his face and sighed “I killed someone”.
“Oh…….did that someone deserve it?” Sarah stuttered softly and anxiously.
“Every bit” Blake lifted his head toughly and the campfire slowly died “I think it’s time we get everyone up” he said evasively.
Once everyone was up Amanda decided to change Jean’s bandage “Let me just have a quick look” she said firmly. Jean was reluctant but knew it was necessary “How does it look? just be honest, I know I look like a freak” he sighed. Amanda examined his head “It could’ve been a lot worse” she mumbled reassuringly.
“Freak it is then” Jean chuckled agitatedly.
“I saw bigger freaks out there……but yeah you do look a bit” Gina mocked.
“Okay I think we’ve had enough of that, time to move” Amanda said toughly.
Ah... I don't know... maybe this could be a middle way? Though I have the bad feeling that the middle way won't always work and that this might be one of these situations. But honestly, I couldn't think of a better reason to choose one of the other options. Outright leaving her behind sounds like a bad decision and staying an entire extra day could be dangerous. I mean, we know Brick's men are on their way to them, following shortly after Sara and Penelope. So if they wait for a bit, maybe they can catch up with both of them and leave before Brick reaches them? I don't know, I think it is worth a try.
Beth took the gun and approached Bree “Take this” she said firmly to her. Bree grasped the pistol carefully, but also felt repulsed by the s… moreight of it “Why didn’t you give it to Luna?” she winced.
“She said the same thing about you, one of you gotta step up might as well be you” Beth giggled softly. Bree reluctantly slid the pistol into her pants while Monica stepped out from the bathroom and walked past them without saying a word. “Monica isn’t taking this too well” Beth said worriedly.
“This is sort of new for all of us, we haven’t set foot out of that camp since we were captured and that felt like a lifetime ago, I understand why she’s acting this way I really do” Bree replied compassionately.
“No, there’s something else going on with her” Beth said doubtfully.
Monica headed to the back of the diner where Margaux was resting and their gear was placed. She grabbed the assault rifle and was ready to exit the back entrance “Monica… [view original content]
Middle way, okay! It is a risk but I agree with what Liquid said here. Maybe then they wont have to leave anyone behind. But I would even be okay with leaving Margaux if that means they dont have to stay a full extra day.
Beth took the gun and approached Bree “Take this” she said firmly to her. Bree grasped the pistol carefully, but also felt repulsed by the s… moreight of it “Why didn’t you give it to Luna?” she winced.
“She said the same thing about you, one of you gotta step up might as well be you” Beth giggled softly. Bree reluctantly slid the pistol into her pants while Monica stepped out from the bathroom and walked past them without saying a word. “Monica isn’t taking this too well” Beth said worriedly.
“This is sort of new for all of us, we haven’t set foot out of that camp since we were captured and that felt like a lifetime ago, I understand why she’s acting this way I really do” Bree replied compassionately.
“No, there’s something else going on with her” Beth said doubtfully.
Monica headed to the back of the diner where Margaux was resting and their gear was placed. She grabbed the assault rifle and was ready to exit the back entrance “Monica… [view original content]
Beth took the gun and approached Bree “Take this” she said firmly to her. Bree grasped the pistol carefully, but also felt repulsed by the s… moreight of it “Why didn’t you give it to Luna?” she winced.
“She said the same thing about you, one of you gotta step up might as well be you” Beth giggled softly. Bree reluctantly slid the pistol into her pants while Monica stepped out from the bathroom and walked past them without saying a word. “Monica isn’t taking this too well” Beth said worriedly.
“This is sort of new for all of us, we haven’t set foot out of that camp since we were captured and that felt like a lifetime ago, I understand why she’s acting this way I really do” Bree replied compassionately.
“No, there’s something else going on with her” Beth said doubtfully.
Monica headed to the back of the diner where Margaux was resting and their gear was placed. She grabbed the assault rifle and was ready to exit the back entrance “Monica… [view original content]
Beth took the gun and approached Bree “Take this” she said firmly to her. Bree grasped the pistol carefully, but also felt repulsed by the s… moreight of it “Why didn’t you give it to Luna?” she winced.
“She said the same thing about you, one of you gotta step up might as well be you” Beth giggled softly. Bree reluctantly slid the pistol into her pants while Monica stepped out from the bathroom and walked past them without saying a word. “Monica isn’t taking this too well” Beth said worriedly.
“This is sort of new for all of us, we haven’t set foot out of that camp since we were captured and that felt like a lifetime ago, I understand why she’s acting this way I really do” Bree replied compassionately.
“No, there’s something else going on with her” Beth said doubtfully.
Monica headed to the back of the diner where Margaux was resting and their gear was placed. She grabbed the assault rifle and was ready to exit the back entrance “Monica… [view original content]
A harsh caw of a crow had awoken Rachel, her face was resting against Bradley’s chest, she decided to slowly slip out and get dressed. “Sneaking out early hmm? ” Bradley murmured with a thin grin. “I gotta go and check on Nicholas” She smiled.
“I know…..and I’m glad last night happened” Bradley smirked.
“Me too, I’ll talk to you later” She smiled back with a scent of shyness in her voice.
“Looks like someone had it good last night?” Marco called out from below after Rachel left the barn.
“Yeah sorry about that” Bradley chuckled softly.
“I figured while you were having fun I’d have a long around and look what I found” Marco climbed up and showed him the hunting rifle.
“You know how to handle that kid?” Bradley nodded.
“You kidding? I used to practice everyday with my dad, I wish I had more ammo though” Marco said optimistically.
“Good find Marco…….where is he now? your dad” Bradley sensed a good moment to finally find out more about the kid.
“He died a year ago, lung cancer” Marco replied blankly.
“I’m sorry” Bradley muttered. “I’m happy he didn’t have to see what the world has turned into” Marco sighed.
“But you sure miss him huh?” Bradley muttered.
“Every day, it feels strange thinking that I might prolly be the only family member left, everything ends with me” Marco contemplated.
“I know the feeling mate” Bradley sighed.
“We should start considering where do we go from here, I’ll leave to get dressed see ya at the house” Marco nodded.
The sky was clear and the whole ranch seemed to be embraced in complete harmony as Rachel strolled back to the house. “What are you doing up here?” Devyn found Boniek sitting by a table.
“I couldn’t sleep so I had a look around the place found some useful stuff like rags, duct tape and blades I decided to make some shiv’s the kids should start learning to protect themselves” Boniek finished fixing a fifth weapon.
“What brought this on?” Devyn cocked an eyebrow.
“Liam’s death…..everything in general, it just got me thinking, what if I die today? or you or anyone else? who will protect them? the kids might have to fend for themselves sooner or later, I’ve been putting of teaching Mi-Cha how to properly deal with walkers and she had some close calls but luckily I was there to protect her, having a sharp weapon is a good start for anyone” Boniek said with confidence.
“Where did you learn to do these?” Devyn examined the scissor blade weapon.
“My brother taught me” Boniek sighed.
“We could’ve just used the decent knives in the kitchen” Devyn commented.
“These are smaller, easier to conceal and can be quite sharp” Boniek argued softly.
“But they could they break? right-“ Devyn frowned.
“Have you guys seen Nicholas?” Rachel interrupted urgently.
“I saw him earlier looking through some stuff in the cupboard-” Boniek replied before he was cut off by two gunshots coming from the back of the house.
Rachel and some others urgently rushed down, Nicholas was found holding a pistol by the fence and both walkers were down “Nicholas are okay?! don’t you ever wonder off like that!” She hugged him briefly.
“I found this in the house later I saw…..them so I tried to kill them just like you told me to” Nicholas pointed at the dead bodies.
“Next time tell me before going out on your own, you understand? never go alone when I’m with you okay?” Rachel stuttered from the shock.
“Okay, sorry Rachel” Nicholas said remorsefully.
“You’re a pretty good shot” Marco remarked with a smirk and Nicholas smiled back.
“Don’t encourage him, guns are bad not matter what” Rachel wanted to make sure it was clear to Nicholas.
“Lets get everyone inside” Boniek muttered.
“How are we doing with supplies?” Bradley asked with everybody seated in the living room.
“No change the house didn’t have much to begin with…..the baby needs formula, we can’t go on like this” Cecelia replied worriedly.
“I think this the best time to put all our cards on the table, this farm I admit isn’t the best hideout for now but if we put in a lot of work we could make this our home, another option we have is to head south maybe something close to the coast would work in our favour” Boniek suggested.
“We still have to find our people before even thinking of settling down, I agree this farm isn’t the best the place but it’s relatively safe and dragging the whole group to find supplies
would be too tiring” Bradley expressed his thoughts.
“Stick around until Brick and his men show up again? no way, we should head south just like we planned before, anywhere as far as possible” Devyn objected.
“He won’t I mean he doesn’t even know about this farm, otherwise they’d use it as an outpost or something, at least that’s what I would’ve done” Marco contemplated.
“And if he does then what?” Rachel asked rigidly.
“Then we take a stand, I’m not going to let some bully bash my face in!” Marco said unconvincingly.
“That’s just stupid Marco” Bradley remarked.
“There’s got to be something out there-” Devyn muttered.
“Guys I think we just found them” Viola cut Devyn off pointing out the window noticing Amanda and Blake in the distance.
Back at the brotherhood compound Brick has called in an assembly to inform about recent events, every man and woman were present at the clubhouse “Brothers and sister, as you all may have heard Sara and Penny have broken the golden rule which is deserting us, that move is unacceptable, we are the myriad of this new world, from the moment you all stepped into the brotherhood there is no going back from it, this place is your home, together we will conquer and divided we squander, they will all return to the fold because you live and die as a Myriad” Brick said ceremoniously before the men returned to their duties.
“What’s the status Sven?” He grunted to the radio during the walk back to his personal quarters which once served as an office to the not quite legal activities of the gang “Sven do you copy? answer goddammit!” He snarled.
“They stopped at a rest area on the interstate, we’ve been here for a few hours BW, you think something’s up? over” Sven muttered.
“No stay on’em, once they get in contact with the rest move in and bring them back home” Brick ordered and lied on the couch.
“Roger that Brick” Sven said affirmatively.
A young guard stepped into the room and said “Sorry to disturb you Brick, me and the boys found a girl while doing our rounds into town she has no idea who she is, apart from her name”
“Oh goodie, nice work kiddo bring her here I want to fully acquaint myself” Brick smirked. The guard nodded and returned shortly with the newcomer, she was wearing grey shorts; a loose white blouse stained with blood under a turquoise jacket.
“Man aren’t you pretty….oh where are my manners? please sit, make yourself comfortable” Brick welcomed here. She appeared to be in her mid-twenties; tall and well tanned.
“Where am I? and who are you?” Her voice was restrained.
“You are now in the compound of The Myriad Brotherhood a safe zone from all the nastiness out there I’m Brick Williams at your service, the boys told me they found you looks like you hit your head badly good we got that fixed, what’s your name?” He smiled welcomingly.
“Yeah thanks….Joanna is my name…I can’t seem to remember anything else” She looked confused.
“The head injury might’ve given you amnesia or something anyway forgetting certain things could come in handy, do you know the dead started walking?” Brick chuckled softly.
“I killed one when I got up…..I thought I was having a bad dream, I was in the attic on the floor with unbearable headache and wheals all over my body, when I managed to think clearly, I realized I didn’t know my name, age and or anything about myself, there was a dead-walking woman in the house I wanted to help her but she just wanted to bite me I stabbed her she kept on coming then she fell and cracked her skull against the counter, I wandered outside and that’s when your men found me” Joanna said thoughtfully.
“You’re lucky to have survived, you were alone? no crew waiting for you or something?” Brick replied.
“I was completely alone” She said bleakly and in disbelief.
“Pretty hard being on your own and losing your memory just adds up to the fucked up situation” Brick groaned.
“Why are dead people walking?” She sighed.
“That’s something we all want to know, no matter how you die you come back that’s the bottomline, destroying the brain prevents from coming back, oh and don’t get bit by one of those freaks that can kill ya too but very fucking slowly” Brick replied casually.
“Oh my God” She slowly rose to her feet and let the news sink in.
“Must be hard hearing this and also not remembering a thing about who you are is kinda a bummer too, but then again you forgot all the suffering this outbreak has caused and believe me we all lost someone close“ Brick replied coming closer to her.
“It might come back to me, it has to! I can’t just forget everything!” She demanded.
“Well you figured out your name that’s a start, how did you anyway?” Brick asked curiously and sat back down in his chair.
“My wedding ring I think, it’s got Joanna and Terrence engraved” Joanna exhaled and took of the ring to show him.
“Cute, but you could’ve just stolen it from some other rotting corpse” Brick scoffed.
“I wouldn’t I mean I don’t think so!” She stuttered.
Brick rose to his feet later approaching her, he could tell by her body language that she did not like him, her crystal blue eyes were also uninviting. He ran his fingers through her shoulder length wavy strawberry blonde hair “It’s a harsh world out there, forgetting who you were may come as a benefit to you, because in this nightmare you get to rise again, a fresh new person, you can choose who you want to be, create new memories good ones I hope, I can guarantee you safety, this compound is the home of the many as you might’ve already seen” Brick said solemnly.
“Not to be rude, but you’re invading my personal space” She narrowed her eyebrows and pushed his hand gently away.
“Okay I apologise for that, I tend to get carried away maybe you want to rest up before making a decision about staying whattcha say to that?” Brick sniggered.
“Yeah okay, I’m hungry you got anything to eat around here?” She frowned.
“You kidding?! of course we got plenty I’ll have Bruce bring you something good don’t you worry” Brick smirked and cleared his throat before calling him in through the PA system “Brucie boy, my quarters right away”
“What’s up BW?” Bruce appeared after a short while wearing a black blouson leather jacket and camo pants.
“We got a new face around her name’s probably Joanna, see to it she has a place to rest and bring her some food” Brick ordered calmly.
“Right away Brick” Bruce nodded and gestured Joanna to follow him.
“Word of advise you better agree to what he’s offering you” Bruce warned while he lead her to one of the more accommodating cells.
“Why? what’s he gonna do if I don’t?” She crossed her arms.
“Because if you don’t you’ll end up just like any other girl here, raped when needed” Bruce replied bluntly.
“And if I agree what then?” Her eyes widened and eyebrows rose.
“Then you get to choose one partner with whom you want to be and if the man accepts, then you’ll avoid any torture” Bruce whispered.
“Fuck that, the only difference is I’ll be repeatedly tortured by one guy instead of many, you gotta to get me out of here!” She objected.
“Look if you try to escape, he’ll hunt you down and if he does you’re gonna wish to be dead” Bruce said roughly.
“Why would he go through all that trouble just to find me, it makes little sense?” Joanna winced.
“Because he’s possessive and having women around seems to be the only attraction left in this world, not to mention eight have recently escaped so things are kinda hectic at the moment” He sighed.
“I’m guessing the other girls turned you down huh?” She said sarcastically with a raised eyebrow.
“You want my help or not?” He asked seriously.
“I should’ve just died in that attic” She mumbled. “What?” Bruce didn’t hear her.
“So what’s your plan why are you trying to help me?” Joanna sounded skeptical.
“Because I hate what they do to those girls, with my offer you get to live without getting forced to do stuff you don’t wanna and not get constantly violated by some greasy bastard” Bruce grunted.
“Great fucking great, if you hate them so much why are you here?” Joanna persisted mildly.
“Once you enter there is no leaving that’s the rule” Bruce answered earnestly.
“I don’t who’s more crazy him or you or all his fucking disciples put together!” She snarled.
“Keep your voice down, if you were to chose between a safe place and constantly watching over your shoulder every damn time wondering when a rotter creeps up on you what will it be?……I thought so” Bruce hissed angrily.
“This whole setup sounds like a marriage and I just maybe got out of one, fucking irony” She chuckled angrily glancing at her assumed wedding ring “What makes you think I can trust you?” She exhaled.
“Has anyone else offered you help? the three guys that found you, did they say anything about where they’re taking you? no….seems like I’m the only one you can trust right now, I promise I won’t hurt you and nobody’s gonna know about this” Bruce sighed and opened the cell door.
Aw man, Brad and Rachel being happy makes me happy. It took them a long while to get there and honestly, they deserve it. And it is great to see that Blake and the others have finally caught up with them, meaning that they only have to find Emily and Howard. Now, if they can get rid of that fucking Harper offspring, everything is going to be, well, not good, but at least something. I hope they won't get themselves into danger to get supplies for the family of the bitch that murdered theirs. I can't believe they still even carry it around, what's the point in that? It's a danger, a liability and a waste of time and effort. They should have just left that thing to die with its mother, as it deserves.
[Agree to his offer]
Well... this is not an easy choice. The thing is, we know Brick is not fucking around. He keeps his end of a deal, he showed that much when he allowed the group to leave after killing Liam. And I am absolutely sure that Bruce has a point when he tells her what is going to happen if she refuses. This sounds like her best chance, even if I hate for her to do such a thing. The alternative just sounds much worse.
A harsh caw of a crow had awoken Rachel, her face was resting against Bradley’s chest, she decided to slowly slip out and get dressed. “Snea… moreking out early hmm? ” Bradley murmured with a thin grin. “I gotta go and check on Nicholas” She smiled.
“I know…..and I’m glad last night happened” Bradley smirked.
“Me too, I’ll talk to you later” She smiled back with a scent of shyness in her voice.
“Looks like someone had it good last night?” Marco called out from below after Rachel left the barn.
“Yeah sorry about that” Bradley chuckled softly.
“I figured while you were having fun I’d have a long around and look what I found” Marco climbed up and showed him the hunting rifle.
“You know how to handle that kid?” Bradley nodded.
“You kidding? I used to practice everyday with my dad, I wish I had more ammo though” Marco said optimistically.
“Good find Marco…….where is he now? your dad” Bradley sensed a good moment to finally find o… [view original content]
Nicky stood over and looked blankly at the walker trapped under a bookcase in the building beside the cafe, the retching sound was easily heard by Ruth. She rushed over with her shorty shotgun wielded. “Don’t just stand there, kill it” Ruth muttered and stomped on the head.
“Sorry I….I was miles away” Nicky sighed.
“You are still alive, make the best of it, I’m not going to drag you if you don’t want to, just so you know” Ruth said bluntly.
“I miss them so much” Nicky sighed painfully.
“You can choose to join them or just accept what happened and move on it sounds hard but there’s no other way” Ruth replied honestly.
“Have you found anything useful next door?” Nicky changed the subject.
“Actually I did got some food, water, scissors, a screwdriver, ammo” Ruth answered smiling.
“Sounds like quite a lot, who’d keep ammo in a cafe?” Nicky winced.
“I dunno maybe someone was hiding out there, I found a couple of bodies in the back” Ruth replied calmly.
“Were they dead or re-animated when you found them? seems kinda strange don’t you think?” Nicky continued to frown.
“Not really, somebody could’ve killed them or they just ended it themselves, whatever happened it’s over” Ruth muttered.
“Are we done here?” Nicky said reluctantly.
“Yeah, lets push forward” Ruth replied promptly. A walker decided to break the silence crawling from under a debris in the street “I’ll take care of it” Ruth gasped.
“So how far is this ‘friends’ place of yours?” Nicky frowned.
“It shouldn’t be far now, good thing I remember the address” Ruth chuckled briefly.
The two survivors walked through the empty town Ruth was starting to lose hope that she’ll ever find her friends, Nicky was too busy pondering about where does life go from here. Luckily it wasn’t cold yet, but the days were starting to get shorter. Ruth decided that it’d be best to rest up and move forward in the morning. They finally arrived at Ruth’s friend house, the front door creaked as she opened, the squeaking sound didn’t attract anyone or anything in the house. Ruth examined the place and discovered her friend might have left in a hurry “You think she made it?” Nicky asked anxiously.
“I have no idea, but the photos were taken… someone, maybe she evacuated like everybody else” Ruth picked up a frame which contained a college diploma.
“Was she a close friend?” Nicky asked softly.
“She was once” Ruth sighed.
“What happened?” Nicky asked curiously.
“We chose different colleges I went up North, Amy chose to stay here” Ruth smirked hopefully.
“Ruth look at this” Nicky called her over and handed a evacuation notice advising to travel to the nearest safe zone outside Atlanta. “I’m sorry” Nicky said as Ruth eagerly looked at the note.
“Why you sorry? this means she probably went there” Ruth winced.
“That quarantine zone was overrun” Nicky replied compassionately.
“How do you know that?” Ruth asked roughly.
“A few people from my group were there when it happened” Nicky stuttered and choked.
“But THEY made it out, maybe Amy did too!” Ruth responded coldly. Nicky stayed silent and walked to the other room. Ruth sniffed tearfully and climbed upstairs to Amy’s room. All she wanted to do and had the strength for was to lie down and cry, she came to terms that she was truly alone, the painful memory of losing everyone she loved has struck her. Nicky’s head was still throbbing and felt exhausted, she relaxed on the couch and quickly dozed off.
Ruth gasped while she awoke from another nightmare it was already dark and rain splattered against the window. She quickly sat up and rubbed her eyes before going to see what’s outside. She leaned her forehead against the cold glass there was something soothing about it. It was almost pitch dark, she snapped out her short trance and grabbed her gear. Nicky was still asleep on the couch and Ruth couldn’t shake the thought of Amy, Jacksonville or even the slightest idea where to head from here. Every story had the same ending the only difference was the location, every person Ruth tried to find or survive with ended up dead. She didn’t put too much hope into that second quarantine zone, Amy was most likely gone just like everyone else. Her body was still tired and it was best if she got more sleep before heading out.
It was a bright morning Ruth shortly realised she left her gear downstairs on the kitchen table, she later climbed down the stairs and caught a glimpse of the kitchen there was someone going through her things “The hell? HEY!” Ruth shouted. “Wha? Ruth!” Nicky grumbled as she woke up.
The woman briefly glanced and made a run for it with Ruth's backpack, Ruth went straight after her with Nicky behind. “Just give me my bag!” Ruth called out but the woman kept running. They pursued her through the narrow alleys of the neighbourhood, until a walker grabbed Nicky by the ankle and caused her trip and fell over a container. The walker later crawls on top of Nicky.
“Nicky?” Ruth stopped to look behind.
“Go! don’t let her get away!” Nicky gasped as she was struggling to fight off the walker. Ruth briefly glanced ahead at the running woman trying to climb over a fence and looked back at Nicky.
[Pursue the woman]
[Save Nicky]
@LiquidChicagoTed @Pipas @Violet_Ant @janitor
[Save Nicky]
To hell with the backpack, saving life is more important.
[Save Nicky]
Violet_Ant summarized my own thoughts on this. Saving Nicky's life is far more important than some stupid backpack. I am a bit surprised Nicky is willing to basically sacrifice her life so that Ruth could get her stuff back. I knew she was in a bad condition, but I have not thought that she would be that suicidal. Poor girl
[Save Nicky]
The walkers teeth snapped and clicked getting closer to Nickys face, she closed her eyes in front of the impending doom. The weight was jerked off of her, Ruth stomped as hard as she could repeatedly on the lurkers head. Both women panted heavily “Thanks” Nicky gasped.
Ruth turned back and saw the woman jump over the fence “There goes our food and my weapons” she said out of breath.
“Sorry Ruth, you should’ve gone after her” Nicky said softly.
“And what? let you die? couldn’t let that happen” Ruth tried to catch her breath.
“Still thanks” Nicky stuttered.
“We’ll get her, whoever she is, she couldn’t have gone far” Ruth slowly resumed.
“Over there!” Nicky pointed as she caught a glimpse of the stranger cutting the corner.
Ruth and Nicky stealthily tracked her down to one of the houses by the road, before entering the home the woman looked around to see if she weren’t followed and let her guard down thinking she was in the clear. “How do you want to play this?” Nicky asked worriedly.
“Lets get closer see if she’s alone and then we go in” Ruth said roughly.
“But she has your gun how do you know she ain’t gonna use?” Nicky stuttered nervously.
“One thing at a time” Ruth whispered while peaking through the window.
“See anything?” Nicky gasped.
“No, she must be upstairs” Ruth scanned the place hectically.
“What do we do now?” Nicky panted.
“I’m going in, you can stay here if you want” Ruth answered passively and slipped through the window. “Wait! it’s too quiet something is up” Nicky gasped and watched as Ruth grabbed what looked to be a letter opener from the desk and tried to sneak upstairs. Shortly Nicky forced herself to follow Ruth. The woman was heard whispering to someone benignly as if she was talking to a child. “You hear that?” Nicky hissed while Ruth only frowned in confusion as they continued to sneak up. The woman was crouching beside a young boy, he flinched upon noticing Ruth and Nicky “Angela” the boy stuttered. She turned and pointed a pistol at Ruth wearily “Please don’t hurt us, I’m sorry I stole your bag we needed the food” she said nervously.
“You could’ve asked first” Ruth replied coldly with her hands held up mid-air.
“Heh kindness nearly got me killed once, I could’ve, BACK OFF! I SWEAR I’LL SHOT” Angela yelled madly as she noticed Nicky advancing.
“Calm down, I’m sorry for what you went through, we can split the food, but I need my weapons back” Ruth tried to ease the situation.
“Just stay back!” Angela groaned. Ruth saw how her hands were shaking, maybe she was bluffing, there was little time to think and someone has to act fast.
[Threaten Angela and grab the pistol]
[Talk Angela down and make her lower the pistol]
[Retreat by taking a few steps back]
Back at the mansion Ian placed the candle by the window and waited for a response “C’mon c’mon” he grumbled to himself and the flashlight signalled him three final times. Ian waited, but nothing was happening maybe it was morse code, things went quiet he closed the window and checked again if the door was still locked “figures” he mumbled. There was nothing left do but to try and getting some sleep he reckoned, a long day was awaiting him. On the other side of the mansion Felicity stepped out of her room and quietly headed for the front gate where a while later Ivy showed up. “Did he see it? what did he do?” Felicity giggled.
“He lit up a candle that’s all” Ivy sounded disappointed while locking the gate.
“Oh…well that was boring I guess he won’t try to escape after all” Felicity moaned.
“I thought you wanted him to stay?” Ivy sniggered.
“I do, but I thought it’d be fun if he wanted to escape then we could catch him like a stray dog again” Felicity laughed softly.
“All in good time, he’ll be fed up with us by the end of the week just like mum and dad” Ivy groaned.
“Anyway how was it out there?” Felicity changed the subject.
“You will always find a creeper out there I tell you that” Ivy chuckled softly.
“How many?” Felicity asked anxiously.
“Relax I killed a few and diverted the rest it’s fine we’re cool” Ivy assured her confidently.
“Yeah you’re right creepers can’t climb walls right?” Felicity giggled.
“Right, I’d kill a dozen creepers for some hot chocolate” Ivy smirked.
@LiquidChicagoTed @Pipas @Violet_Ant @janitor
The walkers teeth snapped and clicked getting closer to Nickys face, she closed her eyes in front of the impending doom. The weight was jerked off of her, Ruth stomped as hard as she could repeatedly on the lurkers head. Both women panted heavily “Thanks” Nicky gasped.
Ruth turned back and saw the woman jump over the fence “There goes our food and my weapons” she said out of breath.
“Sorry Ruth, you should’ve gone after her” Nicky said softly.
“And what? let you die? couldn’t let that happen” Ruth tried to catch her breath.
“Still thanks” Nicky stuttered.
“We’ll get her, whoever she is, she couldn’t have gone far” Ruth slowly resumed.
“Over there!” Nicky pointed as she caught a glimpse of the stranger cutting the corner.
Ruth and Nicky stealthily tracked her down to one of the houses by the road, before entering the home the woman looked around to see if she weren’t followed and let her guard down thinking she was in the clear. “How do you want to play this?” Nicky asked worriedly.
“Lets get closer see if she’s alone and then we go in” Ruth said roughly.
“But she has your gun how do you know she ain’t gonna use?” Nicky stuttered nervously.
“One thing at a time” Ruth whispered while peaking through the window.
“See anything?” Nicky gasped.
“No, she must be upstairs” Ruth scanned the place hectically.
“What do we do now?” Nicky panted.
“I’m going in, you can stay here if you want” Ruth answered passively and slipped through the window. “Wait! it’s too quiet something is up” Nicky gasped and watched as Ruth grabbed what looked to be a letter opener from the desk and tried to sneak upstairs. Shortly Nicky forced herself to follow Ruth. The woman was heard whispering to someone benignly as if she was talking to a child. “You hear that?” Nicky hissed while Ruth only frowned in confusion as they continued to sneak up. The woman was crouching beside a young boy, he flinched upon noticing Ruth and Nicky “Angela” the boy stuttered. She turned and pointed a pistol at Ruth wearily “Please don’t hurt us, I’m sorry I stole your bag we needed the food” she said nervously.
“You could’ve asked first” Ruth replied coldly with her hands held up mid-air.
“Heh kindness nearly got me killed once, I could’ve, BACK OFF! I SWEAR I’LL SHOT” Angela yelled madly as she noticed Nicky advancing.
“Calm down, I’m sorry for what you went through, we can split the food, but I need my weapons back” Ruth tried to ease the situation.
“Just stay back!” Angela groaned. Ruth saw how her hands were shaking, maybe she was bluffing, there was little time to think and someone has to act fast.
[Threaten Angela and grab the pistol]
[Talk Angela down and make her lower the pistol]
[Retreat by taking a few steps back]
Back at the mansion Ian placed the candle by the window and waited for a response “C’mon c’mon” he grumbled to himself and the flashlight signalled him three final times. Ian waited, but nothing was happening maybe it was morse code, things went quiet he closed the window and checked again if the door was still locked “figures” he mumbled. There was nothing left do but to try and getting some sleep he reckoned, a long day was awaiting him. On the other side of the mansion Felicity stepped out of her room and quietly headed for the front gate where a while later Ivy showed up. “Did he see it? what did he do?” Felicity giggled.
“He lit up a candle that’s all” Ivy sounded disappointed while locking the gate.
“Oh…well that was boring I guess he won’t try to escape after all” Felicity moaned.
“I thought you wanted him to stay?” Ivy sniggered.
“I do, but I thought it’d be fun if he wanted to escape then we could catch him like a stray dog again” Felicity laughed softly.
“All in good time, he’ll be fed up with us by the end of the week just like mum and dad” Ivy groaned.
“Anyway how was it out there?” Felicity changed the subject.
“You will always find a creeper out there I tell you that” Ivy chuckled softly.
“How many?” Felicity asked anxiously.
“Relax I killed a few and diverted the rest it’s fine we’re cool” Ivy assured her confidently.
“Yeah you’re right creepers can’t climb walls right?” Felicity giggled.
“Right, I’d kill a dozen creepers for some hot chocolate” Ivy smirked.
[Talk Angela down and make her lower the pistol]
Sorry for missing the last voting, I had much to do in the last week! I also would have chosen to save Nicky, like the rest. And here I think it will be the best to talk Angela down. It sounds like the safest way.
[Talk Angela down and make her lower the pistol]
Huh, I didn't get any notification this time.
Dammit, forum!
[Talk Angela down and make her lower the pistol]
Huh, like Pipas I didn't get a notification either this time. Weird. But well, it's a good thing I regularly check the thread then, because I am dedicated to not miss a part
[Talk Angela down and make her lower the pistol]
I agree with janitor that this sounds like the safest choice. I mean, backing off would mean losing the backpack and that's not what I want. Similarly, Angela seems to be almost willing to give it up and I think all she needs is a little encouragement. Threatening her meanwhile sounds like the worst option here, because such a thing can easily go wrong and end with Angela shooting someone, either out of reflex, or out of nervousness. So... I hope I am not wrong, but the safe option would probably be talking.
And ah, I knew it with Ian! I freaking knew that this was only one of the creepy twins' mind games. Those bitches really need a good beating, but I am glad we apparently dodged a bullet for Ian here.
“Please, lets all just catch a breather, we’re unarmed and not here to harm you all I came for is my stuff” Ruth approached Angela cautiously with her hands held up.
Angela’s hands trembled as Ruth slowly got closer and placed her hand on the slide of the gun and gently lowered it. “I-I’m sorry I took your bag…he was hungry I only wanted to take the food, but you came down and I panicked” Angela stuttered, Ruth glanced at her and the boy hiding behind her.
“Situations like that lead to people getting killed, my friend almost died chasing you, I get it things are worse than bad-“ Ruth said coldly.
“But luckily we’re all alive, hey there little fella what’s your name?” Nicky interrupted and crouched towards the kid.
The boy had a cute blue ball cap he smiled, but held onto Angela “Milo” he answered softly.
“That’s a nice name I’m-“ Nicky replied.
“I’m sorry for everything just take your things and leave us be” Angela snapped nervously and took a step back with Milo. Nicky flinched and stood behind her companion while Ruth approached her bag in silence and started dividing the food. Footsteps creaked on the wooden stairs behind her, she startled and aimed her shorty at the slowly approaching intruders. A young man in his twenties wearing a bright blue hoodie stealthily revealed himself alongside a teenage girl both pointing their pistols towards Ruth. “Evan!? put your guns away!” Angela intervened.
“Who are they?” Evan asked suspiciously.
“I’ll explain later please all of you put your guns down!” Angela demanded. They listened and lowered their weapons “Are you okay?” the teenage girl rushed to Milo. “So what’s going on here?” Evan inquired firmly.
“We had a misunderstanding” Angela replied hesitantly.
“About what?” Evan pressed.
“She stole my stuff and it’s good that no one got hurt” Ruth started dividing the food.
“Why would you put us in danger like that?! I told we’ll find something with Devanne, Milo could have died because of you” Evan responded aggressively.
“I know I know and I’m sorry!” Angela sobbed softly.
“So here we are, maybe it’d be nice if we finally introduced ourselves….I’m Nicky and she’s Ruth” She said awkwardly after a brief moment of silence.
“Evan, I believe you already met Angela and Milo and that’s his sister Devanne” He answered calmly.
“We better get going Nicky” Ruth said indifferently.
“Go where? I think it’s time we take a break” Nicky frowned and suggested. Ruth jerked her aside “We gotta go to Jacksonville, if there still is a safe zone down there then we have to go maybe they will have some answers about this outbreak” she whispered.
“We can still go, but with them too and they seem nice” Nicky hissed.
“We almost got killed if you haven’t forgotten!” Ruth hissed loudly even the others heard her and gave a short glance.
“But we’re okay right? look Ruth…..if we continue surviving like this on our own, one of us is going to die, to be frank I’ve come to terms that I most likely won’t make it down the line, we lost everyone that we cared about that’s what we have in common you and I, that’s why I want to help as many good people as I can, look at them they just want to survive, like us….there’s a safety in numbers right?” Nicky said thoughtfully.
Ruth glanced at the new group she didn’t really agree with everything her companion said. Maybe they were good people, but at this point she hardly knows them and there’s two sides to that coin about safety in numbers, her college friends turned on her and on themselves only to stay alive, perhaps now would be different depending on the circumstances. Ruth always had a strong fear of making wrong decisions, right now the most livid one was revisiting those first few weeks seeing how her friends dying one by one by walkers or ‘not-so-friendly’ fire. However not everything has to end that way, this was the time to prove it.
“You’re sure we can trust them even after the stunt Angela pulled?” Ruth sighed.
“They got kids to look out for, I would’ve done the same thing honestly” Nicky tried to persuade her.
[Stay with the new group]
@LiquidChicagoTed @Pipas @Violet_Ant @janitor
For the record, this time I got a notification again
[Stay with the new group]
The thing is, where would she even go? Nicky seems eager to stay, so it is possible that Ruth would leave all on her own. That in turn could lead to all kinds of problems, because a lone wolf sooner or later runs into a deadly situation, whereas a group can provide at least some protection. I just hope that these people can be trusted, but ultimately, I think this is worth the try. Im going to eat my hat if I'm spectacularly wrong here, but still, I want to try it.
[Stay with the new group]
They seem not dangerous, so I´ll give it a shot.
[Stay with the new group]
I finally managed to read through all of this great story! I've been lurking on these forums for a while, so it's about time I make an account and actually contribute.
[Stay with the new group]
Welcome! more the merrier
submit a character if haven't yet 
“Okay, we’ll see how it goes” Ruth replied somewhat hesitantly.
They returned back to the new people, Ruth currently focused her attention on Milo and Devanne. The girl had gentle ginger hair tied up in a messy bun, her face bloodlessly pale and fully dotted with freckles. She turned her curious green eyes towards Ruth and Nicky as they came closer. Milo started coughing, nothing surprising for this time of year where he days are short and gloomy, he seemed like a cheerful boy as he turned his hooded brown eyes and small round face throwing a hopeful smile their way. Evan had short black hair and a soul patch on his chin and kept the same cold expression as they first met. Angela had shoulder length hazel brown hair, her almond eyes still looked doubtful and this time filled with guilt.
“I reckon we can help each other” Ruth said bluntly.
“How so?” Evan frowned.
“Bigger groups usually mean more security that’s what we all need, so what’s your story how you guys been coping till now?” Ruth sounded awkward.
“As you probably are thinking it’s been tough, we were low on food so Devanne and I went to scavenge what was left of this neighbourhood” Evan replied blankly.
“You’re not from around here?” Nicky asked curiously.
“Nah, we came from a secluded neighbourhood in the countryside bout twenty miles from here give or take, we-er we were all neighbours and had no idea what was going on in the first few weeks” Evan replied sullenly.
“I’m going to go and get some air” Angela rushed to her feet almost sobbing.
“Is she gonna be alright?” Ruth asked firmly.
“She’s been through a lot” Evan answered shortly.
“Where are you from?” Devanne asked bluntly looking at Ruth.
“I-I grew up not far from here, but haven’t been here for a few years” She replied sullenly.
“Oh why did you come back then?” Devanne persisted.
“Give it a rest Dev” Evan smirked.
“Do you guys have a plan on where to go from here?” Nicky changed the subject.
“Not really no, we have just aimlessly kept on going trying to get through the next day, if we had food and medicine I don’t think we’d ever have left our homes, heh for the first days we thought it was a powercut or something, so we waited…food was running out no one knew what was going on in the world, when my grandfather died from a heart attack…..he came back and almost…killed me, that’s when it struck us, the dead have risen” Evan sighed blankly. “We’ve all lost loved ones, I lost my grandfather, Milo and Devanne lost their parents and Angela lost her husband, daughter and son… yeah it’s been more than tough” Evan choked softly.
“God, I’m so sorry” Nicky gasped. “I’ll go talk to her see if she’s alright” she added.
“Have you guys heard any rumours about a safe zone in Jacksonville?” Ruth asked after a long pause.
“We saw flyers about that place in a couple of homes, do you think it’s real or if it’s still functioning?” Evan sounded skeptical.
“It’s worth a shot I think and we might find out more about the virus and what’s going to happen next” Ruth answered calmly.
“You could be right, but it’s still risky and quite far from here” Evan muttered.
“Everything is better than to just walk aimlessly” Ruth winced.
Evan exhaled deeply and looked at Milo and Devanne, Milo hardly speaks much these days, trauma seems to work differently on children than on adults, Devanne tries to stay positive, but Evan is worried that she’s bottling her thoughts and Milo would slowly start slipping into shock or depression. “I’ll have to talk to Angela about this, but I guess if it means that we would finally find some place that would bring safety and stability then it’s worth the hassle” Evan nodded.
“I’m starving can we finally eat?” Devanne asked softly.
“Of course” Evan smirked and opened his bag.
“We can mix and match” Ruth chuckled softly and grabbed her supply of food from the backpack.
Downstairs on the front porch Angela wanted to get some space “Oh it’s you” she startled as Nicky opened the creaking door “Sorry, you okay?” she asked.
“Yep everything’s great” Angela muttered with sarcasm.
“Look I just want to help-“ Nicky stuttered.
“Well you can’t help me! no-one can” Angela snapped briefly.
“I believe you lost someone, everyone has, the place you are right now it’s like you’re falling and can’t find the bottom” Nicky said sullenly.
“You have no idea how I feel you don’t even know me so….just…..leave me the hell alone” Angela murmured rudely with suppressed anger.
In a dark and musty chamber reeked with mouse droppings, the eerie silence was broken by heavy footsteps waking Sara, she was on the ground tied up and scantily clad. The door gave out a loud click and opened, the light forced her to cover her eyes for a brief moment “Have no fear Brick’s here” he said ceremoniously and ambled over to her.
“Tsst tsst I really hate you being down here darling, I really do, and you know you could be treated like a queen only if you let me, why the fuck would you want to stay down here? am I really that bad?” Brick chuckled.
“You finished?” Sara shivered.
“Far from it and you do know how to hurt my feelings, just tell me where you guys were planning to go cos your escape kinda created a bad vibe around here and I don’t like it!” Brick raised his voice.
“That was the intended effect” Sara smiled and stuttered from the cold.
“Oh girl….oh girl you are one strong cookie, but honestly I did everything for you and this is how you repay my trust? I wonder who came up with the big plan, I bet it was you or Monica that broad was always a bad influence, too domineering for my taste” Brick sniggered.
“You’re wasting you time their long gone just let it go” Sara coughed.
“Let it go?! oh no that ain’t an option, you all deceived us and now you want us to bend over and forget?” Brick laughed in her face.
“No, I just wanted to piss you off before I kill you” Sara smiled cunningly.
“Hah awesome just awesome that’s why I love you girl, I think that’s enough foreplay don’t you think? now are you ready to come back to the flock?” Brick shook his head excitingly as he continued the display.
[Reveal the whereabouts of Sara’s group]
[Lie - send Brick’s men the other direction]
[Refuse to answer]
@LiquidChicagoTed @Pipas @Violet_Ant @janitor @CascadeLaundering
I think Brick would see through the lie and telling the truth is out of the question. So [Refuse to answer].
Ahh, so nice to see a new reader here. Welcome!
[Refuse to answer]
So, the problem is, we don't know where her group is, we don't know where the other direction is, so sending Brick's men in either direction could endanger my favourite characters. Therefore, refusing to answer, while quite dangerous for Sara, sounds like the safest option for the other characters. This includes her group, since Brick can probably see through her lies, as Pipas said.
[Refuse to answer]
“Nobody likes a rat, isn't that what you used to say?” Sara replied through her teeth.
“Mmm that’s one way to put it, but this is for YOUR own good, you got till morning to tell me where you were heading or else I’m gonna kill one of the girls in front of you simple as that, I’m done waiting I’ve been nothing but patient with you for these past few days” Brick shook his head in disappointment and was about to leave.
“Really? You’d kill one of your precious girls just to prove a point, you’re pathetic Brick if you want to hurt someone, HURT ME” Sara called out angrily stopping Brick for a second.
“You’ll get your turn honey, sit tight now” Brick clenched his fist and slammed the door loudly.
“You think she’s gonna spill, I mean we can send a group to the place we found her and search from there, maybe they didn’t even have a plan on where to go in the first place?” Sven muttered into Brick’s ear.
“Well dumbass it’s no coincidence that they took off shortly after we mentioned about our new pals, if Sara breaks we might find out for sure” Brick smirked cunningly.
“Which pals Brick? the ones we encountered in the road?” Sven looked confused.
“Are you brain damaged Sven? because I swear this is getting very fucking weird, they escaped BEFORE I smashed a poor boys head in, I’m talking about our new FRIENDS The “Cave Dwellers” from the ‘Cave’ if that ain’t more obvious, if you still have no idea who I’m referring to then Russell Cave National Monument should ring you a fucking bell!” Brick replied cynically and aggressively.
“Sorry Brick of course they must’ve overheard at some point….I mean it’s quite far though but we might still find them, my head is just all over the place you know” he stuttered nervously.
“Are you on your period? what’s so damn important that's literally tripping you?” Brick joked with a stony-faced experession.
“I’m just worried about Penny, she’s been acting strange around me all of a sudden” Sven said worriedly trying to avoid eye contact with Brick.
“I knew there was pussy involved, maybe SHE’S having ‘that time of the month’ give her some space man, take a load off at the bar or go to the ‘Cat House’ enjoy something for a change it’s already miserable enough as it is out there pun intended haha” Brick patted him heavily on the shoulder and laughed.
“Miserable, good one I get it, that’s why you’re the man Brick!” Sven gasped cheerfully and caught up on the joke.
“Yeah, I still can’t get that poor kids face out of my head, but rules are rules there are no exceptions, anyway I reckon it’s time I get his name carved into our little mascot here” Brick swung casually and admired his cricket bat.
“It still has the kids blood on it” Sven pointed out.
“Young blood ey always tough to wash off” Brick and Sven chuckled loudly as they headed through the grey corridor.
Silence welcomed the hallway again. A young woman dressed in a hooded vest made of multiple panels of nylon canvas tied together with black and brown strings matched with tan cotton mesh shorts and smudged slip-ons emerged from the opposite side. She sneaked over to Sara’s cell and whispered “Hey Sara, psst you in there?”
“Penny is that you?” Sara hissed.
“Yeah I’m gonna get you out I managed to get the keys from one of the boys, are you hurt?” Penelope whispered urgently.
“Wait he might come back soon you’re gonna get into trouble!” Sara hissed and squirmed.
“I think we’re way past trouble don’t you think?” Penelope replied rhetorically.
“What about the other girls? do you have a plan?” Sara asked urgently and wondered if there was any chance of escaping this time.
“Er-I haven’t thought that far ahead, we have to hurry!” Penelope said urgently as she rushed in to untie her. Getting out of the compound unnoticed wasn’t easy the first time around they had to split into two teams to make the plan work. However now it’s only her and Penelope; additionally the benefit of travelling by night felt compelling but the risk was still high of getting caught even within the compound perimeter Sara thought diligently.
[Refuse and stay back]
“We should rest” Gia let out a long sigh of tiredness after walking a few good hours by the side of the road. The sun was down and the night almost upon them, she took off her sheath and sat on the grass with her legs crossed. Herman paused beside her, the boy stayed silent for most of the walk. Zack couldn’t get Emily out of his thoughts and what was he going to say to her if they met again. Gia repeated her words which he finally heard and stopped blankly gazing at the harmonious plains and at the flat long road ahead.
“You deaf or something?” Gia asked with a cocked eyebrow.
“Yeah-no…..I was just thinking about Cody” Zack sighed and shook his head in disappointment.
“Your friend is dead and I’m sorry, but blaming yourself is not the answer” Gia said stiffly.
“Easy for you to say, it was….painful seeing him go out like that” Zack choked and clenched his teeth.
“You will never forget it” Gia said dolefully recalling a tragic memory of her own.
“Are you okay?” Zack turned around.
“Tired….try killing a dozen dead corpses then we’ll talk” Gia shrugged.
“I have, but not at once” Zack forced out a thin smirk and sat beside her. “What’s really troubling you?” he added after a short pause.
“It’s none of your business” Gia muttered offensively.
“I know that, sorry didn’t mean to pry or anything” Zack said calmly.
“You better hope we find this mansion” she warned him mildly.
“We will, eventually” Zack replied hopefully.
“What are we gonna do once we get there?” Herman asked softly. Zack and Gia felt is was a good question and to one they wished to have an answer to.
“We’ll figure something out” Zack sighed and shook his head dubiously. Gia felt she could just sit here for hours and not think about the world around her, but she hated travelling by night so it was time to move again. She sighed deeply while grabbing her katana and was ready to go “C’mon lead the way you don’t want to be out here when it’s completely dark”
“Yes, Sir” Zack smirked thinly.
@LiquidChicagoTed @Pipas @Violet_Ant @janitor @CascadeLaundering
It might seem a bit cold to leave the others, but if she stayed one of the girls would most likely die (because Brick always keeps his word, blah blah) and I don't think Brick will kill anyone without Sara watching. Plus I doubt there'll be another oppurtunity like that. Let's just hope it's not a trap.
It is risky, but I want to try to get away form Brick.
Ugh, not that useless piece of shit again, getting another undeserved appearance in which it keeps getting worse. It seriously must die. And if it can cause the death of Zack as well, all the better. But Herman is on top of the list right now, its death can't come soon enough and it can't be painful enough and I certainly hope that it is going to return as a walker as well, because if anyone deserves it, it's that thing. Although Zack would certainly deserve the same fate. I even start to hate Gia because she is travelling with these two disgusting bastards, even if she should, by all means, be a character I like a lot.
Certainly, this is a chance she has to take. In her current position, there is nothing she can do to help the others either way. I also doubt Brick is going to kill one of them just because she escapes, because he does not strike me as someone who does sadistic things completely without reason, but to achieve his goals. If he kills one of the girls for this, he will put himself at a disadvantage and may lose what little leverage he still has over Sara. At least that's what I hope, but Brick is also certainly unpredictable, so yeah, I don't know. But that chance is too good to pass up on and it might save her live at the very least.
Gonna have to agree with the others here. She has to get away from Brick.
Penelope quickly untied Sara and the two rushed out into the dark corridor. This was plain suicide....then again everyday felt like a suicide mission; Sara thought negatively about the rash plan to escape. The stairwell lead them to the exit right under the watchout post. Penny peaked out to check if the guard wasn’t back yet “I’m guessing they fixed the fence huh?” Sara hissed.
“That was the first thing they did” She whispered back.
“I’m sorry we left you behind” Sara said remorsefully.
“It’s wasn’t your fault, only mine” Penelope replied with regret in her voice.
“Where’s the guard this doesn’t look right?” Sara sounded agitated.
“He’s in the clubhouse I got the key from him, we’re lucky he’s not back yet” Penelope chuckled softly.
“You must’ve given him a good time” Sara looked at her incredulously.
“I always do” Penelope muttered. “Okay c’mon” she signalled once two drunken henchmen meandered back to the cat house on the opposite side of the compound.
“Shit now what?” Sara mumbled angrily as they advanced to the front gate.
“There’s no other way or time, we gotta knock them out and make a run for it” Penelope whispered.
“Piece of cake” Sara muttered confidently while approaching the guard from behind, she jumped on top of him and subdued him with her thighs wrapped around his neck. The second guard turned around shortly after, Sara was already dashing towards him about to throw a punch that would break his nose; the guard stumbles backwards holding his bleeding nose while Sara wrapped her arms around his throat to subdue him. Killing them would provoke Brick to try and avenge his so-called brothers; something Sara wouldn’t risk in doing if he got his hands on any one of them again.
“Where did you learn to that?” Penelope sniggered.
“Self-defence class” Sara hissed and took the leather jacket off the guard. “We ain’t got time to loot him!” Penelope mumbled nervously. The whole setup was in their favour all they had to do was sprint through the gate and be home free, but Sara felt something wasn’t right there were more guards the last time around; Monica was the bravest of the lot, she volunteered to lure the guards away from their posts by stealing one of the dirt bikes, that gave time for Sara to cut the fence using pliers that Bree stole from the clubhouse garage. They agreed on regrouping at the rest area on the interstate when things cooled down and head for Alabama and finally meet with the small community of ‘Cave Dwellers’ that Brick was rambling on about. Everything was better than the Brotherhood compound any place was better to die in than here.
“It’s cold out here Penny, take the stupid jumper!” Sara ordered and later opened the gate.
Brick and a few other men waited by the bushes observing the girls sprinting the hell away from their little kingdom. “Hehe looks like Penny took the bait” one of them sniggered hoarsely.
“Gentlemen, I think it’s safe to say that the first stage of our plan had just worked out” He grinned in accomplishment while looking through the binoculars hoping that Sara would lead them to the other escapee’s.
Sara and Penelope had a long journey ahead and could only imagine reuniting again with their little group. Almost forty miles away Monica, Bree, Beth, Luna and Margaux were hold up in an abandoned retro diner. Margaux was still healing from the injuries she inflicted and was resting in the back with Bree accompanying her. Beth and Luna were making a last count of inventory before hitting the sack; ammo was scarce but they managed to scavenge enough food to ration for the upcoming week. Monica was sharpening a new knife she found while sitting in the booth and occasionally looking out the window observing the darkness while rain clattered gently against the glass.
“You don’t have to sit there and babysit me I’m fine-I’m better now” Margaux glanced at Bree’s optimistic face.
“But I want to, after all the times you….saved me…what sort of friend would I be if I just left you here alone?” Bree said idealistically.
“Don’t be a goofy cow, I think I can manage a moment of alone time” Margaux joked and slurred slightly in her french accent.
“I never really got to thank you for—“ Bree stuttered.
“Please not now, I don’t want to think about that place any more, what happened happened I’m glad I was able to help you out……sorry for snapping I didn’t mean” Margaux interrupted her roughly.
“It’s okay try getting some rest” Bree nodded gently. She looked at her briefly before going upfront to meet the rest and thought about how far Margaux has gone, the once famous fashion magazine editor Margaux Davenport born in America raised mostly in France. Before the outbreak she was headlined in the papers dating both boys and girls, now it would’ve been more like “big celebrity turned trigger-happy sniper”. Bree always thought that Margaux was psychologically the strongest of the group, the hardship and violations she took away from Brick’s sex slave camp made Bree’s skin crawl. For once in her life Bree was grateful for not being the prettiest woman in the neighbourhood and possessing the essential housewife skills of cooking which ‘bought’ her way out from being another working girl under Brick’s regime. Margaux saved her from being raped a few days before the initial escape.
She sighed and went upfront to the check on the others. “How we doing girls?” She called out softly.
“Not bad, we’re low on everything obviously, but we’ll manage just like we always do” Beth replied.
“Haven’t seen a walker for days, things are starting to look up” Evelyn Luna chuckled softly.
“How’s Margaux? She asleep?” Monica asked firmly.
“The wound is healing nicely, I’m not sure how her internal organs are doing…she did take quite a hit, good thing we treated it in time, because she wouldn’t be here now” Bree choked softly.
“You guys think we’ll ever see Sara again?” Beth sighed remorsefully.
“Maybe we will” Luna said blankly.
“I miss her, I miss our trainings together-“ Beth sounded nostalgic.
“Lets focus on getting to that damn cave first….then we could go back for her……if she’s even still alive” Monica snapped anxiously and slowly bursted into the bathroom. She sighed angrily while looking at her own reflection in the mirror thinking about this messed up situation. All it has ever been was moving from one fucked place to another. Those women are her friends but couldn’t help weighing them out according to “survival skills and mindset”. It’s a miracle they survived Brick’s terror considering how different they all were in terms of coping, but still mostly unpredictable.
Luna, still have no idea why she never wanted us to call her by first name, under that polite and helpful exterior lied an emotionally broken individual. Her start to the dead world began with having an affair on her dull husband to spice up her life and got more than she bargained for. She missed her husbands death as she was with the other man when a walker bit her husband in their own house. She’s been cutting herself almost religiously little by little every single day since first meeting at the compound, none of the girls know about this; no point on de-stabalizing the group anymore than it already is Monica assumed. Luna spent every minute looking like she’s going to punch her own ticket, probably this escape came at just the right time, or not. Beth, academic student turned survivor, oddly this girl has potential and is able to give a good fight thanks to Sara; the camp didn’t faze her so much or maybe she’s just good at hiding it and might well outlive the rest if she keeps enduring this way. Bree, another misfit; pleasant not very useful in killing walkers, but could gossip and knew how to cook a good grub, without the girls she’d be dead no question about it. Margaux, oh Monica fancied her and the one she’d ride off into the sunset, too bad the feeling wasn’t mutual. “You alright in there?” Bree startled her.
“Fine, just needed a minute to myself” Monica replied firmly.
“You’re always hiding away lets-“ Bree said softly.
“Shut it Bree, just leave me alone” Monica slammed the door with her fist.
“Okay that’s everything on my end, you done too?” Luna nodded in Beth’s direction.
“I believe this is yours” Beth hands over a silver beretta pistol “Keep it, I always hated that gun, any guns in general actually” Luna murmured.
“But I have mine, you should have one too” Beth insisted with a smile.
“I’m a lousy shot anyway, give it to Bree she may take it, listen I’m really tired I just want to get some sleep” Luna yawned trying to end the conversation and leaned against the glass covering herself with a blanket. Beth glanced behind noticed Bree was by the bathroom door and thought to herself “You both hate guns, but it might save your life”
[Leave the pistol on the table for Luna]
[Give the gun to Bree]
@LiquidChicagoTed @Pipas @Violet_Ant @janitor @CascadeLaundering
Damn it, so Brick was tricking them! Should have seen that coming. I should have seen that coming for sure. But I am very surprised that he has been tricking Penelop as well, I would have more guessed that she was secretly on his side. Argh, this is going to get people killed, I know it. That said, Brick is oddly growing on me as an antagonist. He is unarguably a huge step forward from the cannibals, who have been atrociously terrible in every imaginable way, and while he's no Jarvis or Hiram yet, he has quite something that makes him intriguing, in som weird way.
[Give the gun to Bree]
You know, these choices are always the hardest, where I can't really analyze potential pro's and con's for them. We don't know either character very well, but Beth basically summed the problem up in her final thought here. In the end, I think giving the gun to Bree is marginally better, since she is actually awake and able to take it immediately. If you just let that thing lie around for Luna to take, anything can happen and anyone can take it. At least with Bree, we know who has it and we can avoid any bad surprises later on. Though well, that is not much speaking in favour of it, but neither does it speak against it, right?
Goddammit, it was a trap after all! Bleh.
[Give the gun to Bree]
It was a trap :-0 I didn´t see this coming.
[Give the gun to Bree]
[Give the gun to Bree]
I was gone for so long, sorry about it. I moved and had problems with my internet connection at my new flat. Now I am back and I have read the parts I have missed
No worries, good to have you back
Beth took the gun and approached Bree “Take this” she said firmly to her. Bree grasped the pistol carefully, but also felt repulsed by the sight of it “Why didn’t you give it to Luna?” she winced.
“She said the same thing about you, one of you gotta step up might as well be you” Beth giggled softly. Bree reluctantly slid the pistol into her pants while Monica stepped out from the bathroom and walked past them without saying a word. “Monica isn’t taking this too well” Beth said worriedly.
“This is sort of new for all of us, we haven’t set foot out of that camp since we were captured and that felt like a lifetime ago, I understand why she’s acting this way I really do” Bree replied compassionately.
“No, there’s something else going on with her” Beth said doubtfully.
Monica headed to the back of the diner where Margaux was resting and their gear was placed. She grabbed the assault rifle and was ready to exit the back entrance “Monica, wait” Margaux stopped her.
“Just going to see if there are any walkers, I’ll be back soon” Monica replied coldly.
“Are you avoiding me?” Margaux asked her bluntly. “I though we were through this” She groaned after Monica turned around.
“It’s best we stay out of each others way” Monica said decisively and left.
“What was that about?” Beth came in shortly after.
“She still can’t get over our ‘one night stand’ and thinks it meant something” Margaux groaned.
“And did it?” Beth sat beside her.
“Not to me, I knew she was into me from the first moment we met, she’d always watch me carefully as I cleaned my sniper rifle it was kinda sweet at first, she puts on this whole…I dunno reserved persona, I used her and she used me that was it nothing else to it” Margaux answered uncommitted.
“That sounds quite cold” Beth sighed.
“Does it? she’s always like this taking off isolating herself, but you know this because we had this conversation before many times and to be honest I don’t fucking care anymore” Margaux shrugged.
“I’m sure she has a reason for being like this, she saved our asses on many occasions and that stands for something” Beth argued.
“Trying to be a lone wolf and actually being one is two different things, Monica can’t stand being alone that’s why she sticks around and that night she was hurting after what the boys did to her, so I gave her what she wanted most, me” Margaux said in a matter-of-fact tone.
“In her own way she thinks of us as her family, I know it, she wouldn’t be putting her life on the line if it were otherwise” Beth said thoughtfully.
“Either that or she basically has a death wish” Margaux groaned.
“I’m going to check on her” Beth said decisively.
“Be careful she likes to bite” Margaux scoffed softly.
Beth followed Monica and found her pointing the rifle at something in the distance “What is it walkers? Beth gasped.
“No it turned out to be nothing” Monica muttered after a long pause and lowered the weapon. “What are you doing out here anyway?” She arched an eyebrow at Beth.
“It’s been two days now, you reckon we’re gonna move out tomorrow?” Beth asked firmly.
“Maybe, depends on how Margaux is doing, I ain’t carrying her if that’s what your wondering” Monica replied uncommitted.
“She always likes the attention, but I’m sure she feels better now and fit to travel” Beth assured. “If we move out at dawn, we might get there by tomorrow night, maybe even quicker if we find another vehicle” Beth argued.
“Margaux is in no condition to travel, an extra day or two will help reduce the bruising-“ Bree intervened and objected.
“Brick could be on his way right now, if he finds us it will be on you two” Beth said coldly and went back to the diner.
“Fuck….I’ll talk to Margaux see what she wants” Monica felt reluctant to talk to her, but there was no other choice the journey was on hold because of her.
Inside, after exchanging eye contact and a brief moment of awkward silence followed an even awkward conversation “So you’re not avoiding me that’s start” Margaux groaned sarcastically.
“You think you can manage to travel?” Monica asked her blankly.
“I can try but I’ll only slow you guys down, no doubt about it” Margaux replied honestly.
“Bree reckons we should wait another day-“ Monica said flatly.
“And let me guess Beth wants to go yeah I figured that out” Margaux chuckled softly. “Listen I know I’ve been a bitch to you and it’s probably too late to change that….maybe it’s best you all go and I’ll catch up later once I’m fully recovered, it’s not like I’m in danger here I can always lock myself in, besides this way it’ll give you guys time to see if that cave community or whatever is somewhere we can finally stay safe and in peace” Margaux coughed.
“We should stay together no matter what” Monica murmured.
“You’re the one that got us out, well and Sara of course, you should decide on what move we do next” Margaux smirked thinly.
[Stay the extra day at the diner]
[Leave at dawn]
[Depart without Margaux]
Sarah rolled carefully onto her side, it was almost dawn and Blake was already up. The campfire heat seemed to be sucked into the chilling air before ever reaching their bodies. Blake poked what was left of the flames with a stick just to kill some time, he figured leaving the rest to sleep a bit longer was for the best. His cold breath hung in the air like a slow moving cloud against the clean blue sky “You’re up already?” Sarah murmured lethargically. Waking up was no longer a pleasure when a walker could easily gobble you up during a pleasant dream or nightmare “You don’t want to die in your sleep right?” Blake couldn’t resist scaring the kid. “Were there any walkers?” Her awareness heightened and sat quickly upright.
“Relax, if there were any you’d be first know” Blake grinned.
“Not funny dude” Sarah smirked.
“What do you think of her?” Blake leaned his head at Gina who was still asleep.
“She’s weird that’s for sure” Sarah murmured.
“Yeah she is a bit crazy, but I’m trying give her the benefit of the doubt” Blake narrowed his brows.
“Can I ask you something personal?” Sarah asked softly.
“Sure, go ahead” Blake nodded.
“Why do you keep your hair that way, it looks quite scary?” She smiled staring at his mohawk and unshaven sides.
“Fear gives the upper hand sometimes, but the main reason I have it is cos, when I was in juvy....this was a long time ago my case worker had this very hairstyle and he taught me a few good things about life, I kinda looked up to him, later when they released me I decided to have something to remember him by hence the hairstyle” Blake smirked thinly.
“Wow that’s a long time to keep your hair like that, what were you in for?” Sarah asked eagerly.
Blake lowered his face and sighed “I killed someone”.
“Oh…….did that someone deserve it?” Sarah stuttered softly and anxiously.
“Every bit” Blake lifted his head toughly and the campfire slowly died “I think it’s time we get everyone up” he said evasively.
Once everyone was up Amanda decided to change Jean’s bandage “Let me just have a quick look” she said firmly. Jean was reluctant but knew it was necessary “How does it look? just be honest, I know I look like a freak” he sighed. Amanda examined his head “It could’ve been a lot worse” she mumbled reassuringly.
“Freak it is then” Jean chuckled agitatedly.
“I saw bigger freaks out there……but yeah you do look a bit” Gina mocked.
“Okay I think we’ve had enough of that, time to move” Amanda said toughly.
@LiquidChicagoTed @Pipas @Violet_Ant @janitor @CascadeLaundering
[Leave at dawn]
Ah... I don't know... maybe this could be a middle way? Though I have the bad feeling that the middle way won't always work and that this might be one of these situations. But honestly, I couldn't think of a better reason to choose one of the other options. Outright leaving her behind sounds like a bad decision and staying an entire extra day could be dangerous. I mean, we know Brick's men are on their way to them, following shortly after Sara and Penelope. So if they wait for a bit, maybe they can catch up with both of them and leave before Brick reaches them? I don't know, I think it is worth a try.
[Leave at dawn]
Middle way, okay! It is a risk but I agree with what Liquid said here. Maybe then they wont have to leave anyone behind. But I would even be okay with leaving Margaux if that means they dont have to stay a full extra day.
[Leave at dawn]
[Leave at dawn]
A harsh caw of a crow had awoken Rachel, her face was resting against Bradley’s chest, she decided to slowly slip out and get dressed. “Sneaking out early hmm? ” Bradley murmured with a thin grin. “I gotta go and check on Nicholas” She smiled.
“I know…..and I’m glad last night happened” Bradley smirked.
“Me too, I’ll talk to you later” She smiled back with a scent of shyness in her voice.
“Looks like someone had it good last night?” Marco called out from below after Rachel left the barn.
“Yeah sorry about that” Bradley chuckled softly.
“I figured while you were having fun I’d have a long around and look what I found” Marco climbed up and showed him the hunting rifle.
“You know how to handle that kid?” Bradley nodded.
“You kidding? I used to practice everyday with my dad, I wish I had more ammo though” Marco said optimistically.
“Good find Marco…….where is he now? your dad” Bradley sensed a good moment to finally find out more about the kid.
“He died a year ago, lung cancer” Marco replied blankly.
“I’m sorry” Bradley muttered. “I’m happy he didn’t have to see what the world has turned into” Marco sighed.
“But you sure miss him huh?” Bradley muttered.
“Every day, it feels strange thinking that I might prolly be the only family member left, everything ends with me” Marco contemplated.
“I know the feeling mate” Bradley sighed.
“We should start considering where do we go from here, I’ll leave to get dressed see ya at the house” Marco nodded.
The sky was clear and the whole ranch seemed to be embraced in complete harmony as Rachel strolled back to the house. “What are you doing up here?” Devyn found Boniek sitting by a table.
“I couldn’t sleep so I had a look around the place found some useful stuff like rags, duct tape and blades I decided to make some shiv’s the kids should start learning to protect themselves” Boniek finished fixing a fifth weapon.
“What brought this on?” Devyn cocked an eyebrow.
“Liam’s death…..everything in general, it just got me thinking, what if I die today? or you or anyone else? who will protect them? the kids might have to fend for themselves sooner or later, I’ve been putting of teaching Mi-Cha how to properly deal with walkers and she had some close calls but luckily I was there to protect her, having a sharp weapon is a good start for anyone” Boniek said with confidence.
“Where did you learn to do these?” Devyn examined the scissor blade weapon.
“My brother taught me” Boniek sighed.
“We could’ve just used the decent knives in the kitchen” Devyn commented.
“These are smaller, easier to conceal and can be quite sharp” Boniek argued softly.
“But they could they break? right-“ Devyn frowned.
“Have you guys seen Nicholas?” Rachel interrupted urgently.
“I saw him earlier looking through some stuff in the cupboard-” Boniek replied before he was cut off by two gunshots coming from the back of the house.
Rachel and some others urgently rushed down, Nicholas was found holding a pistol by the fence and both walkers were down “Nicholas are okay?! don’t you ever wonder off like that!” She hugged him briefly.
“I found this in the house later I saw…..them so I tried to kill them just like you told me to” Nicholas pointed at the dead bodies.
“Next time tell me before going out on your own, you understand? never go alone when I’m with you okay?” Rachel stuttered from the shock.
“Okay, sorry Rachel” Nicholas said remorsefully.
“You’re a pretty good shot” Marco remarked with a smirk and Nicholas smiled back.
“Don’t encourage him, guns are bad not matter what” Rachel wanted to make sure it was clear to Nicholas.
“Lets get everyone inside” Boniek muttered.
“How are we doing with supplies?” Bradley asked with everybody seated in the living room.
“No change the house didn’t have much to begin with…..the baby needs formula, we can’t go on like this” Cecelia replied worriedly.
“I think this the best time to put all our cards on the table, this farm I admit isn’t the best hideout for now but if we put in a lot of work we could make this our home, another option we have is to head south maybe something close to the coast would work in our favour” Boniek suggested.
“We still have to find our people before even thinking of settling down, I agree this farm isn’t the best the place but it’s relatively safe and dragging the whole group to find supplies
would be too tiring” Bradley expressed his thoughts.
“Stick around until Brick and his men show up again? no way, we should head south just like we planned before, anywhere as far as possible” Devyn objected.
“He won’t I mean he doesn’t even know about this farm, otherwise they’d use it as an outpost or something, at least that’s what I would’ve done” Marco contemplated.
“And if he does then what?” Rachel asked rigidly.
“Then we take a stand, I’m not going to let some bully bash my face in!” Marco said unconvincingly.
“That’s just stupid Marco” Bradley remarked.
“There’s got to be something out there-” Devyn muttered.
“Guys I think we just found them” Viola cut Devyn off pointing out the window noticing Amanda and Blake in the distance.
Back at the brotherhood compound Brick has called in an assembly to inform about recent events, every man and woman were present at the clubhouse “Brothers and sister, as you all may have heard Sara and Penny have broken the golden rule which is deserting us, that move is unacceptable, we are the myriad of this new world, from the moment you all stepped into the brotherhood there is no going back from it, this place is your home, together we will conquer and divided we squander, they will all return to the fold because you live and die as a Myriad” Brick said ceremoniously before the men returned to their duties.
“What’s the status Sven?” He grunted to the radio during the walk back to his personal quarters which once served as an office to the not quite legal activities of the gang “Sven do you copy? answer goddammit!” He snarled.
“They stopped at a rest area on the interstate, we’ve been here for a few hours BW, you think something’s up? over” Sven muttered.
“No stay on’em, once they get in contact with the rest move in and bring them back home” Brick ordered and lied on the couch.
“Roger that Brick” Sven said affirmatively.
A young guard stepped into the room and said “Sorry to disturb you Brick, me and the boys found a girl while doing our rounds into town she has no idea who she is, apart from her name”
“Oh goodie, nice work kiddo bring her here I want to fully acquaint myself” Brick smirked. The guard nodded and returned shortly with the newcomer, she was wearing grey shorts; a loose white blouse stained with blood under a turquoise jacket.
“Man aren’t you pretty….oh where are my manners? please sit, make yourself comfortable” Brick welcomed here. She appeared to be in her mid-twenties; tall and well tanned.
“Where am I? and who are you?” Her voice was restrained.
“You are now in the compound of The Myriad Brotherhood a safe zone from all the nastiness out there I’m Brick Williams at your service, the boys told me they found you looks like you hit your head badly good we got that fixed, what’s your name?” He smiled welcomingly.
“Yeah thanks….Joanna is my name…I can’t seem to remember anything else” She looked confused.
“The head injury might’ve given you amnesia or something anyway forgetting certain things could come in handy, do you know the dead started walking?” Brick chuckled softly.
“I killed one when I got up…..I thought I was having a bad dream, I was in the attic on the floor with unbearable headache and wheals all over my body, when I managed to think clearly, I realized I didn’t know my name, age and or anything about myself, there was a dead-walking woman in the house I wanted to help her but she just wanted to bite me I stabbed her she kept on coming then she fell and cracked her skull against the counter, I wandered outside and that’s when your men found me” Joanna said thoughtfully.
“You’re lucky to have survived, you were alone? no crew waiting for you or something?” Brick replied.
“I was completely alone” She said bleakly and in disbelief.
“Pretty hard being on your own and losing your memory just adds up to the fucked up situation” Brick groaned.
“Why are dead people walking?” She sighed.
“That’s something we all want to know, no matter how you die you come back that’s the bottomline, destroying the brain prevents from coming back, oh and don’t get bit by one of those freaks that can kill ya too but very fucking slowly” Brick replied casually.
“Oh my God” She slowly rose to her feet and let the news sink in.
“Must be hard hearing this and also not remembering a thing about who you are is kinda a bummer too, but then again you forgot all the suffering this outbreak has caused and believe me we all lost someone close“ Brick replied coming closer to her.
“It might come back to me, it has to! I can’t just forget everything!” She demanded.
“Well you figured out your name that’s a start, how did you anyway?” Brick asked curiously and sat back down in his chair.
“My wedding ring I think, it’s got Joanna and Terrence engraved” Joanna exhaled and took of the ring to show him.
“Cute, but you could’ve just stolen it from some other rotting corpse” Brick scoffed.
“I wouldn’t I mean I don’t think so!” She stuttered.
Brick rose to his feet later approaching her, he could tell by her body language that she did not like him, her crystal blue eyes were also uninviting. He ran his fingers through her shoulder length wavy strawberry blonde hair “It’s a harsh world out there, forgetting who you were may come as a benefit to you, because in this nightmare you get to rise again, a fresh new person, you can choose who you want to be, create new memories good ones I hope, I can guarantee you safety, this compound is the home of the many as you might’ve already seen” Brick said solemnly.
“Not to be rude, but you’re invading my personal space” She narrowed her eyebrows and pushed his hand gently away.
“Okay I apologise for that, I tend to get carried away maybe you want to rest up before making a decision about staying whattcha say to that?” Brick sniggered.
“Yeah okay, I’m hungry you got anything to eat around here?” She frowned.
“You kidding?! of course we got plenty I’ll have Bruce bring you something good don’t you worry” Brick smirked and cleared his throat before calling him in through the PA system “Brucie boy, my quarters right away”
“What’s up BW?” Bruce appeared after a short while wearing a black blouson leather jacket and camo pants.
“We got a new face around her name’s probably Joanna, see to it she has a place to rest and bring her some food” Brick ordered calmly.
“Right away Brick” Bruce nodded and gestured Joanna to follow him.
“Word of advise you better agree to what he’s offering you” Bruce warned while he lead her to one of the more accommodating cells.
“Why? what’s he gonna do if I don’t?” She crossed her arms.
“Because if you don’t you’ll end up just like any other girl here, raped when needed” Bruce replied bluntly.
“And if I agree what then?” Her eyes widened and eyebrows rose.
“Then you get to choose one partner with whom you want to be and if the man accepts, then you’ll avoid any torture” Bruce whispered.
“Fuck that, the only difference is I’ll be repeatedly tortured by one guy instead of many, you gotta to get me out of here!” She objected.
“Look if you try to escape, he’ll hunt you down and if he does you’re gonna wish to be dead” Bruce said roughly.
“Why would he go through all that trouble just to find me, it makes little sense?” Joanna winced.
“Because he’s possessive and having women around seems to be the only attraction left in this world, not to mention eight have recently escaped so things are kinda hectic at the moment” He sighed.
“I’m guessing the other girls turned you down huh?” She said sarcastically with a raised eyebrow.
“You want my help or not?” He asked seriously.
“I should’ve just died in that attic” She mumbled. “What?” Bruce didn’t hear her.
“So what’s your plan why are you trying to help me?” Joanna sounded skeptical.
“Because I hate what they do to those girls, with my offer you get to live without getting forced to do stuff you don’t wanna and not get constantly violated by some greasy bastard” Bruce grunted.
“Great fucking great, if you hate them so much why are you here?” Joanna persisted mildly.
“Once you enter there is no leaving that’s the rule” Bruce answered earnestly.
“I don’t who’s more crazy him or you or all his fucking disciples put together!” She snarled.
“Keep your voice down, if you were to chose between a safe place and constantly watching over your shoulder every damn time wondering when a rotter creeps up on you what will it be?……I thought so” Bruce hissed angrily.
“This whole setup sounds like a marriage and I just maybe got out of one, fucking irony” She chuckled angrily glancing at her assumed wedding ring “What makes you think I can trust you?” She exhaled.
“Has anyone else offered you help? the three guys that found you, did they say anything about where they’re taking you? no….seems like I’m the only one you can trust right now, I promise I won’t hurt you and nobody’s gonna know about this” Bruce sighed and opened the cell door.
[Agree to his offer]
@LiquidChicagoTed @Pipas @Violet_Ant @janitor @CascadeLaundering
Aw man, Brad and Rachel being happy makes me happy. It took them a long while to get there and honestly, they deserve it. And it is great to see that Blake and the others have finally caught up with them, meaning that they only have to find Emily and Howard. Now, if they can get rid of that fucking Harper offspring, everything is going to be, well, not good, but at least something. I hope they won't get themselves into danger to get supplies for the family of the bitch that murdered theirs. I can't believe they still even carry it around, what's the point in that? It's a danger, a liability and a waste of time and effort. They should have just left that thing to die with its mother, as it deserves.
[Agree to his offer]
Well... this is not an easy choice. The thing is, we know Brick is not fucking around. He keeps his end of a deal, he showed that much when he allowed the group to leave after killing Liam. And I am absolutely sure that Bruce has a point when he tells her what is going to happen if she refuses. This sounds like her best chance, even if I hate for her to do such a thing. The alternative just sounds much worse.