Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • if the glacial crust is not hemorrhaged, bonnie's biological imprint ceases to exist

    u dnot' breake aise bony dai.

  • no.

    if aise breaked bony ye dai, no no

    Deltino posted: »

    if the glacial crust is not hemorrhaged, bonnie's biological imprint ceases to exist

  • Oh, I was actually talking to Sleep.

    I am popular.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Oh, I was actually talking to Sleep. And I'm pretty sure Romeo is a name.

  • if you don't die the bonnie break the ice

    if you don't ice the break bonnie dies

  • if aise breaked bony ye dai, no no


    no. if aise breaked bony ye dai, no no

  • If you don't Bonnie the ice break dies.

    if you don't die the bonnie break the ice

  • One pretty cool little tidbit that a lot of people never encounter is in season 2 episode 5, if you don't break the ice then Bonnie drowns.

  • so what happens when theres some black men on a boat?

    Right? He's not racist, he's just super fetishistic towards the black community and likes that BDSM shit.

  • Something along the lines of this probably.

    enter image description here

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    so what happens when theres some black men on a boat?

  • If the ice doesn't die, Bonnie breaks,

    Acheive250 posted: »

    If you don't Bonnie the ice break dies.

  • luek laekewalkr lel

    if aise breaked bony ye dai, no no Jedi?

  • [removed]

    Something along the lines of this probably.

  • edited November 2016

    If the Bonnie dies, you don't break ice.

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    If the ice doesn't die, Bonnie breaks,

  • edited November 2016

    If Bonnie don't die the ice breaks you.

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    If the ice doesn't die, Bonnie breaks,

  • I didn't know she could still die if you chose "help Luke". Interesting.

  • Episode 1: A New Day

    • During early character development, Katjaa panicked more and Duck was less enthusiastic compared to the retail version. Larry was more compassionate and admitted that he was wrong in believing that Duck was bitten more often than he did in the released version, which was only once depending on which choices you made.

    • An unused subquest was created for Doug before release but was removed. In early development, you had to knock the electricity pole on Lee's brother while Doug attracted the walkers away with Kenny's truck. Lee had to cut the electricity before cutting the pole down with a fire axe.

    • Additionally, you could choose who to come with you to save Irene, or leave her completely. Lee could choose only Carley to come with him, only Glenn, or neither of them. If Lee went alone, he would borrow Carley's Glock. Leaving Irene makes Glenn upset with Lee, and tries to convince him that they should go save the girl as well as check for supplies.

    • Lee had to find a hammer and a pair of nails while walkers were invading the pharmacy, hammering windows and doors to buy the group some time. Lee had to go to both Carley and Doug, assisting them with the hammer while they held the window/door.

    • In some promotional photos, Glenn's baseball cap has the New York Yankees logo on it. However, in the game it does not.

    Episode 2: Starved For Help

    • When Lee meets the unknown group of distracted strangers, there was a completely different scene as either Lee, Kenny or Mark had to help Ben shoot the walkers while one of the three cut off Mr. Parkers leg. If Mr. Parker was left behind, Lee could have the option of leaving Ben as well or take him with you. If this option was made then Mark would die in the bandit raid at the St. Johns dairy, and Mr.Parker would take Mark's role of being dinner.

    • Travis did not exist originally at the beginning of the episode, he was added much later.

    • Ben was a completely different character in early development, he could use a rifle and was more scared than in the final. He also would tell what really happened to his classmates, and had to witness several traumas such as being forced to see rape. This was a major key factor left out, whereas Ben dealt with the bandits to save a friend he thought they had.

    • The group was already aware of the bandits, as they had attacked after the events of "A New Day".

    • Lee and the group could choose to bring gas or not. If Lee said no, then Andy would come back with some food every day until the group said yes. Ben would stay behind due to his trauma, with Kenny replacing him in the group going to the dairy. Lilly was more acceptable to the newest member, teaching him the basics.

    • Brenda had a different voice actor.

    • There is a dream sequence present in the game data, whoever you didn't save in Episode 1 would come back to haunt Lee in his dream asking why they weren't saved, and saying that Clementine will die because of his actions. Lee's ex-wife Sam and the senator Hans are mentioned as well. The scene ends with "Do you think you can save me this time?"

    • When the group arrived at the farm, the group could either take the biscuits or leave. (Refusing them apparently results in some hilarious dialogue between Mark and Carley/Doug) Lee could also freely leave the farm and go back to the motor inn if desired.

    • There was more to Jolene. Depending on Lee's choice she could mention another bandit called Paul, and her daughter Danielle.

    • The dinner sequence was much larger, as an unused subquest occurred where Lee had to cut Clementine's food or let Lilly/Kenny do it. Lee could also choose to add more salt or pepper to Clementine's plate or let the two above do it. There were several retakes of a prayer, and Lee at this point had found out that Mark/David was dinner.

    • Larry's death was much more drawn out and emotional, as in his dying breath he would apologize to Lilly for not being able to protect her and her mother.

    • The group was scattered at first after the revelation of cannibalism. Lee would find Kenny first, who would have been shot beforehand, and then he would find Lilly before trying to rescue Duck and Katjaa.

    • Mark Darin stated in an interview that originally, Lee would have to move from stall to stall while avoiding detection by Danny St. John and he would have to place the bear trap in order to catch Danny (as oposed to him stumbling into it during a cutscene).

    • Originally the group did not find a station wagon, the food was in the barn. After Doug/Carley and Ben save Lee and the others and after Andy's fight, they all take a box and go back to the motor inn. The supply room was replaced with a bloody tub, metallic equipment and jars containing organs instead.

    • Additionally, after the survivors took the food, you could go around asking everyone how they felt about today's events in the motor inn. If Mr. Parker was left behind but Ben was taken he'd tell that it was a horrible fate for his teacher as he was a good man.

    Episode 3: The Long Road Ahead

    • During the bandit attack, Lee had to save each individual, as the group was scattered all over the Motor Inn rather than saving Doug/Carley and Ben, then save Clementine, Katjaa and Duck from the vicious bandit attack.

    • Ben was supposed to tell Lee about his family on the train, but it was scrapped for this episode and added in "No Time Left."

    • Jolene was going to make a return via flashback, but this was scrapped for unknown reasons. Her lines are in audio clips. Interestingly enough there are audio clips of her screaming and crying for help, possibly while being raped (as she implies in the camcorder "You rapist mon-!" in the final version).

    Episode 4: Around Every Corner

    • Ben had the option of killing Fivel by a gunshot, and an unfinished animation where he stomps on the boy.

    • Ben also had an unused wish to die. He asks Lee to drop him because he and Kenny wants to, because he too believes that he is quoting this line "A fuck up for everyone." There is unused audio where he thanks Lee for dropping him, before getting devoured by walkers.

    • There is extra dialog that went unused between Clementine and Lee if he chooses to drop Ben much to her dismay, as she thought Ben was one of her closest friends and never thought of himself, only the group.

    • Anna Correa and Doctor Logan had a slightly bigger role via tapes. Doctor Logan tried to get Anna Correa out of Crawford, but was killed in the process, possibly by Oberson. This was scrapped when Molly was implemented.

    • There was a subquest where you lead Vernon to the mansion, and your group to Crawford via the sewers. This was most likely scrapped due to time constraints

    Episode 5: No Time Left

    • There is an unused sequence where Lee and whoever came to find Clementine with him, had to navigate through the sewers, fighting walkers.

    • Lilly was slated to appear in this episode.

    • Lee and his group had 40 bullets to fight the Walkers in the mansion, but it was cut down to 11 in the final.

    • When confronted with the stranger, Lee has an unused option to tell about Lilly.

    • If Lee chooses to talk about Lilly; he'd reveal that she was a good woman who was a good friend until she lost her father, resulting in her killing Doug/Carley due to paranoia.

    • Kenny was originally set to die in this episode, but his death scene was scrapped.

  • With cut content, I find myself wondering why they cut it more often than not if I'm honest. Another example that comes to mind is Ralph and Mike originally being the same character. He would reveal that the gunshot heard in "All That Remains" was Christa shooting his earlobe off.
    It would have been so much better, and I don't understand why it was cut.
    Similary, there was also originally going to be a choice to shoot Mike in "No Going Back". This scene was actually fully finished and even published with the original PS3 version, before quickly being patched out. It seems to have been cut on very short notice right before release.

    Both these scenes/plotlines should have been in the game imo.

    Episode 1: A New Day * During early character development, Katjaa panicked more and Duck was less enthusiastic compared to the retail v

  • edited November 2016

    Oh, when I read "if you don't break the ice, Bonnie dies" in the original comment, I did not take the time to read it again!

    Bon-Bon posted: »

    I didn't know she could still die if you chose "help Luke". Interesting.

  • edited November 2016

    Carver: Luke! I am you father!

    It sounds better in my head XD

    luek laekewalkr lel

  • Amazing some of the stuff you don't realise and the cut content if it had been left in would have made things much better

    Episode 1: A New Day * During early character development, Katjaa panicked more and Duck was less enthusiastic compared to the retail v

  • Javi has a beard!

  • also if you don't break the ice bonnie dies

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Javi has a beard!

  • What?! Proof or you're lying.

    also if you don't break the ice bonnie dies

  • enter image description here

    What?! Proof or you're lying.


    also if you don't break the ice bonnie dies

  • An unused subquest was created for Doug before release but was removed. In early development, you had to knock the electricity pole on Lee's brother while Doug attracted the walkers away with Kenny's truck. Lee had to cut the electricity before cutting the pole down with a fire axe.

    Oh, so that's why Doug's "introduction" is technically when the army starts shooting outside and why he and Lee just seem to know each other. I was wondering about that a few nights ago.

    Travis did not exist originally at the beginning of the episode, he was added much later.

    Oh yeah, I do recall reading something like that. I think it was because his voice actor was supposed to play Ben and they wanted to give him a role when he recast.

    Brenda had a different voice actor.

    Thank goodness they changed it too, because it just sounded like the stereotypical dirty old redneck lady. No offense to the actress.

    . Lee's ex-wife Sam and the senator Hans are mentioned as well.

    Oh, so that's who Sam is!

    Jolene was going to make a return via flashback, but this was scrapped for unknown reasons. Her lines are in audio clips. Interestingly enough there are audio clips of her screaming and crying for help, possibly while being raped (as she implies in the camcorder "You rapist mon-!" in the final version).

    Oh, is that a fact? Shame too, cause Jolene is one of my favorite characters in the games.

    Anna Correa and Doctor Logan had a slightly bigger role via tapes. Doctor Logan tried to get Anna Correa out of Crawford, but was killed in the process, possibly by Oberson. This was scrapped when Molly was implemented.

    Oh, is that why they scrapped it? Interesting.

    Lilly was slated to appear in this episode.
    Kenny was originally set to die in this episode, but his death scene was scrapped.

    Yeah, I believe Gavin Hammon revealed that at one point. Lily was supposed to show up in the RV, presumably to rescue the group; meanwhile, he had recorded death dialogue and rattle s for Kenny's death but the sound director contacted him and mentioned that they apparently deleted it or something.

    Episode 1: A New Day * During early character development, Katjaa panicked more and Duck was less enthusiastic compared to the retail v

  • Where was this "confirmed"?

  • Okay, so I'm able to confirm this due to my recent/current 3rd "Pragmatic Lee" playthrough: If you side with Kenny in the meat locker and drag your feet holding back Lilly, the screen will start to turn red in the corners but it will not continue if you deliberately drag the process and thus, nothing happens as a result of delaying killing Larry. This seems to imply that Larry wasn't actually dead yet.

    With that said: For those who know about the games files, is there any existing evidence that Larry would indeed turn during this scene that may have been cut?

  • As far as common knowledge on the forum goes, there is no evidence in the files that suggests that Larry would have died, other than a scrapped line in which he tells Lilly goodbye and apologizes for being a terrible father—and even then, this does not prove that he would've died.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Okay, so I'm able to confirm this due to my recent/current 3rd "Pragmatic Lee" playthrough: If you side with Kenny in the meat locker and dr

  • edited November 2016

    No, but at the same time there's nothing to suggest he wouldn't have. I don't agree with Kenny's rash decision, personally I think they should have hovered the saltlick over his head and waited until Larry opened his eyes. Dead eyes -> immediately drop it. Alive eyes -> help him.
    But there isn't really a "right" or "wrong" decision here. I usually just side with Kenny because I know he'll be around much longer than Lilly and I'd have to suffer his passive-aggresive attitude otherwise.

    And I wouldn't read anything into failing the quicktime event not resulting into anything. It's obvious Telltale didn't want to give a definite answer. Imagine if someone had done that when Episode 2 was brand new just to see wether Larry turns or not. If he had turned, then the people would have just rewound the game and killed him.
    I think Larry was dead, but I have no more to back it up than people who say he was alive.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Okay, so I'm able to confirm this due to my recent/current 3rd "Pragmatic Lee" playthrough: If you side with Kenny in the meat locker and dr

  • It's meant to be unclear. If there was a way to definitively say whether Larry was dead or not, then it wouldn't be such a tough and controversial choice, would it? It's a rapid choice that you make based on just a few bits of evidence and Telltale wants it to stay that way.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Okay, so I'm able to confirm this due to my recent/current 3rd "Pragmatic Lee" playthrough: If you side with Kenny in the meat locker and dr

  • edited November 2016

    I don't agree with Kenny's rash decision, personally I think they should have hovered the saltlick over his head and waited until Larry opened his eyes. Dead eyes -> immediately drop it. Alive eyes -> help him.

    You'd think this would've been the obvious option, but whatever. Glad someone else realized that all the same.

    And I wouldn't read anything into failing the quicktime event not resulting into anything. It's obvious Telltale didn't want to give a definite answer. Imagine if someone had done that when Episode 2 was brand new just to see wether Larry turns or not. If he had turned, then the people would have just rewound the game and killed him.
    I think Larry was dead, but I have no more to back it up than people who say he was alive.

    Actually, no I disagree with that. If anything, Larry turning after you fail to pull back Lilly over an extended period of time would still be vague because while he clearly would've died then, it'd still be ambiguous as to whether he was actually dead when Kenny came to the realization or not, and so holding back Lilly could just as easily be read as either preventing the inevitable or potentially preventing her from keeping him alive and thus, making Kenny's prediction a selffulfilling prophecy.

    No, but at the same time there's nothing to suggest he wouldn't have. I don't agree with Kenny's rash decision, personally I think they shou

  • Actually, no I disagree with that. If anything, Larry turning after you fail to pull back Lilly over an extended period of time would still be vague because while he clearly would've died then, it'd still be ambiguous as to whether he was actually dead when Kenny came to the realization or not, and so holding back Lilly could just as easily be read as either preventing the inevitable or potentially preventing her from keeping him alive and thus, making Kenny's prediction a selffulfilling prophecy.

    You have an innovative point.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I don't agree with Kenny's rash decision, personally I think they should have hovered the saltlick over his head and waited until Larry open

  • Good point, actually.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I don't agree with Kenny's rash decision, personally I think they should have hovered the saltlick over his head and waited until Larry open

  • Eh, see my reply to EpicMustacheGuy.

    It's meant to be unclear. If there was a way to definitively say whether Larry was dead or not, then it wouldn't be such a tough and controv

  • I'm pretty sure they just didn't want to make an undead Larry model and have this elaborate "You are DEAD" sequence. It's probably an oversight. The fact that NOTHING happens (Lilly doesn't break away, Kenny doesn't say anything one way or another, in other words the game stops) shows that its not really a hint that they dropped to us but just an oversight when they didn't account for players not pressing X when they decided to go with Kenny.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Eh, see my reply to EpicMustacheGuy.

  • Woah, spoiler alert pls!!

    also if you don't break the ice bonnie dies

  • In the Ps3 version, there's a version where you can shoot Mike. What would happen to the story if you kill Bonnie and shoot Mike?

    If Bonnie dies in the frozen lake with Luke in No Going Back, Bonnie only gets mentioned once by Mike the second you get in the half-built h

  • For those who know about the games files, is there any existing evidence that Larry would indeed turn during this scene that may have been cut?

    Nope. The files say nothing.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Okay, so I'm able to confirm this due to my recent/current 3rd "Pragmatic Lee" playthrough: If you side with Kenny in the meat locker and dr

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