Sorry for not commenting for so long, I was gone for a few days. I liked this part a lot and Roman as the Hawk is cool and fitting to the story. I look forward for the next part!
Heeeeeeeere's Johnny!
@mr.quality @janitor @supersagig @UkilledKenny @AAA_Jane @xSensus @WildlingKing @LiquidChicagoTed @TheLier @TWD_sta… moren
Chapter 29: The Sunrise
Theoram Warrik
The morning air was hazy and full of the unknown. Theo sat uncomfortably in one of the plain wire chairs, the same one he found himself upon in January. He sipped thoughtfully on his Winkberry brew, appreciating the warmth more than the flavor. A light fog had settled upon the streets of the Capitol today. Theo loved the refreshing fog... But more than anything, Theo loved watching the sun rise over the land, making the Shining City shine even more brightly. It was a mix of saturated red and pale blue, illuminating t. He wondered if anyone stopped to appreciate the sky anymore... Perhaps they were more caught up with the colors of their lipstick and hair than they were with the world they lived in.
Roman had been let out of the hospital yesterday, and… [view original content]
Friends! So I'm thinking after Book 1 concludes next part, before I go onto Book 2, I'll edit this one up, make it a little bit cleaner of a read and post it to several other fan fiction sites. They'll have their own choice bracket going there, so there's a chance some of outcomes may end up different than this one.
Huh, this is interesting, hopefully this'll lead to an increase in readers. Does that mean the readers on the other sites get to vote on the outcomes we already decided upon, or will they get to vote once you start with Book 2? And even then, wouldn't it be a bit easier to use the same vote polls for every site?
Friends! So I'm thinking after Book 1 concludes next part, before I go onto Book 2, I'll edit this one up, make it a little bit cleaner of a… more read and post it to several other fan fiction sites. They'll have their own choice bracket going there, so there's a chance some of outcomes may end up different than this one.
Friends! So I'm thinking after Book 1 concludes next part, before I go onto Book 2, I'll edit this one up, make it a little bit cleaner of a… more read and post it to several other fan fiction sites. They'll have their own choice bracket going there, so there's a chance some of outcomes may end up different than this one.
Interesting, and I suspect that this is near not all.
Actually, my top bet for Schrodinger is now out, but I def suspect Roman is up for something. I was not completely wrong, it seems, but def. not right.
Heeeeeeeere's Johnny!
@mr.quality @janitor @supersagig @UkilledKenny @AAA_Jane @xSensus @WildlingKing @LiquidChicagoTed @TheLier @TWD_sta… moren
Chapter 29: The Sunrise
Theoram Warrik
The morning air was hazy and full of the unknown. Theo sat uncomfortably in one of the plain wire chairs, the same one he found himself upon in January. He sipped thoughtfully on his Winkberry brew, appreciating the warmth more than the flavor. A light fog had settled upon the streets of the Capitol today. Theo loved the refreshing fog... But more than anything, Theo loved watching the sun rise over the land, making the Shining City shine even more brightly. It was a mix of saturated red and pale blue, illuminating t. He wondered if anyone stopped to appreciate the sky anymore... Perhaps they were more caught up with the colors of their lipstick and hair than they were with the world they lived in.
Roman had been let out of the hospital yesterday, and… [view original content]
Ah yes that's a better idea. I suppose I'll just post book 1 as it is to the sites, and then let them come in and vote for book 2 and onward. Maybe then we'll get some different percentages other than 66.6% and 75% lol.
Huh, this is interesting, hopefully this'll lead to an increase in readers. Does that mean the readers on the other sites get to vote on the… more outcomes we already decided upon, or will they get to vote once you start with Book 2? And even then, wouldn't it be a bit easier to use the same vote polls for every site?
Interesting, and I suspect that this is near not all.
Actually, my top bet for Schrodinger is now out, but I def suspect Roman is up for something. I was not completely wrong, it seems, but def. not right.
Yeah, he seemed like a good bet. He has connections, and stuff. I think you can see why I suspected him. But at least he -was- up to something related to the games.
Friends! So I'm thinking after Book 1 concludes next part, before I go onto Book 2, I'll edit this one up, make it a little bit cleaner of a… more read and post it to several other fan fiction sites. They'll have their own choice bracket going there, so there's a chance some of outcomes may end up different than this one.
75% of readers chose to [B. Ask about the girl from Ten.]
Roman looked more determined than Theo had seen him in a long time. He was usually a rather relaxed figure but today, it was as though something had sparked awake inside him. Well, really, it had always been there, and Theo knew that perfectly well, but today, while they were talking about a subject which Roman nearly never spoke of, his voice was cold and was matter-of-fact, like it was not up for argument. But Theo saw this and pressed on still.
"Is she dangerous?" Theo asked, trying to indirectly coax the answers from his friend. "Is she strong?"
Roman heaved a long sigh. "Theo, my friend, you are many things but you are not subtle. Right now, you are seeing the world in a very base manner. You have only just become a Gamemaker, so I don't blame you, but this is something one has to learn to sit on the panel."
"To manipulate?" Theo accidentally let slip some of the vast quantity of disgust he felt into his words. "Is that what we do?"
"No. And once again, Theo, you are choosing to see the Games for their wrongs and taking a blind eye to everything they do right." Roman sat forward on the winter chair and shivered. "We don't manipulate. We enable."
"All the darkness that we are about to see in the arena is not mine," he said. "I didn't sow the seeds of evil. I have merely tended them. Everything, from the murder to the robbery and all the other atrocities in the arena... we didn't put them there. We simply put these children in a space where they are free to give into their more primal desires. The hate... the anger... all of it already exists inside the tributes. It's human nature to take what is yours... And you, Theo, won't take your eyes off the pettier aspects and see the Hunger Games for what they are..."
A long silence passed, and Theo rocked forward in his seat, his leg brace creaking painfully as it bent. There was an intensity in him, and Roman seemed to notice it. "And what are they?" He asked lowly, poisonously.
And for once, Roman was intimidated. "A means to an end," he finished calmly.
The words resonated with each of them to their cores. Theo took moments to reflect but continued to shoot shifty glances at Roman across the table. Roman, however, was pretending to be unfazed. Although perhaps, maybe he was... After this verbal confirmation, it was clear to Theo that Roman was not the man he knew anymore.
Theo felt a vibration on his side and reached into his jacket pocket for his cell phone. He wasn't normally one to text during conversation, but their morning tea had apparently taken an abrupt halt. He read the message on it, and his eyes were open so wide they almost fell from his skull. It was from Kirt and contained only two words.
"Someone knows."
Theo's heart rate was rising so rapidly it felt as though he would have a heart attack. Of course, he put much effort into the robbery of the panic from his expression. A short scenario played out in Theo's mind where Roman had asked what was wrong, since something so clearly was, and Theo had spouted off a list of the hundred things running through his mind right now. The outcome was neither pretty nor desirable.
Someone knew... Surely, Theo had misread it. After scanning it four or five more times, he deduced this wasn't the case. Perhaps it didn't mean what Theo knew it obviously did. Perhaps Kirt had simply pressed send prematurely and sent out an unfinished message... But he was fooling himself. Theo knew exactly what this meant and every moment he spent doubting Kirt was a moment lost. Someone knew about his plans to overthrow the Capitol...
Theo noticed how Kirt said "someone" instead of mentioning his or her name. Maybe this was for the sake of secrecy. After all, if the message was intercepted and it contained anything more than a breath against the Capitol, everything would be over. But how would Snow or anyone else know to invade his privacy and watch his text messages? He hadn't shown any signs of rebellion yet. Or perhaps Kirt just simply didn't know the perpetrator's name...
"Theo!" Roman snapped in the air. Theo was suddenly aware of his presence. "Shit, Theo, you ask me a confidential question, and the moment I give you an answer, your mind is off in District Fourteen."
"Sorry..." he replied, wiping tears of anxiety from his eyes and bringing himself back to the conversation, albeit distractedly.
"I said the girl is dangerous." Roman said, looking defeated and slipping back into his seat. "I'm not going to tell you the specifics, but her case has been worrying me for years. She's..."
"She's what?" Theo asked, helping him along the path.
"She's unpredictable." He replied, not meeting Theo's eyes. "Almost everything I've tried to make her do in District Ten has failed. I tried to put her in Career classes, but she stopped showing up and was almost always trying to escape the District... So I tried to have her prepared in other ways like excercise and steroids... But here we are at the end of the year and she's still thin as a twig. It's a miracle she was even chosen as tribute."
"Well, she is from District Ten." Theo told him. "They've never had a victor, and most of their tributes never make it past the first day."
"This one might..."
"And how do you suppose that?" Theo raised an eyebrow. "You just said she refused your preparation."
Roman laughed for a moment, then shrugged it off as nothing. "I've already told you more than you need to know, Theo. Just be grateful and leave it alone."
While Theo was still eager to hear more about the girl from Ten, he supposed Roman was right. He had been prying long before this point, and it was a gesture of grace that he was told any information at all. He lifted the cup of tea to his lips and sipped down the last bit of tea.
Roman and Theo sat in front of their tea shop for an hour, laughing and chatting about their lives. They exchanged many wonderful stories, filling eachother in on the blanks of while Roman was gone. It appeared that Roman's life had been far more exciting and dangerous than Theo's had been, but he still managed to find a few great stories to share to more than make up for his side of the conversation. Roman and Theo may have had a few differences in the way they perceived the world, but they were still the best of friends. That was never going to change.
And finally, at the end of a long and relaxing morning, Roman stood up (not rising in height more than two inches) and exchanged goodbyes with Theo. As Head Gamemaker, he had important responsiblities that, once again, he would not share with Theo. And as he was leaving, something about the way he walked jogged Theo's memory. He had completely forgotten... How had he completely forgotten the warning from Kirt.
When Theo was sure no one was watching him, he withdrew from his bag under the table a quill and ink and a kind of paper that no one would trace back to him. It was time to call the banners. It was earlier than he had expected to put his plans into action, but they had no more time to waste. He wrote three separate copies of the same letter, sending one to Kirt, Rhetora and Lynona, making sure to write his signature backwards "S" just like he promised them he would.
Wa-ha-hait, Theo is Schrodinger! Whoa, I did not see that coming! Certainly the biggest twist in the entire story so far, even if I'm having the slight memory of me, or someone else, theorizing into that direction before. Anyways, this makes this very intriguing. I wonder why he is contacting the tributes as well. Obviously, I see his goals as much more positive than Roman's, so I am glad it has been him who contacted Aura, but still, I am highly intrigued why he does that. So far, I haven't thought that he is even able to contact the tributes in such a way. It is also a huge coincidence that he contacted the people that had been chosen by Roman to be tributes eventually. I guess I honestly underestimated him, even if I always had a high opinion of him. Although... perhaps Theo's parts are set slightly before the parts of the other tributes, considering that we know from Aura's part that Schrodinger has knowledge about the Hawk, which Theo only now seemed to gain.
So then, it's question time
Who is your favorite POV character thus far?
Well... well, I can't not name Aura here. She is giving my by far the most feels, so it is obvious that she's the one I have to name here. Man, I love the way you're writing her. I mean, she is so perfectly the way I imagined and I have to mention that here. But Theo is a close second, a very close one. Hell, that guy is awesome! After that part, I like him even more. He's like the good counterpart to Roman, for a given value of good and that is something I appreciate.
Favorite non-POV character?
This is a rather hard question. Before the penultimate part, I would have said Roman, but now I see him for the bastard he is. Strangely enough, the guy that actually is my favourite non-PoV is a huge bastard as well, but a damn intriguing one at that, because it's Crispin. Don't take me wrong there, I hate him, but he is wickedly stylish and so unsettlingly creepy. A close second would be Ulysses. That man deserved better and I only wish he would have shot Penn and not Dray.
Least favorite character?
Hah, take a guess. You know, if you change only four letters in the word 'suck' you get the word 'Penn' and that should prove without a doubt that she sucks! She's both, my least favourite PoV and my least favourite character and I have zero tolerance for her shit. Admittedly, I never had much tolerance for her, but where I started to like every character more and more with each part (save for Roman in that finale), she has gotten only worse and worse. It's telling that my hatred for her is at least as strong as my love for Aura. So far, she is the only tribute I legitimately hate, even though I have no doubt that this will change once we learn more about the career pack in these games.
Where do you think the story will head next? Or just random predictions.
Hm, I would say obviously they are all going to get to the capitol. But beyond that, I don't have much predictions. I am sure there will be more interactions between the tributes, maybe even between the PoV's and maybe the PoV's will meet Theo. I guess it will majorly deal with the time our tributes spend at the Capitol, these few days of training they get before the games. And I am sure we'll see that girl from 10 Roman spoke about and learn just what the deal is with her.
Which chapter was your favorite chapter?
Huh, given the number of chapters, this is hard to answer, especially since there has been a bit of a wait between them occasionally. For some reason, even if others gave me stronger emotions, the one that stayed the most with me is the one where Aura spends the day with Cass at the pond, that left, somehow, a lasting impression with me. I also loved that part where Marten encountered his father and right now, I actually got the idea, what if Marten's father works for Theo? We know someone has to and he did kill Roman's agent on top of that. Hm... intriguing, very intriguing
Which choice was your favorite choice?
I'm afraid this is the one question I can't really answer. The problem is, I don't fully remember all of the choices, so I really couldn't name any that comes to mind here. I'll give it a reread and maybe then I can give you a more detailed answer, but for now, I have to leave this one blank, sorry.
Alright guys, just like we did at the midbook, how about an end of the book feedback quiz?
* Who is your favorite POV character thus f… morear?
* Favorite non-POV character?
* Least favorite character?
* Where do you think the story will head next? Or just random predictions.
* Which chapter was your favorite chapter?
* Which choice was your favorite choice?
Thanks for the kind words and thanks for reading all the way through my book! It has been fun writing it for you guys and will definitely continue into books 2-5. One thing to clarify:
Although... perhaps Theo's parts are set slightly before the parts of the other tributes, considering that we know from Aura's part that Schrodinger has knowledge about the Hawk, which Theo only now seemed to gain.
This one was a huge bitch to write around. Theo actually knew Roman was The Hawk the whole time, but I had to write it so it didn't spoil anything for the audience, yet didn't contradict Theo's knowledge of the subject. And it was hard lol, but if you go back and read through those parts, I actually describe it as if he had already known, just wrote around it awkwardly lol. But yeah, that's why he has agents and people following the same tributes that Roman picked. It wasn't a coincedence, it was because Theo knew. (It's also the reason he picked the name The Owl, to counter the Hawk)
And yeah, without a doubt, I could surmise which character was your least favorite lol. Sorry I had to write her so horrible, but it was necessary, and you'll see why later.
But, yeah, I guess I don't say it enough. I really appreciate all you guys' support through this series. It's kind of hard to keep going when I have like four fans, but as long as I have at least one, the Hunger Games will find its conclusion(eventually)
Oh also, if you're going to be rereading it, could you keep an eye out for any inconsistencies so I can make sure they get into the edited version?
Wa-ha-hait, Theo is Schrodinger! Whoa, I did not see that coming! Certainly the biggest twist in the entire story so far, even if I'm having… more the slight memory of me, or someone else, theorizing into that direction before. Anyways, this makes this very intriguing. I wonder why he is contacting the tributes as well. Obviously, I see his goals as much more positive than Roman's, so I am glad it has been him who contacted Aura, but still, I am highly intrigued why he does that. So far, I haven't thought that he is even able to contact the tributes in such a way. It is also a huge coincidence that he contacted the people that had been chosen by Roman to be tributes eventually. I guess I honestly underestimated him, even if I always had a high opinion of him. Although... perhaps Theo's parts are set slightly before the parts of the other tributes, considering that we know from Aura's part that Schrodinger has knowledge about the Hawk, which Theo on… [view original content]
This one was a huge bitch to write around. Theo actually knew Roman was The Hawk the whole time, but I had to write it so it didn't spoil anything for the audience, yet didn't contradict Theo's knowledge of the subject. And it was hard lol, but if you go back and read through those parts, I actually describe it as if he had already known, just wrote around it awkwardly lol. But yeah, that's why he has agents and people following the same tributes that Roman picked. It wasn't a coincedence, it was because Theo knew. (It's also the reason he picked the name The Owl, to counter the Hawk)
Oh! Oh, this makes sense now! I was a bit confused by it, because it has been really subtle. I figured since I did not know about it and since Theo did not reveal any knowledge about it, that he didn't know about it either. It appears I heavily underestimated him. Now that you mention it, there has never been any indicator that Theo does not know about Roman's secret. Well played, Warrik, well played.
And yeah, without a doubt, I could surmise which character was your least favorite lol. Sorry I had to write her so horrible, but it was necessary, and you'll see why later.
I hope this will build up for a horrible and cathartic death for her Just kidding of course, I'm curious just what you have planned for her. She's quickly crossed almost every major line when it comes to being irredeemable in my eyes, which is remarkable, considering how quick she did that. I'm curious what you have planned for her, but don't expect me to start liking her anytime soon. Or anytime at all.
But, yeah, I guess I don't say it enough. I really appreciate all you guys' support through this series. It's kind of hard to keep going when I have like four fans, but as long as I have at least one, the Hunger Games will find its conclusion(eventually)
It's good to hear that. I really hope the story will gain more readers eventually. Perhaps posting it to these other sites as well can help. But I am glad you plan on finishing the story regardless and I can promise you, I'll stay here until it is done
Oh also, if you're going to be rereading it, could you keep an eye out for any inconsistencies so I can make sure they get into the edited version?
Sure, I can do that! If I encounter anything, I'll let you know.
Thanks for the kind words and thanks for reading all the way through my book! It has been fun writing it for you guys and will definitely co… morentinue into books 2-5. One thing to clarify:
Although... perhaps Theo's parts are set slightly before the parts of the other tributes, considering that we know from Aura's part that Schrodinger has knowledge about the Hawk, which Theo only now seemed to gain.
This one was a huge bitch to write around. Theo actually knew Roman was The Hawk the whole time, but I had to write it so it didn't spoil anything for the audience, yet didn't contradict Theo's knowledge of the subject. And it was hard lol, but if you go back and read through those parts, I actually describe it as if he had already known, just wrote around it awkwardly lol. But yeah, that's why he has agents and people following the same tributes that Roman picked. It wasn't a coincedence, it was because Theo knew. (It's also the reason… [view original content]
Like for instance lol, I wrote a little paragraph about how Saul had asthma in Chapter 2 and then completely forgot about it, and then stuck him down in a dusty, dirty room for a week and he didn't do much as cough. Anyway, I'll be trying to write more of it into the story as opposed to just cutting out the paragraph, because now that I remember it, when I originally wrote about it I had a plan to make it significant.
This one was a huge bitch to write around. Theo actually knew Roman was The Hawk the whole time, but I had to write it so it didn't spoil an… moreything for the audience, yet didn't contradict Theo's knowledge of the subject. And it was hard lol, but if you go back and read through those parts, I actually describe it as if he had already known, just wrote around it awkwardly lol. But yeah, that's why he has agents and people following the same tributes that Roman picked. It wasn't a coincedence, it was because Theo knew. (It's also the reason he picked the name The Owl, to counter the Hawk)
Oh! Oh, this makes sense now! I was a bit confused by it, because it has been really subtle. I figured since I did not know about it and since Theo did not reveal any knowledge about it, that he didn't know about it either. It appears I heavily underestimated him. Now that you mention it, there has never been any indicator that Theo does not know about R… [view original content]
Like for instance lol, I wrote a little paragraph about how Saul had asthma in Chapter 2 and then completely forgot about it, and then stuck him down in a dusty, dirty room for a week and he didn't do much as cough. Anyway, I'll be trying to write more of it into the story as opposed to just cutting out the paragraph, because now that I remember it, when I originally wrote about it I had a plan to make it significant.
You mentioned that? See, that's why I have to reread the story, because I can't remember that detail either anymore. But it is a nice detail. If I, by any chance, encounter any other mistakes like that, I will inform you about it.
I had a second part here, but it's a spoiler lol
Nothing here. Just move along, citizens, there's nothing to see here. Certainly not a spoiler, that would be just crazy. Don't pay attention to this, just move along.
Like for instance lol, I wrote a little paragraph about how Saul had asthma in Chapter 2 and then completely forgot about it, and then stuck… more him down in a dusty, dirty room for a week and he didn't do much as cough. Anyway, I'll be trying to write more of it into the story as opposed to just cutting out the paragraph, because now that I remember it, when I originally wrote about it I had a plan to make it significant.
I had a second part here, but it's a spoiler lol
Like for instance lol, I wrote a little paragraph about how Saul had asthma in Chapter 2 and then completely forgot about it, and then stuck… more him down in a dusty, dirty room for a week and he didn't do much as cough. Anyway, I'll be trying to write more of it into the story as opposed to just cutting out the paragraph, because now that I remember it, when I originally wrote about it I had a plan to make it significant.
You mentioned that? See, that's why I have to reread the story, because I can't remember that detail either anymore. But it is a nice detail. If I, by any chance, encounter any other mistakes like that, I will inform you about it.
I had a second part here, but it's a spoiler lol
Nothing here. Just move along, citizens, there's nothing to see here. Certainly not a spoiler, that would be just crazy. Don't pay attention to this, just move along.
You know I can see your original response in my feed No worries about that, I'll try to forget that detail. I've seen nothing, you've seen nothing, we've all seen nothing
You know I can see your original response in my feed No worries about that, I'll try to forget that detail. I've seen nothing, you've seen nothing, we've all seen nothing
Alright guys, just like we did at the midbook, how about an end of the book feedback quiz?
* Who is your favorite POV character thus f… morear?
* Favorite non-POV character?
* Least favorite character?
* Where do you think the story will head next? Or just random predictions.
* Which chapter was your favorite chapter?
* Which choice was your favorite choice?
Needed a bit longer to get the time to answer but I enjoyed the final chapter very much. Now for the questions:
Who is your favorite POV character thus far?
Aura is the one I root for the most right now, she is cool, likable and I find her chapters to be the most interesting together with Theos.
Favorite non-POV character?
Penns father (Jomal?) is very interesting. I also liked your take on Snow because he is a fascinating villain.
Least favorite character?
Munrow that asshole. I dont think I need to explain why, I hope we get a chance to kill him.
Where do you think the story will head next? Or just random predictions.
Next we will get the training stuff, which is always cool to read. I think the tributes will interact more with each other and maybe we will get to see some alliances forming.
Which chapter was your favorite chapter?
The final one because of the answers it gave. Now it all makes so much sense and makes me excited to see where things will go.
Which choice was your favorite choice?
The final choice from Aura's storyline was the one I had to think about the most.
Alright guys, just like we did at the midbook, how about an end of the book feedback quiz?
* Who is your favorite POV character thus f… morear?
* Favorite non-POV character?
* Least favorite character?
* Where do you think the story will head next? Or just random predictions.
* Which chapter was your favorite chapter?
* Which choice was your favorite choice?
Oh, oh, this is cool! It already gives me a couple of ideas, even if a majority of these chapters are some I have not even the hint of an idea of course.
Prologue: The Two From Eleven
So, the prologue will be from Saul's PoV, I suppose. I mean, either that, or someone else will watch him and Peara arriving. But I see the former to be the more likely possibility.
3: The Wrong Side
If I had to guess, I'd say it might be Theo's first chapter in this Book. He's the one who has the most to do with the different sides that have built here. The other characters have less of a side yet, I think, or at least no grasp on wether or not they are on the right side.
5: Only a Victim
I half expect this to be a Penn chapter, where she rationalizes her own actions as just being a victim to the manipulations of the capitol and the Hawk. Ugh
9: Like Old Times
This might be an Aura chapter. I guess the training does remind her of the old times she spent being trained by her father, so this could be a flashback-heavy chapter.
10: The Sword Rack
I think this will be a Saul chapter. He is the only PoV whom we have seen fighting with a sword so far. I'm not sure what the other characters will fight with, but I guess Aura has axes and Marten has probably spears, while Penn has her throwing knives. That means, the only guy who would ever check out a sword rack is Saul, I think.
11: A Dash of Green
I suppose that this will be about the costume the PoV will wear for the chariots in the next chapter. It has to be a character who could realistically wear green, which can, with a bit of a stretch, be anyone. However, green is most commonly associated with nature, trees and the likes, so I suppose that this will be a chapter for Aura.
16: The Handicapped Man
I have no doubt that this will either be a chapter from Theo's PoV, or a chapter in which we see him through the eyes of another PoV. One way or the other, I am sure he will appear.
20: Two Strikes
I got no idea what this chapter will be about, but it sounds scary
25: A Low Score
Hmmmm... someone who has expected a better result will receive a very low score. I guess this will either be a chapter from Aura's or Penn's PoV. Both should be among the most promising tributes and likely the ones who have the highest expectations about their score. Marten and Saul show promise as well, but I doubt they'd be affected by a low score so much that an entire chapter will be named for it. Out of Aura and Penn, I see Penn as even more likely, since she, being a career and all, puts a lot of value in her score most likely. That said, Aura, being part of Theo's side here, could end up angering Roman and therefore becoming a low score.
27: I Am Nothing
Penn maybe, finally realizing what she truly is? Followed by her graphic suicide? Yeah, I know, won't happen, but a man can hope
32: The Spider
Somehow, I doubt that this will be about a literal spider. Since Roman and Theo give themselves bird names, maybe their agents have such codenames as well. The Spider sounds sinister and is likely one of Roman's agents. I highly suspect Crispin to be an agent of Roman and he would be sinister enough to justify such a codename. If this is true, then this will be an Aura part, but if I am wrong, then it could be anyone's part. Theo is another possibility, even if I am right with the Crispin=The Spider theory.
Once again, I find it the hardest to make any speculations for Marten. I'm sure he will have plenty to do, but he is the one I consider the biggest wildcard among the PoV's, so I have absolutely no idea which of these chapters could be his.
@mr.quality @janitor @supersagig @UkilledKenny @AAA_Jane @xSensus @WildlingKing @LiquidChicagoTed @TheLier @TWD_stan
So here's the chapte… morer list for the second book. I may release the trailer within a couple days here.
Prologue: The Two From Eleven
1: The Shining City
2: A Feast For Kings
3: The Wrong Side
4: In Our House
5: Only a Victim
6: Goodnight, Golden City
7: The First Night
8: The Cherub
9: Like Old Times
10: The Sword Rack
11: A Dash of Green
12: The Chariots
13: No Chance
14: The Rebels
15: Loneliness
16: The Handicapped Man
17: The Culprit
18: Upside-Down
19: The Aftermath
20: Two Strikes
21: Reverse Psychology
22: Coming Together
23: Just a Number
24: The Statement
25: A Low Score
26: Another Year
27: I Am Nothing
28: The Balcony
29: The Gallows
30: Answers
31: The Lost Memories
32: The Spider
33: The Next Day
34: No Place to Run
Oh, oh, this is cool! It already gives me a couple of ideas, even if a majority of these chapters are some I have not even the hint of an id… moreea of course.
Prologue: The Two From Eleven
So, the prologue will be from Saul's PoV, I suppose. I mean, either that, or someone else will watch him and Peara arriving. But I see the former to be the more likely possibility.
3: The Wrong Side
If I had to guess, I'd say it might be Theo's first chapter in this Book. He's the one who has the most to do with the different sides that have built here. The other characters have less of a side yet, I think, or at least no grasp on wether or not they are on the right side.
5: Only a Victim
I half expect this to be a Penn chapter, where she rationalizes her own actions as just being a victim to the manipulations of the capitol and the Hawk. Ugh
9: Like Old Times
This might be an Aura chapter. I guess the tra… [view original content]
How many people had Marten already seen for the last time? His mind flickered over person after person... Almost everyone in his life he wouldn't ever see again, no matter how badly he wanted to. This week was his last week on the Earth. He hadn't even made it into the arena yet, and he had already messed everything up beyond repair.
"The Capitol will love you, Penn," said Skeeter, somehow more genuine than she had ever been. "You're a class act; you just have to show them."
Something about those words coming from the mouth of the same girl who had who had taken her seat in District One simply permeated through Penn. This was the girl who indirectly caused the death of Dray, and the destruction of District Nine, and of course, now she looked back on it, Penn didn't blame her. How could she? But the race back and forth between the finger of accusation and the voice of innocence was enough to break her down.
Penn threw her knife on the ground and fell onto her knees beside it, sobbing. The Capitol would see, but she didn't care. She found she didn't care about much anymore.
Marten stepped onto the stage, brilliant light shining on him from every direction. There were smiling faces from all around, and sparkling across each of them was gallons of makeup and hair products. Every dress and suit was more elaborate than any clothing he had ever seen in District Four and in every hand in the audience was a tall glass of bubbling champagne.
As he proceeded past the curtain onstage, he supposed something about his appearance was funny to them, because they could not stop laughing. It was a cold laugh and a hard laugh. There was no joy in it, and Marten was experiencing no joy being its subject. He had been made fun of for being the largest kid on the playground before, but it had never been anything like this.
"Good morning, Shining City, and welcome to another excellent day!" Rondo Prollins announced gladly into the microphone and the camera on the other side of the TV set.
Across from him was a monitor displaying the faces of each of that morning's glorious interviewees. Roman, Everra and several other Gamemakers sat beside the ecstatic television host. Seated at the end was the only man who did not sport an enthusiastic grin. Theo glared straight into the camera, knowing that behind it was millions of viewers from all around Panem. Every eye was on Theo, and every mind belonged to The Owl.
"My God, you are a big lad, aren't ya?" Mr. Whiley laughed, slapping his knee jovially. It was so clear he was ignoring Marten's certain discomfort. "What be yer name, boy?"
"Marten... Lewis..." He couldn't pull himself to look anywhere except the ground. They were staring at him now and the room fell silent. A handful of gasps were audible amid the blackness of the auditorium."
"Yer the one with all the blood on yer hands?"
Marten told himself over and over just to do as Mags had instructed. He was already on stage. He couldn't back down now... it would only be a mark of cowardice.
"As the momentous occasion that is the First Quarter Quell approaches so rapidly, I'm sitting here with some of Panem's best and brightest individuals who are working to make this event possible."
Rondo gestured between the brigade of Gamemakers and his eyes lingered on Theo for a bit longer than they ought have. He introduced each of them individually to the camera, sharing a short blurb about each. Theo did not know, nor care of the four Gamemakers on Roman's left, but as always Roman had already started to steal all the spotlight. Theo didn't mind. At least for him, less screen time was superior. Roman felt otherwise, as was made evident when he began soaking attention like a sponge.
"And this is Theoram Warrik, newest member of the panel of Gamemakers," Rondo exclaimed, looking at a blank space between the camera and Theo. "My, you are quite late to the party, huh? You may be our oldest panel member yet!"
The tip of Theo's mouth curved upward and he caressed the handle of his mahogany cane. "I do all right..."
"Seven years, Aura!" Crispin yelled, with a force Aura had never heard before. "It's been seven years since Ava died. Do you want to mope around or do you want to make it right?"
"Who's Ava?" Samwell said, and he had begun to cry.
Aura wasn't sure what made her feel worse, hearing her sister's name spoken in vain, or how she felt for the other tribute. At least Aura had some reason to be brought to the Capitol. Sam reminded her of a helpless little boy who had lost his way.
"Never you mind," Aura spoke to him, waving him off with her hand. "Crispin, if you're going to mentor me, then do it. Leave family out of this."
"But that's where you're wrong, kiddo." He smiled with a sinister falseness behind. "This has everything to do with family, and the sooner you realize that, the more chance you have of making it out of this alive."
"So ye have yer battle scars, I hear?" said Whiley, turning to the enthusiastic audience. "Aye, so do we all. But I've heard yers are hardier. Yer a tough guy-- a real brute thug! I think I'm speaking for everyone in Panem when I say we want to see more of you!"
His suggestion was met with deafening applause from the auditorium. Everyone was looking at him right now, whether it be with shame, adoration or scorn. Marten only wanted to be away from it all right now. But, as Mags said, he was not Marten Lewis on stage. Now he was someone else... Someone the public could call their own. And the public needed a show, so he would give them one.
Saul hurried down an empty passageway and found himself reaching for a scabbard that did not exist. He had become so accustomed to the blade by his side that he felt it almost a part of him now. But this was the Capitol. Any civilized citizen would never have such a weapon. The good times had made the people here were so weak... Even a terribly small District like Twelve could take out the whole of the Capitol if they were given a decent shot.
But Saul wasn't here now to think; but to act. Every step he took had a purpose. Iron door after iron door flew by and with each one, Saul drew closer to his mission. In and out... In and out... Why had the Owl made it sound so simple? He was now so lost he couldn't even see which way was north. He tore past an office with the name Hillham, another by the name of Livvs. There were a hundred like it, and all completely different. How was he ever supposed to find the right one?
He persisted. He persisted only because Peara needed him to.
"So, Gamemaker Warrik," Rondo Prollins spoke to the right side of him. He was finally engaging with Theo on a more personal note. He saw there was depth behind those stone cold brown eyes and for once, he actually wished to hear the answer to his own question. "Do you have anything to say to the people of Panem? What do you have to offer?"
"What can I say, Rondo? I like to think I've got a lot to offer. I'm an optimist." Theo raised an eyebrow in a vain attempt at what he hoped was charisma. He didn't mind if people hated his television persona. He wasn't here to seduce Panem, he was here to save it.
The television host along with Roman, Everra and the handful of Gamemakers stifled a laugh. "Anything more specific?" He asked.
Penn's knife struck the dummy directly in the heart.
Saul's blade slid through the wood of the sword rack as easily as if it were paper.
Aura knew she was capable, but not enough to block the full force of the blow with a single ax hand.
Marten slid out of the silk tunic that Seri had designed for him and turned around slowly. The audience gasped as each eye in the Capitol slowly read the words over in their heads. He knew his back was still bloodied from when the cuts had reopened this morning, but he let them see. "I am nothing..." Marten said under his breath, repeating the words many so often told him.
"My boy," Whiley was shaking his head in disbelief, his eyes running down Marten's back just like the rest of them. "Yer certainly not nothin'."
"I have a message for the Capitol and for Panem," Theo looked straight into the camera. "The sound of the chariot song is a beacon of hope in these troubled times. When it plays this year, and the tributes ride out in front of the world, don't let yourselves forget what we went through to get here."
But ah, it seems Book 2 is going to be a blast! Oh man, I can't wait for it to start, looks like this will include som of my favourite moments from the games, the interviews and the likes of it. I hope it'll start soon!
Something about those words coming from the mouth of the same girl who had who had taken her seat in District One simply permeated through Penn. This was the girl who indirectly caused the death of Dray, and the destruction of District Nine, and of course, now she looked back on it, Penn didn't blame her. How could she? But the race back and forth between the finger of accusation and the voice of innocence was enough to break her down.
Bah, fuck Penn! Skeeter did nothing wrong. If I'm not mistaken, she didn't even volunteer for the games, but was reaped. She didn't cause anything indirectly, because Penn was there to cause it directly. That's like blaming Penn's mother for not getting an abortion. Or blaming the reaping lady for drawing Skeeter's name instead of Penn's.
Aura wasn't sure what made her feel worse, hearing her sister's name spoken in vain, or how she felt for the other tribute. At least Aura had some reason to be brought to the Capitol. Sam reminded her of a helpless little boy who had lost his way.
You know, I am quite a bit concerned about how Aura might feel about Sam. She's by nature the kind of person to protect others. Of course, this could be to her advantage, if Sam gets killed in the arena, giving her the motivation she needs to win the games for him, but it could also be incredibly harmful, if she risks her own life to protect a boy who has zero chances of winning. Agh, I don't know how to feel about Sam, I really don't.
But Saul wasn't here now to think; but to act. Every step he took had a purpose. Iron door after iron door flew by and with each one, Saul drew closer to his mission. In and out... In and out... Why had the Owl made it sound so simple? He was now so lost he couldn't even see which way was north. He tore past an office with the name Hillham, another by the name of Livvs. There were a hundred like it, and all completely different. How was he ever supposed to find the right one?
So, Saul is confirmed to directly work for the Owl in Book 2 then! That is cool, really cool. With Munrow's association to the Hawk, I have previously feared that he'd join the Hawk's side of the conflict, but I have apparently been seriously wrong there. That means Aura, Marten and Saul have all been contacted by the Owl in some capacity, while Penn obviously has a strong connection to the Hawk, through her father and on account of both being the absolute worst.
Penn's knife struck the dummy directly in the heart.
Yeah, she knows how to hit someone in the heart, right? What a bitch. I bet she's already getting off on the thought of ruining even more lives in the arena. Agh, it's incredible how just a single simple sentence is enough to make me hate her even more.
Aura knew she was capable, but not enough to block the full force of the blow with a single ax hand.
Hmmm.... this is either something really bad, though I doubt the Capitol will allow her to receive any serious wounds before the games start, or it is an opportunity for her to really show off her skills, maybe by dodging an attack. It somehow sounds like a choice that might come up.
Marten slid out of the silk tunic that Seri had designed for him and turned around slowly. The audience gasped as each eye in the Capitol slowly read the words over in their heads. He knew his back was still bloodied from when the cuts had reopened this morning, but he let them see. "I am nothing..." Marten said under his breath, repeating the words many so often told him.
I think now we know who will get the PoV in Chapter 27 I knew Marten would get a lot to do in Book 2, but it's good to get some sort of an idea what he is doing there. Mayb Marten will be the surprising underdog and favourite of the viewers even.
"Our lives are no more important than theirs."
Whoa, maybe that sentence is completely out of context, which might be in the realms of possible, but damn, if I got that correctly, the implications behind this, then Theo might step out of the shadow a little bit. That is a risky move, a very risky one.
@mr.quality @janitor @supersagig @UkilledKenny @AAA_Jane @xSensus @WildlingKing @LiquidChicagoTed @TheLier @TWD_stan
How many people ha… mored Marten already seen for the last time? His mind flickered over person after person... Almost everyone in his life he wouldn't ever see again, no matter how badly he wanted to. This week was his last week on the Earth. He hadn't even made it into the arena yet, and he had already messed everything up beyond repair.
"The Capitol will love you, Penn," said Skeeter, somehow more genuine than she had ever been. "You're a class act; you just have to show them."
Something about those words coming from the mouth of the same girl who had who had taken her seat in District One simply permeated through Penn. This was the girl who indirectly caused the death of Dray, and the destruction of District Nine, and of course, now she looked back on it, Penn didn't blame her. How could she? But the race back and fo… [view original content]
@mr.quality @janitor @supersagig @UkilledKenny @AAA_Jane @xSensus @WildlingKing @LiquidChicagoTed @TheLier @TWD_stan
How many people ha… mored Marten already seen for the last time? His mind flickered over person after person... Almost everyone in his life he wouldn't ever see again, no matter how badly he wanted to. This week was his last week on the Earth. He hadn't even made it into the arena yet, and he had already messed everything up beyond repair.
"The Capitol will love you, Penn," said Skeeter, somehow more genuine than she had ever been. "You're a class act; you just have to show them."
Something about those words coming from the mouth of the same girl who had who had taken her seat in District One simply permeated through Penn. This was the girl who indirectly caused the death of Dray, and the destruction of District Nine, and of course, now she looked back on it, Penn didn't blame her. How could she? But the race back and fo… [view original content]
Book 2 is going to be huge! I am so excited and the preview is so cool. This feels like it would make a great TV series. From the preview I am most excited for Martens parts. Also because he is part of the career group, am I right?
@mr.quality @janitor @supersagig @UkilledKenny @AAA_Jane @xSensus @WildlingKing @LiquidChicagoTed @TheLier @TWD_stan
How many people ha… mored Marten already seen for the last time? His mind flickered over person after person... Almost everyone in his life he wouldn't ever see again, no matter how badly he wanted to. This week was his last week on the Earth. He hadn't even made it into the arena yet, and he had already messed everything up beyond repair.
"The Capitol will love you, Penn," said Skeeter, somehow more genuine than she had ever been. "You're a class act; you just have to show them."
Something about those words coming from the mouth of the same girl who had who had taken her seat in District One simply permeated through Penn. This was the girl who indirectly caused the death of Dray, and the destruction of District Nine, and of course, now she looked back on it, Penn didn't blame her. How could she? But the race back and fo… [view original content]
Thanks! I'm actually hoping to one day be able to turn it into a TV show. I just have to get the rights first and that's a pain. But yes, Marten could be part of the careers. District 4 sometimes contributes to their ranks but not always. Delmara is, though.
Book 2 is going to be huge! I am so excited and the preview is so cool. This feels like it would make a great TV series. From the preview I am most excited for Martens parts. Also because he is part of the career group, am I right?
That's like blaming Penn's mother for not getting an abortion.
I swear you get more creative with these insults all the time haha.
So, Saul is confirmed to directly work for the Owl in Book 2 then! That is cool, really cool. With Munrow's association to the Hawk, I have previously feared that he'd join the Hawk's side of the conflict, but I have apparently been seriously wrong there. That means Aura, Marten and Saul have all been contacted by the Owl in some capacity, while Penn obviously has a strong connection to the Hawk, through her father and on account of both being the absolute worst.
You thought Saul would join the Hawk? Munrow had clearly taken the Hawk's side and Saul didn't care for him too much. Saul would probably look for any opportunity to oppose the Hawk.
Yeah, she knows how to hit someone in the heart, right? What a bitch. I bet she's already getting off on the thought of ruining even more lives in the arena. Agh, it's incredible how just a single simple sentence is enough to make me hate her even more.
You know I actually planned to have that line from someone else's perspective, viewing Penn from a distance. I'm starting to think the name "Penn" is a trigger word for you now. Ever watched Penn and Teller?
I think now we know who will get the PoV in Chapter 27 I knew Marten would get a lot to do in Book 2, but it's good to get some sort of an idea what he is doing there. Mayb Marten will be the surprising underdog and favourite of the viewers even.
Well I thought it would kind of be implied that Chapter 27 as the words "I Am Nothing" have been very important in all his chapters. Everyone has pretty much been saying it nonstop since chapter 4 of Book 1.
Whoa, maybe that sentence is completely out of context, which might be in the realms of possible, but damn, if I got that correctly, the implications behind this, then Theo might step out of the shadow a little bit. That is a risky move, a very risky one.
"Every eye was on Theo, and every mind belonged to The Owl."
Sorry, took me a bit longer to comment here
But ah, it seems Book 2 is going to be a blast! Oh man, I can't wait for it to start, looks … morelike this will include som of my favourite moments from the games, the interviews and the likes of it. I hope it'll start soon!
Something about those words coming from the mouth of the same girl who had who had taken her seat in District One simply permeated through Penn. This was the girl who indirectly caused the death of Dray, and the destruction of District Nine, and of course, now she looked back on it, Penn didn't blame her. How could she? But the race back and forth between the finger of accusation and the voice of innocence was enough to break her down.
Bah, fuck Penn! Skeeter did nothing wrong. If I'm not mistaken, she didn't even volunteer for the games, but was reaped. She didn't cause anything indirectly, because Penn was there to cause it directly. That's like blaming Penn's mot… [view original content]
@mr.quality @janitor @supersagig @UkilledKenny @AAA_Jane @xSensus @WildlingKing @TheLier @TWD_stan
Sorry for not commenting for so long, I was gone for a few days. I liked this part a lot and Roman as the Hawk is cool and fitting to the story. I look forward for the next part!
Friends! So I'm thinking after Book 1 concludes next part, before I go onto Book 2, I'll edit this one up, make it a little bit cleaner of a read and post it to several other fan fiction sites. They'll have their own choice bracket going there, so there's a chance some of outcomes may end up different than this one.
Huh, this is interesting, hopefully this'll lead to an increase in readers. Does that mean the readers on the other sites get to vote on the outcomes we already decided upon, or will they get to vote once you start with Book 2? And even then, wouldn't it be a bit easier to use the same vote polls for every site?
Sounds cool
Interesting, and I suspect that this is near not all.
Actually, my top bet for Schrodinger is now out, but I def suspect Roman is up for something. I was not completely wrong, it seems, but def. not right.
Ah yes that's a better idea. I suppose I'll just post book 1 as it is to the sites, and then let them come in and vote for book 2 and onward. Maybe then we'll get some different percentages other than 66.6% and 75% lol.
Did you think Roman was Schrodinger?
Yeah, he seemed like a good bet. He has connections, and stuff. I think you can see why I suspected him. But at least he -was- up to something related to the games.
So, I can semi-feel clever, I guess.
Nice idea. When you have posted it on the other sites, can you tell us where?
Yes. I only know a couple. Do you know of one I should do?
After a year and a half, it's here at last.
@mr.quality @janitor @supersagig @UkilledKenny @AAA_Jane @xSensus @WildlingKing @LiquidChicagoTed @TheLier @TWD_stan
75% of readers chose to [B. Ask about the girl from Ten.]
Roman looked more determined than Theo had seen him in a long time. He was usually a rather relaxed figure but today, it was as though something had sparked awake inside him. Well, really, it had always been there, and Theo knew that perfectly well, but today, while they were talking about a subject which Roman nearly never spoke of, his voice was cold and was matter-of-fact, like it was not up for argument. But Theo saw this and pressed on still.
"Is she dangerous?" Theo asked, trying to indirectly coax the answers from his friend. "Is she strong?"
Roman heaved a long sigh. "Theo, my friend, you are many things but you are not subtle. Right now, you are seeing the world in a very base manner. You have only just become a Gamemaker, so I don't blame you, but this is something one has to learn to sit on the panel."
"To manipulate?" Theo accidentally let slip some of the vast quantity of disgust he felt into his words. "Is that what we do?"
"No. And once again, Theo, you are choosing to see the Games for their wrongs and taking a blind eye to everything they do right." Roman sat forward on the winter chair and shivered. "We don't manipulate. We enable."
"All the darkness that we are about to see in the arena is not mine," he said. "I didn't sow the seeds of evil. I have merely tended them. Everything, from the murder to the robbery and all the other atrocities in the arena... we didn't put them there. We simply put these children in a space where they are free to give into their more primal desires. The hate... the anger... all of it already exists inside the tributes. It's human nature to take what is yours... And you, Theo, won't take your eyes off the pettier aspects and see the Hunger Games for what they are..."
A long silence passed, and Theo rocked forward in his seat, his leg brace creaking painfully as it bent. There was an intensity in him, and Roman seemed to notice it. "And what are they?" He asked lowly, poisonously.
And for once, Roman was intimidated. "A means to an end," he finished calmly.
The words resonated with each of them to their cores. Theo took moments to reflect but continued to shoot shifty glances at Roman across the table. Roman, however, was pretending to be unfazed. Although perhaps, maybe he was... After this verbal confirmation, it was clear to Theo that Roman was not the man he knew anymore.
Theo felt a vibration on his side and reached into his jacket pocket for his cell phone. He wasn't normally one to text during conversation, but their morning tea had apparently taken an abrupt halt. He read the message on it, and his eyes were open so wide they almost fell from his skull. It was from Kirt and contained only two words.
"Someone knows."
Theo's heart rate was rising so rapidly it felt as though he would have a heart attack. Of course, he put much effort into the robbery of the panic from his expression. A short scenario played out in Theo's mind where Roman had asked what was wrong, since something so clearly was, and Theo had spouted off a list of the hundred things running through his mind right now. The outcome was neither pretty nor desirable.
Someone knew... Surely, Theo had misread it. After scanning it four or five more times, he deduced this wasn't the case. Perhaps it didn't mean what Theo knew it obviously did. Perhaps Kirt had simply pressed send prematurely and sent out an unfinished message... But he was fooling himself. Theo knew exactly what this meant and every moment he spent doubting Kirt was a moment lost. Someone knew about his plans to overthrow the Capitol...
Theo noticed how Kirt said "someone" instead of mentioning his or her name. Maybe this was for the sake of secrecy. After all, if the message was intercepted and it contained anything more than a breath against the Capitol, everything would be over. But how would Snow or anyone else know to invade his privacy and watch his text messages? He hadn't shown any signs of rebellion yet. Or perhaps Kirt just simply didn't know the perpetrator's name...
"Theo!" Roman snapped in the air. Theo was suddenly aware of his presence. "Shit, Theo, you ask me a confidential question, and the moment I give you an answer, your mind is off in District Fourteen."
"Sorry..." he replied, wiping tears of anxiety from his eyes and bringing himself back to the conversation, albeit distractedly.
"I said the girl is dangerous." Roman said, looking defeated and slipping back into his seat. "I'm not going to tell you the specifics, but her case has been worrying me for years. She's..."
"She's what?" Theo asked, helping him along the path.
"She's unpredictable." He replied, not meeting Theo's eyes. "Almost everything I've tried to make her do in District Ten has failed. I tried to put her in Career classes, but she stopped showing up and was almost always trying to escape the District... So I tried to have her prepared in other ways like excercise and steroids... But here we are at the end of the year and she's still thin as a twig. It's a miracle she was even chosen as tribute."
"Well, she is from District Ten." Theo told him. "They've never had a victor, and most of their tributes never make it past the first day."
"This one might..."
"And how do you suppose that?" Theo raised an eyebrow. "You just said she refused your preparation."
Roman laughed for a moment, then shrugged it off as nothing. "I've already told you more than you need to know, Theo. Just be grateful and leave it alone."
While Theo was still eager to hear more about the girl from Ten, he supposed Roman was right. He had been prying long before this point, and it was a gesture of grace that he was told any information at all. He lifted the cup of tea to his lips and sipped down the last bit of tea.
Roman and Theo sat in front of their tea shop for an hour, laughing and chatting about their lives. They exchanged many wonderful stories, filling eachother in on the blanks of while Roman was gone. It appeared that Roman's life had been far more exciting and dangerous than Theo's had been, but he still managed to find a few great stories to share to more than make up for his side of the conversation. Roman and Theo may have had a few differences in the way they perceived the world, but they were still the best of friends. That was never going to change.
And finally, at the end of a long and relaxing morning, Roman stood up (not rising in height more than two inches) and exchanged goodbyes with Theo. As Head Gamemaker, he had important responsiblities that, once again, he would not share with Theo. And as he was leaving, something about the way he walked jogged Theo's memory. He had completely forgotten... How had he completely forgotten the warning from Kirt.
When Theo was sure no one was watching him, he withdrew from his bag under the table a quill and ink and a kind of paper that no one would trace back to him. It was time to call the banners. It was earlier than he had expected to put his plans into action, but they had no more time to waste. He wrote three separate copies of the same letter, sending one to Kirt, Rhetora and Lynona, making sure to write his signature backwards "S" just like he promised them he would.
"10:00 a.m. Monday morning. Same place.
"It has begun.
"From, Schrodinger"
End of Book 1: The Pawns
You chose to appeal to Snow.
You chose to trust Roman.
You chose to agree to volunteer.
You chose to tell Corvin to stay with Crispin.
You chose to accept Munrow's training.
You chose to run.
You chose to fight back.
You chose to open the letter.
You chose to take Dray with you.
You chose to demonstrate your skills.
Alright guys, just like we did at the midbook, how about an end of the book feedback quiz?
@mr.quality @janitor @supersagig @UkilledKenny @AAA_Jane @xSensus @WildlingKing @LiquidChicagoTed @TheLier @TWD_stan
Wa-ha-hait, Theo is Schrodinger! Whoa, I did not see that coming! Certainly the biggest twist in the entire story so far, even if I'm having the slight memory of me, or someone else, theorizing into that direction before. Anyways, this makes this very intriguing. I wonder why he is contacting the tributes as well. Obviously, I see his goals as much more positive than Roman's, so I am glad it has been him who contacted Aura, but still, I am highly intrigued why he does that. So far, I haven't thought that he is even able to contact the tributes in such a way. It is also a huge coincidence that he contacted the people that had been chosen by Roman to be tributes eventually. I guess I honestly underestimated him, even if I always had a high opinion of him. Although... perhaps Theo's parts are set slightly before the parts of the other tributes, considering that we know from Aura's part that Schrodinger has knowledge about the Hawk, which Theo only now seemed to gain.
So then, it's question time
Well... well, I can't not name Aura here. She is giving my by far the most feels, so it is obvious that she's the one I have to name here. Man, I love the way you're writing her. I mean, she is so perfectly the way I imagined and I have to mention that here. But Theo is a close second, a very close one. Hell, that guy is awesome! After that part, I like him even more. He's like the good counterpart to Roman, for a given value of good and that is something I appreciate.
This is a rather hard question. Before the penultimate part, I would have said Roman, but now I see him for the bastard he is. Strangely enough, the guy that actually is my favourite non-PoV is a huge bastard as well, but a damn intriguing one at that, because it's Crispin. Don't take me wrong there, I hate him, but he is wickedly stylish and so unsettlingly creepy. A close second would be Ulysses. That man deserved better and I only wish he would have shot Penn and not Dray.
Hah, take a guess. You know, if you change only four letters in the word 'suck' you get the word 'Penn' and that should prove without a doubt that she sucks! She's both, my least favourite PoV and my least favourite character and I have zero tolerance for her shit. Admittedly, I never had much tolerance for her, but where I started to like every character more and more with each part (save for Roman in that finale), she has gotten only worse and worse. It's telling that my hatred for her is at least as strong as my love for Aura. So far, she is the only tribute I legitimately hate, even though I have no doubt that this will change once we learn more about the career pack in these games.
Hm, I would say obviously they are all going to get to the capitol. But beyond that, I don't have much predictions. I am sure there will be more interactions between the tributes, maybe even between the PoV's and maybe the PoV's will meet Theo. I guess it will majorly deal with the time our tributes spend at the Capitol, these few days of training they get before the games. And I am sure we'll see that girl from 10 Roman spoke about and learn just what the deal is with her.
Huh, given the number of chapters, this is hard to answer, especially since there has been a bit of a wait between them occasionally. For some reason, even if others gave me stronger emotions, the one that stayed the most with me is the one where Aura spends the day with Cass at the pond, that left, somehow, a lasting impression with me. I also loved that part where Marten encountered his father and right now, I actually got the idea, what if Marten's father works for Theo? We know someone has to and he did kill Roman's agent on top of that. Hm... intriguing, very intriguing
I'm afraid this is the one question I can't really answer. The problem is, I don't fully remember all of the choices, so I really couldn't name any that comes to mind here. I'll give it a reread and maybe then I can give you a more detailed answer, but for now, I have to leave this one blank, sorry.
Thanks for the kind words and thanks for reading all the way through my book! It has been fun writing it for you guys and will definitely continue into books 2-5. One thing to clarify:
This one was a huge bitch to write around. Theo actually knew Roman was The Hawk the whole time, but I had to write it so it didn't spoil anything for the audience, yet didn't contradict Theo's knowledge of the subject. And it was hard lol, but if you go back and read through those parts, I actually describe it as if he had already known, just wrote around it awkwardly lol. But yeah, that's why he has agents and people following the same tributes that Roman picked. It wasn't a coincedence, it was because Theo knew. (It's also the reason he picked the name The Owl, to counter the Hawk)
And yeah, without a doubt, I could surmise which character was your least favorite lol. Sorry I had to write her so horrible, but it was necessary, and you'll see why later.
But, yeah, I guess I don't say it enough. I really appreciate all you guys' support through this series. It's kind of hard to keep going when I have like four fans, but as long as I have at least one, the Hunger Games will find its conclusion(eventually)
Oh also, if you're going to be rereading it, could you keep an eye out for any inconsistencies so I can make sure they get into the edited version?
Oh! Oh, this makes sense now! I was a bit confused by it, because it has been really subtle. I figured since I did not know about it and since Theo did not reveal any knowledge about it, that he didn't know about it either. It appears I heavily underestimated him. Now that you mention it, there has never been any indicator that Theo does not know about Roman's secret. Well played, Warrik, well played.
I hope this will build up for a horrible and cathartic death for her
Just kidding of course, I'm curious just what you have planned for her. She's quickly crossed almost every major line when it comes to being irredeemable in my eyes, which is remarkable, considering how quick she did that. I'm curious what you have planned for her, but don't expect me to start liking her anytime soon. Or anytime at all.
It's good to hear that. I really hope the story will gain more readers eventually. Perhaps posting it to these other sites as well can help. But I am glad you plan on finishing the story regardless and I can promise you, I'll stay here until it is done
Sure, I can do that! If I encounter anything, I'll let you know.
Like for instance lol, I wrote a little paragraph about how Saul had asthma in Chapter 2 and then completely forgot about it, and then stuck him down in a dusty, dirty room for a week and he didn't do much as cough. Anyway, I'll be trying to write more of it into the story as opposed to just cutting out the paragraph, because now that I remember it, when I originally wrote about it I had a plan to make it significant.
I had a second part here, but it's a spoiler lol
You mentioned that? See, that's why I have to reread the story, because I can't remember that detail either anymore. But it is a nice detail. If I, by any chance, encounter any other mistakes like that, I will inform you about it.
Nothing here. Just move along, citizens, there's nothing to see here. Certainly not a spoiler, that would be just crazy. Don't pay attention to this, just move along.
You know whom I haven't seen around here in forever? @TWD_stan! Yo Stan, what's up? Book 1 of the story just ended
I'm a dumbass
You know I can see your original response in my feed
No worries about that, I'll try to forget that detail. I've seen nothing, you've seen nothing, we've all seen nothing 
Oops lol. I mean it's not a huge spoiler. Certainly won't ruin anything, but still... dammit
Gonna answer this convo once I'm not tired and it is not 0:05 am.
666 :P
Needed a bit longer to get the time to answer but I enjoyed the final chapter very much. Now for the questions:
Who is your favorite POV character thus far?
Aura is the one I root for the most right now, she is cool, likable and I find her chapters to be the most interesting together with Theos.
Favorite non-POV character?
Penns father (Jomal?) is very interesting. I also liked your take on Snow because he is a fascinating villain.
Least favorite character?
Munrow that asshole. I dont think I need to explain why, I hope we get a chance to kill him.
Where do you think the story will head next? Or just random predictions.
Next we will get the training stuff, which is always cool to read. I think the tributes will interact more with each other and maybe we will get to see some alliances forming.
Which chapter was your favorite chapter?
The final one because of the answers it gave. Now it all makes so much sense and makes me excited to see where things will go.
Which choice was your favorite choice?
The final choice from Aura's storyline was the one I had to think about the most.
@mr.quality @janitor @supersagig @UkilledKenny @AAA_Jane @xSensus @WildlingKing @LiquidChicagoTed @TheLier @TWD_stan
So here's the chapter list for the second book. I may release the trailer within a couple days here.
Prologue: The Two From Eleven
1: The Shining City
2: A Feast For Kings
3: The Wrong Side
4: In Our House
5: Only a Victim
6: Goodnight, Golden City
7: The First Night
8: The Cherub
9: Like Old Times
10: The Sword Rack
11: A Dash of Green
12: The Chariots
13: No Chance
14: The Rebels
15: Loneliness
16: The Handicapped Man
17: The Culprit
18: Upside-Down
19: The Aftermath
20: Two Strikes
21: Reverse Psychology
22: Coming Together
23: Just a Number
24: The Statement
25: A Low Score
26: Another Year
27: I Am Nothing
28: The Balcony
29: The Gallows
30: Answers
31: The Lost Memories
32: The Spider
33: The Next Day
34: No Place to Run
Oh, oh, this is cool! It already gives me a couple of ideas, even if a majority of these chapters are some I have not even the hint of an idea of course.
So, the prologue will be from Saul's PoV, I suppose. I mean, either that, or someone else will watch him and Peara arriving. But I see the former to be the more likely possibility.
If I had to guess, I'd say it might be Theo's first chapter in this Book. He's the one who has the most to do with the different sides that have built here. The other characters have less of a side yet, I think, or at least no grasp on wether or not they are on the right side.
I half expect this to be a Penn chapter, where she rationalizes her own actions as just being a victim to the manipulations of the capitol and the Hawk. Ugh
This might be an Aura chapter. I guess the training does remind her of the old times she spent being trained by her father, so this could be a flashback-heavy chapter.
I think this will be a Saul chapter. He is the only PoV whom we have seen fighting with a sword so far. I'm not sure what the other characters will fight with, but I guess Aura has axes and Marten has probably spears, while Penn has her throwing knives. That means, the only guy who would ever check out a sword rack is Saul, I think.
I suppose that this will be about the costume the PoV will wear for the chariots in the next chapter. It has to be a character who could realistically wear green, which can, with a bit of a stretch, be anyone. However, green is most commonly associated with nature, trees and the likes, so I suppose that this will be a chapter for Aura.
I have no doubt that this will either be a chapter from Theo's PoV, or a chapter in which we see him through the eyes of another PoV. One way or the other, I am sure he will appear.
I got no idea what this chapter will be about, but it sounds scary
Hmmmm... someone who has expected a better result will receive a very low score. I guess this will either be a chapter from Aura's or Penn's PoV. Both should be among the most promising tributes and likely the ones who have the highest expectations about their score. Marten and Saul show promise as well, but I doubt they'd be affected by a low score so much that an entire chapter will be named for it. Out of Aura and Penn, I see Penn as even more likely, since she, being a career and all, puts a lot of value in her score most likely. That said, Aura, being part of Theo's side here, could end up angering Roman and therefore becoming a low score.
Penn maybe, finally realizing what she truly is? Followed by her graphic suicide? Yeah, I know, won't happen, but a man can hope
Somehow, I doubt that this will be about a literal spider. Since Roman and Theo give themselves bird names, maybe their agents have such codenames as well. The Spider sounds sinister and is likely one of Roman's agents. I highly suspect Crispin to be an agent of Roman and he would be sinister enough to justify such a codename. If this is true, then this will be an Aura part, but if I am wrong, then it could be anyone's part. Theo is another possibility, even if I am right with the Crispin=The Spider theory.
Once again, I find it the hardest to make any speculations for Marten. I'm sure he will have plenty to do, but he is the one I consider the biggest wildcard among the PoV's, so I have absolutely no idea which of these chapters could be his.
Interesting predictions, especially about the Spider. I'm excited to reveal that one to you guys haha.
While that would be great, I don't think I will be including flashbacks in this story.
@mr.quality @janitor @supersagig @UkilledKenny @AAA_Jane @xSensus @WildlingKing @LiquidChicagoTed @TheLier @TWD_stan
How many people had Marten already seen for the last time? His mind flickered over person after person... Almost everyone in his life he wouldn't ever see again, no matter how badly he wanted to. This week was his last week on the Earth. He hadn't even made it into the arena yet, and he had already messed everything up beyond repair.
"The Capitol will love you, Penn," said Skeeter, somehow more genuine than she had ever been. "You're a class act; you just have to show them."
Something about those words coming from the mouth of the same girl who had who had taken her seat in District One simply permeated through Penn. This was the girl who indirectly caused the death of Dray, and the destruction of District Nine, and of course, now she looked back on it, Penn didn't blame her. How could she? But the race back and forth between the finger of accusation and the voice of innocence was enough to break her down.
Penn threw her knife on the ground and fell onto her knees beside it, sobbing. The Capitol would see, but she didn't care. She found she didn't care about much anymore.
Marten stepped onto the stage, brilliant light shining on him from every direction. There were smiling faces from all around, and sparkling across each of them was gallons of makeup and hair products. Every dress and suit was more elaborate than any clothing he had ever seen in District Four and in every hand in the audience was a tall glass of bubbling champagne.
As he proceeded past the curtain onstage, he supposed something about his appearance was funny to them, because they could not stop laughing. It was a cold laugh and a hard laugh. There was no joy in it, and Marten was experiencing no joy being its subject. He had been made fun of for being the largest kid on the playground before, but it had never been anything like this.
"Good morning, Shining City, and welcome to another excellent day!" Rondo Prollins announced gladly into the microphone and the camera on the other side of the TV set.
Across from him was a monitor displaying the faces of each of that morning's glorious interviewees. Roman, Everra and several other Gamemakers sat beside the ecstatic television host. Seated at the end was the only man who did not sport an enthusiastic grin. Theo glared straight into the camera, knowing that behind it was millions of viewers from all around Panem. Every eye was on Theo, and every mind belonged to The Owl.
"My God, you are a big lad, aren't ya?" Mr. Whiley laughed, slapping his knee jovially. It was so clear he was ignoring Marten's certain discomfort. "What be yer name, boy?"
"Marten... Lewis..." He couldn't pull himself to look anywhere except the ground. They were staring at him now and the room fell silent. A handful of gasps were audible amid the blackness of the auditorium."
"Yer the one with all the blood on yer hands?"
Marten told himself over and over just to do as Mags had instructed. He was already on stage. He couldn't back down now... it would only be a mark of cowardice.
"As the momentous occasion that is the First Quarter Quell approaches so rapidly, I'm sitting here with some of Panem's best and brightest individuals who are working to make this event possible."
Rondo gestured between the brigade of Gamemakers and his eyes lingered on Theo for a bit longer than they ought have. He introduced each of them individually to the camera, sharing a short blurb about each. Theo did not know, nor care of the four Gamemakers on Roman's left, but as always Roman had already started to steal all the spotlight. Theo didn't mind. At least for him, less screen time was superior. Roman felt otherwise, as was made evident when he began soaking attention like a sponge.
"And this is Theoram Warrik, newest member of the panel of Gamemakers," Rondo exclaimed, looking at a blank space between the camera and Theo. "My, you are quite late to the party, huh? You may be our oldest panel member yet!"
The tip of Theo's mouth curved upward and he caressed the handle of his mahogany cane. "I do all right..."
"Seven years, Aura!" Crispin yelled, with a force Aura had never heard before. "It's been seven years since Ava died. Do you want to mope around or do you want to make it right?"
"Who's Ava?" Samwell said, and he had begun to cry.
Aura wasn't sure what made her feel worse, hearing her sister's name spoken in vain, or how she felt for the other tribute. At least Aura had some reason to be brought to the Capitol. Sam reminded her of a helpless little boy who had lost his way.
"Never you mind," Aura spoke to him, waving him off with her hand. "Crispin, if you're going to mentor me, then do it. Leave family out of this."
"But that's where you're wrong, kiddo." He smiled with a sinister falseness behind. "This has everything to do with family, and the sooner you realize that, the more chance you have of making it out of this alive."
"So ye have yer battle scars, I hear?" said Whiley, turning to the enthusiastic audience. "Aye, so do we all. But I've heard yers are hardier. Yer a tough guy-- a real brute thug! I think I'm speaking for everyone in Panem when I say we want to see more of you!"
His suggestion was met with deafening applause from the auditorium. Everyone was looking at him right now, whether it be with shame, adoration or scorn. Marten only wanted to be away from it all right now. But, as Mags said, he was not Marten Lewis on stage. Now he was someone else... Someone the public could call their own. And the public needed a show, so he would give them one.
Saul hurried down an empty passageway and found himself reaching for a scabbard that did not exist. He had become so accustomed to the blade by his side that he felt it almost a part of him now. But this was the Capitol. Any civilized citizen would never have such a weapon. The good times had made the people here were so weak... Even a terribly small District like Twelve could take out the whole of the Capitol if they were given a decent shot.
But Saul wasn't here now to think; but to act. Every step he took had a purpose. Iron door after iron door flew by and with each one, Saul drew closer to his mission. In and out... In and out... Why had the Owl made it sound so simple? He was now so lost he couldn't even see which way was north. He tore past an office with the name Hillham, another by the name of Livvs. There were a hundred like it, and all completely different. How was he ever supposed to find the right one?
He persisted. He persisted only because Peara needed him to.
"So, Gamemaker Warrik," Rondo Prollins spoke to the right side of him. He was finally engaging with Theo on a more personal note. He saw there was depth behind those stone cold brown eyes and for once, he actually wished to hear the answer to his own question. "Do you have anything to say to the people of Panem? What do you have to offer?"
"What can I say, Rondo? I like to think I've got a lot to offer. I'm an optimist." Theo raised an eyebrow in a vain attempt at what he hoped was charisma. He didn't mind if people hated his television persona. He wasn't here to seduce Panem, he was here to save it.
The television host along with Roman, Everra and the handful of Gamemakers stifled a laugh. "Anything more specific?" He asked.
Penn's knife struck the dummy directly in the heart.
Saul's blade slid through the wood of the sword rack as easily as if it were paper.
Aura knew she was capable, but not enough to block the full force of the blow with a single ax hand.
Marten slid out of the silk tunic that Seri had designed for him and turned around slowly. The audience gasped as each eye in the Capitol slowly read the words over in their heads. He knew his back was still bloodied from when the cuts had reopened this morning, but he let them see. "I am nothing..." Marten said under his breath, repeating the words many so often told him.
"My boy," Whiley was shaking his head in disbelief, his eyes running down Marten's back just like the rest of them. "Yer certainly not nothin'."
"I have a message for the Capitol and for Panem," Theo looked straight into the camera. "The sound of the chariot song is a beacon of hope in these troubled times. When it plays this year, and the tributes ride out in front of the world, don't let yourselves forget what we went through to get here."
"Our lives are no more important than theirs."
@mr.quality @janitor @supersagig @UkilledKenny @AAA_Jane @xSensus @WildlingKing @LiquidChicagoTed @TheLier @TWD_stan
Ignore this
Sorry, took me a bit longer to comment here
But ah, it seems Book 2 is going to be a blast! Oh man, I can't wait for it to start, looks like this will include som of my favourite moments from the games, the interviews and the likes of it. I hope it'll start soon!
Bah, fuck Penn! Skeeter did nothing wrong. If I'm not mistaken, she didn't even volunteer for the games, but was reaped. She didn't cause anything indirectly, because Penn was there to cause it directly. That's like blaming Penn's mother for not getting an abortion. Or blaming the reaping lady for drawing Skeeter's name instead of Penn's.
You know, I am quite a bit concerned about how Aura might feel about Sam. She's by nature the kind of person to protect others. Of course, this could be to her advantage, if Sam gets killed in the arena, giving her the motivation she needs to win the games for him, but it could also be incredibly harmful, if she risks her own life to protect a boy who has zero chances of winning. Agh, I don't know how to feel about Sam, I really don't.
So, Saul is confirmed to directly work for the Owl in Book 2 then! That is cool, really cool. With Munrow's association to the Hawk, I have previously feared that he'd join the Hawk's side of the conflict, but I have apparently been seriously wrong there. That means Aura, Marten and Saul have all been contacted by the Owl in some capacity, while Penn obviously has a strong connection to the Hawk, through her father and on account of both being the absolute worst.
Yeah, she knows how to hit someone in the heart, right? What a bitch. I bet she's already getting off on the thought of ruining even more lives in the arena. Agh, it's incredible how just a single simple sentence is enough to make me hate her even more.
Hmmm.... this is either something really bad, though I doubt the Capitol will allow her to receive any serious wounds before the games start, or it is an opportunity for her to really show off her skills, maybe by dodging an attack. It somehow sounds like a choice that might come up.
I think now we know who will get the PoV in Chapter 27
I knew Marten would get a lot to do in Book 2, but it's good to get some sort of an idea what he is doing there. Mayb Marten will be the surprising underdog and favourite of the viewers even.
Whoa, maybe that sentence is completely out of context, which might be in the realms of possible, but damn, if I got that correctly, the implications behind this, then Theo might step out of the shadow a little bit. That is a risky move, a very risky one.
Still here, just busy a bit lately.
The teasers look cool.
Book 2 is going to be huge! I am so excited and the preview is so cool. This feels like it would make a great TV series. From the preview I am most excited for Martens parts. Also because he is part of the career group, am I right?
Thanks! I'm actually hoping to one day be able to turn it into a TV show. I just have to get the rights first and that's a pain. But yes, Marten could be part of the careers. District 4 sometimes contributes to their ranks but not always. Delmara is, though.
I swear you get more creative with these insults all the time haha.
You thought Saul would join the Hawk? Munrow had clearly taken the Hawk's side and Saul didn't care for him too much. Saul would probably look for any opportunity to oppose the Hawk.
You know I actually planned to have that line from someone else's perspective, viewing Penn from a distance. I'm starting to think the name "Penn" is a trigger word for you now. Ever watched Penn and Teller?
Well I thought it would kind of be implied that Chapter 27 as the words "I Am Nothing" have been very important in all his chapters. Everyone has pretty much been saying it nonstop since chapter 4 of Book 1.
"Every eye was on Theo, and every mind belonged to The Owl."
I think he hates us. Thinks we're not good enough for him. Right, @TWD_stan ?