Games you are too chicken to play
Are there any games you really want to play and learn about the story but are too scared shitless to actually play and get through?
For me that's System Shock 2 and to a lesser extent Pathologic.
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FNAF series.
I know that sounds extremely stupid but I seriously can't handle that amount of intense stress on trying not to get jump scared by some creepy anamatronic considering I always found anamatronics creepy during my childhood.
TLOU. It sounds like I'm being a pussy, but different types of infected, and a 3rd person shooter? Great story or not, 3PS scares me lol.
Nothing. I have no problems with playing anything scary.
I dunno. I thought I would have died while playing Amnesia but I was brave enough to go through it.
You get use to it very quick. It's very fitting actually, this coming from a person who absolutely hates 3PS.
Why the hate though?
Ever played Silent Hill 2?
No, and I don't care to.
It's too hard.
I don't really have a lot of problems with horror games, for whatever reason. I'm not saying that to try and sound like hot shit or anything, it's just that being in direct control (at least for me personally) actually has the opposite effect that it would on most people. You would think most people would be more afraid from being in direct control, but for me, I think direct control makes it feel less immersive than watching someone else in a horror movie.
You haven't played the scariest game ever made and you're saying you're not scared of playing anything at all? Might wanna test that statement.
Maybe I will. When I get some money.
Usually I find the controls to be annoying and don't like the way it interacts with the game. I prefer FPS. It's fine in TLOU though, as well as TWD.
None, really. Though this has more to do with not caring for horror games than having nerves of steel. Back in the day, it took me a long time to get up the courage to finish the Medical Pavillion in Bioshock. Strangely enough, in Halo 3, I had great difficulty with the mission inside the flood nest. It was the right mix of frantic music, claustrophobia and wave after wave of Infection/carrier forms. I couldn't finish it without a friend helping me in co-op.
My friends call me a weirdo for this because I can play almost every scary horror game but I can't play a horror minecraft map without getting scared. yeah it's really weird. I mean I don't play minecraft much anyway.
SCP Containment Breach. I've played it before and I physically can't play it for more than 5 minutes. It plays off of most of my biggest fears.
Oh wait. I remember that I was too scared shitless to play Slender. I just hate someone waiting for me to turn around.
Actually, I find that Silent Hill 3 is far more terrifying and nerve wracking than Silent Hill 2. Silent Hill 2 is more emotionally moving than scary.
That's not all there is to it, sometimes the jackass teleports in front of you and fucks your whole game. I've developed more of a hatred of that game than a fear of it. Slender: The Eight Pages? More like Slender: The RNG Bullshit.
Up until I was around 13, I was horrified of Resident Evil. But this has some childhood trauma to it.
When I was around 5 or 6 years old, I went to this daycare and sometimes it would have these little sleepovers and we'd stay there for the night. Well, some of the bigger kids would bring their Playstation 2 consoles over and game the entire night.
I walk into the room to see what they were up to, and the very first thing that comes into view is THIS motherfucker.
One look at Nemesis equaled an entire month of me avoiding that room in the daycare and another 8 years before I touched a Resident Evil game again.
Silent hill always gets me spooked no matter how many times l play it.
Scariest of the series I think. I cant even walk down the hill in the beginning even though I know nothing happens.
Dark Souls because it feeds on one of my biggest fears.
Ahh, Nemesis. You big, beautiful, badass. I had some good times with ResE 3 and this fucker. If you think looking at him is bad, you should try getting cornered in an alleyway with nowhere to go but the saving room and barely any ammunition.
If you turn down the volume all the way Slenderman's a less scary game.
Ride to Hell: Retribution. I don't think my body could handle such incompetent game design.
Resident Evil 7
I'm embarrassed to admit to a holdover I have from when I was a wee child: Uninvited. NES version. Tried going back once or twice but never finished it. I guess it was the combination of the music, crappy NES art, and the text descriptions-- for an imaginative kid, this was all that my nightmares needed. D-pad controls were rather nightmarish as well.
The lady in the hall still kinda stresses me out. I'm also kind of lazy, so maybe I'll get over it one day and arse myself to play through the spruced-up Mac version. Looks way better
Or I'll wait and see if there’s ever a remake like with Shadowgate
Okay, while I'd love to tell you of the games I'm too [ahem] "chicken" to play. There's too many. I mean, my whole username here is based around that whole concept. So, I'll just give you a few points on my extensive list, and some that should be on there, but somehow aren't.
Honorable omissions:
And well, that's all I'm saying. If you want to know more about what other horror games I hate to play, just check out every game that has some sort of humanoid, deformed, inhumane, mutated atrocity of a human (or other) as a monster; Dark first-person perspective horror games; Minimal jumpscare games, usually of the point and click genre; and, those small RPG maker horror games.
I'm too chicken to play GTA San Andreas.
The only games I've ever been chickenshit to play was Fear and the Saw games
Outlast. I heard it is a good game and i'd like to try it. But it's very scary so i decided not to play it. Not to mention there's going to be Outlast 2.
3rd person > 1st person
Everything that relies on jumpscares, but not necessarily because I'm afraid. I did play Until Dawn, and I liked it well enough, but I hated that the horror was almost entirely relying on jumpscares. There were some good psychological horror moments too, and that's what made me even finish the game.
Yeah, I was too scared to get the ending myself in the new update. Looks like Capcom makes Resident Evil become Resident Evil AGAIN.
Horror games where you can't fight back terrify me the most. I haven't been able to finish Outlast on my own due to this fear.
I watched my cousin play it, and I watched a few playthroughs on YouTube. I know what happens, so it shouldn't scare me. I know what the outcome will be. Yet... it still leaves me feeling frightened.
The original half life still scares the hell out of me because of those fucking ceiling sponges. Those things give me so much anxiety.
Actually, to add on to that, I have never finished half life 2. I bought it to see what all the fuss was about, but really struggled through the tongue monsters. So freaky.
If you think that's scary, just wait until you get to the...nevermind.