Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • edited November 2016

    In Season 1 when you go to Crawford with your crew if you decide to not bring Clem (very important) at the moment when Molly get caught by a walker if you shoot her without touch the walker who grabbed her , she will runaway towards the group of zombies and it will be write on top of your screen Molly will remember that and you will not see her in the game after that. It is really crazy hope Telltale will remember that and that you can choosse to leave Duck in the forrest ithout shooting to see him as a walker

  • I did the same in my second playthrough by complete accident because the controls were shit.

    In Season 1 when you go to Crawford with your crew if you decide to not bring Clem (very important) at the moment when Molly get caught by a

  • Does anyone know of a S1E4 playthrough where Lee says "Ben, you let him drink?!"

    Thanks in advance

  • 3:05 Who the heck is THAT??

    Bon-Bon posted: »

    it's at 1:45. I'm not sure how Jane would know about her past unless she had started using drugs again and was caught by Jane.

  • Rashid and Vanessa.

    3:05 Who the heck is THAT??

  • If that made it into the game that's kinda ironic coming from the Glass Eater.

    Bon-Bon posted: »

    There is a discarded audio sound byte of Jane criticizing Bonnie for her drug addiction hinting that these characters might have been adversaries in the original script.

  • Natasha. That line is actually in the game during the waiting period for the final choice.

    3:05 Who the heck is THAT??

  • It's scene when Lee come back with Vernon. And then he's search for Clem, Kenny drink on first floor with Ben. If Lee say "Ben, you let him drink?!"

    Ben say like: "Hey, he don't listen to you, why he do listen to me?"

    Does anyone know of a S1E4 playthrough where Lee says "Ben, you let him drink?!" Thanks in advance

  • I don't know of a playthrough, but I know how the line goes

    Lee: The fuck were you thinking, letting Kenny get like this?!

    Ben: Hey man, I tried! But he gave me a look like he was gonna rip my face off. He won't listen to you-- you think he was gonna listen to me?

    Does anyone know of a S1E4 playthrough where Lee says "Ben, you let him drink?!" Thanks in advance

  • Who is the girl and what happened to her?

    Thomas Richards is referenced in the The Walking Dead Video Game by the unnamed Police Officer.

  • What does "yandere" mean?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Troy deserved that though. One think I thank Jane for, but few. Yeah, I get that it was obviously pandering to the asshole victim gr

  • It's an anime based term for someone who is obsessed with the one they love (or just have a crush on) to the point of doing horrible things for that love..

    Bon-Bon posted: »

    What does "yandere" mean?

  • Another thing I just found which is a huge coincidence:

    Jeffrey Dean Morgan (Negan) played as Bruce's father in Batman vs Superman Dawn of Justice

    While Lauren Cohan(Maggie) played as Bruce's Mother in this film too. Interesting....

  • edited November 2016

    Comic Andrea. Nothing happened to her in this scenario.

    Edit: Well okay, she did get a big ass cut across her face. What I meant is she didn't die.

    Bon-Bon posted: »

    Who is the girl and what happened to her?

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited November 2016

    Well, if you want the full low-down on what's going on in that panel:

    First off, one of the small story arcs in the comics is a murder mystery, pretty much. After they get to the prison and settle in, two people from the group are found brutally murdered. Everyone suspects an inmate named Dexter, who admitted he was in for murder. So they lock him up and take some time to decide what to do him.

    And during that time, Thomas, the guy pictured above, who said he was in for tax evasion, approaches Andrea in the laundry room. It's just the two of them, and Thomas attempts to kill her, revealing that he was the actual murderer. She manages to fight him off and escapes, getting a pretty nasty cut across her face in the process.

    She comes running out of the cell blocks with Thomas in pursuit as seen above, which leads to Rick tackling him, realizing the he was the actual murderer all along, and beating him half to death with his bare hands.

    Bon-Bon posted: »

    Who is the girl and what happened to her?

  • I agree. He inst as shitty as I thought initially! When it comes down to it he is still just a kid.

    jaredsull8 posted: »

    You know, people might see Ben as a fucl-up, someone who has nearly killed the group time and time again, but you know, that's not the way I

  • Thanks for this!

    Thomas Richards is referenced in the The Walking Dead Video Game by the unnamed Police Officer.

  • Seriousness? Where did you find this out/hear about it?

    Bon-Bon posted: »

    There is a discarded audio sound byte of Jane criticizing Bonnie for her drug addiction hinting that these characters might have been adversaries in the original script.

  • I feel bad for Sarah. However I think she would have managed to cope with the world eventually. Little by little im sure she would have changed. Especially with clem around.

    so it was Sarah's own fault she died. I knew she should have been left in the mobile home.

  • Well said.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Eeeh...not necessarily. As I point out when the notion of Arvo somehow killing Luke is brought up, Sarah fell victim to an unexpected enviro

  • It was in a YouTube audio video. It turns out that I was wrong. A lot of what people claim to be unused audio is in determinant conversations and stuff like that.

    KeemaMia posted: »

    Seriousness? Where did you find this out/hear about it?

  • edited November 2016

    Don't bother it look like we Will never ever see people from Season 1

    DabigRG posted: »

    I did the same in my second playthrough by complete accident because the controls were shit.

  • I doubt that this is unknown but I thought I'd mention it here for the sake of it: if you hesitate to either Grab Jane's Hand or Save Sarah, Jane will let go and try to save Sarah on her own. Can't find a video to prove this, but it's a thing I guess.

    Also, Bonnie can be convinced to reach through the ticket booth instead of just pervin' out on Clementine. This causes Bonnie to get a notable bruise over her eye.

  • edited November 2016

    My initials, dude. That should've been obvious. :grin:

  • Didn't know if you were ready to handle that at the time. Can you handle the truth?! :joy:

  • Actually, no. He gets shot in the chest/abdomen in 205, while he got shot right in the side in 102.

  • edited November 2016

    Bonnie can be convinced to reach through the ticket booth instead of just pervin' out on Clementine.

    Yeah, that happened on my first play through. I was just like "What? Why Clementine, again!?".

    I actually thought she got bitten though...

    DabigRG posted: »

    I doubt that this is unknown but I thought I'd mention it here for the sake of it: if you hesitate to either Grab Jane's Hand or Save Sarah,

  • Darryl Bigby... Did I get it?

    Wait, were you talking about the RG? (Actually, don't answer this if you don't want to. Its your name, and I was mainly joking with my guess)

    DabigRG posted: »

    Didn't know if you were ready to handle that at the time. Can you handle the truth?!

  • To be fair, it's kind of hard to tell at a glance. When you shoot him in 205, he clutches his side as if he got shot there, but it was actually right through his chest. You can see a blood spot on his shirt when he's dying.

  • Nah, the walker just yanked her arm the entire time before Mike got in there.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Bonnie can be convinced to reach through the ticket booth instead of just pervin' out on Clementine. Yeah, that happened on my first play through. I was just like "What? Why Clementine, again!?". I actually thought she got bitten though...

  • Yes. It makes a lot more sense if you sound the entire thing out.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Darryl Bigby... Did I get it? Wait, were you talking about the RG? (Actually, don't answer this if you don't want to. Its your name, and I was mainly joking with my guess)

  • One day a user named Dan[numbers too long for me to remember] called me Daze, as ironically my name was too long for him to remember. So I'm sometimes called that too.

    Whatever happened to Dan#####? Don't see that classy chap anywhere these days.

  • enter image description here

    Huh, whaddya know. There actually was more than decent carryover between those episodes.

  • edited November 2016


    You liar!!

    On the Explain Your Username thread, you said TWD meant Telltale Will Determinate. Tell us the truth, Daze!

  • And if you don't give the painkillers to Luke, you can give them to Kenny if you shoot him, and then Jane and Kenny both live!

    Don't believe me, I'm lying.
    DabigRG posted: »

    Huh, whaddya know. There actually was more than decent carryover between those episodes.

  • Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

  • I was looking through the recent discussions and it looks like half the regular users have been banned including the authors of some great topics. LOL

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